My Master Is a God

Chapter 2447 Lightning Screen

The belly of the loach is extremely colorful, but it has grown a claw~

This is the three claws. Originally there were two claws, but now...

"It's here again~" Little Phoenix couldn't help but say.

After a while, the loach had four claws, which looked like dragon claws but looked a bit different. They looked more powerful than dragon claws.

"Brother, look, the horn on the loach's head seems to have gotten bigger~" Little Phoenix looked at it.

Yang Yiyun had already seen it. Indeed, the horn on the loach's forehead had become bigger. To be precise, it had grown up, and its size had also grown.

Of course, growing in size refers to the improvement of strength. Loach's physical fitness can be large or small. There is no way to grow bigger. After his strength improves, he will naturally continue to grow bigger.

This time, the loach transformed, and it transformed under tremendous pressure.

However, as expected by Yang Yiyun, this guy has been causing trouble with Diaoer for hundreds of years. He has devoured many heavenly materials, earthly treasures and monsters. There has been no movement. Today, the pangolins who have enlightened the first level of the seventeen heads are under siege. Under this, he finally broke through the limit and began his first growth and transformation since his birth.

Yang was full of expectations for this.

The reason why he didn't let Little Phoenix, Blood Eagle and other big demons come to help was actually because he intentionally forced Loach and Rat King.

Because the Rat King itself has reached the critical point of the bottleneck, as long as the breakthrough is enlightenment, Yang Yiyun did not expect that this guy would become a blockbuster. It should not be a monster, completely showing the talent and blood of the Five Elements Rat. After enlightenment, he would directly It is to understand the fifth heaven.

Truly outrageous.

This also fully proves that the bloodline of his Five Elements Purple Golden Rat is powerful.

Not to mention the loach, Yang Yiyun has never worried that the loach cannot grow, so it is good to force it this time, and the effect is indeed surprisingly good.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed.

As for Diaoer...

Yang has no hope at all, and there is no need for Diaoer to fight hard.

"Xiangxiang is back~"

Yang Yiyun shouted.


Diaoer's roar turned into a golden light and returned to Yang Yiyun.

"Watch the show and don't mess around in the future." Yang Yiyun touched Diao'er's little head and said with a smile. When the fighting started, Yang Yiyun asked Diao'er to stay by his side, but how could Diao'er be quiet?

In a flash, he flew out and formed a group with the Rat King Loach.

Yang Yiyun was helpless, but he was not worried that Diao'er would suffer a loss. Diao'er who ascended to the fairy world was still the same as before, and there was still no discernible level.

But it was precisely because of this that Yang Yiyun felt relieved about him.

Because it is precisely because the realm level cannot be seen that the more it proves, the harder it is to mess with Diaoer.

There are many monsters around him, but there are very few that can't really tell the level of realm or can't be distinguished by realm. The same is true for Little Phoenix, Loach, Mink, and Snow Cat.

It's not like the Rat King, who can clearly distinguish the realm.

Are you saying that Diao'er hasn't changed?

of course not.

It's just that the changes in Mink are not reflected in appearance.

It's on the inside.

The name of the Flying Divine Marten is not just talk.

Is Diaoer's talent just for treasure hunting?

Of course not.

In addition to Diao'er's sharp claws, Diao'er also has a talent that is very similar to Hongyi's, that is, mana attacks are basically immune to Diao'er. This talent has become more apparent in Diao'er after it ascended, especially in recent years. It became increasingly obvious that Yang Yiyun was able to protect Diao'er many times, otherwise Diao'er's talent would be exposed.

In fact, this is indeed the case. He treats Diao Er as a child and a sister, and there is no need for Diao Er to take risks at all.

It's just that sometimes allowing the mink to be willful is just a way of pampering the mink.

At this time, both Loach and Rat King have obviously evolved, and the war will have an outcome. Yang Yiyun knew that it was going to end. This was an unprecedented intuition, and he seemed to have foreseen it.

So let Diaoer come back to me.

Yang Yiyun only discovered this kind of intuition about himself recently. Of course, every monk has intuition, and it is also very accurate. But Yang Yiyun knows that the intuition he feels now can no longer be called intuition strictly speaking. Instead, he Definitely more of a talent.

A kind of intuitive talent that can predict the future. Although the scope and time of the prediction are relatively short-lived, it is very clear.

Just before he shouted for Diao'er to come back, or to be precise, when Loach and Rat King broke through, a blurry picture flashed through his mind like lightning. Loach and Rat King were facing seventeen heads. The purple-gold pangolin displayed its divine power, tearing the seventeen pangolins that had truly understood the first level of heaven into pieces and devouring them.

The lightning-like picture in his mind seemed to last only a moment, and the picture was even a little blurry, so he couldn't see clearly at all, but he could judge from the rough outline that it was the Rat King and the Loach.

And this image fell into his mind like a memory.

So Yang Yiyun knew that this was his talent.

Whether this talent is real and whether it will come true can be verified next.

But he felt strongly that this was what would really happen next.

This lightning scene made Yang Yiyun's heart and even his soul tremble. He was too clear about what effect it would have on him in future battles if it was true. It would definitely be as huge as the peak of heaven.

The appearance of this lightning scene, Yang Yiyun Gu wonders, is it also caused by the ten attributes of the power of heaven and earth integrated into his immortal crystal?

But deep down, he had nothing to do with it.

Instinctively, he felt that it was caused by the changes in physical practice, or the lightning scene brought by the Qiankun Pot. This was a kind of prophetic intuition.

Very remarkable.

He will wait and see what happens next.



The Rat King and the Loach roared one after another.

Completed a transformation in the fight.

The Rat King advanced to the fifth level of enlightenment.

The loach grew two claws, which turned into four claws, and the single horn on the top of its head, which was just a small lump-like flesh ball, suddenly grew to about one foot, and completely turned into a colorful shining look.

Even during the evolution, he did not stop fighting, and continued to fight with the seventeen capital pangolins who had understood the first level of heaven.

The roar at this time represents the completion of the transformation of the Rat King and the Loach.

Sure enough, the Rat King roared loudly and instantly grew in size, transforming into a purple-gold rat with purple-gold hair all over and five-color inscriptions flowing around it. It was a hundred meters tall and suddenly swung out a claw.


With a paw waved out, the purple-gold light dazzled the eyes, facing seven pangolins.

"Ho ho ho ho..."

Screams rang out one after another, and blood rained in the sky.

After the Rat King swung out his claw, all seven pangolins that had understood the first level of heaven had their huge bodies broken into fourteen sections, and no one was spared.


The roar that almost penetrated the heaven and earth sounded again, but the rat king transformed into a body as huge as a hundred meters mountain and suspended in the sky. He opened his bloody mouth and took a bite of the remains of the seven-headed pangolin that was chopped into fourteen sections. Swallowed.

At the same time, the loach also showed its power.

But I saw that the loach's head had grown a large length of colorful horns. After he roared, he emitted a colorful circle of light, which was like a radar signal wave visible to the naked eye. It instantly enveloped the remaining ten heads to enlightenment. of pangolins.

Suddenly a strange scene appeared.

The ten pangolins, shrouded in the colorful halo of light released by the diagonal loach, suddenly seemed to be frozen in mid-air, motionless, and maintained their attacking posture.

But Yang Yiyun, Xiao Fenghuang and others could see clearly that the ten pangolins were struggling, but they couldn't break free.

The next second, the loach was more direct than the rat king and swallowed alive the ten pangolins that were frozen in place.

So far, the seventeen purple-gold pangolins that have enlightened to the first level of heaven have been eaten by the loach and the rat king.

The blood eagle and other big demons behind Yang Yiyun were trembling when they saw this scene. They were going to defy the heavens. Each of these demons under Yang Yiyun was more defiant than the other. Originally, the blood eagle thought that he had understood the cultivation realm of the third heaven. Except for the little Phoenix Apart from the three brothers of the Xie family, he is a great demon with great advantages. Before this, he only had some advantages against Loach and Rat King.

But at this moment, the advantage, or rather the arrogance, in Xue Ying's heart was gone.

There is only one thought in my heart: behave obediently from now on and be a grandson in front of these big monsters.

He could finally see that Loach and Rat King were both great demons with special bloodlines, even Diao'er. Although Diao'er did not show the same evolution as Loach and Rat King, Yang Yiyun's doting attitude towards Diao'er was clear. , Diaoer is not a simple person.

The three brothers of the Xie family woke up. The healing was over. They woke up long ago when the Rat King evolved with powerful demonic power. They witnessed the Rat King evolve from the Demon Lord to the point of enlightening the fifth heaven in one go. They also witnessed the Loach. The evolution witnessed seventeen purple and golden pangolins becoming snacks for the Rat King and Loach.

The eyes of the three brothers finally fell on Loach, and they recalled a scene in their memory or a record in an ancient book.

Kunpeng and other divine objects that should not exist in the world appeared and appeared alive in front of them.

The four complete claws indicate that Kunpeng has left the cub and begins to grow into adulthood.

They didn't take the loach seriously before and didn't connect it with Kunpeng at all. But looking at the appearance and characteristics of the loach at this moment, the three brothers were sure that it was a Kunpeng that had become extinct in the long river of history.

Oh my god~

They haven't digested the impact of seeing the divine bird Phoenix, and now another Kunpeng appears?

What's terrible is that these two great gods are actually following a human race.

Of course the three brothers are the same now.

So what is the origin of this owner?

Anyway, they don't believe that Yang Yiyun is such a simple immortal.

A person who can be followed by the god Kunpeng is not qualified enough to be an immortal!

As for Mr. Yang at this moment, he was also trembling, but it was not because of the victory in the battle between Loach and Rat King, but because it confirmed the previous scene like lightning flashing across his mind.

The battle between Loach and Rat King ended, exactly like the scene flashing across his mind.

This would be a game-changing talent for him.

How could you not be excited?

This is a kind of talent. Although it is not a great magical power, nor a great magic power, etc., he knows clearly that it will make him invincible in the battle with the enemy, which is stronger than any great magical power.

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