My Master Is a God

Chapter 2393 The big green turtle spits beads

I remember that Master said to me before he left, you are the senior brother. When I meet your junior brother in the future, I will always need a greeting gift. Among you, only you who are calm can get this gift. When the time comes, I will give it to your junior brother. Junior brother, this is your greeting gift to him. Tell that brat to be nicer to that crow in the future. "

After Yun Changsheng said this, he paused, waved his hand, and a big green turtle appeared in the field. He said with a smile: "Actually, it is something that Master left for you. I am just the one who took it out. The Green Mysterious Turtle was fished out from the Nine Heavens by Master’s command. It was really to catch this Mysterious Turtle that I didn’t come here to find you.”

Yang Yiyun understood what he heard, but he also knew that he had wrongly blamed his senior brother. He had complained in his heart at the beginning, thinking that in the world of cultivation, your avatar and my junior brother were the first to know each other, but when I arrived in the fairy world, you got the news, but you didn't come to see me. .

Only now did I know that it turned out that the senior brother was ordered by the dead old man to get himself a gift. No, to be precise, it was a gift from catching a big turtle.

However, after listening to the last words of the senior brother, it was the dead old man who mentioned the miscellaneous feather bird. It sounds like it has something to do with the miscellaneous feather bird?

But looking at the big green turtle on the ground, it doesn't seem to be very magical. It's just a spirit turtle with aura, a turtle that has successfully cultivated immortality, and its cultivation aura is also at the level of a golden immortal.

Somewhat puzzled: "Elder brother, the dead old man left a turtle for me? And he beat around the bush and asked you to give it to me as a meeting gift? Isn't this too stingy? Don't tell me that this turtle can advance to the level of Does it matter?"

"Hahaha~ You stinky boy, your master is the Supreme Heavenly Evil, the number one person in the immortal world, that is, you and that crazy girl Zixia dare to kill the old man." Yun Changsheng laughed and scolded.

"Elder brother, who did you call crazy girl?"

Ji Zixia's voice sounded outside the door.

"Uh~ I can't help but talk about it~" Yun Changsheng was embarrassed. He rarely said bad things behind his back. He finally did it once but his junior sister didn't hear it.

Ji Zixia walked in like a gust of wind. When Lei Xin's incident happened before, she didn't follow him at all because the senior brother and junior brother had already taken action. In her opinion, Lei Xin was nothing to worry about.

So after Yang Yiyun and his senior brother left before, they tricked the old rooster into going to her Fairy Beast Academy.

The old rooster is a rare exotic five-element chicken at the peak of the Demon Lord’s Dzogchen. His cultivation level is no weaker than Ji Zixia’s. However, after knowing that Ji Zixia is the junior sister of his master Yang Yiyun, he can only follow him to the Immortal Beast Academy obediently.

After Ji Zixia's Immortal Beast Academy obtained the first immortal bird to settle in, she learned that a master had appeared, and she hurriedly came over. Although she looked careless on the surface, she was very considerate and treated her senior brother and second senior brother very well. I care, and I care even more about my junior brother.

When she hurriedly arrived outside the main hall, she heard the eldest brother calling her a crazy girl. She felt at ease that they were all fine.

But he also joked with his senior brother Heiqi Lian. After walking into the hall, he said with a black face: "Tell me, what else did you two say about me behind my back?"

"Junior sister, stop making trouble, we have something serious to do~"

Immediately afterwards, Xingchenzi also walked into the hall and scolded him.

"Second Senior Brother, has the matter been handled properly?" Yang Yiyun knew that Second Senior Brother was going to deal with Lei Wujie's matter, but he still asked because he wanted to know the outcome of the matter.

"Don't worry, little junior brother, all the immortal stones that Lei Wujie obtained have been returned to the immortals who set up stalls outside the mountain gate. According to your wishes, I told them that on the day of the Yunmen Ceremony, they can all enter the Yunmen Gate to watch the ceremony. However, There are so many junior brothers, will there be trouble at that time?" Xingchenzi said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Second senior brother, don't worry, we will make arrangements and there will be no trouble. There is a saying in my hometown that people who come from afar are guests. Although those immortals are lower in cultivation, they are not from big sects or big families. Some are even loose immortals.

Although we came to join in the fun and set up a street stall outside our Yunmen Mountain Gate to exchange cultivation resources with other immortals, but now that we are here and at our doorstep, even in the mortal world, we can get a bowl of water. Since our Yunmen To be a big sect and to be an immortal sect with inheritance, reputation is indispensable.

Furthermore, every immortal does not start from a low-level cultivation. No one is born as an Immortal Emperor or Immortal Lord. If you are kind to others today, you may not be sure that one of these people will be a sensation in the immortal world in the future. No matter what happens then, we will remember our clouds. A favor.

So don’t worry, Second Senior Brother. Having too many people is not a problem, and Cloud Gate’s ability to accommodate millions of people is not a problem. Let’s do this. Anyway, there are still three days left before the ceremony begins. Starting tomorrow, we will open the grand formation and let them enter Cloud Gate to visit. I believe they will abide by the order.

Senior Brother, please make some arrangements here, so that all Yunmen disciples can maintain order and be a guide for every immortal who comes to visit our Yunmen. This is also a publicity for our Yunmen, and it will also be beneficial to recruit disciples in the future.

Snow Cat informed Dongfang Iron Man and asked him to buy all the spirit fruits and spirit wines in Chaos Fairy City. Good or bad is secondary. Since it is going to be done, it should be done grandly. We at Yunmen still have to give a cup of spirit wine. In addition, he told his disciples, Treat everyone who comes to watch the ceremony equally, but don't make any jokes that look down on others, and don't let others say that I, a member of Yunmen, look down on others. "

"It's the master, I'll do it~" The snow cat, like Yang Yiyun's shadow, immediately appeared out of thin air and took the order.

After being beaten once by Yang Yiyun, the arrogance in Snow Cat's body disappeared a lot in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

Yang Yiyun said what he said. Yun Changsheng couldn't help but nodded, and then smiled and said: "Junior brother did a good job. Being a human being and an immortal is how it should be. Immortals are also human beings. This is very good."

"Well, I have a headache just listening to you say this. Fortunately, I am not the one to be the leader of this sect. I have been in charge of the punishment hall and formulating the punishment system these days, and my head has grown a lot. If it weren't for Luoyang's help, I wouldn't have a clue~" Xingchen Zi said with a grimace.

"Haha, Second Senior Brother, you have to be nicer to Luoyang~" Yang Yiyun joked.

At this time, Ji Zixia stared at the big turtle lying in the hall and said: "Hey, senior brother, isn't this the big turtle you caught from Jiuchong Lake? Why did you take it out? Are you giving it to me to fill my fairyland? Beast courtyard, okay, although the cultivation level is only at the Golden Immortal level, it is better than nothing, I will take it away~"

Ji Zixia spoke carelessly, grabbed the big green turtle with her hand and left.

Yun Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Little junior sister, please don't mess around. This is a gift from the master. This turtle was left by the master. The secret of enlightenment is engraved on it. Don't let it go."

"Ah, the dead old man left a junior disciple? And the secret of passing?" Ji Zixia also kept talking about the dead old man, but she put down the big green turtle as she spoke.

"Understand the secret?" Xingchenzi also looked at the big green turtle with his eyes lit up.

Yang Yiyun also heard that his senior brother said that it was carved on the body of the big green turtle, and when he looked around, he could not see anything different or mysterious except for the turtle pattern on the half-meter-diameter big green turtle.

For a moment, Yang Yiyun, Xingchenzi, and Ji Zixia all focused on Yun Changsheng.

Yun Changsheng said: "I didn't pay much attention at first. It was only a few days ago that I discovered that this big green turtle is engraved with some mysteries about the realm of enlightenment left by the master. After verification, it can be confirmed that a thorough understanding can Advanced enlightenment, this is the great blessing of my Yunmen, oh no, we should all thank Master, just take a look~"

Yun Changsheng waved his hand and touched the big green turtle's body. Suddenly, the big green turtle's body glowed green, and the entire hall also lit up.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were like three-dimensional projections. When he looked carefully, words appeared one after another, which were very mysterious...

But he kept all these words in his mind.

"Okay, you three just write it down and give these secrets to the old immortals in the future. You will be able to understand them within a thousand years and step into enlightenment. This is the path of enlightenment and enlightenment left by the master. From this secret, you can understand , my Yunmen will definitely be prosperous~" Yun Changsheng said and put away his magic power. In fact, it was the magic power that activated these words on the big green turtle, and they were invisible to the naked eye.

"Perhaps the master has known about today's situation a long time ago. This is leaving a trick for the younger brother. It is indeed the master~" Xingchenzi sighed.

At this time, there was actually a sound of "wow" in the empty hall, like a sound like vomiting.


When the three of them saw it, they saw it was a big green turtle. It opened its mouth and spat out a fiery red bead, which floated directly towards Yang Yiyun.

When Yang Yiyun looked at the bead, he saw a three-legged bird inside that suddenly came to life.

At this moment, he felt a familiar breath emanating from this bead the size of a warm stone. This breath was the same as that of a feathered bird...

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