My Master Is a God

Chapter 2544 Killing the Heavenly Man and Destroying the Heavenly Gate

No matter what level you reach, your cultivation strength will always be your confidence.

Liu Er, who had said so boldly just a moment ago that he would give up his support even if he died, immediately changed his mood.

The same goes for Yang.

The improvement in cultivation level instantly increased everyone's confidence.

A moment ago, they were immortals versus heavenly beings, the gap was as big as clouds and mud, nine versus three, they were defeated with one blow, and everyone was severely injured with vomiting blood.

But now, the nine great gods are born, and their realm is on the same level as the three heavenly beings.

Although the nine of them have just entered the realm of gods, they have a large number of people and have a huge chance of winning. It can even be said that they can be crushed.

At this time, the expressions of the three heavenly beings also changed.

Because things do go against them.

They did not expect that the ants would break through to the realm of gods and humans at this time, reaching the same realm as their heavenly beings.

Now they thought of thousands of years ago.

An ascended person named Yun Tianxie emerged from the sky. He also broke through the Tianmen before. He led his men to kill the nine heavenly beings who were guarding the Tianmen at that time, rushed into the heaven, and stirred up the entire heaven.

Because Yun Tianxie is the first ascended person to rush into the heaven in almost hundreds of thousands of years.

It is humiliating to be deceived by heavenly beings at this time.

But what can be done?

The Tianmen was broken into six directions, and the nine heavenly beings were killed, and the ascended ones were directly brought into the heaven. After entering the heaven, they could no longer pursue the ascended ones. This was the agreement between heaven and gods back then. .

But heavenly beings are superior in the heavenly world, they are the most noble. Ascended gods and humans are vile and lowly in the eyes of heavenly beings. However, we have to admit that there are many powerful people on the side of ascended ones. Don’t even think about annihilating the clan. It is impossible. of.

Among the three realms, heaven is the first. Heavenly beings are the highest beings and are the nominal masters who allow those who ascend to ascend to heaven.

Yun Tianxie's matter can only happen once, not a second time.

Therefore, the guards of Tianmen were changed from the lowest level of heavenly beings to those of the three junior heavenly beings who are infinitely close to the gods and have divine weapons in their hands.

Originally, the nine ants were not taken seriously from the beginning, but who could have imagined that Yun Tianxie's situation would appear again.

Is it really going to change drastically under the influence of heaven?

Each and every ascended person can actually break through.


The three heavenly beings felt the strong changes in the auras of the nine people in front of them. They were no longer sure to stay. Are they going to fight for it now?

Don't be stupid, the lives of gods and humans are much more noble than those of you gods and humans.

Besides, the Celestial Clan has an agreement with the Ascended Ones. As long as they rush into the Celestial Realm, they are not allowed to pursue them.

Since this is the agreement, there is no need to go all out.

Just leave.

The three heavenly beings looked at each other, reached a unanimous goal, and retreated.

The nine ascended ones have good fortune, and God's will cannot be violated.



When the idea of ​​three heavenly beings came up, the nine great gods in front of them had already surrounded them.

It's fine now, the ants are going to cause chaos.

In response to this, the woman among the three heavenly beings narrowed her eyes and looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "I, the heavenly being - Yan."

"I, the celestial being-shan~"

"I, the celestial being - fire~"

"Belonging to the Heaven Realm's Supreme Heavenly Guard, you can enter the Heaven Realm."

However, the three of them started to announce their names and spoke in unison.

Yang Yiyun raised the corner of his mouth and thought to himself: "It's really no different. No matter where you go if you have strength, you will be respected by others. One moment, you were completely contemptuous of them, but now they are talking to each other as equals, haha~ "

Yang looked at the others.

I found that everyone's expressions were strange.

Chuanyin asked Liu Yimei directly: "Sister Liu, will there be any trouble if we kill these three heavenly beings?"

"Just kill them, it doesn't matter. Regardless of how majestic they are in front of us, in fact they are just pawns in the heavenly army." Liu Yemei's answer was also playful.

Yang Yiyun understood now.

Looking at the female celestial being named Yan, she narrowed her eyes but slowly uttered one word: "Kill~"


Before Yang Yiyun's words could even be heard, a loud noise rang out.

However, Liu Er could no longer hold back and directly hit the heavenly being named "Shan" with a stick.

As soon as Liu Er made a move, everyone else took action.

Well, the siege begins.

The three heavenly beings were immediately stunned.

Unexpectedly, the nine lowly ascendants from the lower realm showed no mercy and would do whatever they asked.

I don't want to talk to the three of them at all.

Thinking about it just now, it was really...

Retribution is unpleasant.

Isn't this how the three of them dealt with the nine ascendants from the lower realm just now?

Indeed, regardless of Yang Yiyun, everyone else had the same idea, which was to kill the three heavenly beings.

Everyone in the lower realm is a prominent figure among the immortals. From the beginning, they were angered by the contempt of the three heavenly beings. Moreover, from the beginning, the three great heavenly beings used their killing moves to kill them, the kind that would kill them directly.

Now that the situation is reversed, you can let us enter the heaven with a frivolous saying, as if it is a charity, it is really a white lotus.

Do you need your facilities?

We can enter heaven ourselves.

We are just three gatekeepers in heaven, and we are so rude.

If you feel like you can't beat him, give in.

It’s just a matter of giving in. You don’t have to be sincere at least. You have to look like you’re giving in when you give in. It’s like giving alms. If I don’t kill you, I’ll kill you.

So when Liu Er made a move, everyone else rioted.

The nine great gods gathered around and started to beat the three heavenly beings in groups.

The earth-shattering loud noise resounded throughout the space.

After the attack, everyone was trying and adjusting to adapt to the divine power in their bodies. Moreover, the three heavenly beings had divine weapons in their hands. Nine versus three, they were evenly matched.


This is just sharpening the knife.

Everyone knows that they haven’t tried their best yet.

After the divine power in the body adapts, it is time to kill the three heavenly beings.

Three minutes later, the wave passed.

Both sides stopped at the same time.

Everyone has a purpose.

Yang Yiyun and others want to hone their magical power on the three heavenly beings, and the three heavenly beings also want to test the strength of the nine Yang Yiyun people.

So after this round, although it seems earth-shattering, there are actually no substantial changes.

But now that I've stopped, it's different.

Everyone got what they wanted.

The decisive battle begins.

Yang Yiyun and the others looked at each other, their divine power had finished adapting, and they were all confident. However, they came to the conclusion that the divine power of the three heavenly beings was indeed richer and more pure than theirs, and they also had the advantage of divine weapons.

However, the nine of them are naturally not bad either.

The energy given to them by Yang Yiyun was beyond comparison.

Let everyone achieve the realm of gods and humans, and their understanding is no worse than that of heavenly beings, or even far surpasses them, because compared to heavenly beings, these people either gained their strength through step-by-step cultivation, or they came from transformation, and again When reaching the top, even Liu Yimei and Yang Xingfu, Hei Lian, and Hong Yi have memories of past lives, and their starting points, pattern insights, and other methods are simply not comparable to those of the three gods.

As for the artifact ~

Haha, do you think we don’t have it?

They are all old foxes, how can they not live without the magic weapon at the bottom of the box?

Divine weapons are not only found in the heaven, there are countless ones that have been wandering in the lower world throughout the ages.

In addition, they have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

The three heavenly beings were destined to solve the problem.

"Let's finish it~"

Liu Yemei looked at the three heavenly beings and snorted coldly, and suddenly all the colorful lights in his body burst out, transforming into thousands of willow branches.

Everyone else also took action at this moment.

Yang Yiyun's hand flashed with light, and he held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand. Zamao Bird said that his dragon-slaying sword was a divine weapon, and it was also of the highest quality. The reason why it had never been able to exert its power was because his own cultivation was too weak.

Now that we have entered the realm of gods, how about trying the effect of using the dragon-slaying sword with divine power?


The moment he activated the power within his body, the dragon-slaying sword in his hand erupted into ten colors of light, so bright and dazzling that he, the master, could not even open his eyes.


After a low sound, Yang Yiyun slashed out a sword.


"Boom boom..."

The bombardment of nine people broke out at the same time.

The three heavenly beings also became fierce and almost turned into three suns.

The auras erupting from both sides in the field were heart-stopping.

After the roar.

it's all over.

After the powerful energy fluctuations dissipated...

"No more~"

"What's missing is the divine bodies of the three of them. Their souls have escaped."

At this time, Liu Yemei spoke and looked at Tianmen.

Yang Yiyun's frown did leave some blood on the place where the three heavenly beings were, but the three heavenly beings disappeared.

But one thing he was sure of was that his sword was thousands of times more powerful than before, and it cut off the three heavenly beings.

Although the energy burst was so dazzling that he couldn't see it, he could feel it from the sword energy. It was the power of his sword that fell on the three heavenly beings first. The power of the others finally completely destroyed the three heavenly beings. body of.

There was also a crack left on the ground, caused by his sword energy.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that the Dragon Sword had exerted its true power as an artifact, and it was indeed no ordinary artifact.

However, Liu Yemei said that he only killed the human body and the soul escaped, but he did not see or feel it.

Following Liu Yemei's gaze, he glanced at the Tianmen. Sure enough, the inscriptions on the Tianmen were moving, and it seemed that a soul had indeed escaped.

"Isn't it possible for heavenly beings to kill him?" he couldn't help but ask.

"It's not that it can't be killed, but it's very difficult to kill at the same level. It can destroy the body at most. However, the Yuanshen of Heaven and Man and the Yuanshen of Gods have been cultivated to the highest level of the three realms. They are very transcendent and difficult to die unless they are in the realm of strength. It was several times higher than them before it was completely eliminated." Liu Yemei said.

"Then are we in danger?"

"Don't worry, even if the gods are powerful, they are still very dangerous without their bodies, and the rescue troops will not be moved so quickly. Let's go, let's enter the Tianmen. After arriving in the heaven, there will naturally be no Tianren Zhu chasing us. , this is the agreement between the native clan of the heaven and our ascended clan.

Although the ascendants are weak in the heaven, they do not have no right to speak at all. Let's go and enter the heaven quickly. Don't wait for the second wave of heavenly beings to come and stop them. " Liu Yemei said.

"Yes, let's enter heaven first."


After saying that, Liu Yemei took the lead and walked directly to Tianmen, saying at the same time: "You can enter by activating your divine power without any danger..."

While speaking, she had disappeared into the Tianmen.

Immediately, everyone entered the Tianmen one by one. No one was not curious and looking forward to the heaven. Although Liu Yemei and the others were decorators, they could only recall some fragmentary memories of the heaven. In this life, they will only awaken the inherited skills. Fa, etc., but not too many other memories, so everyone is looking forward to it.

Yang Yiyun stayed at the end. After everyone entered, he came to the Tianmen, looked at the six cracks on the Tianmen, and said to himself: "No matter what, I have to try, break the turtle shell here, and give it to Yun Only those who come behind should leave a way."

He had this idea from the beginning.

Just in time to try it now.

He raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and suddenly slashed it towards Tianmen.

Lu Chunqiu said that this Tianmen is the core. As long as the Tianmen is broken, the blocked rooftops and other things here will naturally disappear.

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