My Master Is a God

Chapter 2419 Yin and Yang Creation

Yang was very angry and the consequences were serious.

Originally he wanted to hide, but the roc seemed to see his problem and didn't give him a chance.

A mouthful of old blood spit out, which made Yang furious.

At this time, Dapeng was feeling proud and knew that he had scared himself too much just now. This boy's powerful power was not inexhaustible.

At least not now.

It cannot be used at any time, otherwise it will not rush to the forbidden area.

This is because I don’t want to fight with myself, I want to hide!

Once he enters the forbidden area, this kid will be safe. No one in Feiying Mountain dares to enter the forbidden area.

After thinking about this, Dapeng looked at Yang Yiyun and sneered, and said gloomily: "Human boy, I am the one who should be angry. I will not give up until I cut you into pieces today."

"Then give it a try~" Yang Yiyun's left hand flashed with light as he spoke, leaving four five thunder purple leaves in his hand, and a watermelon thunder appeared in his right hand.

Although his mana was not restored, he could use Watermelon Thunder and Five Thunder Purple Leaves.

If one piece is not enough, then four.

He finally figured it out. He wouldn't be able to enter the forbidden area unless he knocked the roc down.

"Haha~ I can't use the power that I had before. Without that power, you are just an ant in my eyes. It will be easy to crush you to death. However, I will not let you die easily. I will let you Taste the cruelest punishment in the world and kill you slowly." Dapengniao stared at Yang Yiyun's face as he spoke. Indeed, Yang Yiyun's face was changing in an ugly way.

This shows that he is absolutely right.


Yang Yiyun laughed wildly.

It is true that Dapeng was right. The power of the Temple of Heaven and Earth cannot be used easily, but it does not mean that it cannot be used a second time. If he is really pressed, he can try it.

If you kill the bird, you will also cripple it.

And can the watermelon thunder and five thunder purple leaves in his hand really not hurt the roc?

Yang Yiyun may not think so.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

Since one piece of Five Thunder Purple leaves doesn't work, then all of them will.

I don’t believe I can’t be killed…

Moreover, Mr. Yang also has the function of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons, which is useless.

"I will let you try it today~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared and shouted: "It's a small space~"

In an instant, everything within a kilometer radius was shrouded in his magical power, and everything was shrinking and suppressed.

Dapeng felt that the laws of heaven and earth around him were actually compressing, but he did not panic. Although this magical power was strange, it was within his tolerance.

The cultivation of the second level of enlightenment is not just talk.


As soon as he finished speaking, the demonic aura rippled all over Dapeng Bird's body, and the light of golden law soaring into the sky was like the aura of a sword, indestructible and piercing through everything.

"As expected~ It's still a little bit worse~"

Yang Yiyun murmured in his heart, he knew that the magical power of Fang Cun Qian Kun would not have much impact on the level of enlightenment after all with his current cultivation level.

Now it seems so.

Especially against the Dapeng bird who has comprehended the second level of heaven.

In an instant, the power emanating from the Dapeng bird broke through the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun, which did not allow the Dapeng bird to shrink its body.

However, it is not without any impact, at least it affects the three-breath time.

But it was enough for Yang Yiyun. He used his magical power to gain time.

Within these three breaths, he placed the torn pieces of Five Thunder Purple Leaves in his hand above the head of the roc in the four-dimensional position, and then placed three watermelon thunders around the roc in the three-dimensional position.


Just in this second.

Yang Yiyun retreated a thousand meters.

It was also at this time that Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "Explosion~"

The next moment the heaven and earth shook~


"Boom boom boom..."


Three watermelon thunders and four five thunder purple leaves were all detonated by Yang Yiyun.

It's been a long time since I've used these two killing weapons produced in the Qiankun Pot. Now after detonating them, the power is beyond Yang Yiyun's expectation.

Thunder filled the sky within a thousand meters, and the colorful energy exploded instantly to form a mushroom cloud that looked extremely spectacular from a distance.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the roc bird was no longer visible and was swallowed up in it.

The world is in turmoil, and space is cracked with space cracks.

A powerful aura spread in all directions across the sky.

A kind of monster below retreated in fear.

This is exactly the situation where gods fight and mortals suffer.

These demons are not perverted nobles like Yang, let alone enlightened demons.

If you don't run far, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

For a while, there were constant screams of terror...

Under the strong explosion fluctuations, Yang Yiyun was waiting for the effect.

In other words, he was still preparing for the next attack.

He knew how capable the powerful man who understood the second heaven was. Even though he used all the watermelon thunder and five thunder purple tree leaves at once, he might not be able to kill the roc.

So you still have to be prepared for the next wave of attacks.

Either the Dapeng will be killed, or at worst, it will be crippled. Then, Yang has already prepared the ending for the Dapeng.

This bastard bird with impure blood really pissed him off today.

Just because he is a great demon with enlightenment, he will completely look down on him. A monk with a lower level of enlightenment, especially if he is a human race, is even less worth mentioning in the eyes of the roc.

Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart, how many humans and monsters who looked down on his cultivation were defeated by him?

Today he wanted this roc to know the cost of looking down on people.

The Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons appeared in his hand, and Yang Yiyun's heart moved. He was ready for the explosion, waiting for a blow at the next moment.

The Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons has three functions and powers.

The first is to seize the soul after reversal, which is the ultimate Yin power.

The second type is the power of pure Yang that explodes in reverse, which is domineering and indestructible. It is said to be able to kill gods and demons.

The third type is actually the most powerful, known as the two qi of yin and yang, and good luck can be expected.

Stand up, the third type is the most peaceful. In fact, Yang Yiyun knows that the third type of yin and yang is activated at the same time. It can take away other people's moral conduct, which is a bit similar to the swallowing of the universe, but it is different.

The power of Qiankun Devouring is rough and domineering, with a look that is not afraid of being cold.

However, the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons includes attacks. The attack of Yin-Yang Qi attacks mana and soul. In fact, this is a very terrifying attack. To seize the enemy's Taoism, attack first.

This is the scary thing about being overbearing.

Yang Yiyun is now holding the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons just to try it out. How much effect can the third power of the Yin-Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons play on the Dapeng bird who understands the second heaven?

He did not expect that the Yin Yang Mirror of the Gods and Demons could take away the Dao Xing of the Dapeng Bird, as long as it could hurt this miscellaneous feathered bird, it was enough.

He pressed himself down and stared at the field without blinking. After about three breaths, the huge mushroom cloud gradually dispersed.

The next second, Yang Yiyun saw the figure of the Dapeng bird manifesting, but he saw that the Dapeng bird's body was pitch black and in a miserable state, but there were very bright golden veins on the Dapeng bird's dark body.

He knew that this blow would not kill the bastard bird.

Immediately, he activated the Yin Yang Mirror of Gods and Demons without any hesitation.

"Creation of Yin and Yang~"

A low sound came out.

Two large beams of light, one black and one gold, burst out from the God-Demon Yin-Yang Mirror and converged together to shine directly on the roc.

"Chirp...ah...boy, I want you to die...ah~"

He screamed instantly.

The roc bird suffered a loss.

The yin and yang qi in the yin and yang mirror of gods and demons shine on the Dapeng bird. The yin qi attacks the soul and the yang qi attacks the physical body.

If Yang Yiyun had enough cultivation, he could kill the roc with just one blow, but it's a pity that he is not enlightened yet.

But even so, the power displayed by the God and Demon Yin Yang Mirror at this moment has successfully suppressed the Dapeng bird, posing a threat to the Dapeng bird.

Yang Yiyun laughed. At this moment, all his magical powers were activated, and he suddenly disappeared and appeared silently on the back of the roc.

With the suppressed power of the God-Demon Yin-Yang Mirror, he punched the Dapeng Bird hard on the head.



With one punch, Dapeng's whole body was shaken and screamed, and its huge body fell downwards, losing its balance.

At this time, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and a drop of water of life appeared in his hand. With a flick of his finger, it flew into the roc's mouth and disappeared in a flash.

You're done!

He was not prepared to directly use the Qiankun Pot to devour the Dapeng Bird, because swallowing too much might not necessarily be a good thing. He had realized this from absorbing the Iron-billed Eagle and the Crowned Eagle.

Devouring too much is not a good thing for his cultivation.

Therefore, it is the most cost-effective to tame a roc bird.

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