My Master Is a God

Chapter 2342 Old witch, let’s see if you die this time

Yang Yiyun could hear that the words of the old witch, Lotus Fairy Mother, were full of strong self-confidence, and she despised everything. She did not take him seriously at all, and she had such contempt for him. She just said, "I am standing here." If your kid comes to fight here, you won't be able to do anything.

This filled Yang's heart with anger, but he also knew that the old witch was proud of herself. Just that moment alone showed her ability to turn clouds and rain with her hands.

Full of contempt for everything.

"Stop being so arrogant, old witch, let me destroy you~" Yang Yiyun cursed and dodged towards the Lotus Fairy Mother.

The Lotus Fairy Mother was still looking at Yang Yiyun with a serious face. She was suspended in the air without even preparing to move, as if she was waiting for Yang Yiyun to rush over.

At this time, the Lotus Fairy Mother was surrounded by Ancestral Xinghai and the five elders of the Falling Star Palace. When these people saw Yang Yiyun rushing up, they all looked contemptuous, as if Yang Yiyun was like a moth to the flame when facing the Lotus Fairy Mother.

Not to mention the people in the field, even many people outside the field have the same idea.

At this moment, those people on the main peak of Yaochi had already leapt to the Lotus Palace to watch. The entire Lotus Palace was surrounded by human figures in the sky and on the ground.

Not to mention that Yaochi, a super sect, has tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of disciples and disciples, tens of thousands of outsiders from the Xianmen sect came to the Yaochi Conference, and they all focused their attention on the venue.

Previously, these foreign immortals were worried that the previous wave of attacks from the peak masters in charge of Yaochi and Yang Yiyun would swamp the second elder of Yaochi, Lotus Fairy Mother, and the ancestor of the Falling Star Palace, Xinghai. A means beyond everyone's imagination.

There are several immortal sects in the field who are as powerful as Yaochi. They all look like they are at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of Immortals like Lotus Fairy Mother, but they think they can't do what the second elder of Yaochi, Lotus Fairy Mother, can't do. .

Two thousand Immortal Emperors were killed in one go, and there were even Immortal Lords among them. It was an indiscriminate attack, with the power of the sky falling and the earth falling.

Everyone looked at the Immortal Lord's Dzogchen peak cultivation, but compared with the power and methods of the second elder of Yaochi, the Lotus Immortal Mother, they were far behind. At the same time, these people were also filled with deep shock.

But what was even more shocking was their performance against Yang Yiyun.

Under the action of the Lotus Fairy Mother, so many Immortal Emperors and Immortal Lords exploded and died, unable to even move. But Yang Yiyun was not only able to move, but he was not affected at all and still saved many people. This is just as the Lotus Fairy Mother said, He is a young boy who has cultivated in the middle stage of Immortal Emperor. He can do this enough to be called the first person of the young generation.

No matter what means Yang Yiyun used, it proved that he was extraordinary.

An immortal in the middle stage of Immortal Emperor suffered no loss at the hands of an Immortal Lord at the peak of Dzogchen. If everyone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed it.

But Yang Yiyun did it.

Unfortunately, when they saw Yang Yiyun rushing towards the Lotus Fairy Mother, they all knew that this white-haired genius was going to die.

There is a saying in the fairy world that no matter how powerful a genius is, he cannot live for a long time. If he dies, there will be nothing. Only by living a long time can he be a true immortal.

Now Yang Yiyun is about to fall in the eyes of everyone, and no one is optimistic about him facing the Lotus Fairy Mother.

Many people even closed their eyes and didn't want to look.

It seems that one can already imagine Yang Yiyun's fate like a moth or flying into oblivion.

However, the next moment everyone saw Yang Yiyun suddenly disappearing when he was about to reach the Lotus Fairy Mother, disappearing out of thin air without any fluctuation.

Many people were paying attention, but they didn't see any fluctuations, and they didn't feel the slightest breath. They disappeared as if they had evaporated between heaven and earth...

The disappearance of Yang Yiyun in the eyes of the Lotus Fairy Mother, the second elder of Yaochi, also made her stunned, but she did not care at all, because in her eyes, being invisible was not a big deal. She had also discovered so many invisible immortal emperors and immortals before, and waved her hand. He forced it out in a flash and suppressed it in a flash.

At this time, Yang Yiyun disappeared, and he was undoubtedly invisible, but his methods were more sophisticated, and he could not feel any aura fluctuations, but the Lotus Fairy Mother did not care at all, because she was the enlightened existence of the Immortal Lord.

Yang Yiyun's invisibility was to sneak attack her, but even if she stood still and let Yang Yiyun attack, could he break her defense?

Of course not, because he is a great immortal who has realized enlightenment. He is definitely not comparable to ordinary immortals. His strength lies wherever he goes.

Waiting for Yang Yiyun to attack her.

With a movement in her heart, the Lotus Fairy Mother's body was rippled with space fluctuations...

But the next moment something she didn't expect happened.

Not only the Lotus Fairy Mother did not expect it, but everyone in the audience did not expect the scene that happened next.


"Ah~ I'm looking for death~"

Everyone did not expect that after Yang Yiyun disappeared, he did not attack the Lotus Fairy Mother. Instead, he directly attacked the Meteorite Palace Ancestor Xinghai who was three or four meters away from the Lotus Fairy Mother. There was a boom and a roar.

Yang Yiyun was not seen, but Zu Xinghai screamed and cursed. Everyone just saw that Zu Xinghai was meditating with magic power and flew upside down for more than ten meters, leaving blood on the corner of his mouth.


Zu Xinghai's body buzzed with a halo of mana, and a powerful aura rose into the sky. He stared at the air around him and shouted angrily: "Boy, you are looking for death, come out...?"

Zu Xinghai did not expect that Yang Yiyun would choose to attack him after he disappeared. He really suffered a loss unexpectedly, and yelled for Yang Yiyun to come out with blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

As for Yang Yiyun, after turning invisible, he hid in a collision and prepared to give Zu Xinghai a second blow. He was also a great immortal, but in his perception, none of the five elders of Zu Xinghai and Yaochi were as powerful as the old witch Lotus Fairy Mother.

He originally wanted to attack the Lotus Fairy Mother directly, but after turning invisible, he did think of this, and then changed his mind and attacked Zu Xinghai directly.

Relatively speaking, Zu Xinghai has the weakest cultivation among these people in Yang Yiyun's opinion. This bastard openly insulted him and actually asked him for Ye Wuxin, so Yang Yiyun thought to see if he could kill Zu Xinghai at once.

As it turned out, his full blow was just a sneak attack that made Zu Xinghai bleed from the corner of his mouth. The Great Immortal's cultivation was beyond his ability to kill. He felt the mana cultivation gap between himself and Zu Xinghai.

But at this time, no one can see or feel him when he is invisible. This is his biggest advantage. If he really wants to kill Zu Xinghai, it may not be a bad idea, because he still has the power of the Qiankun Pot.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun will launch the next attack on Zu Xinghai.

But at this time, I heard the cold voice of the Lotus Fairy Mother: "Boy, it seems that you are tired of living. Do you really think that a brilliant invisible magic power can't do anything to you? Huh... the sky is full of frost~"

Yang Yiyun subconsciously stopped when he heard the voice of the Lotus Fairy Mother, because he was actually afraid of this old witch and didn't know what she was up to.

In an instant, he felt the air around him suddenly become colder, and in the blink of an eye, he saw a thick layer of frost appear on the bodies of the five elders of Kong Yaochi and Zu Xinghai.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the Lotus Fairy Mother say: "You guys want to go aside, I will take care of this kid."

The next moment, the five elders of Yaochi and Zu Xinghai left in an instant.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt a little bad, and thought to himself that he might as well run away, since they couldn't see him anyway, so he ordered Hongyi to break out.

At this moment, the Lotus Fairy Mother suddenly appeared in front of him, teasing him with a sneer.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun subconsciously took a look at his body. Unexpectedly, a layer of frost appeared on his body, and traces of frost appeared where he had moved, like traces of painting in the void.

At this moment, he knew that his invisibility method had lost its advantage. The ice cast by the old witch Lotus Fairy Mother was not ordinary.

And it's all over the sky. As long as these frosts exist, the Lotus Fairy Mother will have a trace for him.

At this time, the Lotus Fairy Mother sneered and said: "All your magical powers and secrets are a joke in front of me. I will give you a chance to call those women out, and I will leave you alone."

Yang Yiyun simply stopped being invisible. He manifested his body and kept a distance of twenty meters from the Lotus Fairy Mother. He cursed without any disadvantage: "Old witch, my methods are not limited to this. After all, you are also a I'm just an immortal, you're not a god. It depends on how good you are, I'll die~"

Yang Yiyun flipped his hand and threw three watermelon thunders. Five purple thunder leaves appeared and suddenly hit the refining fairy mother. She instantly retreated several hundred meters and shouted: "Explode~"

"Boom boom boom~"

The earth-shaking explosion resounded across the sky, deafening.

There was thunder and lightning in the sky, and flames soared into the sky, illuminating the sky for thousands of meters. The space in the sky was distorted and space cracks appeared.

In an instant, Yang Yiyun saw the Lotus Fairy Mother's face change slightly, and then he heard the old witch say: "The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and the heavenly net connects to the mysteries~disperse~"

The roar stopped.

Yang Yiyun saw that his ultimate move was broken again by the old witch.

But this time he saw a few holes in the old witch's clothes and her hair was a little messy.

But in the end, neither the Five Thunder Purple Leaves nor the Watermelon Thunder were of much use to this old witch.

"I'll go, you old pervert~"

At this time, Yang Yiyun felt a sense of powerlessness.

But now he: knows he can't escape.

Suddenly shouted: "Red clothes~"



Hong Yi flew away like a cannonball, punching the Lotus Fairy Mother's face directly. There was a roar, but Red Yi's white fist was directly blocked by the Lotus Fairy Mother's raised hand.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the Lotus Fairy Mother sneer and said: "It's interesting. It is actually a puppet in the flesh of the ancient Yasage, and it has also developed a new consciousness. If the real Yasheng existed, I would not have to give in three points, but now the physical body of the Yasheng is just It’s just a puppet, it’s not enough to see, touch~”

As soon as she finished speaking, the Lotus Fairy Mother exerted her strength, and the red dress fell directly from the sky and hit a deep pit in the earth.

At this moment Yang Yiyun shouted: "Old witch, I will fight with you, Netherworld Finger~"

As he spoke, he rushed forward and directed towards the Lotus Fairy Mother like a blue lightning from his fingertips.

"Soul attack? Hahaha... Boy, didn't the elders of your family tell you that the soul attack is just a show-off in front of Tongwu Immortal Lord? Damn it~"

When the last broken word fell, Yang Yiyun saw the Lotus Fairy Mother raising her finger and attacking with her own Nether Finger, the blue light dissipated.

He was shocked in his heart, but at this time he knew there was no way out, so he continued to rush over and yelled: "Supreme Thunder~"

He performed the tenth move among the twelve supreme magical powers.

"Boom... click..."

A bolt of thunder and lightning from Tianji's body turned into a dragon and struck directly at the Lotus Fairy Mother.

However, he saw the old witch raising her finger to the sky and saying: "The Thunder of Nine Heavens ordered me to give my order, go~"


Yang Yiyun's face changed drastically and he broke into a cold sweat.

However, he didn't expect that he would use a thunderous move, but the old witch would raise her hand and attack him.


With this thunder in his body, Yang Yiyun instantly vomited blood and fell directly from the sky.

However, when he was close, he felt a huge pulling force on his body...

The next second he was caught in the hands of the Lotus Fairy Mother.

In fact, he could have avoided it, but an idea came to his mind and he changed his mind.

Because he thought that maybe Qiankun Pot could move back one sentence.

Just when the Lotus Fairy Mother caught him in her hand, he instantly grabbed hold of the Lotus Fairy Mother with his left hand and shouted: "Swallow~"

The familiar scorching heat came, and the swallowing power of the Qiankun Pot started to move instantly.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun saw the face of the Lotus Fairy Mother changed greatly, but the swallowing of the Qiankun Pot was already in motion, and the power of the old witch began to flow towards the Qiankun Pot.

"Old witch, let's see if you die this time~" Although Yang Yiyun was grabbed by the collar by the Lotus Fairy Mother, Yang's face was full of smiles at this moment.

"Stealing cultivation and going against the will of heaven. You boy is indeed no ordinary Immortal Emperor. This move is indeed powerful, but you don't know what it means to understand the power of the Immortal Lord. Haha, I have allowed you to see so much, and you will also make money. Here we are, the game is over now~"

Yang Yiyun didn't expect that after the initial panic, the old witch actually spoke calmly, which suddenly sounded bad.

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