My Master Is a God

Chapter 2309 Hou Doudou breaks through to the Demon Emperor

When Yang is at the peak of the Immortal King, he can instantly kill the Immortal Emperor's primary level, fight against the Immortal Emperor's mid-stage, and arm-wrestle with the Immortal Emperor's late stage. If he adds Watermelon Thunder and Purple Tree Five Thunder Leaves, it is also possible to kill the Immortal Emperor at the peak level.

Now Yang has achieved the cultivation level of the middle stage Immortal Emperor in one breath. At this moment, he does not need Watermelon Thunder to use Purple Tree Five Thunder Leaves, but he is also capable of competing with the Peak Immortal Emperor.

The two attacked at the same time, directly attacking the two demon emperors. With his current strength, he could kill even the demon emperors at their peak.

Boom ~

Amidst the two roars, screams rang out.


Although he did not kill the two demon emperors, he caused the two demon emperors to fall directly from the sky.

He did not pursue it, because at this moment Yang Yiyun discovered that there was still a powerful evil spirit coming from the distant sky. He was worried that something had happened before.

The other demon cultivators in Baijiao City finally couldn't hold it any longer, or in other words, after receiving the news of the death of the master of the City Lord's Mansion, they rushed into the City Lord's Mansion one by one and discovered Kunpeng in the sky, right?

After all, Kunpeng's birth made too much noise before, and now his body that is more than a thousand meters tall and blocks out the sun is so attracting in the sky that it is difficult not to attract the attention of high-level demon cultivators.

He rushed directly to the field.

At this time, the young senior sister was fighting the two immortals alone, and the remaining demon emperors were besieging Hongyi. Instead, the huge loach was suspended in the sky, and no one came to greet him.

Yang Yiyun thinks that many demon clans haven't recognized Loach's true identity yet, right?

Of course, even if you recognize it, you can't even think about taking down the loach without the strength of a high-level immortal.

He and Hou Doudou went directly to the scene, but found that the two demon lords that senior sister Yu was fighting were junior demon lords, not very powerful, and senior sister was also able to handle them with ease.

This gave Yang Yiyun a sigh of relief.

At this time, the voice of the young senior sister was heard: "Junior brother, go help Hongyi. These two evil beasts are the remnants of the ten demon emperors in the city lord's mansion. Unexpectedly, they appeared at this time. It turns out that they have become demon emperors." Sir, don’t worry about me, I will destroy them in minutes.”

"Humph~ Arrogant, so what if you are from the Ji family? This is Baijiao City in a foreign world. Do you really think that without my Dragon King at home, Baijiao City will be empty?"

At this moment, one of the Demon Lords snorted coldly, and then said loudly to all directions: "Comrades, why don't you show up yet? You are all descendants of the Dragon King. Now that the Dragon King is not at home, these humans broke into the City Lord's Mansion without permission. They are causing trouble in Baijiao City. If we don't kill them today, when the Dragon King comes back tomorrow, everyone will have nothing to eat. How long will it take if we don't take action?"

As soon as he said these words, as expected, big monsters began to appear out of thin air all around, the lowest being the Demon Emperor...

Yang Yiyun's expression changed slightly, and soon hundreds of demons appeared in all directions, surrounding them.

Among them, there are actually three late-stage demon kings, nine middle-stage demon kings, and more than twenty elementary-level demon kings. The rest are all demon emperors with various levels of cultivation, and the total number exceeds a hundred.

As one of the five giants in the foreign world, the White Dragon King is a real giant. Each of these demon cultivators live in the White Dragon City. They are all vassals of the White Dragon King. Although they are not direct subordinates, they are also part of the White Dragon King's influence. .

The demon king who shouted was really one of the top ten demon emperors in the city lord's palace - the Manniu Demon Emperor. When the other demon emperors in the Dragon King's Mansion were being broken into and making a fuss, the Manniu Demon Emperor was busy with another demon emperor outside. On the way, a vision of heaven and earth appeared, and they both became Demon Lords. However, they also received news that other Demon Emperors had been killed, as well as what happened in the garden of the City Lord's Mansion.

When I came in such a hurry, I saw a huge monster appearing in the sky above the City Lord's Mansion. Although I didn't know what ethnic group it belonged to, I knew that it was closely related to the human race of the Brain City Lord's Mansion.

Sure enough, when he came, he saw a human woman on the back of this big guy. As soon as the two sides fought, Manniu realized that this woman was from the ancient Ji family in the fairy world.

However, the Great Demon Emperor of the City Lord's Mansion has fallen, and the garden must not be destroyed. This situation is already out of control. Manniu, as the great demon under the White Dragon King's throne, is very aware of the consequences of the destruction of the City Lord's Mansion Garden. If left alone, the Dragon King will come back to settle the score. He couldn't bear the consequences, and even all the high-level demon cultivators in Baijiao City couldn't bear the consequences.

That's why his shout made the big demons who were watching the movement secretly appear.

What he can understand so well, these high-level demon cultivators in Baijiao City naturally understand that they are all from Baijiao City. If we don't care about this matter today, no one can bear the wrath of the Dragon King when he comes back in the future.

Therefore, several human races must be captured.


When Man Niu saw all the monster masters appearing around him, his confidence suddenly increased. He roared to kill, and rushed directly towards Ji Zixia with another companion.

At this moment, Ji Zixia's expression also changed. With so many monster masters appearing at once, the scene was beyond her imagination. She immediately roared: "Gua Nao, kill you first."



There was a loud thunder, but two black thunderbolts appeared on each hand of the left and right hands and fell directly on the body of Man Niu and another demon emperor who rushed up.


With two screams, the two demon lords turned black and turned into charcoal, and were immediately hacked to death.

But at this time, the situation was out of control, and all the masters from the hundreds of monster clans appeared to attack them.


Ji Zixia's long hair floated with thunder surrounding her body, and she instantly faced the three demon masters who rushed towards her later stage.

Yang Yiyun was sweating on his forehead at this moment, and there were demon masters in all directions. Although the three strongest demon masters went directly to deal with the senior sister in the later stage, the remaining demon masters at the junior and intermediate levels all surrounded him and Hoho. Come up.

Now they were locked in a deadly battle.

They have to fight hard, otherwise they will all die under the siege of so many high-level demon masters.

In the distance, seventy or eighty demon emperors headed straight for Hong Yi and Ni Loach.

In an instant they were all surrounded.

The situation is not good~

Demonic auras surged into the sky from all directions.

Yang Yiyun knew that he would fight to the death today.

He teased the monkey: "Follow me later and take care of yourself."

"Brother, don't worry, I know." As Hou Doudou spoke, his eyes turned red, and the hair on his body stood up upside down, but he roared into the sky: "Roar..."

The next moment, Hou Doudou's body lifted up a lot and turned into a ferocious golden-haired monkey.

The whole body was covered with golden light, and the demonic aura rose into the sky, and he suddenly jumped out.

"Come back, Doudou~"

Yang Yiyun shouted in shock, his roar at this moment was still equivalent to the peak of the Immortal King. Although after the transformation, Hou Doudou's aura directly broke through the Immortal King level, how could he be a match against these demon kings?

Yang Yiyun rushed forward while shouting, and struck out with a roar, activating the internal and external skills of Qiankun, shaking hands into fists, using the twelve supreme supernatural powers, and smashing directly, following behind Hou Doudou.

But at this time, Hou Doudou roared and the color of the primary world changed, but he saw the magical power that he had met in the fight with Chuanshan Xiao, and both of them smashed over, facing five or six demon kings, and also shocked several demon kings, but it was a joint defense The attack suddenly neutralized Hou Doudou's strongest innate magical power.


The earth-shattering roar sounded, and Hou Doudou's body was suppressed by strong pressure. Yang Yiyun even saw some blood beads seeping out of Hou Doudou's body.

"Ho ho ho..."

At this moment, Hou Doudou's whole body was shining with golden light, and he was roaring and roaring to resist the attack from the demon master in front of him. However, at the next moment, there was a roar from his body. The golden light was shining brightly, and the evil energy was strong. All the evil spirits from all directions entered Hou Doudou. Tease the body.


Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he saw it. Unexpectedly, Hou Doudou broke through and achieved the realm of the Demon Emperor under strong pressure, and the aura in his whole body was increasing dramatically.

The next moment, Hoho's long arms danced, and with the help of his position in heaven and earth, and his innate magical power, a bright golden demon king erupted, directly forcing the demon king five to six meters in front to retreat.

But it is the Demon Lord after all. Even though Hou Doudou breaks through, he still cannot kill the Demon Lord.

At this moment, he attacked, crashing down on five or six demon masters who had been teased by the monkeys and forced them to retreat, and blasted out six or seven supreme supernatural powers in one breath.


Finally, the three junior demon lords screamed and vomited blood and flew backwards. The other two demon lords quickly retreated hundreds of meters to avoid his edge.

The gap opened, and Yang Yiyun quickly shouted: "Doudou, go over there to help, Diao'er is still over there, leave this place to me, go quickly."

"Okay, brother, be careful." Without any time to say anything, Hou Doudou quickly agreed and jumped out of the circle surrounded by the Demon Lord level. He knew that although he had broken through to the Emperor realm, he still had no way to face the Lord level. At this time, it was It is suitable to go to Diao'er, because Kunpeng and Diao'er in red are in the same place, and there are seventy or eighty demon emperors there who are besieging him. What he stays with his eldest brother Yang Yiyun will only be called a drag on his eldest brother, so it is better to go Fighting on the other side.

In the blink of an eye, Hou Doudou escaped from the demon-level encirclement.

The next second Hou Doudou escaped, and the gap was blocked again. Twenty or thirty demons, who were in the mid-level, did not pursue Hou Doudou, but surrounded Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was surrounded by twenty or thirty demon masters, his eyes became sharp, and he said to himself: "It seems that if we don't kill all of you today, we will have no way to survive. In this case, I will start killing you."

After saying that, he opened his left and right hands, but the leaves of Watermelon Thunder and Purple Tree Five Thunder appeared. He threw them all out with a wave of his hands and shouted: "Bang, bang, bang..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Earth-shattering explosions resounded throughout the sky above Baijiao City.

"No, retreat quickly..."

Many of these demon masters have keen intuition. When Yang Yiyun detonated the watermelon thunder and purple tree five thunder leaves, some demon cultivators felt something was wrong.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun entered the Qiankun Pot in an instant. He knew the power of all the watermelon thunder and the five purple tree thunder leaves detonating at the same time. He would be injured even if he was in the middle. Hiding in the space of the Qiankun Pot was the safest way. The moment he went out, he was just going to kill him with a last-ditch knife, but he didn't know how lethal these two weapons were to the senior level?

I wonder if I can blow up some of them?

Exploding the Emperor Realm was useful in the past, but I don't know how effective it will be against the Sovereign Level this time.

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