My Master Is a God

Chapter 2346 A pair of huge eyes in the sky

After listening to the explanation of his second senior brother Xing Chenzi, Yang Yiyun realized that the Immortal Master had gained enlightenment through his cultivation.

"So, Senior Brother and Lotus Fairy Mother are both enlightened beings of the Immortal Lord?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Xingchenzi nodded: "Yes, the eldest brother and the old witch are both enlightened to the first level, but don't worry, it's easy for the eldest brother to kill the old witch."

"Second Senior Brother, have you also attained the Immortal Master's enlightenment?" Yang Yiyun said. The power of the Second Senior Brother's sword that instantly killed the elders of the five Yaochis was far beyond the same level. It must be that the Immortal Master has attained the realm of enlightenment.

But I heard Xing Chenzi smile: "It's so easy for the Immortal Lord to reach enlightenment. There are only three people in the audience who have reached the first level of enlightenment. Apart from the senior brother and the old witch, there is only one Immortal Lord who has reached enlightenment. The great elder of Yaochi.

The state of enlightenment is not easy. There is not necessarily one immortal among the tens of thousands of immortals who can achieve enlightenment. In the past, those who could achieve enlightenment were just a few titled immortals in the immortal world. Senior brothers who can achieve enlightenment in their hearts , the elder of Yaochi, there is no doubt that it is because of the complete way of heaven and earth. All this must be attributed to the master and the others.

I think there will still be enlightenment among immortals in the future, but there will definitely not be many. Some people will spend their entire lives unable to reach the state of enlightenment. It is very difficult. Enlightenment is the road to a higher level. If nothing else, let’s talk about it. There are only a few enlightened people of our master's generation in the entire immortal world.

However, I believe there will be more and more enlightenments in the future. After all, the Great Dao is complete and the situation is different. Enlightenments like the Senior Brother and the Lotus Fairy Mother appeared in modern times. In the past, the enlightenments in the immortal world were those of the Master and the three great deities. a generation……"

When Xingchenzi was enlightening Yang Yiyunke, Yun Changsheng and the Lotus Fairy Mother made a big noise again in the sky.

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw a huge mana showdown.

I saw that the space was distorted when the senior brother waved his hand, and the Lotus Fairy Mother had five different colors of fluctuations rippling around her body.

Yang Yiyun asked Xingchenzi: "The laws of the Great Dao that the second senior brother and the old enchantress Lotus Fairy Mother have understood seem to be different. Do they have their own attributes?"

Xingchenzi nodded and said: "The power between heaven and earth squeezes out the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and then there are space, life, death, darkness, etc. The thorough and complete realization of each kind of cultivation is enlightenment, senior brother What she understood was the way of space, while Lotus Envy was the way of the Five Elements. What she understood was the foundation. Calculated, she was not as powerful as her elder brother’s way of space. Therefore, she also understood the first level of heaven, but her elder brother was stronger than her. powerful."

Now Yang Yiyun finally understood.

He nodded and continued looking.

At this moment, I could only hear the Lotus Fairy Mother roaring: "Five elements of heaven and earth, the burning of water and fire~"

The next moment I saw the Lotus Fairy Mother waving her hand, the powerful mana formed a sky-covering net, instantly wrapping the senior brother, as if forming a closed world, and then water and flames appeared out of thin air, directly facing Yun Changsheng left.

The water turned into ice cones, and the flames burned towards Yun Changsheng like a swimming dragon.

Yang Yiyun looked a little nervous, but the senior brother was calm and snorted: "Space superposition~"

Then he saw a whirlpool formed in the twisted space around him. The lotus fairy mother's water and fire attack was directly swallowed into the whirlpool and disappeared completely.

Yang Yiyun looked at it and gasped: "Second Senior Brother and First Senior Brother's hand seems to be a black hole in space~"

"You have good knowledge. It's true that Senior Brother is a black hole formed by the power of space. Just wait and see the show. The old witch wants to seal Senior Brother and trap him here. But she doesn't know that once Senior Brother's black hole in space is formed, it can swallow up everything. Entering the Five Elements World is no problem." Xingchenzi said calmly.

Sure enough, after the words were spoken, Yang Yiyun saw his senior brother wave his hand, and a black hole in space suddenly expanded. In an instant, it appeared that the stars were several hundred meters in diameter.


After a roar, the five-element blockade of the Lotus Fairy Mother was broken, or was swallowed up in an instant. Yang Yiyun and everyone in the sky saw the darkness, and the space was flowing turbulently in it.

The legendary space turbulence is endless darkness, and there are also strange existences. Once you are involved in the space turbulence, you will never be able to escape it.

On the other side, Lotus Fairy Mother's face changed drastically. She seemed to know how powerful Yun Changsheng's move was, and she dodged away from a distance. However, her mana rippled in the roar, and five kinds of Five Elements powers appeared.

"The five elements of heaven and earth suppress everything."

In the next moment, the sky and the earth became dark, but the black hole in the space of the senior brother suddenly stopped rotating, as if time had stopped.

It was obvious that the fighting between the two sides was at a stalemate, and it seemed that no one could do anything to the other.

Both of them are immortal masters who have enlightened the first level of heaven. They have the same realm of cultivation, but they can understand the laws of the great avenue of enlightenment in different ways.

The five elements comprehended by the Lotus Fairy Mother are the basis of power in heaven and earth.

Yun Changsheng, on the other hand, comprehended the Great Path of Space, which was said to be of a higher level than the Lotus Fairy Mother.

According to Xingchenzi, the Lotus Fairy Mother is no better than the senior brother Yun Changsheng.

It seems that there are many attributes of the five elements, but in fact, the laws of the great avenue are only the basics, complicated and messy, while Yun Changsheng's space avenue is a high-level avenue.

So Yang Yiyun also thinks that senior brother will win.

The two people above the sky were in a stalemate and were competing. Everyone outside the field was watching the battle, waiting to watch. No one wanted to miss it. After all, this was a real battle between strong men.

Yang Yiyun also watched intently. He naturally had thoughts about enlightenment. Only now did he know that after the peak of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Lord, there is enlightenment. This is the most powerful force in the world and traces back to its origin.

Of course, as the second senior brother said, it is difficult for many people to achieve the Great Perfection of the Immortal Lord, let alone the more difficult enlightenment.


At this moment, Yun Changsheng uttered a word above the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

The spatial vortex was broken, but the rippling power also shattered the five-element blockade of the Lotus Fairy Mother.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Yun Changsheng, his whole body moved, and the next moment the space was shaken, he took a step forward, but it seemed as if he had walked into a spatial door.

After just a flash, she reappeared and punched the Lotus Fairy Mother in the back.


The Lotus Fairy Mother screamed and vomited blood as she fell from the sky.

She had a look of horror on her face, and now she realized the terror of Yun Changsheng, who was actually a space avenue.

Facing Yun Changsheng's space avenue, her Five Elements was restricted everywhere.

Because Yun Changsheng has a space black hole, any powerful space cannot be sucked into the space black hole. The most terrifying thing is that Yun Changsheng can open the space door at will, shuttle through space and appear anywhere, and this time he appeared behind her. You can't feel any fluctuations at all with one blow, and you can't detect any mistakes.

The power of space is everywhere and has no trace.

"Good fight~"

Yang Yiyun shouted "Hello" when he saw it. Seeing the old witch being seriously injured by the senior brother's palm and falling from the sky, he felt extremely happy.

Only then did I understand why the second senior brother and the young senior sister were so calm. It was obvious that they knew the senior brother's methods very well.

Although the power of space is not a powerful force, it is the most bizarre law.

The avenue of space is everywhere, and the senior brother can control the power of space at will and appear next to the old witch, the Lotus Fairy Mother, leaving her with no way to defend herself against the attack of the senior brother.

Traveling freely through the air, how to guard against this.

There is only a loss.

"It's over~"

Ji Zixia narrowed her eyes and said.

Sure enough, the next moment, Yang Yiyun saw his senior brother opening the space portal again, appearing next to the falling Lotus Fairy Mother, and stepping on the Lotus Fairy Gate.

" can't kill me...zu..."


It's over.

Yun Changsheng directly struck the Lotus Immortal Sect's body, and the Lotus Immortal Mother's body exploded into pieces.

A powerful man with enlightenment fell like this.

In Yun Changsheng's hands, apart from the first few battles, he no longer had the power to fight back.

With one kick, the Lotus Fairy Mother exploded.

There is no way that the Five Elements Avenue and the Space Avenue are not at the same level at all. After Yun Changsheng figured out the Lotus Fairy Mother's Five Elements Avenue after a battle, he was able to target it and destroyed the old witch in two blows.


At the same time, Zu Xinghai yelled at Yun Changsheng to stop, but it was in vain. The Lotus Fairy Mother was still killed by Yun Changsheng.

The next moment, Yun Changsheng, who was suspended in the air, suddenly stared at Zu Xinghai, took one step forward, and slapped Zu Xinghai directly with his palm.

Yun Changsheng understood about this incident that the Ancestral Xinghai of the Falling Star Palace was also one of the people who bullied his junior brother. Although he had seen that his junior brother was fine before, Yun Changsheng was still afraid as a senior brother. He almost lost his junior brother.

Now Zu Xinghai made a sound and attracted Yun Changsheng. His only thought was to kill, so he killed Zu Xinghai and pulled him in.

There are not many good people in the Falling Star Palace.

When Zu Xinghai saw Yun Changsheng's palm coming towards him, he was frightened and turned pale. He quickly jumped up and ran away, shouting: "Second uncle, help me~"

Zu Xinghai knew very well that the Lotus Immortal Mother had been beaten to death by this person, and that one of his immortals was targeted in the later stage. With this palm, he would be wiped out, so he quickly shouted to his second uncle for help.

The second uncle of his ancestral Xinghai is the current commander-in-chief of the Falling Star Palace. His cultivation and strength are unfathomable. At this time, only the second uncle can save him.

The second uncle has great magical powers, so he will definitely be able to defeat him.

Yang Yiyun felt happy after seeing his senior brother take action against Zu Xinghai. Even if his senior brother didn't take action, he would not let Zu Xinghai leave alive today.

Now it's good. After killing this Zu Xinghai, I can feel relieved. This guy actually wants to take advantage of his woman. He should be damned a hundred times.

Seeing his elder brother palm away Zu Xinghai, Yang Yiyun knew that Zu Xinghai was dead this time.

Just when Zu Xinghai was about to die, a cold snort sounded from the sky, like muffled thunder, and strange phenomena appeared in the entire sky.

"Hmph, little guy, do you also want to kill my nephew, Zu Tianlong~"

As this voice appeared, everyone present saw a pair of huge eyes appear in the sky, and a hand that was like a shadow that condensed mana, faced Yun Changsheng in an instant.


Under the loud noise that shook the sky, Yun Changsheng groaned and flew backwards. There were blood stains recently. He regained his balance after several hundred meters. With a grim expression on his face, he looked at huge golden eyes appearing in the sky, and said in a deep voice: " The commander of the Falling Star Palace, Zu Tianlong?”

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