My Master Is a God

Chapter 2528 It’s still Yang Xingfu after two soul transformations

After Yang Yiyun stepped into the portal of the God's Cemetery, he could clearly feel a unique aura. This aura was similar to or energy-like, unlike the aura that could be found in the fairy world.

But he didn't have any surprises, because this was the God's Cemetery.

Now I am thinking, will it be another space, or a world after entering?

The earth is called the ancestral world, the origin world, the place of origin, and the God Cemetery is the most mysterious place on the earth. Before entering, it is full of illusions.

After a long-lasting and seemingly short moment of trance, Yang Yiyun found that he was already in another environment.

He was a little stunned.

It's so different from what I imagined. It's not a world, nor is it an extremely dark environment.


It is a space full of crystal transparency.

This kind of crystal is something that Yang Yiyun can't see at once. It's not transparent, let's say it's opaque. It's bright from the whole sight.

It's like entering a crystal world.


There are countless crystal monuments in sight, some are large and some are small, some are high and some are bottomed. The small ones are more than one meter, the width is about half a meter, and the thickness is the same. The tall ones are hundreds of It's as big as one foot, like a mountain.

It was made of crystal, but it was impossible to see what it looked like or what was there, so Yang Yiyun felt strange.

Of course, these glittering crystal monuments look like tombstones, which is consistent with the name of the God's Cemetery.

In other words, these crystal tablets are tombstones.

It's just that there's nothing on it, not a single rune exists, and it can't be seen clearly.

Silence and brightness were Yang Yiyun's first feelings about this place.

Such a divine cemetery?

Yang Yiyun was thinking about these questions in his mind, but he moved forward and wanted to look around. Is there anything else different here?

Are there other living beings?

Unfortunately, when he tried to observe with his spiritual consciousness, he found that his spiritual consciousness was isolated and could not be used at all.

At first glance, it looked like he was in a forest of crystal steles, where his spiritual consciousness could not be used, and Yang Yiyun had no idea how big this place was.

I can only go and look around.

This place was so quiet, it seemed a little weird.

From a conscious perspective, Yang Yiyun felt that this place was different from any other space, giving him a very detached feeling.

Moreover, after entering, there was no portal behind him at all, and he didn't know what kind of space he had arrived in. However, Yang Yiyun felt that one thing was accurate, that is, the stability of the law space here was higher than that of the fairy world.

Could it be that this is really the tomb of gods and demons?

Isn't this really a transcendent place?

Just as Yang Yiyun was walking around with doubts in his heart, he heard a faint roar coming from the distance.


Although the sound was small, it was clearly distinguishable, and it seemed to be the roar of a unicorn.

Brush ~

Yang Yiyun ran away directly.

The Qilin here is obviously the Qilin Soul he saw back then.

The next moment when Yang Yiyun stopped, he had heard the sound for dozens of miles.

At this time, he saw a huge open space, more like a square, about the size of a football field, and in the center was a huge crystal monument standing alone in the center, which was larger than any other crystal monument in this world.

But in the surrounding areas, we finally saw the existence of living beings.

Two people, two beasts.

There are also Qilin and the Soul of the Crouching Ox.

However, it is a state of opposition.

After Yang Yiyun suddenly appeared, both parties were stunned.

They seemed to be making moves, but they all stopped.

Yang Yiyun was also stunned.

Because he knows everyone.

Needless to say, Qilin and Wo Niu were familiar to each other after having been here several times. Qilin even gave him a wisp of Qilin's soul.

What about the other two people?

One is dressed in black and has a strong aura with blood flowing in the air. He is his son Yang Xingfu,'s not him now, right?

Yang Yiyun glanced over and felt a little twitching in his heart.

The other man in white was none other than Lu Chunqiu whom he had met back then.

This thing is really not simple.

Now based on his cultivation level, Lu Chunqiu is a little confused, but according to his intuition, Lu Chunqiu at least has the cultivation level to understand Tianzun.

And his son Yang Xingfu also has the aura of Tianzun.

It seems that Qilin and Wo Niu are guarding the huge crystal monument, while Yang Xingfu wants to get close to the crystal monument, and Lu Chunqiu has unknown intentions.

The situation seems a bit complicated.

After Yang Yiyun appeared, several glances came over him.

"Are you... Yang Yiyun?"

Lu Chunqiu was the first to speak, his voice full of surprise, as if he couldn't believe it.

Indeed, in Lu Chunqiu's eyes, Yang Yiyun's cultivation level improved too quickly.

"It's me, Senior Lu. I haven't seen him for many years. How are you?" Yang Yiyun gestured with his hand.

But his eyes always fell on Yang Xingfu.

But Yang Xingfu's eyes were a little dodgey and he didn't dare to look at him.

"You kid is really surprising. Only ten thousand years have passed, and you are already in the realm of demigods. You have a demon-like talent for cultivation~" Lu Chunqiu looked at Yang Yiyun and sighed.

Then Lu Chunqiu said: "What? Are you here for the Lord God's treasure?"

"Treasure of the Lord God?" Yang Yiyun looked confused when he heard Lu Chunqiu speak, then shook his head and said, "I am here for my son."

For him, it doesn't matter whether the treasure is a treasure or not, and he is not very interested. Now he just wants to know whether Yang Xingfu, who is dressed in black and has a powerful aura in front of him, and whose face still looks like his son, is still his son?

if not……

What he will do next is very complicated.

However, the Qilin Soul and Crouching Ox Soul in the distance were in the state of souls, guarding in front of the giant monument, and they did not speak from the beginning to the end.

"You...should have something to say to me?" Yang Yiyun then looked at Yang Xingfu.

In fact, he already knew in his heart that maybe his son was no longer the same person, right?

At this time, Lu Chunqiu's eyes widened and he said, "Boy... you wouldn't say... that this devil is your son, right?"

Yang Yiyun said nothing.

At this moment, Yang Xingfu was facing Yang Yiyun's question. His whole body trembled, and his strange eyes flickered for a moment. However, at the next moment, facing Yang Yiyun, he slowly knelt down and knelt down. His voice was a little hoarse and he said: "My child." It’s unfilial to pay homage to my father.”


Yang Yiyun's eyes widened at this time.

Lu Chunqiu was even more exaggerated.

Although Qilin and Crouching Ox Soul in the distance did not speak, they also showed doubts.

Yang Yiyun's son has such a level of cultivation?

And it’s still a demon?

Nothing looks right no matter how you look at it.

Yang Yiyun was trembling a little, but he walked towards Yang Xingfu step by step and said, "Are you... still my son?


Perhaps only Yang Xingfu understands this sentence.

"Yes, but no, it will be the case again in the future." Yang Xingfu answered.

But anyone who heard this was confused.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly." Yang Yiyun's last words contained murderous intent.

He himself didn't believe that this was his son Yang Xingfu.

At this time, Yang Xingfu looked up at Yang Yiyun and said: "Back then, my son's Taoist heart was unstable and he couldn't resist the temptation. He was bewitched by Elder Duan and thought about improving his cultivation. As a result, he took the blood lotus. When he found out that the blood lotus was a mortal, By the time the evil thing was cultivated at the expense, it was already too late...

The son is his father's son and one of the young masters of Yunmen. He didn't dare to let the matter spread out for fear of discrediting his father... As a result, Elder Duan kept threatening him and finally followed him to Duan Qianxian Mountain. The father knew what happened next, and the son Ji Wuxin valued her body.

But during the blood sacrifice, the son discovered that there was a burst of power in his soul, and some memories appeared, or some memories were awakened. Only then did he know that his son was a demon lord from the age of immortals and demons, so his son Knowing that I had the chance to give it a try, I chose to merge with Ji Wuxin's soul...

In the end, he finally assimilated Ji Wuxin, but found that he could not come back. His son chose a demonic path, and... And later, after his cultivation broke out, his memory awakened again, and his son discovered that he was still a god and a demon. build……

In fact, the son wants to come back, but he can't come back. He has awakened his soul twice during the renovation. The son is a demon, and he dare not face his father because he knows that he hates demons. Aunt Liu's death was due to demons. The devil has no good impressions, so the son knows that he can't go back. This visit to the God's Cemetery is a reminder to awaken his memory. Unexpectedly, his father is also here. "

Yang Yiyun finally knew what was going on. He listened to his son Yang Xingfu's words in an understatement, but he could imagine how tragic the fight with Ji Wuxin would be.

Now I also understand that the demonic monks suddenly gathered at the end of the world. Later, Xie Lingyun came to inform him of the location of the demonic monks. In the end, he summoned an army of immortals to annihilate millions of demonic monks in one fell swoop. All of this was the handiwork of his son.

I also understood that the demon lord Xie Lingyun mentioned was his son Yang Xingfu.

Yang Yiyun's mood was extremely complicated. He looked at Yang Xingfu who was kneeling on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Are you... still my son now?"

he asked again.

Yang Xingfu raised his head with equally complex eyes, took a deep breath and said: "First I am a god and demon in the divine world, then a demon lord in the age of immortals and demons, and then I am Yang Xingfu who was born on earth. As long as my father recognizes me, I will still be his father's son."

Yang Yiyun trembled all over at this moment, stared at Yang Xingfu, and fell silent.

The words he said were recalled in my mind, first the gods and demons, then the demon lord, and then the earth Yang Xingfu.

This son had three memories, awakened his soul twice, and was reincarnated and practiced for three lives.

Represents the past, future and present.

In fact, Yang Yiyun was very pleased that he could say this. It was still him, because at any time, what was alive was the present. Whether he was the devil of death or the devil of the fairy world, that was all in the past. Even if he is now The awakening and mutation of the soul is still dominated by the main consciousness of his son Yang Xingfu.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha..."

I laughed so much that tears came down my face.

After a while, he stopped speaking, and suddenly slapped Yang Xingfu, who was kneeling in front of him.


Yang Xingfu did not avoid the slap on the head.

Then Mr. Yang cursed in a deep voice: "You brat, I don't care whether you are a human, an immortal, a god or a demon. No matter what you become, you are still my son, Yang Yiyun. As for what path you choose to take, I won’t interfere, but remember not to cause trouble, otherwise I will kill you with my own hands and get out of here.”

"Yes, father~"

Yang Xingfu responded in a low voice, but tears were streaming down his face. He was indeed in a trance sometimes. Who is he now?

Is it a god or demon? Or is it the reincarnation of the demon lord from the age of immortals and demons?

Or Yang Xingfu.

The awakening of two soul mutations and the improvement of his cultivation from the earth to the sky made him seem to be living in an illusion. But now after hearing his father's words, he finally got the answer to his long-standing confusion. He is his father's son. Yang Xingfu, as for the memory of the metamorphosis of the soul that awakened twice, go to hell, it was in the past, and he lives in the present.

At this moment he found himself.

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