My Master Is a God

Chapter 2422 The Curtain of the Forbidden Land

The cave in the forbidden area of ​​Feiying Mountain.

Yang Yiyun, the Rat King and a black charcoal roc walked into the huge natural cave.

"Besides you, the eight great demons under the Black Carbon Flying Eagle Throne, are there any other great demons who are in retreat?" Yang Yiyun asked as he walked.

"Master, Lao Qi and Lao Ba died suddenly more than three hundred years ago. They should have been killed~" Hei Tan secretly glanced at Yang Yiyun while speaking. He now had some doubts. Lao Qi and Lao Ba died in In Yang Yiyun's hands, because the strange creatures appearing in the entire Far West are Yang Yiyun, it is very doubtful.

Yang Yiyun noticed Heitan's peek, grinned, and admitted frankly: "Are the old people you talk about the iron-billed eagle and the crowned eagle?"

"Yeah, that's them." Heitan nodded.

"Hey, if it's them, that's right. They were killed by me. Do you want to avenge them?" Yang Yiyun said with a half-smile.

Heitan was frightened, and quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, no... well done. My subordinates have long been dissatisfied with those disgusting idiots. They are both as good as Long Yang~"

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun almost choked at Heitan's words. He didn't expect the Iron-billed Eagle and the Crowned Eagle to have such hobbies.

Then Heitan continued: "Except for Lao Qi and Lao Ba, Lao Liu and Lao Wu have been traveling for thousands of years without any news. They must have died outside. The ones who usually sit in Feiying Mountain are subordinates. As for the boss and the second lao There is also a fourth child who is in seclusion all year round~"

After finishing his words, Heitan looked at Yang Yiyun with some embarrassment and said, "But my subordinate summoned the three of them to come out of seclusion before. I think... I think the three of them have come out of seclusion~"

Yang Yiyun said as if he was turning black coal: "As expected, just tell me what their cultivation level is. Will they enter the forbidden area to chase us?"

Heitan listened to Yang Yiyun's words and felt relieved. He was really afraid of Yang Yiyun's blame, so he said at this moment: "You probably won't come in. Everyone must abide by the rules of the Feiying Mountain forbidden area, but... with the fourth child here, You really can’t tell~”

"What's going on with the fourth child? Why do you say that?" Yang Yiyun asked in shock.

Heitan said: "The fourth child is the only woman among the eight of us. Her true body is a white parrot, but she is actually a bitch. Ever since she hooked up with the Flying Eagle King and slept with him, she has become the Eagle King's woman. But no status.

But it is Yin Yin who is the leader among the eight of us. Her cultivation level is not high, but she is enlightened to the second heaven, but she is a scheming and ambitious young woman.

Now that the Flying Eagle King has gone to the Heavenly Road, it is not certain whether he can come back. The young man might instigate the boss and the second child to break into the forbidden area.

Oh, by the way, the one with the highest cultivation level is the eldest. He is a double-eyed blood eagle, and his cultivation has reached the peak of enlightenment to the third heaven. The second child is a cat eagle, and he has just entered the third heaven of enlightenment.

In the entire Flying Eagle Dojo, in addition to the four of us, there are twelve Flying Eagle Saint Guards under the Flying Eagle Throne. However, four of them were killed by you, the master, and now there are only eight Flying Eagle Saint Guards left.

If the boss, second child, and fourth child want to come in, based on my understanding of the naughty fourth child, if they come in, they will definitely bring the remaining eight Eagle Saint Guards with them. "

Yang Yiyun frowned after hearing this. If it was as Heitan said, it would be a big trouble by then. One Heitan with the second level of enlightenment would exhaust him. Wouldn't it be fatal if three more came?

The point is that two of them are still aware of the existence of the third heaven. How will he cope with it then? Is it necessary to activate the power of the Qiankun Temple again?

Not to mention that using the power of the Qiankun Temple will paralyze him, it is still unknown whether the power of the Qiankun Temple can be effective on strong men who have understood the third heaven.

There are also eight flying eagle saint guards who understand the first level of heaven. These are all difficult characters.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun muttered: "Let's speed up, find Diao'er and Loach as soon as possible, and find a way to leave here. If they abandon the rule of no entry in the forbidden area and break in, there will be no other way out in the forbidden area." , then it’s going to be big trouble.”

"Master thinks they won't dare to come in at will~" Heitan said.

"Never take any chances. From now on, be vigilant and keep your spirits up. This Eagle Forbidden Land is not a good place. Who knows if there are any dangers? Everything is unknown to us." Yang Yiyun warned.

"We know it's the master~"

Rat King and Heitan answered at the same time.

The entire cave in the Feiying Mountain Forbidden Area is very large, with a height and width of hundreds of meters.

He responded every time he spoke.

And it was pitch black, already eerie and uncomfortable.

But so far, nothing weird has happened. This is the only thing that makes Yang Yiyun happy.

This cave was very big and deep. After walking for more than an hour, it was still the same, which made Yang Yiyun feel like there was no end to it, and he felt faintly irritable.

So far, he still can't feel the presence of mink and loach.

Obviously there is something strange in this cave, which can isolate the atmosphere.

After another half an hour, there was a faint light ahead.

"Master has some light~"

The Rat King suddenly spoke.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Be careful~"

One person and two demons quickened their pace and left.

After a few hundred meters, it suddenly opened up.

It seemed to come to an end all at once.

The light is very strong.

Another world appeared before their eyes.


"What kind of place is this..."

"It should be some small world~"

What Yang Yiyun saw in his three eyes was a scene of rays of light. It felt like he was still inside the mountain, but the rules of heaven and earth in the middle of the mountain had been changed, and the universe of space had been laid out to form an independent small world.

There are auspicious clouds in the glow, and colorful clouds float in the space, making the entire space look infinite.

There seemed to be a vaguely powerful aura, which made people palpitate.

But this kind of heart palpitations does not have a dangerous aura, it is more like the presence of some powerful person's pressure, which radiates naturally.

Hazy pus color.

Can't see clearly what's going on inside.

At this moment, the place where Yang Yiyun, Rat King, and Heitan were standing was still the rocky land of the cave, and there was another scene ten meters in front of them.

"The master seems to have a barrier~" Heitan said.

"Well, it is indeed an enchanted world." Yang Yiyun naturally saw that there was an enchanted world in front of them.

"Master, let me go up and have a look~" the Rat King said.

"Be careful." Yang Yiyun nodded in agreement.

The Rat King stepped forward.

Ten meters later, there was a bang, a stream of light rose up, a transparent barrier appeared, and inscriptions appeared one after another.

But there was no backlash, it was just a simple obstruction.

The situation inside is still glowing with light and clouds, and it looks beautiful.

There is no doubt that the mink and the loach broke in.


The Rat King suddenly swung out his palm, and his hands turned into sharp claws and grabbed onto the barrier.


A three-meter-long breath appeared.

This barrier was not as powerful as everyone imagined. The Rat King just wanted to see if it could be opened, but it opened instantly.

"Let's go in~"

Yang Yiyun stepped in as he spoke.

Black Carbon and Rat King followed closely behind.

The three of them passed through the barrier and arrived inside.

The barrier that was torn apart by the Rat King behind him returned to its original state.

I looked around and saw that it was still a cave.

This barrier is just a barrier.

"What a strong evil spirit~"

Heitan couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, this is probably a hundred times more evil than the outside world~" the Rat King sighed.

"It is really a holy land for the cultivation of monsters. The name of the forbidden land seems to be just a name. This place is the blessed land of Feiying Mountain for cultivation." Yang Yiyun also sighed.

"The master has a tombstone~"

Black carbon has been discovered on the other side.

Yang Yiyun and the Rat King went over.

But sure enough, he found a huge tombstone. The above-mentioned demonic inscriptions were very ancient, and he didn't recognize it.

But Hei Tan said: "The curtain of the 108th generation of the Flying Eagle King..."

Listening to Hei Tan's words, Yang Yiyun and the Rat King saw a large area of ​​tombstones stretching away...

There were at least hundreds of them, but I only saw tombstones, but no coffins or graves, which was a bit strange.


There was a roar, but the black coal touched the tombstone, and then the tombstone glowed with light, and a portal appeared on Gundam's tombstone.

Yang Yiyun looked around and saw a huge white jade hall with a white jade coffin inside.

"This is the real tomb~" Yang Yiyun muttered.

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