My Master Is a God

Chapter 2498 The young senior sister may be in danger

Yang Yiyun had a bad feeling.

He suddenly remembered what his senior brother had said. The reason why the Ji family, where the young senior sister lives, can be called the first family in the immortal world and controls the entire space of loose immortals as a family is because the Ji family has some secret method that can enable loose immortals to survive the tribulation.

Success here means that the twelve heavenly tribulations of Sanxian have been completely overcome.

Even his master Yun Tianxie's ability to become a Loose Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations was related to the Ji family.

Everything he saw in front of him was ultimately related to the improvement of the cultivation level of the Sanxian and the Heavenly Tribulation of the Sanxian. From Zuo Zuo's memory, the core of what Yang Yiyun saw was the Heavenly Tribulation of the Sanxian.

These loose immortals cultivate red-leaf blood lotus and practice evil arts in order to survive the loose immortal tribulation, and the effect is obvious. The appearance of more than ten loose immortals of twelve tribulations here is the best proof.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat when he thought about what Yu Lingxiang said.

I hope what I think is wrong.

But is it really wrong?

Yang Yiyun heard some meaning from Yu Lingxiang's words, and that seemed to be it.


Yang Yiyun said again in a deep voice.

"Haha~" Yu Lingxiang's whole body was twitching, with a twisted look on his face. It was obvious that Xiao Lan's poison had caused him great pain.

After a pause, Yu Lingxiang said: "To tell you the truth, the Ji family is behind me, so you can't kill me. If you kill me, the Ji family will not let you go...ah~"


Yang Yiyun raised his hand and struck Yu Lingxiang, causing Yu Lingxiang to scream.

"Death is imminent, why are you trying to endanger me? What are you talking about about the Ji family? Would the Ji family do such unscrupulous things?" Yang Yiyun cursed and said to Xiao Lan in the dark: "Xiao Lan increases the poison. "


Immediately, Yu Lingxiang's whole body glowed with blue light and he screamed.

"No, no, no... stop... spare your life, I was wrong... ah~"

Yu Lingxiang kept screaming.

"To be honest, I have no patience~" Yang Yiyun said gloomily.

If he hadn't discovered that there were restrictions within Yu Lingxiang's soul, once he went to forcibly search for souls, the restrictions on the soul would be immediately activated and dissipated, and he would have started searching for souls long ago.

This time Yu Lingxiang calmed down, he couldn't hold on under Xiao Lan's domineering poison.

He opened his mouth and said: "I... behind me is the second room of the Ji family..."

For the next half hour, Yu Lingxiang was explaining his relationship with the Ji family.

After listening, Yang Yiyun's brows became more and more intense. He was now worried about the safety of his little senior sister, because according to Yu Lingxiang's story, the huge Ji family was actually very chaotic.

The entire Ji family has three most powerful branches, located in three directions of the Sanxian space.

The big house is the little senior sister's branch. In Jijia Village, it is also the core of the entire Ji family in name. Any branch must listen to the big house.

The second branch is the largest empire in the Sanxian space. It controls almost most of the area of ​​the Sanxian space. It is known as the royal family.

Sanfang is the richest, or most resourceful lineage that controls the business of the Sanxian space.

In comparison, the Dafang branch where the young senior sister belongs is the most humble one. The Dafang branch does not participate in any disputes and just focuses on cultivating Taoism.

Of course, Dafang is also the most powerful lineage. He is very low-key, but he is the orthodox member of the Ji family.

The second and third bedrooms were still from the Ji family in name, but secretly they had long since separated from the Ji family and blossomed in all directions. After countless years, their bloodlines were completely different.

In particular, the second room has great ambitions. He has always wanted to unify the entire Ji family and the entire Sanxian space, but he has been suppressed by the first room...

But how can the second wife be willing to do so?

I don’t know since when, Erfang suddenly developed a crazy force and began to recruit loose immortals from the loose immortal space. The way to attract loose immortals was to cultivate red-leaf blood lotus and one step of evil power. This would allow the loose immortals to survive the loose immortals to a large extent. Immortal calamity.

It has to be said that this method is a fatal temptation for most loose immortals, and few loose immortals can resist this temptation.

The twelve tribulations of the Sanxian, each tribulation is life and death, and few people can survive it, or survive until the twelfth tribulation.

So although it is an evil practice, it is effective.

Second-bedroom plans are popping up almost everywhere.

In Yu Lingxiang's story, he is not the only one. There must be people like him who were selected by the second room of the Ji family in the entire Sanxian space.

Erfang launched a rebellion, wanting to destroy Dafang's lineage and replace it, and to unify the entire Sanxian space.

As for the news about the third bedroom, although Yu Lingxiang didn't know, Yang Yiyun could guess that the third bedroom was very likely to be taken over by the second bedroom.

The point is that Erfang's method of practicing evil skills secretly is very likely for someone in Dafang's lineage to be dragged into the water.

Where do these evil techniques of cultivating human medicine and cultivation come from?

It is not impossible that the source is from the Ji family.

This is the most dangerous.

Yang Yiyun immediately thought of the little senior sister.

According to the little senior sister, they insist on following the right path, believe in letting nature take its course, and are very decent.

But now that the second brother is going to rebel, the first brother will definitely be a thorn in his side.

Little senior sister is in danger~

Yang Yiyun's heart was beating wildly.

With a wave of his hand, he swatted Yu Lingxiang to death and turned into ashes.

Yu Lingxiang is just a small character, the focus is on the second room.

Now that we know about the Ji family, there is no need to keep this small role.

To exchange one's own cultivation at the cost of a mortal's life is an evil way that cannot be tolerated by nature. It would not be an exaggeration if Yu Lingxiang died ten thousand times.

After it was destroyed, Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and prepared to leave here quickly. Let's go find the little senior sister first~

The second wife of the Ji family is so ambitious, will she attack the first wife at any time if she can't protect her?

At that time, the little senior sister will be in great danger.

The point is, Yang Yiyun's heart was beating for no reason, and he had a very bad premonition.

The ambition of the second wife of the Ji family would be fine if it were just for the Sanxian space, but if it were...

Yang Yiyun didn't dare to think about it.

This second wife of the Ji family can no longer exist in the world and must be destroyed. Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the entire fairy world and even the lower world.

Because they cultivated the evil blood lotus at the cost of human life, in theory it not only has a great effect on the improvement of the cultivation level of the loose immortals to overcome the tribulation, but also has an effect on all living things in the world.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun's heart was beating wildly, and an extremely terrifying thought came into his mind. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he did not dare to think about it anymore.

The information he got from Yu Lingxiang for the time being was that the second room of the Ji family just wanted to control the news of unifying the world of scattered immortals, and he found that Hongye Immortal Palace was just the tip of the iceberg in the layout of the second room of the Ji family.

I still don’t know how many Hongye Immortal Palaces and Yu Lingxiangs there are in the entire Sanxian Space World?

Is a? two? one hundred? one thousand? Ten thousand? Or even more?

He doesn't even know.

Definitely a lot.

Because the price of cultivating and cultivating evil skills is too small.

All at the expense of mortal lives. As long as a steady stream of seeds appears, an unlimited amount of evil blood lotus can be cultivated for cultivation. It is simply a huge profit.

There are countless immortals in the world, but there are even more countless mortal beings.

In the eyes of many immortals, mortals are just ants who can be caught to practice evil skills without any effort.

The scary thing is that now he only has a general understanding of the situation of the second wife of the Ji family, and he still doesn’t know the final power of this evil technique?

Judging from the Red Leaf Immortal Palace alone, there are more than 20 loose immortals who have reached the level of twelve tribulations. Although most of them have not reached the level of enlightenment, if they continue to practice, they will become enlightened sooner or later.

So how many evil-dominated twelve tribulation loose immortals will exist in the entire Ji family's second room and the entire loose immortal space?

This was something he didn't know and didn't dare to think about it.

Ji family~

It's really an unknown and mysterious family.

I hope he is overthinking it.

After putting away his complicated thoughts, Yang Yiyun rushed to save people. More than 500 people were still alive, and the red-leaf blood lotus in his body had not yet sprouted.

After spending an hour, Yang Yiyun took out the red leaf blood lotus seeds from these people, revived them, and let them out of the cave.

Among them were Xiao Hua'er's parents. After briefly speaking, Yang Yiyun faced the remaining shemales with a twitch on his face. The next moment, he suddenly waved out his palms, and endless flames came out.

All the transvestites were burned clean in an instant.

These demons are living human beings, but they have lost consciousness and cannot come back, but they cannot be allowed to stay, because each one of them is an evil red-leaf blood lotus. This is evil and should not exist in the world. .

Complete burning is also a relief for them.

Looking at the empty hall that turned into a sea of ​​fire, Yang Yiyun clenched his fists and said to himself: "Rest in peace, I will seek justice for you."

He was also born as a mortal, and throughout his journey of cultivation, he had never killed a mortal indiscriminately, and had never regarded a mortal as an ant.

Because we are all equal creatures.

But these damn immortals are...

Everyone in the entire monk world knows that mortals are the cornerstone. Although they are the weakest people, they are the spirits of the world and the cornerstone of the great road.

There is only protection for mortals in the world, no killing.

Killing mortals is evil, even more evil.

Mortals are the Dao, and those who are killed will be punished by God.

Yang Yiyun was roaring at the moment, his heart was sad and full of murderous intent.

Shuangquan holds tightly and gives a promise.

Just when he said that he wanted to give these mortals a chance to escape, there was a roar in the sky.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, felt his whole body undergo some changes, but he couldn't tell what the changes were, but he knew in his heart that this was the way of heaven.

At this moment, he knew that this was Heaven's great wish, and it was also Heaven's approval.

Seeking justice for these mortals, Heaven has approved it.

The entire empty space was originally full of resentment, but it slowly dissipated at this time.

Yang Yiyun has a clear understanding, what is an immortal? What is ordinary?

Immortals are just a thought. There are all living beings under the way of heaven. All living beings are equal. No one is above. They are all under the way of heaven and belong to the same world. No one can decide who lives or dies.

Mortals are not killed at will.

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