My Master Is a God

Chapter 2381 Try summoning a netherworld creature (third update)

"Haha, I finally have someone who knows what I'm doing. You're good. Follow me from now on and you won't suffer any loss."

Loach was overjoyed when he heard that the old rooster actually recognized him as Kunpeng. He had always been with his master Yang Yiyun, but was regarded as an ordinary beast, even a big or small insect, which made Loach very embarrassed.

The old rooster was the first to recognize his identity as Kunpeng, how could he not be happy?

For Old Rooster, it was really shocking. He was not the rare bird of ancient times, the Five Elements Fiery Turkey. He had lived a long time and had inherited memories. He naturally knew something about Kunpeng and knew what kind of existence Kunpeng was. Their Five Elements Rare Birds and Chickens had become extinct early, but Kunpeng was earlier.

Leng Buding suddenly saw a living Kunpeng appear, and the old rooster was really heartbroken.

This era is about to change, Kunpeng is born...

"Hurry up and lead the way~"

Yang Yiyun shouted from the front.

Only then did the old rooster speed up.

Following Yang Yiyun, Old Rooster looked at the white-haired young man, but his heart was filled with countless greetings.

Although his cultivation level is not high, he has not even reached the senior level, and he is from a human race, yet he has become his master, the master of Kunpeng...

What kind of master is this...?

The old rooster was in a daze.

In the blink of an eye, the group walked out of the flame forest.

In the sight ahead is a dark and black river.

The second natural danger in Xiaobuzhou Mountain appears.

Netherworld River.

"Is this the Netherworld River?" Yang Yiyun asked the old rooster.

The old rooster came back to his senses and said quickly as if he had woken up from a dream: "Yes, Master, this is the Netherworld River."

He answered on his lips, but the old rooster secretly said in his heart: "Perhaps it is a good choice to follow such a human race. The hope of finding other four veins to revive the five elements rare bird and chicken clan...maybe it can be realized in the future..."

No one knows the secret in the heart of the old rooster. He has a feeling in his heart that since he is a rare chicken family with five elements, since his fire attribute can exist, then the other four veins can naturally leave blood.

Just don't know where?

Can the problem be found?

When the Five Elements gather together in the future, the Five Elements Rare Birds and Chickens family will surely be able to regain their former glory.

Of course, whether the other four bloodlines still exist is just a perception deep in his soul. He was not sure before, but he believed that his intuition was not wrong. Today, when he saw the Kunpeng Curse, this intuition came true.

The other four channels must exist.

Because Kunpeng was born again, let alone their Five Elements Chicken clan?

A new era has begun, and a great era has begun.

And the old rooster knew that his chance lay with his master Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what the old rooster was thinking, but he came step by step to the edge of the Netherworld River. Looking at the silent and thick Netherworld River, he turned his eyes around, trying to see something in the river.

However, the Eye of the Universe is isolated and cannot see through the Netherworld River at all.

This made him know that this Netherworld River was indeed not simple.

It looked like nothing was happening, like a dead river.

Then he stood there with his eyes closed and let go of his spiritual perception...

Sure enough, there is a difference.

The entire Netherworld River exudes a certain kind of energy, like the true energy in a steam furnace, rising straight up...

He knew that maybe this was the source of the obstacles that Old Rooster mentioned.

According to what Old Rooster said before, this Netherworld River cannot be flown across. Once it flies, thunder and storms will be generated out of thin air and space cracks will be formed. It is extremely dangerous, and one can only swim across the Netherworld River.

Of course, it is not difficult for them to walk on the water, but once they step on the Netherworld River, there will be creatures attacking, which is also a great danger.

Old Rooster once said that the creatures in the Netherworld River are extremely strange, different from the creatures in the Little Prehistoric River, and they all seem to be immune to magic power.

Combined with these, Yang Yiyun felt the aura emanating from the Netherworld River, and he suddenly thought of his own Netherworld Bone.

Nether Bone was transformed into the bone demon he encountered when he came to the Chaos Fairyland. According to Zamao Bird, it can summon real Netherworld creatures.

Yang Yiyun felt that the smell of the river at this moment was very similar to the smell of Nether Bones as the creatures in the river that Old Rooster had told about.

This is a strange river.

His heart moved, and the next moment he summoned the mixed-feathered bird.

"Wow, you weakling, you finally thought of letting me out~"

Ever since the last time Kunpeng was born, he said a pair of words that were exactly the same as those of the miscellaneous feathered bird. Yang Yiyun knew that the miscellaneous feathered bird had taught Kunpeng bad things, and punished the miscellaneous feathered bird by letting the mink pluck all the feathers of the miscellaneous feathered bird. It has been kept in the Qiankun Pot space and has not been released.

Now that he encountered the Netherworld River, Yang Yiyun thought of Zaimao Bird. This guy is known as the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. He has a lot of bragging skills, but he also has real vision. He asked Zaimao Bird to learn about this river and see if he can tell. No matter what, we can only release him.

Unable to change his stubbornness, the bastard bird's mouth was still so broken, and he cursed Yang Yiyun with resentment as soon as he came out.

Yang Yiyun has become accustomed to this.

He rolled his eyes and didn't care, but he looked at the feathered bird that had grown back and said, "Look at this, it's called the Netherworld River. Do you think it has anything to do with the Netherworld?

In addition, I heard that there are different creatures in this river. Do you think it is the same as the ghost creature summoned by the ghost bone? "Yang Yiyun spoke directly.

As he spoke, some Nether Bones came into his hands.

It's been a long time since he summoned a netherworld creature, and he's going to try it later.

The reason why he didn't use Nether Bones to summon Nether Creatures for a while was because as his cultivation level continued to improve, the enemies he encountered became more and more powerful. Every time the summoned Nether Creatures were destroyed, they had to be summoned again. Later, He didn't deliberately summon ghostly creatures.

Taking out the Nether Bones again at this moment, Yang Yiyun just wanted to try and summon a real Netherworld creature to fight against this creature called the Netherworld River. What's the difference?

The strength of summoning nether creatures through the medium of nether bones is inseparable from the strength of his cultivation. The stronger his cultivation, the stronger the summoned nether creatures will naturally be. Now he is also at the peak of Immortal Emperor Dzogchen cultivation, but I wonder what kind of netherworld creature can be summoned this time?

Holding the Nether Bone in his hand, Yang Yiyun waited for the mixed-haired bird's answer.

Just listen to the mixed-haired bird saying: "This jump into the river is indeed a bit strange. It has the aura of the netherworld, but it is pure. It is more like some kind of mutation, but it is very strong. There is also devilish energy in the breath, which belongs to the netherworld and devilish energy. There is no doubt that if there are any creatures in this Netherworld River, it cannot be Netherworld creatures. If Netherworld creatures were in this river, the demon creatures in this world would have suffered a long time ago.

It looks like some kind of ancient formation is hidden in it, reaching up to the sky and down to the Nine Netherworlds. There is also the thunder of Yin evil, the storm of space, sizzling, this is a big deal, but it is definitely not something that the creatures in the fairy world can do. The changes were more like the handiwork of the Demon God of the God Realm.

According to your kid, this is a natural obstacle guarding Xiaobuzhou Mountain, but in my opinion, this is a smoke bomb. There is definitely something that someone wants to hide in this so-called Netherworld River. "

Yang Yiyun frowned as he listened to the words of the God and Demon Bird, and thought about it: "What the hell is hiding or not? I don't want to cause trouble, I just want to cross the river, board Xiaobuzhou and invite Heilian When we come out of the mountain, tell us whether we can cross this river?"

Hearing the words of the Zaimao Bird, it seems that it has little to do with the real underworld, and more to do with the methods of a certain god and demon. There is something hidden somewhere in this place, it is just a supreme formation.

Since it has little to do with the Netherworld, Yang Yiyun is no longer interested. Time is running out. If he can climb Xiaobuzhou Mountain after passing there, he will go directly to find Heilian and return to Yunmen. The Yunmen establishment ceremony cannot be delayed. of.

If there is any trouble, don't go through it now. We'll come back when the Yunmen's founding ceremony is over.

"It was easy in the past, but I don't know what's going on with the creatures in the river. Why don't you try the water and see?" The mixed-haired bird said quietly, with a bit of a bad tone.

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, unknown creatures, how could he take risks?

Let the few loaches around him go. Yang Yiyun couldn't even think about it. It wasn't time to take the risk yet.

But after thinking about it, he came up with an idea and said, "I'll summon a netherworld creature to try."

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