My Master Is a God

Chapter 2523 As long as your belly is big enough, you can drink enough wine

Yang Yiyun directly left the world underground in the ancient well, and when he came out again, he was already above the starry sky in the Chaos Fairyland.

This time he came out completely based on his feeling.

Of course, the core purpose is to find Ji Wuxin. Regardless of whether his son Yang Xingfu is devoured by Ji Wuxin, or... conversely, whether his son Yang Xingfu can assimilate Ji Wuxin, he must find Ji Wuxin.

There are countless fairy mountains in the vast starry sea. He doesn't know where Ji Wuxin is. He probably won't appear again easily, but there must be a lot of evil cultivators left by Ji Wuxin, and they have begun to explode in the fairy world on a large scale.

There are wars everywhere in the immortal world now, but generally speaking, the immortals have the upper hand and the demonic path is at a disadvantage. Yang Yiyun believes that the demonic path spread by Ji Wuxin will eventually dissipate, but it may take a longer time.

But evil cannot defeat good, this is the way of heaven.

He can feel it.

Feelings in the dark.

Very mysterious.

He couldn't explain it clearly, but he knew it.

Moreover, he had a premonition that there would be another major change in the demonic path in the future, but he felt very vague about this major change.

This was also the reason why he wanted to find Ji Wuxin.

Anyway, since the knot in his heart was opened by Ouyang Yuqing ten years ago, his Taoist heart has undergone a transformation. However, he can foresee some things that will happen in the immortal world in the future, but it is not obvious and clear.

When he first went to Fangcheng after leaving the mountain, he met Ji Ruyan and then when he destroyed Ximen Tuo, it was also the feeling and intuition of his original heart. Yang Yiyun called this feeling the guidance of Taoist heart.

Wherever you go next time, go with your heart.

He regarded coming out this time as a way to refine his mind.

In this way, Yang Yiyun traveled through the starry sky and landed in the fairy mountain world again and again. Every time, he found the place where the evil spirits broke out and took action to suppress them and kill them.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, there are countless fairy mountain worlds, so Yang Yiyun tirelessly began to exterminate demons again and again, proving the demon-clearing action initiated by his Yunmen.


His deeds spread throughout the fairy world.

Yang Yiyun used practical actions to promote the action of clearing the demons that he had personally set. For a time, the entire fairy world's turmoil against the self-examination of the demons reached a peak.

After continuing for five hundred years, the self-examination finally ended.

But it pushed the demons after the outbreak completely into darkness.

This is a good thing, and actually a bad thing.

Because the hidden demons are more terrifying, you never know where and when they will break out again.

However, the entire fairy world has entered a brief period of peace.

The reason why I say short-lived is that after only three hundred years of this peace, another wave of demons broke out.

And this time it was indeed more ferocious than last time.

Because this time the demonic monks scattered all over the fairy world suddenly began to condense from all directions.

It was not like this before. They were all scattered throughout the fairy world. But after they surged up this time, they gathered in one direction.

It's like someone is calling.

The major forces in the fairy world both love and hate this phenomenon.

What I love is that these demonic monks hidden in the dark, even hidden in their fairy gates, are finally leaving. Everyone no longer has to worry about being assimilated within the fairy gates and unexpected hidden dangers will arise.

What I hate is that everyone knows that once the demonic paths gather in one place, they will become a powerful force. If they are not kept together, big chaos will occur, and it will become even more difficult to deal with.

Because when any force is twisted into a rope, it must be twice as powerful.

The entire fairy world fell into a tacit panic, and major forces began to contact Yunmen to find a solution.

Yun Changsheng and Yang Yiyun called to ask how to deal with this problem.

Yang Yiyun's answer is that it is better to clear the road than to block it.

Because although the devil was in the dark in the past, it was too scattered and it was impossible to completely eliminate it. The fairy world was too vast.

You may not be able to find it even if you look for it one by one.

Now the demonic monks have begun to gather independently, which in Yang Yiyun's opinion is a good choice.

He sent a message to the senior brother, so that the major sects in the immortal world did not need to block the demonic monks who appeared in their respective territories, and let them leave and let them gather together.

When all the demons come together one day, it will be the final battle.

In this way, you can concentrate on dealing with it.

After Yang Yiyun gave an order, the entire fairy world fell into a strange peace, and demonic monks from all over the world began to flow out.

But no one knows where these demonic monks will eventually gather.

Yang Yiyun and this fairy world are all asking about it, but there is no clue at all.

But one thing Yang Yiyun could be sure of was that this gathering of demonic monks would definitely be related to Ji Wuxin, because it was obviously a summons.

The only person who can make the entire fairy world's demonic monks swarm into action is Ji Wuxin, the demonic leader.

Over the years, the demonic path in the immortal world has been spread. Ji Wuxin is called the founder of the demonic path. The evil method he created is called "Wuxin Divine Demonic Art", which is suitable for everyone who is interested in the demonic path. Moreover, the evil method of cultivating blood lotus is also It is called the holy law of magic.

Another two hundred years have passed, and it has been a full thousand years since Yang Yiyun came out to travel.

In these two hundred years, the entire army of demonic monks finally became clear.

What is surprising is that this year, the demon army gathered in the east of the fairy world, spanning 90 million miles across the star sea, which is equivalent to completely withdrawing from the territory of the immortals in the fairy world.

The direction was determined, but no one knew that the demonic army of monks would gather at the fairy mountain in the east.

Now what Yang Yiyun and the entire fairy world have to do is to find the fairy mountain where the army of demonic monks has gathered.

This is very difficult.

Because there are countless fairy mountains in the vast starry sky, and 90 million miles away in the east, there are still wild fairy mountains, but there are very few living creatures.

In a sense, this has left the territory of the Immortal Realm.

This is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that the forces in the fairy world don't have to worry about the influence of the demonic monks. The bad thing is that no one can guarantee when the gathered demonic army will sweep into the fairy world again.

If it sweeps through the fairy world at once, it will inevitably be a greater catastrophe.

After getting the news, Yang Yiyun went to the east 90 million miles away.

Along the way, there was indeed no outbreak of demonic monks in the fairy mountain world that we passed.

Ten years later, Yang Yiyun arrived at the edge of the Immortal Realm, the Frontier Immortal Territory.

The Frontier Fairy Mountain World is a fairy mountain world at the easternmost edge of the Immortal Realm’s land of immortals, and it is also the largest fairy mountain world.

Beyond the border is the wild star sea.

The Star Sea Wilderness is a place where immortals of all ages rarely set foot. There are legends that this place is already at the end of the world. The energy of the world is extremely thin and is not suitable for monks to exist at all, so it is called the Star Sea Wilderness.

There are also nameless fairy mountains, and there are also star sea storms, and the environment is the worst.

Therefore, immortals will not step into it.

But this time the army of demon monks entered the wild star sea.

Yang Yiyun wanted to find them, or in other words, to find Ji Wuxin.

So here he comes, the world of Frontier Fairy Mountain.

There is a powerful Immortal Sect here, which is the Frontier Immortal Sect.

Yang Yiyun crossed tens of millions of miles across the sea of ​​​​stars and entered the fairyland on the frontier.

He was walking more and more like a mortal. Over the years, he still walked based on his feelings and without contacting anyone.

I didn't want to be disturbed, so I cast a spell on my white hair and turned it blue, or in other words, I made Xiao Lan spit out poisonous gas and dyed it blue.

His white hair is too conspicuous, and it is easy for everyone to spot him. He is the famous Qiankun Tianzun.

Over the years, I have been harassed by many people, especially women, so Yang learned a lesson and dyed his hair blue.

Thus he was breathless, more mortal than mortal, and never attracted the attention of others.

On this day, he came to a mortal city and walked into a restaurant.

In the thousands of years he has been traveling, Yang Yiyun has been cultivating his mind and understanding the sufferings of the world. He has hardly displayed any magic power and behaves completely like a mortal.

Enter the mortal world and do mortal things.

Eat, drink, poop and sleep, nothing is left behind.

But what he likes most is eating wine.

So after entering the city, the first stop is the restaurant.

I found a restaurant that looked ordinary, with few people and quiet.

In the two-story restaurant, Yang Yiyun climbed to the second floor and chose a seat by the window.

"The waiter has two kilograms of beef and a jar of good wine~"

"Wait a moment objectively~"

The beef and wine will be served soon.

Yang Yiyun declined the waiter's offer of wine and drank alone.

Looking out the window at all kinds of pedestrians, drinking a little wine but thinking about how to find the army of demonic monks.

There are countless fairy mountains in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, and even he would have a hard time finding them.

But the gathering of demonic monks must be a big event, and it is most likely Ji Wuxin's summons. He must find it.

Over the years, he actually still had some illusions in his heart...


"Old beggar, how can you drink and drink if you don't have money? I can't find a fight..."


While Yang Yiyun was deep in thought, the sound of cursing from the corner of the restaurant woke him up.

When he turned around, he found that the waiter was arguing with a sloppy old man. The old man seemed to be hungover, but he had no money for drinks. Yang Yiyun had seen this kind of thing many times over the years.

Too common.

But today is different.

Yang Yiyun glanced at the seemingly drunk old man, but there was a smile on his lips, and said to himself: "It's a bit interesting~ When did a strong man at the level of Tianzun become so worthless... He can even touch it when he reaches the edge of the fairy world. arrive."

While talking to himself, Yang Yiyun pulled out an ingot of gold with a wave of his hand. The currency of the mortal world, gold and silver, were hard goods. When he traveled, he dug a mine vein just to make it easier to travel to the mortal world.

"I'll buy the waiter's wine, and I'll give you two jars of good wine." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Having been taken advantage of, the waiter smiled happily and nodded naturally, letting the old man go.

The old man squatting on the ground looked sideways at Yang Yiyun, but he laughed, got up from the ground, and put it on Yang Yiyun's table like a cooked meal. He said with a smile: "Thank you Qiankun Tianzun for inviting you to drink. Since you have invited me, then I How about another one?"

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said, "As long as your belly is big enough, you can handle the wine."

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