My Master Is a God

Chapter 2533 I suspect you are driving

"Okay, it's time to go out~"

I don't know how long it took, but Yang and Lu Xuexi ended a battle and talked about what happened to each other.

What happened to Lu Xuexi was basically the same as what he knew, and she had suffered a lot, but in the final analysis, she was considered to have made some mistakes. With her current cultivation level, it was pretty good, and she would have more room for cultivation in the future.

As for the matter of Yunmen, Yang Yiyun also briefly told her some things.

What Lu Xuexi was most worried about was his sister Lu Yushu.

" sister actually likes you too..."

The blushing Lu Xuexi whispered.

Yang naturally knew this, and smiled dryly and said: "I know, don't worry, you can give Yu Shu an explanation when you get back. You can just practice in Qiankun Pot. I will go out to deal with things, and I will let you out when I return to the fairy world."


The next moment, Yang Yiyun came directly out of the Qiankun Pot.

Got outside.

When the Qiankun Pot absorbed the entire God Cemetery, it was strange that it did not absorb its sons Yang Xingfu and Lu Chunqiu.

Yang Yiyun saw that his sons Yang Xingfu and Lu Chunqiu were still in the same place, but after the God's Cemetery disappeared, they were in the underground space of the First Emperor's Tomb.

At this time, the two of them were still waiting.

A very interesting imagination is that after Yang Yiyun's Qiankun Pot swallowed the God's Cemetery, the time inside changed.

Because he looked at his sons Yang Xingfu and Lu Chunqiu outside through the Qiankun Pot, and they were actually confused at this moment.

"How could it be?"

"The God's Cemetery seems to have disappeared?"


" finally came out~"

It was obvious that the sons Yang Xingfu and Lu Chunqiu had just discovered that the God's Cemetery had disappeared, and they had appeared in the tomb space. To put it bluntly, they were underground.

But Yang Yiyun knew very well that he and Lu Xuexi had been lingering in the Qiankun Pot for three full days, but only a moment passed when he could wake up to the outside world.

There was a movement in my heart and I felt it carefully, and sure enough I found that the time in the Qiankun Pot had indeed changed.

The time ratio has reached an astonishing one to one thousand level.

In other words, a thousand days have passed in the Qiankun Pot, while only one day has passed in the outside world.

This discovery made him ecstatic.


Doesn't it mean that his cultivation will be a thousand times faster than others?

This is a truly incredible time.

Is it possible that the God Cemetery is really part of the Qiankun Pot?

In other words, the Divine Cemetery and the Qiankun Pot come from the same lineage?

Yang Yiyun thinks the latter is more likely.

At this time, he also slowly felt that the three thousand stars hanging high in the sky in the Qiankun Pot were actually the three thousand tombstones of gods and demons in the God Cemetery. Each one contained a powerful and pure soul breath and some mysteries. .

According to what Qilin and Woniu said before, obtaining three thousand tombstones in the God Cemetery means obtaining the inheritance of three thousand gods and demons. In the future, future generations of practitioners will understand the Three Thousand Gods and Demons Avenue, which means that three thousand gods and demons will be born.

It was like there were three thousand gods and demons' Dao genes invisibly appearing in his Qiankun Pot. As for how to understand and obtain them, he didn't know yet.

But depending on the situation, the chaos rolling inside the Qiankun Pot is still changing, and there will always be a clear day.

Three thousand seeds of gods and demons~

Doesn't it mean that he can create 3,000 opportunities for everyone in Yunmen to become gods in the future?

Although it was just a conjecture at the moment, he knew that it was very possible.

Now it's time to wait.

Wait until the Qiankun Pot completely digests the God Cemetery, wait until the evolution of the Qiankun Pot is completed, and at that time, I think you will know the secret.

He was in no hurry about this.

Anyway, the God's Cemetery has gone to his Qiankun Pot, and he knows this.

An obvious change that has occurred now is that the vitality power in the Qiankun Pot has changed, and the first person to benefit is Lu Xuexi.

This proves that the Qiankun Pot has the ability to repair the simplified demonic nature of Yuanyuan Shen.

The second is the incredible time comparison. One day on the outside is a thousand days on the inside.

It's like he had a thousand times more time than anywhere else.

Even if his cultivation talent is as slow as a lying cow, he can make up for it with time in the Qiankun Pot.

In addition, he knew that the chaos surging in all directions within the Qiankun Pot was a kind of unlocking. Every time the Qiankun Pot evolved, it was actually the chaos surging all around. He understood it to be a kind of unlocking.

He didn't know what the true face of the world in the entire Qiankun Pot was, because chaos blocked everything, and he couldn't see or feel it.

However, with each unlocking and evolution of the Qiankun Pot, powerful and heaven-defying things will appear. For example, currently, the Water of Life, Spirit Peach, Watermelon Thunder, and Five Thunder Purple Tree, each one is more powerful than the other, and each has its own use.

Yang Yiyun is looking forward to the day when the chaos in the entire Qiankun Pot disappears. What will happen...?

Anyway, he had a premonition that after the Qiankun Pot swallowed the God's Cemetery this time, chaos surged, and it was very likely that a living native creature would be born in the Qiankun Pot.

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Yiyun walked out of the Qiankun Pot and arrived not far from his sons Yang Xingfu and Lu Chunqiu.

Seeing his son Yang Xingfu shouting for his father anxiously, he felt inexplicably relieved.

No matter whether his son is a human or a demon, he will always be Yang Yiyun's son. This is unmistakable.

No matter how many times the soul has transformed, Yang Xingfu's body is his own after all. He is Yang Yiyun's son, and the blood relationship cannot be erased.

"Xing'er is fine as a father~"

Yang Yiyun spoke up.


Yang Xing suddenly appeared next to Yang Yiyun: "Father~"

"It's okay, it's okay~" Yang Yiyun patted Yang Xingfu on the shoulder.

It is true that the changes in the God's Cemetery could not be seen in the golden light just now. Yang Xingfu knew that the entire God's Cemetery had undergone great changes.

After a few minutes, when he opened his eyes again, he found that the God's Cemetery had completely disappeared, and his father Yang Yiyun had also disappeared.

Only Lu Chunqiu and he appeared in the dark tomb.

Now Yang Xingfu was anxious.

Looking around and yelling.

Fortunately, my father showed up.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Yang Xingfu was still frightened.

At this time, Lu Chunqiu came over and looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Boy, have you refined the Lord God Monument?"

"No, I'm the same as you. I just felt the golden light, and then I opened my eyes and saw the two of you. Lao Lu, have you forgotten that it was Qilin and Wo Niu that hit the main god monument before? Now it seems that Qilin and Wo Niu hit the main monument. Wo Niu used their lives to hit the main god monument, broke the god's cemetery, and gave us a chance to come out~"

Yang Yiyun spoke half truthfully and half falsely, and he looked sad when he talked about Qilin and the Soul of the Crouching Ox.

Of course it was real sadness, because he knew that Qilin and Wo Niu had indeed disappeared.

In other words, to a certain extent, it was Qilin and Wo Niu who made it possible for him to capture the God's Cemetery.

However, he naturally would not tell Lu Chunqiu about the God Cemetery being swallowed up by his Qiankun Pot.

"Then...why weren't you here just now? The two of us were looking for you for several minutes before you showed up?" Lu Chunqiu didn't believe it.

"I was in the corner over there just now. I was very dizzy. I heard my son shouting and then came over. I'm in the same situation as you. Believe it or not.

The Divine Cemetery must have disappeared. There is no need to ask. Qilin and Wo Niu have both lost their spirits, and the Divine Cemetery has naturally disappeared. There is nothing to be confused about. "Mr. Yang started to make peace with him. No matter how hard he was beaten to death, he would not admit that the God's Cemetery was on him.

This is a valuable treasure~

Lu Chunqiu has been looking for this treasure all his life, staring blankly at it. It is an important treasure with three thousand gods and demons. If it is spread, people will definitely miss it.

Even if you beat me to death, you won't admit it.

As for Lu Chunqiu, an old immortal, Yang Yiyun still doesn't know his true background, so he won't say anything to Lu Chunqiu.

Anyway, he had never heard of the Lu family in the fairy world.

Seeing Yang Yiyun like this, Lu Chunqiu narrowed his eyes and said, "I suspect that you are driving, but there is no evidence~ That's all. Anyway, I'm out now. I'll see you later."

While speaking, Lu Chunqiu waved his hand to open the space channel and left.

Yang Yiyun quickly shouted: "Wait~"

"What? Do you still want to keep me?" Lu Chunqiu narrowed his eyes: "Although you and your son are very powerful, but you want to keep me... Haha, don't even think about it~"

"Old Lu, what are you thinking about? You and I are old friends. Why should I keep you?" Yang Yiyun continued with an expression that said you were overthinking: "I want to say where are you going? In the fairy world, Can we be together~"

"Hehehe~ Have you been trying to figure out my true identity for a long time?" Lu Chunqiu smiled slyly.

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