My Master Is a God

Chapter 2391 Ling Chi of Three Thousand Willow Leaves

In the eyes of Yang Yiyun and others, the willow leaves moved, and then the Witch King screamed and his legs were broken.

And the old willow tree didn't appear at all, just some leaves flying over. Such magical powers are really mystical.

Yang Yiyun, Yun Changsheng and others don't know what kind of strength Lao Liushu has, but now they can be sure that the Witch Emperor Yuan Shen Dharma, who has understood the fifth heaven, is nothing in her hands.

The Witch King's screams resounded throughout the audience. His broken leg was a real part of his soul.

"Don't... please let me go~" The arrogant Witch King was frightened.

He felt that the owner of this voice was really capable of killing, or that he was nothing in other people's eyes and didn't care.

He never expected that there would be such a powerful person in Yunmen. The scary thing is that until now, he didn't even see his face. He just understood the voice and saw the leaves of the willow tree. He was like A three-year-old child encountered a giant without any resistance at all.

The mysterious and powerful existence crushed him with just a few words. It was so terrifying. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Witch King was frightened out of his wits at this moment.

Not to mention that he is now the Primordial Spirit, even if he comes in person, he will not be able to get any favors today.

It's no use being cowardly. If this primordial spirit is destroyed today, he will lose thousands of years of Taoism. Maybe it will leave a shadow in his heart and create inner demons, which will do him no good at all.

So beg for mercy, hoping that this invisible strong man can bypass him.

"Grrrr~ I'm begging for mercy now... I'm sorry it's too late. You've got your brain caught in the door when you act wild on my mother's territory. Whatever you do or make any mistake in this world, there will be a price. It won't be a big deal. You will lose. It’s just the Dharma of the Yuan Shen. At most, it’s just a minor problem that has fallen over thousands of years~”

Old Liushu's voice was still lighthearted and joking, but his words sounded like a moody master to anyone present.

Xingchenzi knew this very well. Listening to Old Liushu’s voice echoing throughout the audience, Xingchenzi couldn’t help but laugh and said: “I guess the Witch Emperor is vomiting blood right now, haha, when I met Old Liushu, With his perverted hands, he must not have looked at the almanac when he went out~"

Yang Yiyun also knew that Lao Liushu would not let the Witch Queen off easily, and what she said at the beginning was just due to her personality. He knew that the Witch Queen was going to be cool.

But at this time, the Witch King still threatened Lao Liushu without knowing whether to live or die.

Just listen to the Witch King say: "I am the Wu Emperor, the younger brother of Wu Tianzun, the three masters of the Nine Heavens. The three masters are one. If you dare to attack me today, you will definitely die without a burial place. No matter you Who are you? There will be no place for you in heaven and on earth..."

"You are seeking death~" Yang Yiyun muttered to himself. He was the only one who knew that Old Willow was a creature from the divine realm. How could he be threatened by you, the Witch King, a creature from the immortal realm?

Of course, the Witch King had no choice but to beg for mercy, but Old Liushu's words directly threatened to destroy him, and he simply threatened and frightened him.

Indeed, if it were someone else, maybe after the Witch Emperor moved out the three Tianzun forces, he would have concerns, because it is true that the three Tianzun forces, as the Witch Emperor said, are a whole and have ruled the fairy world for a long time.

I heard the old man mention it once before that the Three Realms were behind it, and it seemed to be related to the Heaven Realm. In other words, behind the three great Tianzun forces were the God Realm forces.

But the Witch King threatened the wrong person...

Sure enough, Old Willow laughed next.

"Giggle, giggle... You are so cute, little one. My sister is so scared that she doesn't dare to kill you. How wonderful is this~" Old Willow's voice sounded in the field.

"Hmph, if you are sensible, please let me go quickly. I will not pursue any further investigation at this time." The Witch King heard Old Willow's words and thought that Old Willow was scared, so he felt a little proud.

He was surrounded by the leaves of the old willow tree and couldn't get away at all.

The next moment, I heard the old willow tree say again: "Okay, okay, sister, I'm afraid of you. Just let you go, cluck, cluck..."

As the laughter of the old willow tree rang out, the next moment the willow leaves emitting colorful halos surrounding the Witch King suddenly shone brightly and flew into the sky.

Pieces flew towards the Witch King.

"Ah...didn't you say let me go...ahhhh..."

But it was the Witch King's screams that resounded throughout the sky.

The willow leaves turned into knives and cut his flesh piece by piece.

"Giggle...let it go, why don't you let it go? Sister, when I say let you go, I mean to put it after cutting your soul body into pieces. I'm sorry, sister, I didn't make it clear... …You just have to endure it, you won’t need more than 3,000 willow leaves, you will cut the flesh 3,000 times, and then you will definitely let it go, well, the premise is that you can still live...”

As Lao Liushu spoke, her giggles resounded throughout the audience. Everyone in the audience trembled when they heard her words, including Yang Yiyun, who was cursing in his heart what a pervert!

Yun Changsheng and Xingchenzi also looked a little pale. This old Liushu was indeed a pervert.

As for the seventy old immortals, they all swallowed their saliva.

It's okay to be a strong man, but this terrifying and terrifying strong man is still a moody pervert.

Although the Lingchi Witch Emperor was their enemy, they themselves shuddered.

As for the seventy old immortals who did not follow Lei Xin in the rebellion, they felt extremely lucky at this moment. They were glad that they did not make the mistake of following Lei Xin in the rebellion.

Otherwise, what would happen to them today... I'm scared to think about it.

No one thought that there was such a powerful man in Yunmen who could change the world. Just the sound of a sound and some leaves appearing out of thin air would make the Emperor Wu who had fully comprehended the fifth heaven's Yuan Shen Dharma become a piece of cake...

Now start cutting the meat piece by piece Lingchi.

The Witch King's screams kept ringing out, resounding throughout the entire place, and every scream made everyone tremble in their hearts.

Fortunately, the Witch King was only the body of the primordial spirit and had no traces of blood, otherwise the scene would have been extremely bloody.

But every immortal present knows that the pain of the soul is a hundred times stronger than that of the physical body. This is torture.

The Witch King kept screaming in the field, and each willow leaf was like a blade, three thousand blades, slowly punishing the Witch King.

At the same time, the old Liushu's laughing voice sounded again: "Ah~ the beautiful cry in the real world~ Haha, a little enlightened ant dares to threaten my sister, the three great Tianzun forces? That's bullshit, if those old If you didn't go to heaven, you might still be able to show off in front of my sister. As for you...

Why don't you come with the three great Tianzun forces? Sister, I'll be waiting at Yunmen. I'll treat you well when you come. Just in time, sister, I'm so bored. Yang Yiyun, this brat, doesn't come to talk to me either. Oh, it's really So lonely~”

Her tone was full of resentment, and the words she spoke to the Witch King seemed to be speaking to the air. The three major Heavenly Powers were nothing in her eyes.

"Ah... I swear that I will uproot Yunmen one day... Ah~" The Witch King's voice stopped.

The last piece of Yuan Shen's Dharma Appearance body dissipated.

"Fuck you, uncle, I'm going to torture you, why are you still thinking about me..." Yang Yiyun listened to the last words of the Witch Emperor, and couldn't help but cursed. It was obvious that the Witch Emperor had recorded this account. On his head, he is now the master of Yunmen.

"Giggle, Brother Yun, that's it. Sister, I've helped you solve a little problem. From now on, I'll come and talk to my sister. Ha, giggle..."

Then the sound of the old willow tree slowly disappeared, and the willow leaves in the field also disappeared.

"Old pervert, I won't go~" Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

Everything returned to calm.

When Yang Yiyun saw that the seventy old immortals were still blocking the elders' palace, he said: "Elders, please withdraw. Yunmen is about to have a grand ceremony. I will repay you for your hard work these days and maintain peace and order inside and outside my Yunmen~"

"I sincerely abide by the sect master's decree, and we swear to serve Yunmen till our death~"

Seventy old immortals were suspended in the sky and bowed to answer, all in uniform order.

Yang Yiyun laughed and waved for them to disperse. After Lao Liushu's appearance today, he knew that these old immortals would never and dare not rely on their old age anymore, and he would feel at ease and move forward and retreat together with Yunmen.

Although Lao Liushu's methods today were very different, the effect was very good, and he successfully frightened these old immortals.

How could Yang not be happy?

"Junior brother Xue Mao has captured Lei Xin's grandson Lei Wujie. What do you think of dealing with it?" Xing Chenzi stepped forward and asked.

"Second Senior Brother, you are the master of the Punishment Hall. You can handle this matter as you see fit. However, my suggestion is to handle it in front of all Yunmen disciples, to serve as a warning to others, and to show everyone that it will harm the interests of Yunmen. The fate of betraying the sect is unbearable." Yang Yiyun said calmly.

"Okay, I understand, then I'll go." Xingchenzi said and walked away.

At this time, Senior Brother Yun Changsheng looked a little solemn and said: "Junior brother, please find a place to talk~"

Yang Yiyun knew that the eldest brother had something to say, so he nodded and said: "Okay, eldest brother, go to the Yunmen Hall. I also happen to have something to discuss with you."

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