My Master Is a God

Chapter 2389 Reversal to Yin Seizing the Soul and Seizing the Soul

Yang Yiyun's words were calm, but everyone knew that the more he acted like this, the stronger his anger would be and the greater the backlash would be.

It's just that Lei Xin seems to be more calm, incredibly calm.

As Yang Yiyun asked, what do you have to rely on?

Obviously at this moment everyone understands that Lei Xin has someone to rely on, a big one to rely on.

Otherwise, with the enlightenment Yun Changsheng present, how dare he, Lei Xin, be so arrogant?

At this time, when Yang Yiyun asked what he said, Lei Xin laughed wildly and said: "You will know what I have to rely on later. Don't think that you can surround us and have Yun Changsheng, the first level of enlightenment, present." Invincible.

The Immortal World is so vast and the strong are like clouds. Are you really invincible? Boy, you are just an unlucky boy. You have become the disciple of Supreme Heavenly Evil. In terms of strength and cultivation, what qualifications do you have to tell me what to do?

I originally joined the Immortal Refining Alliance for the benefit of the family, but I also contributed a lot. What I thought more about was to advance to enlightenment. But over the years, none of the three leaders of the Immortal Refining Alliance gave a shit about the way to enlightenment. , and now you want to merge the Immortal Refining Alliance into your bullshit Yunmen?

It's a joke. The Immortal Refining Alliance can reach the scale it is today because of us. Why should we give you Yang Yiyun a wedding dress?

I will also tell you today that the Leicheng branch will leave the Immortal Refining Alliance and return to my Lei family from today on. Speaking of which, the Leicheng branch was founded by me and has nothing to do with the Immortal Refining Alliance..."

"Leixin, have you thought about it?" Yun Changsheng interrupted Lei Xin gloomily.

Yang Yiyun knew that the senior brother was extremely angry at this moment, but he did not interrupt the senior brother's speech.

Lei Xin laughed: "Haha, I've thought about it a long time ago, Yun Changsheng. Why do you think that you are enlightened? To tell you the truth, when your Yunmen Grand Ceremony was established, I wanted to deal with you, but I didn't expect... this... Okay, I can kill you Yun Changsheng today..."

"Kill me? Just you?" Yun Changsheng narrowed his eyes.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat at this moment. He became more and more sure that Lei Xin had something to rely on. He quietly summoned the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons with his backhand, ready to take action at any time.

"Haha, Yun Changsheng, do you think it's great that you have understood the first level of heaven? To tell you the truth, I have many means to deal with you. Don't think that I don't know. Empress Tianji has already gone to the road to heaven, while the God of War and the Palace Master are on the road to heaven. In seclusion.

If one of the three of them were here today, I would leave without saying a word, but now you are the only one in Yunmen who has enlightened the first level of heaven. Hehe, although I am not enlightened, I am still sure of killing you. "Lei Xin finally revealed what was going on in his heart. It was obvious that he had already planned it and had already inquired about the situation of Tianji and the other three.

At this moment, after Lei Xin finished speaking, a light flashed in his hand, and something appeared in his palm.

Yang Yiyun's pupils suddenly contracted, because he actually felt a similar aura to his own God and Demon Yin-Yang Mirror from the item Lei Xin took out.

This means that the object in Lei Xin's hand that looks like a crescent moon is an artifact?

As soon as his heart moved, the God and Demon Bird appeared on his shoulder. Yang Yiyun immediately sent a message and asked the God and Demon Bird whether the thing in Lei Xin's hand was an artifact level?

The God and Demon Nian, who was about to curse Yang Yiyun for disturbing his sleep, looked at him in surprise, and then a voice rang in Yang Yiyun's mind: "It's really a divine weapon, but don't worry, his divine weapon is not as good as the God and Demon Yin Yang Mirror in your hand. .

Divine weapons are also divided into three types, divine weapons, magical weapons, and divine and demonic weapons. The one in his hand is a pure magical weapon, not of the same level. The one in your boy's hand is a high-level treasure that combines gods and demons. In his hand That piece should be a single attacking magic weapon and does not have the properties of a magic weapon. Let your senior brother be careful. Even if it is a single magic weapon, the power it unleashes cannot be underestimated. Your senior brother may not be able to resist it~"

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun asked: "Should I deal with him?"

"You~ Although your cultivation is a bit different from his, you have a good foundation. The God and Demon Yin-Yang Mirror in your hand is a divine and demon weapon, and it must be powerful. But remember, the usage of any weapon depends on the person. If you use it correctly, the power will be doubled, but if you use the wrong artifact, it will be in vain.

How powerful is the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons in your hand? What's special about it? Only you know this. If I've seen it, I'll know if I try it. This is on your territory, so I'm afraid. Kill these rebels and we won’t be able to get rid of the master. Don’t forget that there is still an old willow tree in Yunmen. The sky won’t let you step down~”

The words of the God and Demon Bird are full of inflammatory words.

But Yang Yiyun heard it right, I’m afraid~

Aren't they just thirty old immortals?

So what if you, Lei Xin, have an artifact in your hand? The higher level one in my hand has not been tested for its power yet, so I would like to give it a try.

In addition, there is definitely someone behind Lei Xin, who is nothing more than a powerful person with enlightenment, a person with greater enlightenment than his senior brother.

so what?

If you dare to jump out and come to Yunmen to cause trouble today, Old Willow will not be a vegetarian.

Although Yang Yiyun didn't know how high Lao Liushu's strength was, he was definitely at the level of enlightenment, or even high-level enlightenment.

Thinking of this, he was determined. He was just worried that there was someone behind Lei Xin, and he was afraid that someone would be hurt by a secret arrow. He was worried at first. After all, he had seen powerful people with enlightenment, and their methods were terrifying.

But he forgot that there is still Lao Liushu in Yunmen. If the person behind Lei Xin really dares to jump out, Lao Liushu will definitely take action. At this time, when he approached Lao Liushu, Lao Liushu made a promise.

Qiyunmen is also Lao Liushu's training place. In other words, the current Yunmen territory is Lao Liushu's territory.

How can you ignore it?

The problem now is that he thinks it will be easier to solve, and he can kill it with one word~

It would be best to kill all thirty rebels like Lei Xin and then lure out the people behind Lei Xin and let him know what kind of enemy he is?

The enemy who hides in the dark is the most terrifying.

"Suffer death~"

Just when Yang Yiyun was thinking about these questions, a loud roar sounded in his ears.

But it was discovered that Lei Xin directly attacked the senior brother.

This old immortal, holding the crescent moon artifact, flashed and shouted: "Blood Moon Sacrifice~"

Immediately, the crescent moon artifact in his hand erupted with blood. In an instant, a stream of blood burst out, getting bigger and bigger, but it looked like a bloody crescent moon, heading towards the senior brother.

For a moment, an aura that made everyone's hearts palpitate spread out in the field, and the entire sky lit up blood red.

Therefore, everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they all understood that the magic weapon in Lei Xin's hand was strange, and its aura had already exceeded the level of an immortal weapon.

It was only then that many people understood that Lei Xin's confidence came from the bloody magic weapon in his hand, which was as red as a crescent moon.

Indeed, judging from the aura alone, it was already beyond the power that the old Immortal Lord present could withstand.


Yun Chang came to life, and his whole body was meditating while roaring.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun knew that what Lei Xin was holding was a magical weapon from the heaven. Although the senior brother was a strong man who understood the first level of heaven, he knew that since Lei Xin dared to attack the senior brother directly, he must be sure to suppress the senior brother. This powerful man who understood the first level of heaven was afraid that his senior brother would suffer a loss, so he quickly jumped in front of his senior brother.

The next moment, as the leader of Yunmen, he ordered: "Two senior brothers, I am the leader of Yunmen. Let me deal with this traitor today myself~"

After speaking quickly, Yang Yiyun activated the yin-yang mirror of gods and demons in his hand, pointed it at the blood moon of Lei Xin, and muttered: "Turn it into yang, kill gods and demons~"



Yang Yiyun's heart suddenly activated the positive side of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons. Suddenly, the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons in his hand trembled, golden light burst out from the mirror, and a golden beam of light with a thick arm burst out, heading straight for Lei Xin's blood moon.

After a roar, the bright golden light suddenly flooded the blood moon, as if it had evaporated, disappearing completely in one blow.


But it was still not over. Yang Yiyun's golden light did not dissipate at all, and directly hit the blood moon magical weapon in Lei Xin's hand. With a loud bang, the blood moon-like magical weapon flew upside down...

Lei Xin, on the other hand, screamed and vomited blood due to the backlash.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. He did not expect that the power of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons was so great. It was beyond his imagination. With a deep jump, the mirror pointed at the panicked Lei Xin again and said: "Reverse it into Yin, seize the soul and seize the soul~"

A black light instantly enveloped Lei Xin.

The next moment, Lei Xin, who was extremely panicked, shouted in terror in the black air: "Master Wu Huang, save me..."

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