My Master Is a God

Chapter 2440 I am super strong

In fact, the three lions were trembling with fear and anger.

This kid...


The three lions howled inwardly.

I have never seen anyone from the demon race use such methods.

What kind of weird magical power is this?

Just now I heard that kid muttering about how everything turned into ashes in a snap of his fingers. I’m afraid it’s not just that~

He stood there without moving, and then there was a wind, and then there was a wind blade attack, and then there was water flooding and fire, wood and vines beating, metal and stone adding life, thunder and thunder...

In the end, the space portal was opened directly. It was a big demon that was wrapped up and thrown in and disappeared without a trace. Moreover, the space that this kid opened was not as simple as an ordinary space. The three of them saw a darkness and nothingness in the space. Then Yes...that is the dark void that can only be seen after the world is torn apart~

That thing can actually be easily torn open?

Big boundary wall~

He was afraid that even the great demons and powerful magic powers of several heavens higher than them could not do it. There was boundless darkness in the void, and even more so. Even if he went in, he would not be shattered by the unknown existence in the void. , that is living exile.

Of course, the three old lions also knew that they would not be able to survive if they did not exile the ten big monsters, because the previous bombardment had already killed them.

What kind of magical power is it~

It’s so shocking, what I’ve heard and asked, what I’ve seen, what I’ve never seen…

But one thing they felt was that the power of the ten major attributes in heaven and earth, and even the breath of the ten major laws, existed.

From ancient times to the present, I have never seen or even heard of anyone possessing the ten attributes, power, and ten attributes.

This white-haired boy from the human race is definitely a monster, and he definitely does not appear to be at the peak of the Immortal Lord's cultivation.


Do you follow your words?

The hearts and livers of the three old lions are trembling~

All the big demons in Feiying Mountain, including Little Phoenix, looked at Yang Yiyun quietly, and their hearts were shocked~

When did Yang become so powerful?

Blood Eagle's heart was filled with fear, thinking of the battle between him and Yang Yiyun that day. If Yang Yiyun had used such methods that day, he would have died ten thousand times.

Could it be that he didn't use his magic power that day in the Feiying Mountain forbidden area because his magic power was suppressed?

It’s unlikely even if you think about it~

Such methods were beyond his cognition.

Maybe Yang Yiyun didn't have such magical powers that day.

But if not, how long has passed this time? It’s probably less than two years~

I can't see through it, I can't figure out who Yang Yiyun is.

No, in Blood Eagle's heart, Yang is no longer suitable to be called a human being.

He is the monster~

The monster of monsters~

After Yang finished muttering, he looked up at the three old lions and yelled: "Hey~Three big trash, say it again, come down and talk, no, come down to fight, they said I have a bad cervical spine, stand there and act like a fool." Monster~"

"Bump bump bump~"

The hearts of the three old lions are beating wildly~

Yang called them trash, and Chi Guoguo cursed and scorned them.

But now~

The three lions didn't dare to scold back at all.

This human boy is so monster.

The three brothers looked at each other - run away~

In an instant, he meditated with light all over his body, and jointly opened the space portal at the same time. How long will it take if he doesn't escape now?

It's too scary, no, it's too scary.

This kid was not a human being at all. The three of them had no confidence in dealing with the magical powers he displayed. It could even be said that they were unable to deal with it.

Although, even though the three of them are great demons who have reached the peak of the fourth heaven and are about to enter the fifth heaven, they still dare not fight with this human boy.

Hurry up and run away. The older you get, the more you cherish your life. The Lion King has gone to heaven. Finally, there is no big monster on their heads. They are about to live a life of monsters above ten thousand monsters. There are so many female lions who don’t have that. Well, there's no point in fighting this weird human kid.

As for the dead Twelve Way Demon...

If you die, just die. Anyway, they are doing their own thing. It doesn't matter if they die and gather their subordinates to work together. With the strength and means of the three of them, they will be able to get as much as they want in a few hundred years.

In short, change it in one sentence and don’t take risks.

Run away~

So the three old lions opened the space portal and ran away.

The three of them were very fast and almost tried their best to open the space portal together. They were about to get in and escape in the next moment.



A dull sound.

The next moment, the space portal opened by the three of them suddenly roared, but the light was dazzling and colorful.

The three lions were shocked.

The space portal they opened is gone.

To be precise, the space portal opened by the three of them was swallowed up by colorful lights.

What are the colors?

So familiar.

It is the color of the ten attributes of power in the world that only that human boy can create.

"Three bad old men are very bad. They want to leave without chatting or fighting. This is not okay~"

Just when the three old lions were stunned, a bad tone and even ridiculing words sounded out. Suddenly, they quickly retreated dozens of meters, their faces turned pale with fright.


In front of them, at the space portal they opened, a white-haired boy walked out.

Oh my God~

Silently, how did this kid do it?

At this moment, the three lions turned around and ran away without hesitation.


"Hey, hey, don't be afraid. If you run away again, you will be responsible for the consequences. Kill or bury them. If you don't run, you will die if you run away."

It's that damn boy talking again.

Three old lions...

It stopped abruptly at the next moment.

I can’t stop~

Strange to know that boy...

Thinking about the unheard-of and unseen methods just now, it’s still... better not to run away.

What if?

If that kid really came up with some tricks, wouldn't the three of them die inexplicably?

At this moment, the three lions were trembling in their hearts and even their balls were shaking~

Who let that kid win with his tricks?

"Hey, this is the right bird, a good obedient boy... ah no~ an obedient lion is a good lion. To be honest, brother, I am attracted to you birds, otherwise you would have died ten thousand times earlier, do you believe it or not? "Mr. Yang strode out of the colorful space portal and walked towards the three lions step by step.

But the three lions were trembling all over when they heard someone Yang talking~


Do you still like us?

A lion can be killed, but cannot be humiliated. We will not fall from you until we die.

The three lions turned to look at Mr. Yang with a sad and angry look on their faces, as if you guys dared to invade us, we would self-destruct.

However, when they heard Yang speak again, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had misunderstood.

"Ahem, don't be so 'sad,' okay? I am the master of the Cloud Gate in the Chaos Fairyland. I still need three gatekeepers at the gate of Cloud Gate. I think you are tall and mighty, which is quite suitable. Are you willing? Go to my Cloud Gate to look at the gate. If you go, I will let you live. If you don't, I will let you die. That's it. What do you think? Think about it."

After Yang finished speaking, the faces of the three lions turned from white to green and then turned red.

Hugely insulted.

Look at the gate?

Thanks for thinking about it, kid?

We, the noble Flame Lion clan, are brothers of the Lion King of the foreign world. You want us to look at the gate...?

The three lions were trembling all over, trembling with anger.

The boss said solemnly: "Strong men of the human race, we are brothers of the Lion King. We are willing to show our sincerity as compensation for this offense. Please let us go."

The proud lion lowered his head, spoke through clenched teeth, and brought up the name of the Lion King. This was their only bargaining chip. If the human race did not agree, they would have to fight to the death. Anyway, they have never fought, who loses? It’s still unclear who will win?

Turning around and running away just now was entirely the result of a huge psychological effect, and I was frightened.

At this moment, his eyes became appraising.

"Eh~ Are you so tough? Didn't you just stand so tall and look down at me like a kid? Now you call me a strong human being? Alas, strong people don't dare to be called that. I am a super strong person and I have a name that I remember. Listen up and stand up straight. Well, I am Yang Yiyun, well, you will remember my name deeply."

Yang is so shameless at this moment~

Even call yourself a super strong person!

The corners of the three old lions' mouths were twitching, but they did not speak. They were waiting for Yang Yiyun's final decision.

Yang could naturally tell what the three old lions were thinking.

It’s just~

From the moment the three old lions escaped, he knew how to deal with them, desperately? There are no doors.

If I don't scare you to death, my surname won't be Yun. Bah, it's Yang.

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