My Master Is a God

Chapter 2495 Red Leaf Blood Lotus

"What does this mean, fellow Taoist?"

The leader of the Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal stared at Yang Yiyun with murderous intent. If he hadn't been unable to see through Yang Yiyun's depth, he would have taken action. Unfortunately, even if he was the Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal, he couldn't see through Yang Yiyun.

"What kind of palace are you the master of?" Yang Yiyun asked, narrowing his eyes.

Although the other party was a Loose Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations, he was not afraid at all and did not even take him seriously.

Because the twelve calamity loose immortals are equivalent to the immortals, they are the top loose immortals, but even the twelve calamities loose immortals are divided into high and low levels. I think the one who is above the immortals is still enlightened to the ninth heaven. On the surface, they are all immortals. The realm of respect can be subdivided into the meaning of enlightenment.

This person is equivalent to the cultivation realm of Immortal Lord in the later stage.

So it doesn't mean much to Yang Yiyun, even if he is equivalent to a high-level enlightenment, it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, I finally know why this place is called the Sanxian Space.

Just casually encountering a loose immortal of twelve tribulations in such a deep mountain, it is indeed a world in the loose immortal space.

Yang Yiyun became more and more curious about this world.

"I'm the deputy palace master of Hongye Immortal Palace, I am from the immortal world, right? Why did you destroy the mountain gate of Hongye Immortal Palace? If you don't give me an explanation today, this matter will not be solved."

He claimed to be the deputy palace master of the left wing, but he meant it with a threat.

"Haha, okay, I will not spare the circle. I will hand over two mortals. One is called Wang Tiezhu and Zhang Cuilian. Then I will let you princess come out to see me. It will take ten minutes. It has been two minutes now." Yang said. Said slowly.

Zuo Zuo's expression changed, but his heart skipped a beat. There were many mortals here. How could he know about Wang Tiezhu and Zhang Cuilian? But since the other party came to the door, it might be these two people.

But the point is that the mortals here are not visible to the light. They are used by them to practice evil arts. Once someone discovers the secret of using mortals to practice evil arts, then the Ji family, the master of the Sanxian space, and even the entire Sanxian world will be in trouble. He will not let them go. Once this secret is known, all of them will die without a burial place.

I can’t keep this person~


After figuring out the key, the left wing stopped talking and just uttered one word coldly - kill!

Want to kill Yang Yiyun.

Others immediately took action at this moment and launched an attack on Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun was surrounded in the center, and more than a dozen Sanxian took action simultaneously.

There was a constant roar for a while, and various attacks went straight to Yang Yiyun.

However, Yang Yiyun laughed angrily and said: "There is indeed a problem. Maybe he is afraid that I will know some secrets. Fortunately, it is justifiable to kill you now."


He snorted coldly.

Yang Yiyun's body was filled with ten colors of light, suddenly bursting out.


The next moment, screams were heard all around.

One by one, the loose immortals fell to the ground and lost their vitality, including the ones at the beginning.


The only person still alive in the field is the left wing of the Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal.

It wasn't that he was powerful, but that Yang Yiyun deliberately spared his life.

On the spot, Left Wing vomited blood and knelt down.

Unable to kneel down, Yang Yiyun directly pressed his hand on Zuo Zui's forehead and began to search for his soul.

He didn't want to waste time on these people, soul searching was the most direct way.

A few minutes later, the left wing of the Twelve Tribulations Loose Immortal was reduced to ashes in his hands.

Yang Yiyun stood there and got what he wanted to know.

What's interesting is that he actually saw Lu Xuexi in this leftist's memory.

In Zuo Zuo's memory, he only met Lu Xuexi once, at an auction of loose immortals in Lingyue City. The reason Zuo Zuo has an influence in his memory is because Lu Xuexi's identity is an underground underground man in Lingyue City called Fengyun. He was a member of the black market organization, so he took a few glances to remember Lu Xuexi.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. Sure enough, Lu Xuexi was in the world of Sanxian Space. He wrote down the names of Lingyue City and Fengyun Black Market. After thinking about solving the problem here as soon as possible, he went to Lingyue City to find Lu Xuexi.

I don’t know how she is doing now. After all, Zuo Zuo remembers seeing Lu Xuexi more than 4,000 years ago.

But one thing is certain, Lu Xuexi is the person from Fengyun Black Market Auction.

This is a clue. Regardless of whether Lu Xuexi is in Lingyue City or not, Fengyun Black Market is inseparable.

The other thing is the situation of Hongye Palace. In Zuo Zuo's memory, Yang Yiyun saw the dark side. As he suspected, the Sanxian of Hongye Palace was practicing evil skills.

There were more than thirty people in Hongye Palace, and every one of them deserved to die.

Everyone participated in practicing evil arts. The key point is that the method of practicing evil arts is too cruel. They captured ordinary mortals and used the blood of living people to cultivate an evil elixir to practice evil arts.

The evil elixir cultivated is called Red Leaf Blood Lotus. It takes about sixty years from the time the seeds are planted to maturity. Although the maturity time is very fast, the maturity of each Red Leaf Blood Lotus represents the life of an ordinary mortal.

There are tens of thousands of red-leaf blood lotuses being cultivated in the underground palace of the entire Red Leaf Immortal Palace, which means that ten thousand ordinary people's lives are lost at a time.

Moreover, Red Leaf Immortal Palace has been cultivating red leaf blood lotus for tens of thousands of years, which is simply an astronomical number of human lives.

They go to various places to arrest people. They rarely touch people within a radius of 500 miles. However, there is an exception. If people within 500 miles enter the mountain, it will be different. They will be arrested directly into the Hongye Mountain Underground Palace. Cultivate and plant blood lotus with red leaves. Anyway, there are many talented wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountains. Even if the family members know that they are missing, they will probably think that they died while hunting and will not raise any suspicion.

It’s so heartless~

Yang Yiyun cursed loudly.

Walking towards the main hall step by step.

The entrance to the underground palace is in the main hall. In Zuo Zui's memory, the master of the palace, Yu Lingxiang, was in the underground palace. In his middle age, he absorbed and refined red leaf blood lotus and practiced. In Zuo Zuo's memory, Yu Lingxiang's cultivation was very high, but how high he was. They don’t even know, but the evil skills and the red-leaf blood lotus they practiced were also obtained by the palace master Yu Lingxiang from somewhere.

On the left, as the vice-princess, he would otherwise go out to arrest people. The Sanxian space is very large and has countless mortals, so it would not be too many for him to arrest ten thousand people every time.

Moreover, their cultivation level has also advanced rapidly from the evil skills passed down by Hongye Xuelian and Palace Master Yu Lingxiang. He is also the biggest beneficiary. He was the first to survive all the tribulations of loose immortals and reach the realm of the twelve tribulations of loose immortals. .

In the past, there were actually many Loose Immortals in Hongye Palace, as many as thousands. However, some Loose Immortals did not agree with and did not practice evil arts. As a result, they were killed by them. Therefore, there are now more than thirty people in Hongye Palace.

Of course, Yang Yiyun killed fourteen, and now there are only nineteen left, all of whom are cultivating red-leaf blood lotus in the underground palace.

As for Xiao Hua'er's parents, Wang Dacai's son and daughter-in-law, Wang Tiezhu and Zhang Cuilian, Yang Yiyun believes that they are still alive. After all, they disappeared three years ago. Even if they were planted with blood lotus, they should not be dead.

Because it takes sixty years for snowdrops to mature, and people will die only when they mature for sixty years.

So there should be hope for Xiao Hua'er's parents.

Yang Yiyun was filled with murderous intent.

Everyone in Hongye Palace deserves to die, and the palace owner Yu Lingxiang deserves to go to hell.

He actually did not hesitate to be so cruel and use mortal life to cultivate the evil red-leaf blood lotus for the sake of cultivation. He deserves to die.

He was curious, where did this palace master Yu Lingxiang get such evil skills and the method of cultivating red-leaf blood lotus?

And the Ji family where junior sister Ji Zixia lives is known as the dominant family in the world of loose immortals. Could it be that the existence of such evil loose immortals has not been discovered?

Then he thought that it was normal not to notice. Since these loose immortals dared to do it, they would not be discovered, otherwise they would not go so far as to kill thousands of people in their immortal palace until less than forty people were left.

He sighed. Fortunately, he came and discovered the existence of these evil immortals. Otherwise, how many innocent mortals would have died?

Now it seems that the Ji family where the little senior sister lives is not completely dominant~

In other words, the Ji family's sheep-herding style management has huge drawbacks.

It is conceivable that if word of this spreads, how many immortals will take risks?

After all, according to Zuo Zuo's memory, the evil skills and red-leaf blood lotus passed down by Yu Lingxiang can indeed increase the catastrophe of the Sanxian that becomes more powerful every thousand years.

Not every loose immortal can reach the end and withstand all the catastrophes.

If a shortcut appeared, it would be dangerous for Sanxian.

But this comes at the expense of mortal lives.

Moreover, a loose immortal who can withstand twelve tribulations of loose immortals and heavenly tribulations can represent the lives of nine thousand mortals. This is the record of left wing memory bomb.

Can you imagine how terrible it will be once such evil shortcuts spread?

Even such evil techniques and red-leaf blood lotus are not only suitable for loose immortals, but are also helpful to immortals and any monks.

Imagine that one day in the future, such evil practices and evil practices will spread to the entire fairy world...

Yang Yiyun was scared.

It must not spread. It must be completely eradicated and destroyed. It is too terrible.

Yang Yiyun walked into the main hall of Hongye Palace with a heavy heart.

Pushing the door open and entering, there was no one in the main hall. All the loose immortals on the ground had been killed, and the rest were in the underground palace.

In Left Wing's memory, the entrance to the underground palace is on the wall of the main hall.

Yang Yiyun walked over directly and activated his magic power on a palm mural on the wall. Suddenly the wall rumbled and a door opened.

Yang Yiyun looked at it and it turned out to be an underground tunnel that led to immortality.

Walked in without hesitation.

The door behind him slowly closed again.

He was not afraid at all, and the murderous intention in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

The dim passage is a stone staircase. It goes down diagonally for more than three hundred meters to reach the cave on the platform, which leads directly to the distance...

After a full hour, Yang Yiyun finally reached the end of the passage.

I also saw light.

According to Zuo Zui's memory, there is a guard at the stone gate of the underground palace ahead. Once you enter, you will find the place where human medicine is cultivated.


The two gray-haired loose immortals are both immortal level twelve tribulation loose immortals.

Yang Yiyun suddenly flashed away.

"Boom boom~"

Under two palms, two twelve calamity loose immortals were killed.

None of them have entered enlightenment, and they can kill instantly with one hand.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yiyun pushed open the stone door.

The next moment, even though he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help but tremble after seeing it with his own eyes.

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