My Master Is a God

Chapter 2333 The seventy-two managers are all targets

A battle that no one expected and was stunned to see ended.

Three Immortal Emperors were in Dzogchen, one was an Immortal Lord, three were dead, and one was injured.

The one injured was Yao Dahua, who was the steward of Yaochi. Yang Yiyun changed his mind before taking action, otherwise he would have died.

But to the onlookers, these are not the point. The key point is that Yang Yiyun, the middle-stage Immortal Emperor, has defeated the four masters in the blink of an eye.

No matter how you look at it, they accomplished this impossible feat despite a huge gap in their realms.

Let’s not talk about the Great Perfection of the Immortal Emperor. After all, Yang Yiyun is in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor. It is not uncommon in the world of monks to be able to cross-level challenges. Those with extraordinary talents can often fight beyond the level.

But the Immortal Lord is different. The realm of the Immortal Lord is the highest level of cultivation in the immortal world. Even if Sha Jingtian is a junior Immortal Lord, he is still an Immortal Lord. It is not possible to jump up the level by jumping up the level.

But the person lying on the ground with Pianpian Yang Yiyun was Sha Jingtian.

Everything happened too fast, especially in the dusty environment. In fact, no one saw how Sha Jingtian died. What happened?

Anyway, after the dust passed, only Yang Yiyun was standing unharmed, and the body of Sha Jingtian was lying next to him.

In fact, no one saw clearly how Yang Yiyun took action from the beginning to the end. They just saw him disappear at the beginning, and then screams were heard one after another.

Anyway, with one sentence, Yang Yiyun shocked the whole audience.

The entire Feixing Sect army brought by Sha Jingtian was destroyed.

Yao Dahua, who was extremely arrogant at first, was severely injured, but now he is trembling all over.

Weird means, using less to defeat more, using weak to defeat strong, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, Yang Yiyun performed a trembling crush.

From this moment on, everyone present remembered the name Yang Yiyun and the name of Yunmen in the Chaotic Immortal Domain.

Manager Yuan was also shocked. He had thought that Yang Yiyun was strong, but he never expected that he would be so strong. To be precise, it was weird.

A fight started in a weird way and ended in a weird way, because I couldn't see clearly how Yang Yiyun took action...

This is extremely weird.

After Manager Yuan realized what was happening, he felt extremely happy when he looked at Yao Dahua lying on the ground with a frightened look on his face. This tone finally came out, and he felt proud and elated. It felt extremely good.

Of course, Manager Yuan knew that all this was given to him by Yang Yiyun, the master, and he also understood that Yang Yiyun took action this time to vent his anger.

As the saying goes, it depends on the owner if you beat the dog. Now Manager Yuan understands this is the truth.

Of course, the fact that he was controlled by Yang Yiyun cannot be said, let alone let outsiders know, but it doesn't matter, he accepted his fate. Indeed, just as Yao Dahua provoked and despised him before, it is true that he is actually one of the 72nd managers of Yaochi. The most cowardly kind, otherwise he would not come out to receive visitors.

Half of the stewards of Yaochi No. 72 are outer stewards, usually inner stewards. Only those with low status and low cultivation level come out to do receptions.

Yao Dahua used to be an outer steward and was similar to him, but some time ago he improved a step further and became an inner steward. The two of them didn't deal with each other before. After Yao Dahua became an inner steward, she became more arrogant and domineering in front of him.

Manager Yuan was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. The internal manager had to be better than him in terms of status and status. For this reason, Manager Yuan had been enduring it, and there was nothing he could do if he couldn't bear it.

Now that he saw Yang Yiyun knocking Yao Dahua down, Manager Yuan felt so happy. He thought that although Yang Yiyun controlled his life and death, as long as he played well, it would be a good choice, at least better than his current situation in Yaochi.

Looking at Yang Yiyun's record at this moment, Manager Yuan had a strong feeling in his heart. He felt that he might take off by following Yang Yiyun in the future.

Although it is a feeling, it is very strong.

In an instant, Manager Yuan made a decision. Regardless of whether Yang Yiyun controlled his life or death, he followed him wholeheartedly. He had been practicing in Yaochi for tens of thousands of years, but he had been living a very depressed life. His cultivation was at a bottleneck period and he had been trapped for thousands of years. , if this continues, he feels that his path is over.

Now Manager Yuan sees hope in Yang Yiyun.

Seeing the hope that he could step into the realm of Immortal Lord, he knew that he would never have the chance to step into the realm of Immortal Lord in Yaochi.

A realm that all immortals at the highest level dream of!

Thinking of this, Manager Yuan's eyes became extremely critical. There were many people watching from the outside. Although this battle was voluntary between Yang Yiyun and Sha Jingtian, Manager Yuan was worried that there would inevitably be people with bad intentions who would make the matter bigger. When the time comes, Yang Yiyun would be punished. unfavorable.

He can now guess that the women Yang Yiyun is looking for are most likely Yang Yiyun's own women, and may be his mistress in the future. However, he still doesn't know where the second elder is imprisoned. Yang Yiyun's plan is to search for them secretly. As long as it doesn't alert the top management of Yaochi, don't alert them.

Thinking from Yang Yiyun's point of view, he naturally asked these spectators to disperse and the matter did not escalate.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up as the manager of Yaochi and said to the people watching around him: "The winner has been decided. I, the manager of Yaochi, will handle the rest. Let's all leave..."

Manager Yuan is the manager of Yaochi after all. As soon as he spoke, everyone dispersed one after another, but Yang Yiyun's name became a popular communication target among them.

After the people around him dispersed, Manager Yuan stepped forward to Yang Yiyun with a sense of awe and said, "Master, let's move to the small courtyard to discuss other matters. Try not to arouse the ideas of Yaochi's senior officials."

Yang Yiyun looked at Manager Yuan and felt that Manager Yuan was a little different from before, but he didn't notice the difference, but he felt in his heart that this old boy could be trusted now.

"I'll leave it to you to clean up the battlefield~" Yang Yiyun said lightly to Manager Yuan, then turned and left.

"Yes, Master~" Manager Yuan was overjoyed. He knew that Yang Yiyun also began to trust him at this time.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun did not go directly to the small courtyard, but came to Yao Dahua and said lightly: "If you don't want to die, come with me~"

Yao Dahua walked directly into the small courtyard without even looking at the words.

Yao Dahua trembled, and immediately understood Yang Yiyun's words. After he was injured before, he felt that there was an extra rune in his soul. He felt that this rune could kill him, and he still wondered what was going on. At that time, Yang Yiyun's words finally revealed the answer to the mystery for him.

Yao Dahua knew that life and death were in Yang Yiyun's hands. She didn't dare to say a word, pulled her head and followed Yang Yiyun into the small courtyard.

Yang Yiyun had fought against Sha Jingtian before, and he didn't even see clearly what was going on. The three Shajing Tianshi brothers, including the disciples from the Feixing Sect, were completely wiped out. He couldn't even think of such a method without breaking his head.

Anyway, he knew that the culprit was Yang Yiyun, and now he just begged Yang Yiyun not to kill him.

The small courtyard is very unique. Yang Yiyun directly brought the ancient sword and red-clothed mink into the lobby to check in.

Yao Dahua and Yuan Guan walked in one after another.


Yao Dahua knelt down directly in front of Yang Yiyun and said in a trembling voice: "Please have mercy on me, Taoist friend. I, Yao Dahua, was blind before and couldn't see Mount Tai. Please spare my life..."

"Bastard, you are also called Taoist Fellow? Do you understand, Lord? Your life and death depend on the Lord's thoughts, don't you understand?" Manager Yuan scolded Yao Dahua, and he felt very happy at this moment.

In the past, he was always scolded by Yao Dahua. Today, things have changed and he feels very good. After scolding Yao Dahua, Manager Yuan secretly glanced at Yang Yiyun. Seeing that Yang Yiyun didn't look angry, he corrected himself in his mind.

For Yang Yiyun, it was precisely Yuan Guanshi who needed to tell Yao Dahua to understand the situation clearly.

Since he wants to do something in Yaochi, he needs the help of some people from Yaochi. This Yao Dahua is a steward and has the peak level of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen. Using the life and death talisman to control his effectiveness is also a good choice.

Another idea of ​​hollowing out the Yaochi was also formed in his mind.

Fangzheng's Life and Death Talisman can control people, so give it a try and see how many people in Yaochi it can control. Seventy-two Road Managers and Thirty-Six Peaks Peak Masters are all good choices.

I just don’t know if the Life and Death Talisman can control the immortals in the later stages of the Immortal Lord?

Anyway, Immortal Lord will be in the later stage, and he is sure to control the master with proper cooperation.

The key point is to cooperate with this link. Now that there are two Yaochi stewards around, it is a good start...

Looking at Yao Dahua, Yang Yiyun said calmly: "Get up and do your job well. I will save your life, otherwise I will make you lose your soul with just one thought. You should be able to feel this~"

"Yes, yes, thank you for not killing me, my lord. Whatever you need me, Yao Dahua, my lord, just ask, and I won't hesitate to smash my subordinates to pieces." Yao Dahua is a smart little guy. He can see the situation clearly in an instant and follow the lead. Said something.

It was indeed very pleasing to Yang Yiyun's ears.

Without any nonsense, he directly ordered Yao Dahua and Manager Yuan: "Bring me the manager of Yaochi who you both know each other. I need their services. Do you know how to do it?"

"I understand~"

The latter two answered in unison.

"Go, let's start implementing it now. The stewards of Yaochi No. 72 are all the people you want to bring to see me." Yang Yiyun waved his hand to signal the two of them to go down.

"It's my lord."


Yao Dahua has now become Yang Yiyun's slave and competes with Yuan Guanshi.

The two of them resigned, snorting at each other and leaving, with a vague intention of competing.

After the two of them went out, Gu Jian was a little worried and said, "Sir, will these two go out...?"

Gu Jian hadn't finished speaking, but Yang Yiyun knew what Gu Jian was worried about, whether Yao Dahua and Manager Yuan would betray each other.

Waving his hands, he said: "Not to mention controlling the two Immortal Emperors, even the Immortal Lord, I have the means to make them obey... huh?"

Yang Yiyun frowned as soon as he finished speaking, and then said to Gu Jian and Hongyi: "Go and guard outside the courtyard and don't let anyone come in."

Gu Jian and Hong Yi walked out without asking any questions.

After the two of them went out and closed the door, a white light flashed in the hall, but the snow cat was back.

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