My Master Is a God

Chapter 2348 Otherwise, I will come out of seclusion and personally destroy your Falling Star Palace

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Roaring, Yun Changsheng kept retreating, his hands flying, and black holes in space formed in front of him one after another. However, when Zu Tianlong kept hitting him with his palms, his black holes in space also collapsed one after another. He couldn't hide if he continued like this.

"Senior brother..."

Yang Yiyun and the other two people below were all anxious.

Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia didn't listen to Yun Changsheng's words at all, and still flew up and rushed towards the battlefield in the sky to help their senior brother.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were red at this moment, and he gritted his teeth and flew up to chase after him without hesitation. Although he knew that he was not strong enough, and rushing forward like this would be a dead end, but his senior brothers and sisters were not afraid and could all go forward decisively. How could he fall behind?

If the three senior brothers and sisters could do it for him, he would naturally do the same for them.

"Junior brother, go back~" Ji Zixia cursed immediately when she found Yang Yiyun following her.

"We will die together~" Yang Yiyun grinned.

High in the sky, Yun Changsheng's last spatial black hole was shattered. Just as Zu Tianlong's palm was about to fall on him, the eyes of Yang Yiyun and the three people rushing from below were all red.

"Elder brother..."

The three of them knew that the senior brother might die now.

Just at the critical moment, there was an eardrum-piercing roar: "Boom~"

As the voice fell silent, Zu Tianlong's huge palm chasing Yun Changsheng fell into pieces.

Everything dissipates.

A pair of giant eyes also appeared in the clouds behind Yun Changsheng. The silver-white eyes were a very strange pair of eyes.

Yang Yiyun and the others subconsciously stopped and looked.

At first glance, a word came to Yang Yiyun's mind - fox eyes.

This is what a fox's eyes look like, except that besides being huge, these eyes are extremely strange, silver and bright, and have a soul-stirring feeling.

In the field, Yun Changsheng survived the disaster. After he reacted, he saw the pair of silver eyes, and his face became happy, but he bowed down in the void and said: "Greetings to Master, my disciple is not good at cultivation. I deserve to be damned if I alarmed Master."

When Yang Yiyun heard the senior brother's words, he let out a cry and understood in his heart. It turned out that the owner of these eyes was Master Tianji, and was undoubtedly Master Tianji. He had seen the projection of Master Tianji in the lower world, and knew from Master's mouth that Master Tianji was Master Tianji. Fox clan.

Now I understand.

Unexpectedly, Master Tianji appeared, and she also used magic power to focus her eyes, just like Zu Tianlong.

It’s just that the mistress’s fox eyes are more beautiful.

But in perception, he seems to be stronger than Zu Tianlong.

"You shameful thing, go away. I will settle the score with you later. The dignified leader of the Supreme Heavenly Evil was almost beaten to death by a bumpkin. He is the one who disgraced your master." A heavenly female voice sounded from all directions in the sky.


Yun Changsheng stood up tremblingly, and in one movement he reached the side of Yang Yiyun and Xingchenzi Ji Zixia. Facing the curse from his wife, Yun Changsheng was like a child who had done something wrong.

An interesting thing that Yang Yiyun found was that the second senior brother Xing Chenzi and the young senior sister who wanted to be lawless were also trembling at the moment, occasionally glancing at the huge fox eye in the sky.

Obviously the three of them are very afraid of Master Tianji.

At this time, Zu Tianlong's voice sounded coldly: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist?"

Facing the sudden appearance of fox eyes, Zu Tianlong, who was still arrogant before, spoke softer.

"Haha~ Young Master Zu Tianlong is pretending to be a big-tailed wolf in front of my mother. What kind of a piece of shit are you? Your brother Yuxing Immortal Lord is here, and he doesn't dare to bully my children. Why do you think your brother and a bunch of old people in the immortal world are now? This guy went to Dengtian Road and lost the news. Does your Zu Tianlong feel invincible?

Listen to me, these children, especially the white-haired one, are my husband’s closed disciples. I tell you people from the Falling Star Palace, don’t provoke them, otherwise I will come out of seclusion and personally come to flatten your Falling Star Palace. What the hell, I Pooh…

If it weren't for the sake of your brother Meteorite Immortal Lord today, I would have to pluck out your skin, leaving your little bastard nephew behind and go away~"

The heavenly voice resounded through the sky, but the words were extremely harsh, cursing Zu Tianlong like a grandson.

But Zu Tianlong's huge eyes were flashing, and dark clouds were rolling around him, obviously not calm.

The tens of thousands of immortals in the audience were all stunned. They all heard this voice and cursed Zu Tianlong.

There is so much information conveyed in the sound of expletives.

First of all, any immortal in the immortal world who has tried his best will know that the Supreme Lord of Heavenly Evil is a mythical figure.

Secondly, this voice claimed to be Mr. Yuntianxie Husband, that is, the wife of Supreme Tianxie. Some old guys from the big sects present reacted, and they had some clues about the identity of these fox eyes, and their hearts trembled.

Tianlong, the ancestor of the Falling Star Palace, was also a well-known figure in the entire immortal world. He was the commander-in-chief of the Falling Star Palace, but he was scolded like a dog by this voice.

There was actually no reply for a long time.

Many immortals thought that Zu Tianlong would explode, but what they didn't expect was that the next moment Zu Tianlong's huge eyes flickered, but they disappeared into the sky without saying a word.

Are you so cowardly...?

Without saying a word, his nephew Zu Xinghai didn't want him anymore and left without hesitation.

This shocked all the immortals present.

Zu Tianlong, the de facto head of the Hall of Fallen Stars, was actually cursed by the fox-eyed man, and walked away in despair without even leaving a harsh word behind...


"Who is that person with those fox eyes...?"

"Didn't you hear Supreme Tian Xie being mentioned? You said Supreme Tian Xie is your husband, so he must be his wife~"

"Who is the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Evil?"

"Have you never been out of the mountains in cultivation, have you? Even the Supreme Lord of Heaven and Evil doesn't know about it?"

"To be honest, I have just come out to experience the mountains. This time I am following my master to gain experience. I also ask fellow Taoists for advice."

"It's no wonder that you are just Xiao Hunyuan. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Regarding Tian Xie Supreme, it is a legend in the fairy world ~ I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet Tian Xie Supreme's wife today. Well, although she is a pair of foxes This life is not in vain..."

"I also saw the four disciples of the Supreme Lord Tian Xie. They were alive in front of me. I didn't expect that the white-haired one was actually a close disciple of the Supreme Lord Tian Xie. No, I have to make friends later..."

"People can like you..."

"Speaking of which, I still don't know the names of the four of them..."

"I know what I just heard from the elders. The eldest disciple is Yun Changsheng. The second disciple is called Xingchenzi, who is a contemporary swordsman. The third disciple is called Ji Zixia. I heard from my master that he is from the Ji family in the immortal world. The one with white hair is called Yang Yiyun..."

"Let's talk about the deeds of Supreme Heavenly Evil..."

There was a lot of discussion in the venue. The deeds of Tianxie Supreme, Yun Changsheng, Xingchenzi, Ji Zixia, and Yang Yiyun were all dug up bit by bit.

Only then did everyone know that the origin of this incident was Yang Yiyun, who alone led his disciples...

Everyone will remember Yang Yiyun.

But in comparison, what impressed everyone the most at this moment was the pair of fox eyes in the sky. A curse like a dog made the ancestor of the Meteor Star Palace, Tianlong, dare not even let go.

Not to mention the discussions in the field, time returned to when Zu Tianlong's huge eyes left in despair.

The one who suffered the most was Zu Xinghai, the second generation ancestor. When he saw his second uncle actually abandoning him, he immediately shouted in a tearful tone: "Second uncle, don't abandon me~"


The next moment, Zu Xinghai exploded and disappeared into thin air.

But Yang Yiyun knew that it was his wife who should have taken action, perhaps to vent his anger.


Sure enough, I heard the master's wife snort coldly.

Then the master's wife's voice sounded again: "Bring that brat to see me~"

As soon as the words fell, the huge fox eye above the sky disappeared.

Yun Changsheng took the lead and bowed: "Yes, Master~"

Xingchenzi and Ji Zixia also saluted.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly in his heart, knowing that he was probably the brat that his wife called him.

I didn't expect that the master's wife would appear so resolutely. She told Zu Tianlong to retreat with a few words, and killed Zu Xinghai with a cold snort. She was so domineering.

At this moment, he felt something bad in his heart. The master's wife wanted to see him, and when she left, she was giving a death order to the senior brother, leaving no room for negotiation.

When the fox eyes of the Master's Wife disappeared, Xingchenzi and the three of them seemed to heave a long sigh of relief. This shows how afraid the three of them are of the Master's Wife.

"Hehe~ Junior brother, please wish yourself well, haha~" Ji Zixia laughed.

Xingchenzi said with a bitter face: "Junior sister, I feel like we can't escape, so don't gloat about it."

"Alright, junior brother, get ready and follow us to see Senior Madam Tianji." The calm senior brother spoke.

"It's senior brother. There's nothing to prepare. Let's talk about the Yaochi thing in the future. I've found everyone." Yang Yiyun answered politely. He still felt a little stressed in front of this senior brother.

"In the matter of Yaochi, although the Lotus Fairy Mother is dead, my junior brother Yun Changsheng is not easy to bully." Yun Changsheng snorted coldly, but took one step directly to the elder of Yaochi and said in a deep voice: "Today Regarding the matter, I hope you, Yaochi, will give my junior brother an explanation. My junior brother has a sect established in the center of the Chaotic Immortal Realm, and you, the great elder of Yaochi, can take care of it."

This is the threat of Chiguoguo.

But the Great Elder of Yaochi smiled bitterly, not daring at all. He cupped his fists and said, "Please rest assured, fellow Taoist Yun, I, Yaochi, have passed this calamity. Give me some time, and I will personally come to the door one day to apologize to fellow Taoist Yang."

"You can make up your own mind, junior brothers and sisters, let's go~" Yun Changsheng waved his hand and a space portal appeared and stepped into it. Yang Yiyun and Xingchenzi Ji Zixia followed closely behind, and the four of them left Yaochi in an instant.

The Yaochi Conference is considered a waste, but the internal disputes in Yaochi can be regarded as resolved. Although those who came here failed to participate in the Yaochi Conference, they saw a real powerhouse. For them, today's experience was more important than the Yaochi Conference. valuable.

After that, Yaochi informed the Immortal World that Yaochi would be sealed off for ten thousand years and would no longer walk in the Immortal World. Everyone knew why. After all, all the managers and peak masters of Yaochi had fallen into the hands of Yang Yiyun, not to mention those who died in the war. The dead ones were also taken away by Yang Yiyun.

There are only three of the nine elders left, and it won't work without sealing the mountain. Someone concluded at that time that Yaochi was destroyed in the hands of Yang Yiyun. Whoever provokes him in the future should not provoke Yang Yiyun. His background can scare people to death.

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