My Master Is a God

Chapter 2520 Little Immortal Lord Ji Ruyan

Yang Yiyun walked out of Cloud Gate alone, without anyone around him, except of course Xiaolan, who was always on Yang Yiyun's wrist in the form of a bracelet.

He said he would set an example, and he had to fulfill his promise.

According to the senior brother, the entire fairy world is now experiencing a massive outbreak of evil monks, a complete outbreak. Almost every fairy mountain has several outbreaks of evil monks, and a large number of bases for cultivating blood lotuses have also been discovered.

Yang Yiyun deduced that the outbreak in the past ten years may have been secretly promoted by Ji Wuxin. Not only was there no shortage, but after ten years, more and more people practiced evil practices.

When Yang Yiyun thought about this, it should be that some immortals failed to resist the temptation of the effect of blood lotus, and instead fell into the trap of clearing demons.

So let’s do more and more!

This is all to be expected, after all, everyone likes shortcuts.

This is also a test of Taoism, both good and bad.

Naturally, he went out this time not for Ji Wuxin, or rather for his son Yang Xingfu.

Yang Yiyun left Yunmen alone and walked like an ascetic, climbing over mountains and ridges, crossing large rivers...

There was no point in flying, he just couldn't get away, but his speed was not slow at all. Sometimes it was as slow as a snail. It took several hours to reach a ravine, but sometimes it took one step to cross a river...

But there is one rule that remains unchanged. His walking direction is a straight line and has not changed at all.

Ten days later, he entered a small city in the Chaos Fairyland.

"It's indeed right~"

Yang Yiyun stood in front of the city called Fangcheng and muttered to himself.

What he said was right, it was a confirmation.

This confirmation was his intuition of enlightenment after the knot in his heart was opened. When he went out, he was thinking about purging the demons, so he walked in a straight line, completely following his heart and following his heart.

He does as his heart dictates.

Now when he arrived in front of this square city, he felt the strong resentment and evil spirit, and saw that the entire square city was shrouded in resentment.

"Let's start from this square city~" Yang Yiyun muttered to himself and walked into the square city step by step.

In fact, this place has reached an extremely remote place in the Chaos Fairyland, and is more like a border city.

But after Yang Yiyun walked into Fangcheng, he frowned because he didn't find any immortal monks.

The whole city looks like a dead city.

The atmosphere of resentment permeated every corner.

Just when he was about to let go of his consciousness to check, a voice sounded from behind him: "Hey, kid, if you don't want to die, get out of here as soon as possible~"

Yang Yiyun was immediately happy, even a little surprised. When he turned around, a woman appeared.

But he dresses like a man, completely like a girl.

At first glance, he looks like a little fairy.

This is the first time in thousands of years that he has been called a boy like this. He was stunned for a moment, but he soon realized that he found it interesting and understood why this little immortal king scolded him like this.

Of course, this scolding was for his own good, because Yang Yiyun knew that in the eyes of this little fairy, he was now a mortal.

This has a lot to do with the change in his heart. Not to mention this little fairy, even in the eyes of his senior brother and others, he is nothing more than an ordinary mortal.

No one can see through him anymore.

Yang Yiyun found it interesting that after he turned his head, the little fairy didn't show any surprise when he saw him. This is the interesting part.

This place is still in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, and his name, Yang, is said to be the biggest in the entire Chaotic Immortal Realm. It can be said that almost everyone knows it, and everyone has seen his image. .

But it's obvious that this little fairy doesn't know him, but it has something to do with the fact that he has no breath in his body now. Who would have thought that he would be Yang Yiyun, the Heavenly Lord of the Universe?

"Are immortal from the Chaotic Immortal Realm?" Yang Yiyun was very interested.

"You know that this fairy is an immortal and you still don't kneel down and worship me. You, a little mortal, are quite courageous. Do you know where this place is? If you want to survive, leave as soon as possible."

The little fairy in Yang Yiyun's eyes glanced at Yang Yiyun and said.

Now Yang Yiyun felt more interesting. He looked at the little fairy and said: "You are here alone. With the strong resentment in you, if any evil cultivator appears, you can't deal with it alone. I also advise you to leave. Life is important."

However, Yang Yiyun did not bother at all about whether he was a mortal in the eyes of this little fairy, but instead advised her to leave.

At this time, the little fairy was suddenly happy. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "I understand, you are not a mortal. I understand, you also come out to get benefits behind the teacher's back, right? Haha, I have to give this fairy the whole How about sending a boy to accompany you to help, and you will share in the benefits?"

Yang Yiyun thought this little fairy was a bit interesting, so he simply smiled and said, "What's the benefit?"

"The benefits are beyond your imagination. I tell you, there is a secret base for cultivating blood lotus here. Everyone from Yunmen has been here once and never discovered it, but I have been there for several months. There is definitely a secret here. The base exists, and I have roughly guessed the location. As long as we find this secret base and get the blood lotus inside, we will make a lot of money." said the female fairy.

Yang Yiyun listened to Xiao Xianjun's words, and immediately narrowed his eyes and said: "Do you want to take blood lotus?"

The little fairy glared and said: "Shit, I am from a large sect, how can I take an evil path? You just came out of the mountain, right? Don't you know the value of blood lotus?"

"Well, it's true that I have just come out of the mountain to experience. Please... the fairy give me some advice?" Yang, however, looked like he was asking for advice humbly.

Xiao Xianjun said: "Ten years ago, Yunmen launched the demon purging operation. Under the synaesthesia of several major core forces in the fairy world, they formed the core of the demon purging core in the fairy world. They issued various rewards for killing demon heads and finding and handing over the Blood Lotus City. To get rich rewards such as immortal stone skills and so on, as long as we find the blood lotus cultivation base in Fangcheng and get the blood lotus inside, we can go to Yunmen or any major sect in the immortal world to receive the immortal stone rewards..."

Yang Yiyun listened to this little fairy talk, and he finally understood. Let alone the reward and punishment mechanism for clearing demons established by Yunmen and the major immortal sects. The little girl in front of him is definitely a rookie. She must be just like what she said about him. The kind of rookie who sneaked out.

She thought things were so wonderful.

Is it so easy to cultivate the evil blood lotus evil way?

However, Yang Yiyun is interested in the cultivation base she mentioned. If this kind of square city really exists and the secret cultivation base of Blood Lotus exists, then it must be destroyed.

The point is that he can't figure out how this little immortal Lord found out about the existence of a secret breeding base even though the disciples of Yunmen came here and never noticed it?

Then Yang Yiyun muttered: "Okay, I agree to go with you, but how can you be sure that there is really a breeding base for blood lotus here?"

"You don't have to worry about this. Just follow me and I will never lie to you." Xiao Xianjun spoke confidently and walked directly past Yang Yiyun towards the front.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but smile, but still followed.

He didn't know why, but he felt that what this little fairy said was correct.

After much deliberation, it comes down to my own intuition, or my heart.

Then he followed Xiao Xianjun, and the two of them went directly towards the depths of Fang City, one behind the other.

On the way, the little fairy finally asked what Yang Yiyun thought was a reliable question: "Hey, white-haired one, what's your name? Your name is Ji Ruyan, you can call me Fairy Ruyan."

Yang Yiyun smiled: "My name is Yang Yiyun~"

Just say it casually.

But the next moment, Ji Ruyan suddenly turned around and stopped, his face darkened and he said: "Since you have chosen to form a temporary team with me, Ji Ruyan, you must be honest. I hate hypocritical people like you, Yang Yiyun Who is that?

That is the majestic Qiankun Tianzun, yes, my idol. Don’t think that turning your hair white is Yang Yiyun, the Qiankun Tianzun. Do you know that you are insulting the male god in my heart? Do you know what happened to those people who pretended to be Yang Yiyun in the fairy world?

Let me tell you, I have been beaten to the point of death. I advise you not to pretend to be Qiankun Tianzun, otherwise our cooperation will end here, huh~"

"Uh~" Yang was confused. He looked at Ji Ruyan with a threatening face and couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He told his name honestly, but he didn't expect to receive such a huge reaction from Ji Ruyan.

Unexpectedly, he met a big fan of his?

Male god?

When did I become so famous in the fairy world?

It seems that his status in the eyes of the female fairy is not low!

I wanted to defend myself, but looking at Ji Ruyan's murderous eyes, Yang smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend your boyfriend. real name is...Yang Xingfu."

When Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he said the name of his son Yang Xingfu, which was a kind of knot in his heart for his son.

"That's right. Be a down-to-earth person and practice cultivation. It's right to regard Yang Yiyun as your target cultivation idol, but don't pretend to be him and leave~" Ji Ruyan finally laughed.

Yang Yiyun was really speechless. He didn't expect that one day, he would be thought to be impersonating himself.

But speaking of it, it was all because he thought this little fairy was interesting and he was just following his heart.

After that, the conversations with Ji Ruyan gradually increased. Yang Yiyun saw that Ji Ruyan was a spoiled girl in the school. She had never traveled out and had illusions about everything and was full of confidence.

For example, Yang Yiyun found out through lies that the reason why she came here alone was because she heard the conversation of the elders of the master's sect, saying that they had found a secret cultivation base of blood lotus here. The place was so secret that even the disciples of Yunmen didn't even come. Discover.

Her sect was prepared to come here to clean up this secret Blood Lotus base and get this big credit, but after Ji Ruyan heard about it, she came here secretly, without being with her sect at all. I have to say that he is brave, or naive.

Along the way, Yang Yiyun's face became darker and darker. He found that basically no immortals or mortals existed in Fangcheng. Just like Duan Qianxian Mountain, it seemed to have been sacrificed by blood. It was a dead city anyway.

No one knows how many lives have died.

The evil practice brought by Ji Wuxin is not only harmful to Ji Wuxin alone. Some people who have practiced Ji Wuxin's evil method may have become the next Ji Wuxin. Once exposed, the entire city will be sacrificed. .

Damn it~

Yang Yiyun cursed in his heart.

He knew that if it didn't calm down as soon as possible, the fairy world might become more and more chaotic and more people would die.

In the blink of an eye, he followed Ji Ruyan and arrived in front of a dilapidated courtyard that looked like a family ancestral hall.

"Here we are~"

But it was Ji Ruyan who spoke.

Yang Yiyun glanced around and found nothing strange here.

I couldn't help but say: "It's no different here~ Are you sure there is a Blood Lotus base here?"

"Just follow me~" Ji Ruyan did not answer Yang Yiyun and walked directly into the ruined courtyard.

After looking around, he arrived at an ancient well in the courtyard and then said: "This is it. I heard my uncle said that there is a base of Blood Lotus under this ancient well. The reason why the Yunmen disciples didn't discover it is because There is a formation that blocks the breath, come on, follow me and jump down to have a look."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl jumped directly into the ancient well.

Yang Yiyun's eyelids twitched: "I'm really... speechless."

He muttered and jumped into the ancient well. He was afraid that the girl would suffer.

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