My Master Is a God

Chapter 2436 Come to see the demon, come to kill the demon too

"Meet the master..."

The Black Panther and some big demons in the field recognized Yang Yiyun, and they all excitedly paid homage.

In this situation of being bullied by people, oh not by demons, even the demon was excited when he saw the sect master appear.

Moreover, when they were in the lower realm of Yunmen, Yang Yiyun led them to fight together, but they all admired Yang Yiyun. They had not seen each other for thousands of years, and when they saw them again, they appeared when they were being bullied. These big monsters were naturally excited. .

To be honest, Yang Yiyun is equally excited~

I originally thought that I found the Purple Emperor this time, but I didn't expect that Qing Niu was also there, and some old demons were also there, with more than a hundred familiar faces.

Listening to the excitement on the faces of these big demons paying homage, Yang Yiyun helped Qing Niu up, and said to the prostrating demons: "Okay, okay, I'm very happy to see you. Please get up~"

"Thank you, Master~"

Qingniu took the lead and stood up.

At this moment, Qing Niu raised his head, and Yang Yiyun discovered that there was blood on the corner of Qing Niu's mouth.

Clearly injured.

No matter how powerful the seemingly majestic Qing Niu was, he only understood the Taoist practices of the second heaven. He could not withstand the attacks of several big demons of the same level, and injuries were inevitable.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand and patted Qing Niu's shoulder, and suddenly a ten-colored halo appeared under his palm.

But Qingniu's eyes widened.

Stars are popping up in my eyes when I look at Mr. Yang~

His injury was an internal injury. He had just resisted the blows of several enlightened second-level demons. Several of his internal bones were broken, and there was not much demonic power left. However, with the wave of his master's hand, his The injuries recovered quickly, and the mana that had been consumed just now was recovered instantly.


Qingniu was very sure that the master did not use any heavenly materials or earthly treasures, but just waved his hands to gather mana, and then lightly patted his shoulder. Then his injuries recovered as before, and the mana consumed in his body also recovered.

Since his cultivation, Qingniu's understanding of healing and restoring mana has been based on elixirs of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but he never thought that the mana he could produce by raising his hand could be comparable to high-level elixirs.

He was very sure that the moment the master raised his hand was the gathered mana, not some heavenly material or earthly treasure or elixir.

Oh my god~

When did the master become so powerful after not seeing him for thousands of years?

Qingniu is so excited~

When Yang Yiyun saw Qingniu's fiery eyes, he knew what he was thinking. It was nothing more than a way to heal his wounds and restore his mana with just a wave of his hand.

To be honest, even he himself never thought that one day he would be able to heal his wounds and restore his mana like this.

All this comes from the body absorbing and containing the ten major attribute powers between heaven and earth.

He had never thought of these abilities, but now they have become a fact.

But this is not difficult to understand.

All heavenly materials and earthly treasures in heaven and earth are essentially nurtured and nourished by various attributes of heaven and earth. The origin of all things in heaven and earth is the source of power between heaven and earth.

But he has contained the power of the five elements between heaven and earth, the ten attributes of space, wind and cloud, thunder, yin and yang in his body. This is equivalent to bringing the ability to breed and nourish all things into his body.

So much so that he naturally possesses such extraordinary and unimaginable power and abilities within his body.

Of course, he didn't know it at first, but after the ten powers of heaven and earth merged into the body, it slowly became apparent. In fact, he guessed that the effects and benefits of the ten powers of heaven and earth were not just about healing, but there were many, many more that he didn't know. I found that I don’t have to worry about this. I have plenty of time to slowly study and discover it.

Ten kinds of forces with different attributes of heaven and earth merged together to create a huge chemical reaction. The good thing is that Yang Yiyun made the ten kinds of forces reach a great balance of mutual restraint and mutual assistance at the same time, so he was safe and sound, and what happened to him did not happen Great benefits come to mind.

What he doesn't know is that in addition to the small balanced five-element power, these powers have one more or one less kind. After being absorbed into the body, they can range from serious injuries to fatal.

Fortunately for him, he has a perfect basic physique. He absorbed ten kinds of power according to his constitution, no more and no less. He sensed them and successfully absorbed them into his body, so nothing uncontrollable happened.

This is also a great opportunity where various conditions come together. It can be said that he is lucky.

A perfect physique, cultivation techniques that transcend the level of the fairy world, internal and external Qiankun Kung Fu, a powerful Yuan Shen and other factors are all added together to create a monster like him, which cannot be ignored.

Only a monster like him in the world can do it, and he has the conditions to do it.

So what Yang didn't know was that he was really a very lucky man.

After talking to Qing Niu, Yang Yiyun raised his head and looked at Zi Huang not far away.

He saw the Purple Emperor from the beginning. When Qing Niu and other great demons were saluting, the Purple Emperor did not come over, but stood there for a while without moving.

Until this moment, when he looked at the Purple Emperor, the Purple Emperor had not returned to human form, but was still the body of the Purple Golden Rat. They could not see what her expression was like.

But Yang Yiyun had somewhat guessed it.

He had already thought of such an ending.

But when he actually faced it, a trace of disappointment still flashed through his heart. He knew clearly that the Purple Emperor had drawn a clear line with him.

But this ray of loss only passed by in a flash.

Because when he first met the Purple Emperor in the lower realm, the Purple Emperor himself was a powerful being in the immortal world who had re-cultivated the lower realm. Now seeing the Purple Emperor who has fully comprehended the cultivation of the third heaven, Yang Yiyun was not surprised at all.

The effect of the water of life disappeared every time they ascended to the fairy world, and the master-servant relationship between them also disappeared unexpectedly.

Purple Emperor has her own choice, this is normal.

He, Yang Yiyun, is not really a narrow-minded person in this regard.

He once used the water of life to control these big monsters in the lower realm. It was because he had no choice but to be forced by several major sects in the world of cultivation at that time. He needed strong forces and subordinates, so he controlled the big monsters such as the Purple Emperor. It can be said that It is also forced by the situation.

After all, the Purple Emperor and the other great demons were all his heroes in the lower realm of Yunmen back then. They had both merit and hard work. Now that the Purple Emperor has made her own choice, Yang Yiyun has no reason to blame her.

Of course, he would be happier if he was willing to stay, and he would not force anyone to stay if he was unwilling.

In fact, Zihuang is the kind of person who is arrogant and arrogant. She must have been a person with a story in a certain era. She does not want to have a master-servant relationship with Yang Yiyun. Yang Yiyun understands this.

Furthermore, now that his mentality has undergone a huge change, and he has vaguely sensed a slight change in the way of heaven, he will not complain.

Looking at the Purple Emperor, Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Purple Emperor, we haven't seen each other for thousands of years, why are we so unfamiliar? I have never treated you as slaves. Don't you have anything to say when we meet old friends?"

This sentence is telling Zi Huang, what do you want to do, I, Yang Yiyun, will never force you, I respect your choice, and I will still treat you as a friend, I am not a stingy person, you don’t have to be so afraid Face me like that.

Zihuang trembled when he heard Yang Yiyun speak.

At this time, Qingniu couldn't help but said angrily: "Master Zi Huang..."

"Shut up~" Yang Yiyun interrupted Qingniu. He naturally knew what Qingniu was going to say.

"Yes~" Qingniu shut up obediently.

At this time, the Purple Emperor saw Yang Yiyun's whole body flashing with purple golden light, and the next moment he turned into a human form. His face was different from the previous one, but she was a cold and beautiful woman in purple clothes. He said briefly: "Thank you very much for your understanding. I... have You have to walk your own path~"

After Zi Huang finished speaking, he paused and said: "I arranged for the peacock, magpie and some of the Yunmen demon clan to be in another place. They are practicing in seclusion. Qingniu knows the place."

Yang Yiyun knew that Zihuang was returning a favor to himself. The favor that the Water of Life used to enhance her bloodline was also to understand the cause and effect between him and her.

Although the water of life controlled her, it also made her successful. Kindness outweighed resentment. This is the cause and effect of cultivation.

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun finally accepted the cause and effect and understood the past cause and effect between him and the Purple Emperor.

"Zi Huang, thank you Taoist friend for your support. One day, I will go to heaven. Zi Huang is waiting to fight side by side with you." At this moment, Zi Huang felt as if a big stone had been placed in his heart, and he spoke more relaxedly, but it also seemed as if he had given a promise.

‘Okay, I also have something to tell you. Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

"Please tell me." Zi Huang bowed slightly.

"The door of Yunmen will always be open to you. My friend Yang Yiyun, you will always have a place as the Purple Emperor." Yang Yiyun spoke equally easily.

"Thank you~" Zi Huang trembled all over.

At this moment, the Twelve Great Demons on the side couldn't stand it anymore. What the hell is this human kid who suddenly appeared? He now looks like a little guy who has not yet reached enlightenment at the peak of the Immortal Master.

The saber-toothed tiger was now wondering, was that kid the guy who caused that scary thunder just now?

"Human boy, what do you mean by coming to my Lion King's territory to kill my monsters? If you don't give me an explanation today, I will eat you as a snack." The saber-toothed tiger spoke arrogantly, showing the monster clan's rough and crazy behavior.

He watched for a long time that this white-haired boy was just an immortal, not enlightened, and he felt relieved.

So he started to speak arrogantly.

Yang Yiyun smiled lightly and said: "Come to see the demons, and also come to kill the demons."

He naturally knew what the saber-toothed tiger was thinking. It was just that he became bolder after seeing that he was a peak immortal with no enlightenment and cultivation.

But now he doesn't need to hide anything from these monsters at all.

Tell them clearly that if they feel unhappy, they will kill you.

"Arrogant and arrogant, a little human kid, you don't know how high the sky is. Even if you high-level enlightened humans come to my foreign world, you still have to consider who you are. Kill me and don't let anyone go." Sabre-toothed Tiger After giving the order, the big demons around him once again pampered him.

However, all the demons on the periphery were killed by Yang Yiyun's thunder. Now the only ones left in the field are the twelve great demons, and they are all considered strong demons.

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