My Master Is a God

Chapter 2291 Hate it, you scared me to death

I saw the Black Panther roaring continuously after transforming into its real body, but the speed of the flash was actually not weaker than the thunder and lightning of the little senior sister. For a while, the red clothes lost the target of attack, because the Black Panther was too fast and difficult to attack.

The purple thunder and lightning of the little senior sister could not be tracked, but it was difficult for the Black Panther Demon Emperor to attack the little senior sister at close range. As for Hong Yi, he was knocked away by the Black Panther's blow. In terms of speed, Hong Yi was weak. , but the body in red is so strong that it doesn't matter to Yang Yiyun if he is knocked away by the black panther.

The little senior sister transformed into thunder and lightning to chase the Black Panther Demon Emperor, but it was difficult to hit the Black Panther for a while.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and discovered that the Black Panther Demon Emperor was coming towards him.

Yang Yiyun thought for a moment and knew what the Black Panther was thinking. The young senior sister must be unable to do anything about this guy, and he had the advantage in speed. Even the young senior sister couldn't take him down in a short while, so he was thinking about pinching him. Are you a soft persimmon?

"If you think of me as a soft persimmon, you are wrong. Do you think you are the only one who is fast? Let me show you what speed is~"

After Yang Yiyun muttered to himself, a space stone appeared in his hand. In this fast space stone, he had studied the space inscriptions at first, but he just hit a bottleneck and never studied it in depth. But with the space stone in hand, he Being able to follow the space is a small-scale space jump, which is not as simple as speed.

After seeing the speed of the Black Panther Demon Emperor today, he also remembered the advantages of the Space Stone. This was the perfect time to try and capture the Black Panther Demon Emperor.

He saw the Black Panther Demon Emperor turning into a black energy and coming towards him swiftly...

Yang Yiyun held the space stone and stood still, but raised the corners of his mouth as he watched the black panther approach.

But at this time, an anxious voice sounded: "You dare to hurt my junior brother, my aunt will let you die without a place to bury~"

Ji Zixia was anxious. She saw the black panther rushing towards her junior brother Yang Yiyun. According to her idea, the black panther was too fast and Yang Yiyun would suffer.

This time, she was startled and cursed the Black Panther. In fact, she didn't expect the Black Panther's speed to be faster than his thunder and lightning.

He cried out in a panic, but it was too late to stop him. In the blink of an eye, the black panther had already taken a picture of Yang Yiyun. From a distance, Yang Yiyun remained motionless, as if he had no reaction at all.


The Black Panther roared, full of joy, and slapped Yang Yiyun directly on the head.

"Junior brother..."

Ji Zixia's eyes were red and she screamed, tears streaming down her face.

In her eyes, the black panther directly slapped Yang Yiyun's head with his paw, and the little junior brother's body immediately disappeared.

The emotion of heartache and regret instantly filled Ji Zixia's heart, and she froze on the spot.

Tears flowed...

But at this moment, the Black Panther Demon Emperor let out a miserable roar: "Roar~"

Ji Zixia suddenly raised her head, but Black Panther fell to the ground, and the white jade floor was instantly stained red with blood.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his junior brother appear again, stepping hard on the black panther with one foot, meditating with magic power in his palm, and controlling the black panther tightly.

"Sister, I'm fine~"

A familiar voice sounded, and Ji Zixia burst into tears when she saw Yang Yiyun showing a smile to her.

"Junior brother~"

Ji Zixia turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Yang Yiyun instantly.

She cried with joy.

He rushed over and hugged Yang Yiyun.

"Senior sister, I'm fine~" Yang Yiyun was a little helpless by the sudden hug from the little senior sister. The fragrance of the beautiful body in his arms was refreshing, and all the feelings he should have were coming together, but for him, he had never felt that since he met the little senior sister. Have other ideas beyond the senior sister level.

Of course, this does not mean that the little senior sister is unattractive to him. It is just that he is comparable to the kind of beautiful fairy Tianji who can make you fall head over heels with just one look at you and bring disaster to the country and the people. Even if he is said to be a peerless fairy, Yes, the kind that is first-class in the fairy world.

You have to have a big face, a big body, a good head, a good personality, and a part-time job like a perfect goddess.

But he is senior sister...

He didn't think much about it, but now that he was hugged by his young senior sister, whose hot figure was so attractive, he didn't know what to do.

I don’t know where to put my hands.

It's terrible~

Yang Yiyun wailed in his heart.

But I also heard the little senior sister crying, holding him tightly, for fear that he would disappear in the next second. The emotion conveyed was not other, but pure worry and nervousness.

Now Yang Yiyun understood that the little senior sister had been frightened just now.

Indeed, when the Black Panther Demon Emperor rushed towards him just now, in order to surprise the Black Panther Demon Emperor, he used the Space Stone at the last moment to mobilize the power of space, and then the power of space avoided the Black Panther Demon Emperor's attack. A claw.

After dodging, he directly pierced the body of the Black Panther Demon Emperor with his backhand sword, stepped on the Black Panther with one foot, and when he raised his palm, the mana gathered and completely sealed the seriously injured Black Panther. Of course, he left behind He killed the black panther but did not kill him directly. He would later learn from the black panther how to enter the garden of the city lord's palace.

The Black Panther Demon Emperor, who had experienced it personally, did not expect that he would have the space stone to mobilize the power of space, dodge the attack, and then suppress him with a backhand without making a sound and disappearing into the void.

It is true that his Black Panther's speed is a talent, but can his speed be comparable to the power of space? Of course not, it's not on the same level at all.

In this way, Yang Yiyun succeeded and suppressed the Black Panther Demon Emperor with his backhand.

Yang Yiyun himself knew that this was a fluke, and it was unexpected. If the Black Panther Demon Emperor knew that he could mobilize the power of space and had a treasure such as the Space Stone in his hand, he would have many ways to avoid it. The Demon Emperor is not a vegetarian in terms of strength. But in the final analysis, the Black Panther Demon Emperor was overconfident in his speed.

The Black Panther Demon Emperor slapped him with a claw, and when he saw it dissipated, it was actually just an afterimage, and it did not hurt him at all. But in the eyes of the young senior sister from a distance, he was slapped to death by the Black Panther Demon Emperor, so she cried……

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun was moved by his colleagues and felt inexplicably happy, which at least meant that the young senior sister cared about him very much.

Yang Yiyun said: "Senior sister, I'm fine. I'm fine. I didn't worry you. The reason for that was because I had a space stone in my hand that could mobilize the power of space. The black panther didn't hurt me even a hair, it just captured my afterimage. superior……"

As he spoke, Yang subconsciously raised his hands and patted Ji Zixia's shoulders to comfort her.

But this time, Ji Zixia was shocked. This was the first time she was patted on the shoulder so intimately by the opposite sex. She also realized that she had lost her composure and actually got into the arms of her junior brother.

His face turned red, and he quickly pushed Yang Yiyun away, wiped away his tears and said, "I hate it, you scared me to death~"

In fact, she was really frightened just now. If her junior brother made any mistake, she would not know how to face her master and senior brothers in the future, let alone forgive herself. If she had used her trump card earlier to take down the black panther, she would not have known it. It would be so thrilling.

so far so good……

The junior brother was fine after all, it was a false alarm, but she was quite frightened.

With shyness, she raised her fist and hit Yang Yiyun twice on the chest.

Lihua was in tears but had a smile on her face. Seeing this scene in Yang's eyes, it was the senior sister who made the whole world dim, and the whole world was eclipsed by her smile, as if nothing in the world could compare to her smile.

Yang Yiyun stared blankly at Ji Zixia losing her voice...

"Tell me earlier next time. It scared me to death. Do you hear me?" Ji Zixia said with resentment.

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't hear any response from Yang Yiyun. When he looked up, he saw Yang Yiyun staring at him infatuatedly. When the two looked at each other, Ji Zixia seemed to see something in Yang Yiyun's eyes that he had never seen before. Something about it made my heart tremble, and I felt a different kind of strangeness.

"You...what are you looking at~" Ji Zixia kicked Yang Yiyun, and kicked Yang Yiyun three meters away.

"Hiss~" Yang gasped: "Sister, you kicked too hard, it hurts~"

In fact, how could his powerful body be in pain?

It was just to resolve the embarrassment when the junior sister caught him staring at her.

The two of them were speechless for a while...

Then Yang Yiyun asked: "Senior sister, what should I do with this black panther?"

Speaking of the black panther, Ji Zixia's eyes were filled with murderous intent. The black panther that had been sealed by Yang Yiyun was nothing but fish and meat. She immediately said: "This beast is useless if I keep it until I search for its soul..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Zixia slapped Black Panther on the head and started searching for the soul.

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