My Master Is a God

Chapter 2471 Transformation of Cultivation Techniques

Yang Yiyun felt that rather than helping to treat injuries, it was better to say that he was creating powerful individuals with enlightenment.

The value of Purple Gold Water of Life is immeasurable. Every drop of it to restore injuries is energy with attached attributes. The real value of Purple Gold Water of Life is to create strong people.

In his hands, high-level enlightened masters were created.

This is simply a myth.

But now it's true.

He just couldn't figure it out, what the hell is the Qiankun Pot?

Ultimately, the Purple Gold Water of Life is born inside the Stone of Life, and the Stone of Life is born in the Qiankun Pot.

He, Yang Yiyun, is the owner of the Qiankun Pot and the owner of the treasure in the Qiankun Pot.

It is not the Stone of Life or the Water of Life that defies heaven, but the essence is Yang Yiyun.

In his mind, he flew all the way to the top of the mountain where the old willow tree was.

In the entire Yunmen, except for the time when the Yunmen suffered a great calamity, the snow cat took Yang Yiyun's family, friends and some Yunmen disciples to the peak where the old willow tree was located, this mountain was usually one of the forbidden areas of the Yunmen.

Yang Yiyun didn't know the extent of Lao Liushu's injury. Anyway, he heard from his senior brother that if Hei Lian hadn't arrived in time, Lao Liushu might have died.

It is conceivable that Lao Liushu's injury will not be minor.

Because he was a relative and friend who protected Yang Yiyun's parents, wife and children, as well as many weak Yunmen disciples, one can imagine the pressure he endured.

Old Liushu, this old pervert, had actually been giving him face all along, whether it was in terms of training guidance or cloud gate protection. Every time he brought it up, he never refused.

Of course, there is a gentleman's agreement with Yang Yiyun to help each other. Yang Yiyun used a lot of water of life to water the old willow tree's body, giving the old willow tree a second life.

And now...

After Yang Yiyun flew to the top of the mountain where the old willow tree was, he saw that the old willow tree was even more miserable than when they first met.

When I first met the old willow tree, although it was an old tree stump that looked like it had been struck by lightning, there was at least one willow branch with three willow leaves on it.

After Yang Yiyun watered it with the water of life, the old willow tree grew several willow branches, which can be said to be lush and leafy. But now what he saw in reality was an old tree stump with no leaves on it. It looks almost dry.

If it weren't for the faint vitality that the old willow tree had, Yang Yiyun would have thought that the old willow tree had died.

Sure enough, the injury was more serious than that of the miscellaneous feathered bird.

"Senior Liushu, I owe you, don't worry, I will make you recover soon." As he spoke, Yang's heart began to hurt again.

Because the miscellaneous feather bird consumed three drops of his purple-gold water of life, he thought that the current old willow tree would need at least three drops to recover.

But this is what it should be. Although the Purple Gold Water of Life is precious, Yang knows that it can play a big role in giving it to the old willow tree. In his hands, he will create a second high-level enlightenment.

Another important point is that the old willow trees in the past could not leave the top of the mountain. For some reason, Yang Yiyun never asked, but this time he hoped to help the old willow trees solve this problem.

With a wave of his hand, three drops of purple gold water of life went away.

In an instant, it fell on the dry body of the old willow tree, and the purple-gold light disappeared in a flash.


Suddenly, an invisible wave of air emitted from the old willow tree and spread throughout Yunmen.

Then everything returned to calm.

"No way?" Yang Yiyun waited for a long time, and the old willow tree in his sight actually stopped responding.

Is it possible that three drops are not enough?

Yang Yiyun's heart was bleeding.

Purple gold water of life, use one drop less.

Just when his body ached and he was about to use the fourth drop of purple-gold water of life on the old willow tree, he suddenly noticed a subtle change.

That is, the earth is shaking slightly.


Something has changed.

Sure enough, Yang Yiyun swept his consciousness and discovered that under the soil, countless intertwined tree roots were moving, exuding a faint energy breath.

Yang Yiyun was finally relieved.

It turns out there is a reaction, but it starts from the roots of the tree.

Although it is slow, countless roots are moving and slowly spreading towards the tree stump.

This is a new life, the new life of the old willow tree.

Yang Yiyun is looking forward to the changes that will occur in the old willow tree.

After some observation, Yang Yiyun knew that this process should take some time, so he came to the top of the mountain and stood on the edge. The powerful consciousness instantly enveloped the entire Yunmen.

The next moment, my heart moved, and the real ninety drops of water of life appeared.

His consciousness contacted the ninety subjects who took the Purple Gold Water of Life.

They include all his women, several children, four apprentices, Lao Fang, Chen Qibian, Qiu Yun, two senior brothers, young senior sister Ji Zixia, old man Dongfeng Haotian and brothers Dongfang Iron Man, Du Jiebin, Peony Empress, Lu Pengbin, etc. He had made great contributions to Yunmen, or someone Yang cared about.

Of course, there are also Little Phoenix, Diao'er, Hou Doudou, Zijin Eunuch, Rat King, Loach, eleven members of the elder group who have advanced to the first level of enlightenment, and some individual Yunmen disciples who have entered enlightenment, etc. .

Anyway, he selected ninety, because there was only so much purple-gold water of life, and he only had three drops left on his body.

Divine consciousness is transmitted to everyone, and they are asked to take it and practice well. How good they can be depends on personal opportunities.

Yang Yiyun believes that after a thousand years, everyone who has taken Purple Gold Water of Life will be able to maximize their potential. The improvement of a drop of Purple Gold Water of Life is not just as simple as a small realm or a big realm.

He did what he could, and it's up to them later.

The Purple Gold Water of Life was not only effective on the demon race, he found that it was also effective on the human race.

This is a huge treasure of heaven and earth. It is not just as simple as containing vitality.

With a wave of his hand, ninety drops of water of life went towards every corner of Yunmen. It was distributed to everyone selected by Yang Yiyun.

After doing all this, Yang ordered him to retreat and not to disturb him unless there was anything important.

On the other side, the old willow tree was recovering, or in other words, absorbing the purple-gold water of life, while Yang Yiyun sat down cross-legged and began to retreat.

His cultivation method has completely broken out of the normal cultivation circle. There is no one to give guidance or reference, so he can only explore and practice on his own.

However, there is one bottom line that he knows, that is, not to make any rash advances, and he is confident that he will take the right path.

So far, after integrating the ten powers of heaven and earth in his body, he has power seeds of ten attributes, accompanied by ten attribute laws.

There is a great balance within the Immortal Crystal.

There was no problem. Instead, he felt that his cultivation and improvement were progressing all the time.

Because there is a very clear change that the ten power seeds in the body are becoming larger, condensed and more refined.

He named the ten powerful seeds in his immortal crystal - Tao Seeds!

Definitely an apt name.

Because cultivating Taoism is to strengthen oneself through the power of heaven and earth. The power of heaven and earth is the ten major attribute powers that exist in heaven and earth. No cultivating creature can do without these ten powers.

And now he has gathered ten major powers in his body, condensed them into points, and turned them into seeds of ten attributes within the fairy crystal. It is more appropriate to call them Tao seeds.

This is the path of cultivation he has chosen, and it is also the avenue he will take in the future.

This way of cultivating Taoism, someone Yang called it, the way of swallowing the sky.

Because he wanted to absorb all the power in the world into his own body, he opened up a new cultivation system.

A training system that is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Yang Yiyun has a very bold idea about this kind of cultivation method, that is, he can lay a foundation from the beginning of cultivation.

This is the way he will go from now on, and he doesn't know what changes will happen in the end, but it will definitely be stronger than ordinary practice.

Because other people's cultivation usually involves absorbing one attribute power or developing a dual-attribute spiritual root. After forming elixirs all the way, in the end, becoming an immortal is just a matter of cultivating through strong cultivation and being able to hold at most the power of the five elements in the body. , but going up is to break the balance of monsters, which must be the result of body explosion and death.

But he turned out to be a freak. He absorbed enough of the ten attribute powers in the world, and instead of exploding to death, he became a great balance.

Of course, this has something to do with his initial physique, because when he formed the elixir, he had a perfect physique, so he was born with the ability to sense and accommodate the ten powers of heaven and earth.

Only in this way did he now have the Tao Seed result of condensing the ten major attributes of heaven and earth within the Immortal Crystal.

But it is indeed extremely powerful.

Although his realm has never been improved, he is still in the realm of Immortal Lord, but the power he can explode is enough for him to kill and comprehend the fifth heaven, or even the sixth heaven level.

How outrageous is this?

Yang Yiyun has never told anyone about the situation inside his body. Only he knows how terrible it is inside his body now.

There is a feeling that when the seeds of the ten major attribute powers in his body sprout one day, it will be the time when his strength will be unparalleled, and his cultivation will reach a new level, or when he will enter a new realm of cultivation.

This idea was actually very strong from the beginning, and he had always believed that he could make the seeds of the ten attributes in his body germinate.

Now in retreat, all we have to do is work hard in this direction.

He has an extremely strong intuition that if he can succeed, this is the right path.

But there was a problem that he had to solve.

This problem is the problem of practicing the exercises.

Although his Qiankun Creation Technique felt like it could still operate smoothly since he contained ten power seeds in his body, even more fluently than before, he knew that this technique was no longer in line with his current state.

If he wants the ten great seeds to germinate in his body, he must change his technique, otherwise he will never be able to advance to the next level.

Not only is it extremely difficult to change the skill, but what needs to be changed is the creation skill of the universe.

In the past, Yang Yiyun thought this was a foolish dream.

But now he wants to try it. After all, it is transformation, not complete creation.

Because there is this foundation.

The Qiankun Creation Technique was originally a supreme technique. It came from the heaven, and it might even be a more mysterious technique. It could still operate in response to the changes in his body. However, Yang Yiyun felt that something was missing.

He couldn't explain it, but he thought about this problem for a long time before he discovered that it appeared in the practice of martial arts, so he started to transform it, based on the Qiankun Creation Skill.

If he transforms to the point where he can adapt to the ten major species in his body, he will be considered successful.

By that time, he believed that his cultivation would reach a whole new realm.

It’s not difficult to say it’s easy, it’s not easy to say it’s easy, but many things need to be tried to be known.

The transformation of skills requires countless calculations and deductions. This is the first step, but this may require a very large amount of time to support.

Regarding the issue of time, a thousand years may not be enough.

However, Yang Yiyun has a magical power that he has not used for a long time that can help him solve this problem.

That was the dark space he got after swallowing the Black Lotus Liangzi, a closed space that spiritual consciousness could enter, and a one-hundred-to-one ratio of time and space.

One day outside, one hundred days in the dark space.

This time is enough for him to modify the Qiankun Creation Technique into one that is most suitable for his practice.

Because he has a thousand years, which in the dark space is a hundred times that of a thousand years, which is enough.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun's consciousness sank into the boundless darkness. He began to study the Qiankun Creation Art from beginning to end, and deduced changes corresponding to the changes in his body.

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