My Master Is a God

Chapter 2469 Still waiting for you to curse me as a weakling

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun once said personally that Snow Cat's position in Yunmen is not only the intelligence leader, but also the protector of the Dark Night Palace.

The position of protector cannot be held by any person or demon. It is a symbol of strength.

The protector is still the protector left.

It requires absolute strength and cultivation.

Snow Cat has always been strong due to her own gift of hiding, and she has been very strong since she followed Yang Yiyun. However, with the establishment of Yunmen over the years, the entire Yunmen has had many changes. It was different after the masters joined, even Snow Cat's cultivation couldn't keep up.

This is detrimental to the position of protector, so Yang Yiyun is happy to see that he can improve the bloodline of the snow cat today. The purple-gold water of life is given to the snow cat first, which is also a reward.

It is undeniable that Snow Mao has made a great contribution to Yunmen over the years, and it is meritorious. Not to mention following him through life and death battles, just setting up the killer and intelligence system is already a great achievement.

Of course, it seems that the cultivation of these killers and intelligence personnel are still too weak at present, and they seem to be unable to exert their value, but this is because the development of Yunmen is a barbaric growth, and the enemies Yang Yiyun provokes are also stronger than the last, thus weakening the Dark Night Palace killers. and the power of intelligence.

In fact, in the long run, when Cloud Gate develops and stabilizes in the future, these killers and intelligence personnel trained by Snow Cat will definitely be a huge help to Cloud Gate in the future.

Yang Yiyun values ​​​​Dark Night Palace very much, or in other words, he values ​​Snow Cat very much.

This is a cat that cannot be divided by common sense of cultivation level. It is also a being with extraordinary talents.

Today, this drop of purple gold water of life will definitely develop the potential of the snow cat.

Yang Yiyun has confidence in Snow Cat, especially the purple-gold water of life.

The snow cat was completely wrapped in the light emitted by herself. It was so dazzling that she could not be seen inside. However, the demonic energy that filled the entire hall proved that the snow cat was undergoing bloodline evolution and she was reborn. …

Yang Yiyun just looked at the snow cat.

About half an hour later, the dazzling light in the entire hall began to dim, and Yang Yiyun was finally able to see clearly the changes that had taken place in the snow cat suspended in mid-air.

The dazzling light was weakening little by little, but Yang Yiyun's eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

When he saw the changes that had taken place in Snow Cat, it was unimaginable in his heart at the moment.

Because Snow Cat has completely changed.

Of course, the normal body shape and cat appearance remain unchanged.

Purple-gold inscriptions appeared on the body, and the lines looked like cirrus clouds. It was really beautiful, especially the lightning-like inscription hair that appeared between the forehead and the eyebrows. It was like the finishing touch, making the snow cat look extremely noble at this moment. His temperament and tail suddenly became nine.

"Is this still a cat?"

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

I have seen and heard of nine-tailed foxes, but this is the first time I have seen a nine-tailed cat.

The next moment, the snow cat slowly landed on the ground, with a hazy halo still shining all over its body.

There is no doubt that Snow Cat's bloodline has returned to its ancestors successfully. As for the power of the aura, Yang Yiyun's feeling just now concluded that it has at least reached the sixth level of enlightenment, and may even be stronger.

I thought everything was over, but I didn't expect that the scene that followed made Yang Yiyun almost explode on the spot.

Of course it's a mental explosion.


After a very subtle dull sound, when the snow cat landed, there was a flash of light, and unexpectedly...

He actually transformed.

Transformed into human form.

If you want to transform, just transform. Yang Yiyun knows that transforming is nothing to Snow Cat. She has been able to transform for a long time, but she doesn't like human form and has always been a demon.

He had mentioned transformation to Snow Cat before, but he didn't expect that she would actually transform.

Originally, it was normal for the demon clan to transform into another person.

But the snow cat's transformation at this moment made Yang tremble all over.

The heart started to beat every time.

Is it very scary?

Indeed, for Yang, the snow cat's transformation at this moment was very scary.

But it's not the ugly kind.

But at this moment, Xue Mao didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but after her transformation, she appeared naked in front of Yang.

He's about 1.8 meters tall. There's nothing wrong with him. He has a figure like a water snake. He can be as enchanting as he wants. It has reached a scary level. There is not a trace of fat on his body. He is simply a natural. artwork.

At first glance, she has long legs and a devilish figure that hits the heart. Needless to say, her appearance is a bit cold and has a natural allure that can turn all living beings upside down.

The lightning-like inscription between her eyebrows made her whole person even more evil and inviolable. This temperament immediately aroused the powerful conquest power in Yang's heart...

"Thank you, Master, for your help. I have evolved to the level of the charming cat demon."

At this moment, Snow Cat bowed slightly to say thanks.

In an instant, Yang saw a scene that made his heart explode.

At this time, he didn't hear anything about the magical cat or not. The devil deep in his heart was awakened, and a low roar burst out from his throat, and he rushed towards the snow cat.


In the dark night hall, there was a roar that seemed to be inhuman and inhuman, someone's low hysteria, and there were sharp cat calls.

Fortunately, no one came to the Dark Night Hall, and Yang had also set up a ban to isolate everything, otherwise it would have definitely resounded through the sky...

Three days later, Yang walked out of the Dark Night Hall.

But when he came out, there were blood marks on his neck and the backs of his arms and hands, as if they had been scratched by a cat.

Of course he was scratched by a cat, cough cough~

Yang, who was a little depressed, glanced at the dark hall behind him and said: "Mao, have a good rest and practice well. There will be a war in a thousand years. Next, I need your intelligence network. Then I... I want to leave~ "


The door roared and closed tightly.

Yang smiled awkwardly, turned and left.

"What a sin~"

With a murmur, Yang stepped towards the sky.

The next one is to see the big project of Zaimao Bird.

Yunmen was attacked by several major forces. The one who directly faced the strong man who had comprehended the eighth heaven in the Falling Star Palace was Za Mao Niao. I heard from the senior brother that if Za Feo Bird had not held back the strong man in the Falling Star Palace who had comprehended the eighth heaven. , the destruction of Yunmen is possible.


The bastard bird was also the most seriously injured.

After being injured, the mixed-haired bird completely turned into a small fireball.

If it weren't for the faint vitality still emanating from it, everyone would have thought that the Zaimao Bird had died.

Yang Yiyun came to the sky above Yunmen and waved his hand to open a space portal.

This is the healing and recovery space that the senior brother used the power of space to create for the miscellaneous feathered birds. There is a spirit gathering array, which is equivalent to an independent energy space. If the spell is not activated, others cannot enter and cannot see it.

The eldest brother had already given him entry into the magic arts, but Yang Yiyun suddenly didn't dare to look at the miscellaneous feathered bird.

Because he was afraid.

What should I do if I am afraid that the feathered bird will never wake up?

In the words of the senior brother, the injury of the miscellaneous feather bird is very serious. Whether it can recover depends on God's will.

So Yang Yiyun has never dared to see the miscellaneous feathered birds.

He didn't dare to go until now because he discovered the purple-gold water of life in the stone of life, a treasure that is thousands of times more powerful than the dark green water of life.

After personal testing with snow cats, Yang Yiyun believes that it will be helpful to miscellaneous birds.

Of course, there are no absolutes in everything, but for him, he will restore the Zafeo Bird at all costs.

From the time when the old man died on Sanxian Island in the world of cultivation until now, he and the bird had experienced life and death together far more than anyone else, even the old man.

Although Zamao Bird is usually very mean-mouthed, he never loses control at critical moments and helps him overcome many life-and-death difficulties.

When he went to the foreign world for the second time, Zamao Bird recovered the demon elixir and became the most powerful being in Yunmen. The power of the Golden Crow Flame could reach the level of enlightenment to the sixth heaven. When he left, he thought that there was Zamao. With the feathered bird and the old willow tree in charge, Cloud Gate is safe.

Who knew that the bastard would jump out and see an immortal who understood the eighth heaven?

Many powerful people have been lost in the secret realm of immortals and demons for countless years, but they walked out of it right after he left.

Otherwise, among the several major hostile forces, there will definitely be no one who has understood the Sixth Heaven. This is something that the Master’s Wife said when she left. But in the end, it is not as good as God. There is actually a powerful enemy that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years in the secret realm of immortals and demons. or come out.

Enlightenment to the eighth heaven ~

Even if the hybrid bird is the golden crow and the sun, it still missed the mark and was severely injured.

No matter what, he had to make this old friend Zaimao Bird recover.

Every effort must be made to help the miscellaneous bird recover.

And now the purple-gold water of life is his hope.

The space portal opened in the sky, and Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and walked in.

A space filled with flames is not very big, only thirty square meters.

As soon as Yang Yiyun entered, he was hit by flames and high temperatures.

Very hot.

The ten attributes of his body showed strength and withstood the flames and high temperatures.

Not affected at all.

In sight, a fireball the size of a watermelon was suspended in the center of the space, absorbing fire energy from all directions.

Almost pure white flame.

Yang Yiyun walked step by step, and he saw a three-legged golden crow huddled inside, or a mixed-haired bird.

Indeed, the vitality is very weak and unstable.

It is strong and weak, like a flame swaying in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

I had heard from my senior brother that the bird was seriously injured, but I didn't expect it to be so serious.

Even though Yang Yiyun knew that the Zamao Bird was a creature from the God Realm, he began to worry. If this continued, it wouldn't take long for the Zamao Bird to really die.

"I'm coming, crow~"

Yang opened his mouth, his voice hoarse.

Then he said: "You can stand up for me, young master. I won't let you die like this. I'm still waiting for you to go to heaven with me, to the heaven, and I'm still waiting for you to curse me for being a weakling."

You know, you don't call me a weakling, but I'm not used to it. Although I show my disgust every time you call me a weakling, in fact, I'm used to it, and I even feel very friendly, just like I cursed you for being a bastard... …”

Yang Yiyun kept chattering to himself, talking to the feathered bird, regardless of whether it could hear it or not. Anyway, it was like complaining to an old friend.

Half an hour later, Yang Yiyun finally stopped, opened his palms, and a drop of purple-gold water of life appeared. He said solemnly: "This thing is very precious. It contains about a hundred drops. I have calculated the accumulation of one drop. It takes almost a hundred years.

It's really precious. It was originally intended to be used to arm other big monsters to prepare for the war a thousand years later. But now I want to tell you, even if there are a thousand drops or ten thousand drops of this thing, I will be willing to use it on you. As long as you can recover, it doesn't matter even if the Stone of Life is scrapped. So, you idiot, don't let me down. From now on, you should try to save some energy for me..."

While speaking, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and directed the first drop of purple gold water of life towards the miscellaneous feathered bird.

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