My Master Is a God

Chapter 2439 I am very powerful now

The whole place was silent~

No one expected this result. Yang Yiyun was so powerful?

The saber-toothed tiger, who was at the peak of his third-level enlightenment, had one of his hands captured by Qing. When he let go, his body exploded.

Forget about the explosion, a great demon with enlightenment to the second level of heaven was also brought in to support him.

The latter died unjustly.

He went to save Saber-toothed Tiger, but was killed when Saber-toothed Tiger blew himself up, and he got involved himself.

This is not the point. The point is that all the big demons in the audience did not see clearly how Yang Yiyun took action?

Just seeing his whole body erupting with ten colors of brilliance, some keen demons felt that the ten colors were the power of the ten attributes between heaven and earth.


I couldn't help but gasp: "The power of the ten attributes of heaven and earth are integrated into one..."

"Oh my God, did he do this? Why didn't he explode and die?"


"Is this kid a monster?"

"The majestic saber-toothed tiger was killed by him like this~?"

Many great monsters under the Lion Throne are unbelievable.

Let alone them, even the big demons from Feiying Mountain find it hard to believe their own eyes.

I had contact with Yang Yiyun in the Feiying Mountain forbidden area before. He was a bit strange and his methods were sharp, but he was not to the extent that he could crush a saber-toothed tiger.

Blood Eagle, Cat Eagle, Parrot, Heitan and even the Little Phoenix Mouse King all had their pupils contracted when they looked at Yang Yiyun.

It's incredible.

"Zhizhi~Brother is mighty~"

At this moment, it was Diaoer who cheered, breaking the silence of the audience.

"The master is domineering~"

"As expected of my lord, he is awesome~"

There is no shortage of flatterers at any time, just like Heitan and Rat King.

"I told you, why don't you kneel down and surrender? Is it possible that you also want to die without a complete body?" Hei Tan shouted at the Twelve Road Demon with a bit of pretentiousness.

Of course, there are now ten of the twelve great demons left.

After following Yang Yiyun, Heiyan learned that his master had a cloud gate in the Chaos Fairyland and needed some enlightened masters to control the place, so he knew that these big demons could become existences like him.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the remaining ten big demons in the field changed.

The arrogant demon clan surrenders to a human clan, which is an insult to them.


If you don't surrender, you will die~

Yang Yiyun suppressed even the powerful saber-toothed tiger and disappeared in a flash of his hand, let alone them?

Among the ten great demons, four had comprehended the first heaven, three had comprehended the second heaven, and two were in the early stages of the third heaven. They looked at each other in confusion, but their expressions were extremely ugly.

Surrender or fight?

Surrender means handing over the demon soul mark to this human boy. From then on, life and death will be left to others, but the advantage is that you can live.

Not surrendering...

That is obviously a dead end.

Not to mention that the power and weirdness of this human race is beyond their ability to guess, but the big monsters in the surrounding Feiying Mountain also have the absolute upper hand. It seems that they all obey the orders of this human race. If they fight to the death, they will probably end up dead as well!


Obviously, these ten great demons have no choice.

Having practiced till now, even a demon knows how to cherish life.

Or if there is still a chance, death will be the end of the world.

In the face of life and death...

Morality is nothing~

Surrender, surrender~

You can still live after surrendering, but so many female fairies haven't... so what?

Some big demons with weak moral integrity were shaken in their hearts when they thought of this.


Just look at each other and it's time to pay homage and surrender and hand over the demon soul mark.

However, at this moment, a cold snort sounded, causing the ten big demons to tremble and immediately become energetic.

"Hmph, the thief is so brave~"

"Come to my Lion King's territory and kill the big monster under my Lion King's throne. Who will give you the courage, this little human race?" Liang Jingru? Ah, no such thing, cough cough.

"Human boy, you have crossed the line. This is a foreign world, not your human place."

"Boom boom boom~"

There were three roars in the sky, and three blazing flames appeared out of thin air, forming three portals.

The next moment, three old men with fiery red hair appeared. They were all transformed old men, but each of them had a majestic body.

And from Yang Yiyun’s perspective, they are triplets~

It has the style of Xie Xun, the Golden Retriever Lion King. Oh no, it is an exotic version of Xie Xun, the Golden Retriever Lion King.

Exactly the same.

The breath is exactly the same.

Powerful and ferocious, the overwhelming pressure spread across the entire field, causing the great demons who had understood the first and second heavens in the field to retreat step by step, avoiding their oppressive aura.

The little phoenix came up and came to Yang Yiyun's side. He said with a solemn expression: "Brother, the three of them are at the pinnacle of the fourth heaven."

Little Phoenix had never shown any worry towards big monsters like Sabretooth Tiger before, but now he was indeed a bit serious.

When Yang Yiyun asked Little Phoenix, she said that she could deal with the big demons of the fourth and fifth heavens. Now it seems that Little Phoenix's strength may be to comprehend the peak of the fourth heaven and wander from the fifth heaven.

Facing the three great lion demons, three identical peaks of the fourth heaven, Little Phoenix may not be sure that she can win them all, or she can only deal with one of them.

Yang Yiyun felt warm in his heart. He knew that Little Phoenix was worried about him and appeared beside him immediately.

He smiled slightly and said: "Yes, they are indeed very strong, but you have to believe in brother. It should be possible to beat them all down later. Go ahead and protect Diao'er and the others over there, and leave the rest to me." I, the three flaming lions, should be a member of the Lion King's clan, and I seem to have some extraordinary talents, but there are only a few gatekeepers at Yunmen, so it's just the three of them~"

"Brother...can you do it? You really don't want my help?" Little Phoenix was surprised. She felt that her brother's aura and whole person had changed since he practiced on the back of the loach. She felt very powerful after the change. But...

It's not powerful enough to challenge three great demons who are all at the peak of the fourth level of enlightenment, right?

Even she, the divine bird and phoenix, is not sure that she can face the three great monsters at the peak of the fourth heaven. What's more, she feels that the three lions are not ordinary people, but also the kind of beings with extraordinary talents.

Since that day, his brother's mentality has changed. He seems to be calm and calm when facing everything, completely different from before.

He used to have a great sense of urgency, but now little Phoenix can't feel the tension of facing a strong enemy from Yang Yiyun at all.

Is this really powerful?

Or... is your brain broken?

Little Phoenix thought so in his heart.

How can I say that in the eyes of Little Phoenix, his brother is just an immortal? Anyway, he has not yet reached enlightenment. The threshold of the forest of strong men who practice in the immortal world is enlightenment. This applies to humans, demons, and even other cultivating creatures. There is a consensus that those who are not enlightened can kill the powerful ones who are enlightened. This kind of thing also exists in the inherited memory of Little Phoenix, but it is definitely rare, and it cannot be too outrageous.

Her brother's ability to use the Immortal Master's peak to kill the third-level enlightenment peak was already an unprecedented feat in her mind, but now there are three flaming lions at the fourth-level peak of Tongwu, all with the same cultivation level, and they definitely have that kind of A great demon with extraordinary talents.

The state of enlightenment is higher than the previous level. This is the consensus of all cultivators.

Little Phoenix was really worried, did his brother have a brain problem after practicing?

But when looking into Yang Yiyun's eyes, what Little Phoenix saw was strong self-confidence, which was bright, clear, and unquestionable.

Finally, Little Phoenix said: "Brother, be careful~"

She retreated and chose to believe Yang Yiyun, because this look full of strong confidence appeared in her memory.

"Well, go ahead~" Yang Yiyun said with a smile. If he knew what little Phoenix was thinking about him, he would probably vomit blood~

However, Yang just wanted to show off.

Since he started practicing, he has actually been suppressed by various enemies most of the time. Not to mention how deep the depression in his heart is. Every time he faces a powerful enemy, he either runs away or gets help from people around him, although the problem is solved.

But sometimes he was really depressed.

Over time, all these depressed feelings accumulated in the deepest part of my heart.


Hehe, the opportunity has come. If he doesn't release the accumulated depression, he may vomit blood and die.

Obviously with the little phoenix and a group of big monsters around, even if he faced three lions, he might still win in the end of the fight, but there would definitely be damage.

So if you can solve it yourself, solve it yourself.

Pretend...well, it's better to do it yourself, right?

He has been depressed for too long~

How could he let go of the opportunity he finally had to get his thoughts straightened out? After his mood changed drastically, Yang still liked being watched with ardent admiration, or admiration, by the demon under his command.

Of course, he knew that facing Xie Xun, the three-headed golden lion king, ah... no, three big lions, he would feel pressure, but it was just a little pressure - that's all...

My brother is so awesome and confident now...


Because of the ten attributes and powers of heaven and earth, and because he is the perfect physical foundation.

The advantage of having a powerful, or heaven-defying, ability is that he can feel the power of the ten attributes entering his body, and he also has his own attribute laws~

This is the huge confidence that defies heaven.

It's just that the law is not perfect or powerful, but the chemical effect that occurs when they are combined is definitely beyond his imagination.

So he refused Little Phoenix's help.

I feel happy in my heart.

Facing the three big lions, Yang found that he was a bit cheap at this moment.

Looking up, squinting...

It was impossible not to raise his head. Three big lions were looking down at him from a place twenty or thirty meters higher than him.

As for the squinting eyes, it was to express the same contempt for the three big lions.

He shouted in a strange accent: "Hi~ Xie Xun... Ah bah... three golden retriever lion kings... bah no, anyway, those three old lions, come down, don't stand so high, my cervical vertebra is not good, I'm tired of talking. , come down and let’s chat, if you don’t come down, I’m going to beat you up later, I’m very powerful now…”

As soon as Yang said these words, the three-headed lion's old face twitched, and his face was covered with black lines.

Do you think this guy is mentally retarded?

Didn’t you see me? No, the old lions are from the powerful flame lion lineage. Are the noble Lion King clan members from the eastern giants of the alien world the strongest people who have understood the peak of the fourth heaven?

And there are three brothers, three... well, they are all the same. Do you know how to respect people... Bah, respect a lion.

What about cervical spondylosis?

What the hell?

Still want to beat us up?

You are a small human race, so what if you kill that idiot Sabertooth Tiger, can you still kill us?


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