My Master Is a God

Chapter 2404 Kill~

"Fellow Daoist Yang~"

"Friend Taoist, why bother? Since I have chosen to help you, how can I be greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Yunhe and Elder Ghost spoke at the same time.

"Don't worry, you two, I can solve this matter." Yang Yiyun said confidently but firmly.

"Don't worry, you two, please come with me..." Yun Changsheng felt at ease now. He understood his junior brother. Since he is so confident, he has confidence in the God and Demon Bird. There is even an old willow tree here, too. It's time for the powerful man in charge of Yunmen to appear in the fairy world.


Yun He and Elder Ghost both sighed, but they also followed Yun Changsheng. Since Yang Yiyun said so, they also wanted to see what Yunmen had and what they could do.

After all, he is Yun Tianxie's disciple.

After Yun Changsheng and his entourage left, Yang Yiyun's eyes sharpened and he stared at the enemy in sight and said loudly: "I, Yang Yiyun, declare that from now on, the three major Tianzun forces, Meteor Palace, and Xiaoyao Palace are all my mortal enemies of Yunmen. Yun From now on, I will fight against you and other forces until you disappear, or I, Yunmen, will be wiped out~~"

The words resounded throughout Yunmen.

Full of evil spirits.

Yang Yiyun's roaring words were tantamount to an oath.

Also an invincible enemy.

Everyone's expression changed drastically.

Including the three major Tianzun forces and people from the Meteor Palace and Xiaoyao Palace.

"Arrogant, I will destroy you now~"

The Witch Emperor was furious and came straight towards Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, and the next moment he roared: "Crow, kill without mercy~"

As he finished speaking, the golden light of the sun transformed by the god and demon bird burst out in the sky.

Then there was a long roar: "Chirp~"


Everyone saw a golden light burst out from the sun in the sky and hit the Witch King directly.

At the same time, an overwhelming coercion spread.

Spread throughout the venue.

It was at this moment that everyone realized something was wrong with the sun in the sky above Cloud Gate.

This heart-stopping pressure is emanating from the sun.

I didn't feel anything before.

Now it breaks out.

Everyone discovered that the sun of Yunmen was a living being, transformed by a strong man.

Under the full explosion of aura pressure, on the Yunmen ground below, the immortals below the Immortal Lord fell limply to the ground.

Only immortals above the Immortal Lord can resist the pressure.

Many elders of the immortal sect reacted in shock and quickly released their magic power, protecting the disciples of their respective sects. Under such strong pressure, could the disciples with weak cultivation be crushed to death alive?


A scream sounded.

When everyone carried it, the Witch King snorted coldly and unleashed all his magic power. A round of blood moon magic weapon appeared in his hand. It was the same magic weapon that Lei Xin had used last time. Red light suddenly erupted, and the momentum was stronger than what Lei Xin had displayed that day. Dozens of times more powerful, slashing towards the golden light of the sun.

Yang Yiyun was suspended in the air, watching with cold eyes. He saw the blood-moon-like magic weapon in the hand of the Witch King. It flew away after killing Lei Xin last time. He looked for it afterwards but couldn't find it. It turned out to be taken away by the Witch King. .

This is a magical weapon, and the power it exerts in the hands of a powerful man like the Witch King is dozens of times greater than in the hands of Lei Xin.

The blood moon slashed out and the whole world was shaken.

He was also worried about whether the bastards would arrive.

Staring with both eyes~

At the same time, three strong men also rushed towards him. ,

"Sister Liu Shu, aren't you going to take action yet?" He said slowly.

The next moment, I still felt the space around me fluctuate. There was a burst of colorful light, and a thirty-meter-long colorful willow branch appeared out of thin air.

There was also the sound of the old willow tree giggling in his ears: "Brother Yun, don't be afraid, let's see my sister beat them to death~"


At this moment, the Witch King screamed.

In Yang Yiyun's sight, he saw the Witch Emperor's blood moon evaporate instantly when it hit the sun's golden light of the Zamao Bird, and the remaining golden light fell on the Witch Emperor like lightning. After a scream, the Witch Emperor's body dissipated, and in Zamao The bird was reduced to ashes in the light of the sun, not blocking a single blow.

Yang Yiyun's eyelids twitched.

He didn't expect the crow to be so powerful!

"Bump bump bump~"


Immediately afterwards, there was a great movement of willow branches~

Yang Yiyun could see clearly that the 30-meter-long colorful willow branches of the old willow tree were struck by the light three times on the three strong men who had understood the fourth heaven and rushed towards him.

There was a dull roar, mixed with screams.

Every time a willow branch is struck, a strong man who has understood the fourth heaven will explode and transform into blood mist.

Three times, three powerful men who understood the fourth heaven dissipated into blood mist.

At the bottom of the field, two hundred thousand immortals witnessed this scene.

In the blink of an eye, the sun burst into a golden light, vaporizing the Witch King.

A colorful willow branch appeared next to Yang Yiyun, and struck three strong men who had understood the fourth heaven. The three of them turned into blood mist.

in this way……


The Meteor Palace, Xiaoyao Palace, and the remaining three Tianzun forces, which were originally standing in the distance and were about to rush up, turned to stone~

Zu Tianlong's body was trembling.

Wen Xin's heart was filled with regret at this moment.

The remaining ones all looked horrified.


I don't know who reacted, and shouted the word "escape". This enlightened person instantly exploded, leaving a big hole in the space. He opened the space portal as if he was dying, and prepared to escape.

The sun at Cloud Gate and the colorful willow branches are now life-threatening talismans for them.

There is no confidence to fight at all.

If you don't escape, you'll end up in ashes.

But just as these people were opening the space portals one by one, Yang Yiyun had not yet told Zaimaoniao and Willow to pursue them.

However, there was a roar from all directions.

"Buzz buzz..."

Waves of roars resounded, and a silver-white light mask appeared out of thin air over the entire Yunmen.

But it is a barrier formed.

"You evildoers, do you really think that there is no one in Yunmen?"

"This group of smashers should have been wiped out long ago. They bully my children and they still want to leave. It's too late~"

Another girl's words appeared above Yunmen, filled with anger.

When everyone heard this, there was no doubt that he was from Yunmen.

Many people are trembling again. There are still people in Yunmen~

Absolutely strong~

As the two curses fell silent, the enlightened people who opened the space portal vomited blood and fell back one by one.

And two beautiful women appeared in mid-air.

One was wearing a black battle armor with a big sword in his hand. He had a heroic appearance, but there was an evil spirit between his brows.

The other one is dressed in gorgeous palace clothes, elegant and luxurious.

Both are beautiful women in their thirties.

Behind the beautiful woman in black was an old woman, and behind the other were four maids dressed as palace maids.

Below, Xing Chenzi and Ji Zixia's eyebrows were filled with sadness, and they said in surprise: "Elder brother is the Valkyrie and the princess, and the two master wives have come out of seclusion~"

After Yun Changsheng came to his senses, he also had a look of surprise on his face. During this Yunmen Establishment Ceremony, the two masters and wives were locked up in a death trap. They didn't know when they would be released from the lockup, but now they didn't expect to be released from the lockup.

Yang Yiyun was also greatly moved and became happy. Although he had never seen the two junior wives, he guessed it.




"Bump bump bump..."

The Valkyrie and the Princess appeared and blocked all the Tongwu who were trying to escape. As they waved their hands, screams continued in the field, and all the Tongwu people turned into ashes.

Regardless of whether they were enlightened to the first heaven or the fourth heaven, one of them would be killed within a wave of their palms, and no one could escape.

When everything ended, the entire army of twenty or thirty Tongwu was destroyed. The three Tianzun forces, the Meteor Star Palace, and the Xiaoyao Palace. No one who came today was spared. They were all crushed to pieces like chickens and dogs, and turned into ashes.

Seeing the two master ladies crushing those enlightenments with a flip of their hands, Yang Yiyun's heart was pounding, and he secretly muttered: "This is the strong one~"

She took a deep breath and was about to go over to pay her respects when the Valkyrie in black said coldly: "Who is it? Come out~"

Brush ~

Everyone's hearts tightened again. It was obvious that the person who could let these two people release their aura and be fully alert must also be a super strong person. Before, these two people crushed those three and four levels of enlightenment with their hands. There was no sign of seriousness at all.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun saw the auras of the two master ladies all over their bodies, and they were about to attack a certain place.

A blue light appeared.

But it's a woman.

As soon as Yang Yiyun saw the woman who appeared, he shouted loudly: "You two ladies, please don't do anything, you are on your own~"

Yang's shouting spread throughout the entire audience, and everyone felt their hearts tremble when they heard it.

One of our own?

Another super strong man.

How many powerful people are there behind this Cloud Gate?

From this moment on, everyone in the Immortal Sect has Yunmen firmly remembered in their hearts.

Don't mess with me~

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