My Master Is a God

Chapter 2537 Heavenly Beings

The road to heaven itself is not easy, and it seems even more so now.

Hearing Old Liushu speak, Yang Yiyun activated his defense and asked: "Sister Liushu, is this the way to heaven?"

"This is where we are. This is called the Heavenly Ladder. It is nine kilometers long. After climbing to the top of the Heavenly Ladder, you will find the real Heavenly Road. After reaching the Heavenly Road, you have basically entered the realm of heaven.

Regardless of where they are blocked by the powerful force of heaven, of course even if they have enough power to break through the blockade, they still have to face the earth tribe of heaven.

The earth tribe in the heavenly realm are heavenly beings. The difference between immortals and heavenly beings is not just their magic power. They are too powerful. For countless years, the lower realm, that is, the ascended ones have been resisting, trying to break the shackles of the heavenly calamity, but they have not succeeded. not a lot.

The last time your master Yun Tianxie and the others went there, I didn’t know if anyone had succeeded. Of course, judging from the visions of heaven and earth in the immortal world at that time, there should have been successes.

We are taking the same path now, so brother Yun, you must be mentally prepared. Not only must you have the ability to break the shackles of heaven, but you must also have the ability to face the heavenly beings.

Not to mention anything else, just for this section of the ladder, we have to experience the baptism of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. The wind blows like a bone-scratching knife, blowing away the soul. The raindrops are not ordinary raindrops, they are raindrops that coincide with the rules of the heaven. The droplets are as heavy as mountains. , Thunder is the thunder that blasts the sky, the god's shape is destroyed when it splits, electricity is the lightning of thunder, sharp and hot, without a vajra body, it is difficult to withstand a lightning strike.

Usually the four major tribulations come together one after another, but don't worry, the cultivation base of a few of us is enough to cope with it. This section of the ladder is a trivial matter. The point is that after climbing the ladder, reaching the Heavenly Realm Platform is the most difficult. If you can't protect the Heavenly Realm. Those Tu tribe bastards exist, and there will be a fight when the time comes. "

Listening to what Old Liushu said, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask: "What the hell is Tianjie Platform?"

At this time, Ancestor Huangquan said: "The Heavenly Realm Platform is actually the Heavenly Realm, but it was sealed by the Heavenly Realm Tu Clan because they don't want any ascended beings to enter the Heavenly Realm.

The so-called heaven is actually the name of the native creatures in the heaven. In the name of us ascended people, it is the divine realm. The creatures in the divine realm are also called gods, and the heaven is known as the heavenly beings.

Regardless of whether it is gods or heavenly beings, they are actually the same, but the names are different. The Heavenly Realm Platform we are going to now is the level set by the heavenly beings against the ascended people.

To be clear, if the ascended ones entered the heaven, you should have heard the legend of a great war between the heavenly beings and the beings of the gods. It was basically like that. Generally speaking, our ascended family was defeated, so that The heavenly beings suppressed us ascended ones, which led to the emergence of the Heavenly Realm Platform.

Of course, nothing is absolute. The war between the Celestial Clan and the Ascended Clan is not all about annihilating the Ascended Clan. We, the Ascended Clan, also have powerful presences. It is rumored that in that long-lasting war, the two sides also reached an agreement.

Although the ascended ones are at a disadvantage, they still have a chance. This opportunity is the Tianjie Platform. It is actually a very unfair opportunity, but it is a chance after all.

The unfairness lies in two points. The blocking power of the Heavenly Realm Platform was set by the serious junior heavenly beings. However, when we came on the way to heaven, our cultivation level was at the peak of enlightenment to the ninth heaven. This realm is also called It is the realm of demigods.

However, the gap between the realm of demigods and the junior heavenly beings sounds like they are only half a realm apart, but the gap in strength is really a huge difference. There is too much difference.

Therefore, the problem of breaking through the shackles of the Heaven Realm Platform alone can stop many heavenly beings who have enlightened to the ninth heaven. However, those who can often ascend the heavenly path are not ordinary people. They are either gods who have changed their cultivation, or they are heavenly beings who have cultivated step by step like you. Even the prodigies often burst out with enough strength to break the blockade of the Tianjie Platform.

Of course, this is only one of them. Having the power to break the shackles of the Heaven Realm Platform is not enough. Next, you have to face the obstruction of the arrival of real heavenly beings. Although those who come to stop are often some of the most junior heavenly beings, they are also heavenly beings. Ah, the immortal world is completely different from the heavenly realm. Any heavenly being would be fatal against a casual heavenly being.

Only those who defeat the heavenly beings and rush into the heavenly realm platform will the heavenly beings not cause trouble. This was the original agreement with us ascended ones. "

After Ancestor Huang Quan finished speaking, Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding.

I couldn't help but feel solemn in my heart.

He asked: "Before we enter the real heaven, even if we are killed by heavenly beings on the heaven platform, no one will care about us?"

"Yes, this is the cruelty of the road to heaven." Old Willow sighed after speaking.

The six-eared macaque bared his teeth and said: "Don't be afraid, dear brother, some bullshit heavenly being will really come to cause trouble. One of them will come, and two of them will kill a pair. We brothers will join forces to smash it and some bullshit heavenly platform." , rush to the heaven, no, it should be called the god realm."

"God Realm, haha, it needs the control of the Ascended Ones to be called the God Realm. It is still the Heaven Realm. After hearing about the Heaven Realm, the Ascendants Clan cannot let the local heavenly people hear the name of the God Realm, otherwise it will cause trouble... ..." Ancestor Huang Quan said.

"It sounds very bad~" Yang Yiyun frowned.

"Yes, there are many problems, but I actually don't know what the specific situation is. After all, I have been changing training for countless years. Come on, it is too early to talk about these now. We have to consider the current situation first. Ladder to Heaven, facing the Heaven Realm Platform and the heavenly beings who are very likely to appear, this is what we have to consider now. As for the problem of heaven, we must be able to enter heaven." Old Willow said.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"That's right, let's go, let's climb the nine-thousand-meter ladder to heaven." Yang Yiyun knew that morale was very important, and he couldn't start to lose his morale before he actually reached his destination.

The five of them cheered up and started climbing the ladder to heaven.

Not far away, a strong wind blew out of thin air, with thunder, lightning, wind and rain everywhere.

Sure enough, as the old willow said, the strong wind blows like a knife and hits the soul directly. The raindrops fall on the body as thick as mountains, and the thunder brings destruction...




The entire ladder became earth-shattering and terrifying.

But Yang Yiyun found that everyone was fine, each had their own means to deal with it, and although it was slow, they were still moving forward step by step...

Leading the charge was the six-eared macaque. The dark iron root in his hand danced and formed an airtight defensive shield, blocking the wind, rain, and thunder that appeared out of thin air.

The old willow tree was second. Even though she turned into a weaker woman, countless willow leaves appeared all over her body, spinning, and under the colorful halo, she was not affected at all, but she was a little slower when she climbed the ladder to heaven.

The third one is Huangquan Ancestor. It seems that this old woman is the most relaxed one. She holds a Zen staff and climbs the ladder to heaven step by step, slowly but most steadily.

From Yang Yiyun's eyes, Huangquan Ancestor was also a hidden master. He could see a layer of faint gray light emerging around her body, which blocked raindrops, wind, thunder and lightning for three meters outside her body.

The fourth is the black lotus. A black lotus with thirty-six petals appears above the head. It rotates to defend against everything.

The last one was himself, who directly activated the power of Tao Seed to form a three-meter-diameter Tao Seed barrier outside his body, which was airtight under the colorful lights.

Apart from consuming mana, Yang Yiyun took the easiest route, of course, relatively speaking.

It took the five of them three days to walk the nine-kilometer ladder.

Everyone consumes Shanda in the end, but it is finally over.

Beyond the end is a vast expanse of white clouds.


"Finally we're here~"

The old willow tree sighed.

"Get through the clouds and mists as quickly as possible. This place is unknown to us, and there will be extraneous problems." Ancestor Huangquan reminded.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, the white fog area is not big, only about a few dozen meters away.

Suddenly everyone saw a light in their eyes and suddenly became enlightened.

Land appeared in sight, with mountains and water.

It seems no different from other worlds.

But Yang Yiyun knew there was a huge difference here.

At this moment, it was like emerging from a closed space lacking oxygen, and suddenly breathing in the fresh air from the outside world.

Indescribably comfortable.


Yang Yiyun breathed greedily.

Looking back, it was not only him, but the other four people as well. Everyone stopped where they were, breathing heavily.

The air here is actually very good.

Moreover, walking up the 9,000-meter ladder, everyone's mana has been depleted, and everyone needs to rest at this time.

After the old willow passed through the Qi, he said: "This is the Heavenly Realm Platform. It is already considered the heavenly realm. However, this space is sealed off, but the energy between heaven and earth is the authentic divine energy. It can also be said that Tianyuan force.

It is thousands of times more pure than the energy in the fairy world, but it is much thinner than the heaven outside. But even so, practicing here is much stronger and faster than our cultivation in the fairy world. Cultivating here will be It is clear.

Everyone, hurry up and practice to restore the mana in your body. Once you enter here, you can hope to break through the bottleneck. We have to be careful, but there will be attacks from heavenly beings or heavenly creatures.

This place is not as quiet and peaceful as it looks on the surface. This is the highest heaven among the three realms, the realm of heaven and man, and also the realm of gods. The place where gods reside. God is the highest, and God transforms decay into magic. This is the god of heaven.

It can be said that every grass, tree, sand and soil in the heaven is different. You have to be careful and careful in everything. After arriving in the heaven, the laws of heaven and earth have evolved to the extreme, and what has emerged is a higher law. The secret of the rules of heaven and earth.

In fact, there is a very cruel reality. When we come here, we, the ascended gods, are the strongest in the fairy world, and we are the beings who stand at the pinnacle of gold. However, from now on, when we face the creatures in the heaven, it is very likely that they will be children. Facing the situation of strong men, everyone must be mentally prepared. "

Listening to Old Liushu talking, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but feel his heart twitching even though he was mentally prepared.

I couldn't help but asked: "Are there levels of cultivation in the heaven or the divine world?"

; Old Willow said: "Of course, not to mention our Ascending Clan, the Celestial Clan itself was born in the Heaven Realm. They were destined to a certain level when they were born. Unlike our Ascending Clan, they cultivated up step by step. The native creatures of the Celestial Realm were born. After that, there are the lowest-level heavenly beings, the middle-level heavenly beings, and the upper-level heavenly beings, and then there are the gods, which are also divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower. Of course, there are more advanced beings after the gods, but it is a bit early to say this now. .

We will consider it after we actually go to the heaven. Now everyone quickly recovers their mana and says that we don’t have too much time. When the ascended ones come up to the rooftop, the real beings in the heaven will definitely know. "


Yang Yiyun nodded and began to meditate to recover. Indeed, he could feel that the energy absorbed into the body had obviously begun to change the Tao seed seedlings. Although it was not obvious, there were definite changes.

He sighed in his heart, it was indeed the divine world, indeed very different from the fairy world.

No wonder the old man and the others want to go to heaven. It is indeed a road and the only way out for immortals. Immortals ascend to heaven and become gods. This temptation, if nothing else, can show obvious changes in the energy in heaven and earth alone. .

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