My Master Is a God

Chapter 2553 I am my different fireworks

Yang Yiyun sat motionless for three days and nights in Fuxi's thatched hut.

The time pattern of the sky in the divine world is exactly the same as that of the earth. Day and night change around the clock. The sun is blazing during the day, and the lunar moon is shining at night.

He thought a lot in the past three days and finally calmed down.

I sorted out the conversation with Fuxi and summarized it.

First, he was targeted by the Emperor of the Celestial Clan. He was regarded as the son of the Great Tribulation and was in opposition to the Celestial Clan. This cannot be changed. He was the enemy, which meant that he would face the entire Celestial Clan in the future. Of course, the Celestials must be at the highest level of gods to attack him in the beginning. Beyond the level of gods, the Celestials want face when they come, but they don't dare to do it when Fuxi is around.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun concluded that the enemy he had to face was already very deadly if he saw the level of gods and humans in the Celestial Race. He needed to improve his strength as soon as possible to the point where he could face the gods in order to survive.

Secondly, he is the inheritor of the Qiankun God. This point of the Qiankun Pot has been hammered into his body and cannot be changed. Then he can only face it. According to Fuxi, the Qiankun God forced the union to end the Celestial Race and Ascension. The war of the Ascending Clan is to protect the Ascending Clan. In other words, all the gods and men of the Ascending Clan can be regarded as the people that the Lord Qiankun wants to protect. This point seems to have fallen on him now. The last wish of the Lord Qiankun is The Celestials and the Ascended Ones coexist peacefully and share the divine world.

Now he has to work hard towards this goal. Of course, in the final analysis, he must practice to the realm of heaven and merge with the Tao, and finally successfully merge with the Tao and become the master of the divine world.

It is impossible to expect the Emperor Zun Hedao of the Celestial Race to successfully tolerate the Ascended Ones. When Emperor Zun Hedao becomes the master of the divine world, the first thing to be destroyed is the Ascending Ones, so he must work hard towards this goal.

Third, to search for Liu Lingling, one needs to find the Six Paths of Reincarnation before he can enter the Netherworld, but he needs to be in harmony with the Tao. In the final analysis, he still has to be in harmony with the Tao to compete for the Lord of the God Realm. Having a reason is enough for him to work hard, and he must also To work hard, because this is his obsession in this life.

Fourth, Fuxi gave him the innate Bagua diagram and life-saving things, which finally gave him some comfort and prepared to refine it.

Fifth, Fuxi warned not to let anyone know that he has the Qiankun Pot in his possession, otherwise not only the Celestial Clan will cause trouble, but even the gods of the Ascended Clan will treat him as Tang Monk Meat.

Yang Yiyun can understand this. After all, my Qiankun pot belongs to the big boss of the God Realm, Qiankun Shenzun. He is the descendant of Qiankun Shenzun. Qiankun Shenzun was the only person who joined the Tao in the last era. Although he was forced to join the Tao, it is considered A semi-finished product, but that can still be considered the first person.

If he were to know that he was the descendant of the Qiankun God and had the Qiankun Pot on his body, one can imagine the consequences.

Fifth, Fuxi said that he should change his appearance because his information might be grasped by the Celestials and would be too conspicuous. He knew this was a good suggestion, but... Yang Yiyun thought about it and did not change it.

When he thought about it, he, a little god who had just stepped into the God Realm, became the enemy of Emperor Zun as soon as he appeared. The enemy of the entire Celestial Race was already the worst in the capital, so why should he care about this?

If he gives up even this last bit of dignity, then what else is there to practice? It's better to die early and be reincarnated early, and how can we compete with Emperor Zun for the Lord of the God Realm in the future? He, Yang Yiyun, is who he is. He thought of the propaganda of a certain entertainment star on earth, "I am my different fireworks."

Since nothing can be changed, let the storm come more violently!

He would not change his appearance, breath, or even his name. Doing so would be cowardly behavior. Yang Yiyun has never been so cowardly until now in his practice.

His character doesn't allow him to do this.

The final point is, what’s next? The question of how to do it.

The first step must be to refine the innate Bagua chart.

After that, let him go out!

One thing he knew was that Fu Xi was right. If he wanted to grow quickly, he had to go out and temper himself. Only in this way could he grow quickly. If he hid in hiding, he wouldn't be able to achieve anything.

Since Fuxi said that he was the chosen one and had great luck, he should go out and look for opportunities. Only in this way can he improve his strength as quickly as possible.

If the Celestials come, then come and fight, he has never been afraid.

Yang Yiyun thought clearly about what he wanted to do, and his heart became more stable, and his Taoist heart became stronger.

Next, he began to refine the innate Bagua chart given by Fuxi.

The whole process went extremely smoothly, and the refining of the essence, blood, and soul did not take more than half a day.

After refining the Xiantian Bagua Diagram, Yang Yiyun understood the magical functions of the Xiantian Bagua Diagram.

In fact, it is a powerful formation that can move.

During the battle, you can open the Innate Bagua Diagram, control the enemy in the world of the Innate Bagua Diagram, and fight with the power of the Eight Trigrams. The stronger your own strength, the more powerful the Innate Bagua Diagram will be.

According to his current level of cultivation as a junior god, he can at most control the innate Bagua Diagram to deal with an intermediate level god. If he encounters a god, he will have no choice but to run away unless his level of cultivation improves again.

But even so, Yang Yiyun is already very happy. He knows that the treasure of the innate Bagua chart is a rare treasure that can grow.

It is a treasure that grows as his cultivation strength increases.

There is a world of Bagua inside, which can isolate all breath and has the effect of covering the sky. In his opinion, this is the most powerful thing.

According to the introduction, as long as he hides in the innate Bagua diagram, he can cover up all auras, and even other people's deductions cannot find him. The level of this heavenly secret is below the realm of heaven, law and god, so don't even think about finding it.

Moreover, the innate Bagua is blessed by Fuxi, and if it is controlled well, it can theoretically be used to fight at a higher level. For example, he uses the innate Bagua map to fight gods in the higher realms in the realm of gods and humans.

Of course, this is very dangerous, and if something goes wrong, it will be a big deal, so Yang Yiyun warned himself not to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

There are also some other powerful abilities. Yang Yiyun has not studied them carefully for the time being, but he knows that he has plenty of time.

In short, this innate Bagua chart is a good thing.

There are eight innate directions within the body. The Eight Diagrams represent Tai Chi, and then Tai Chi generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, and four images generate Bagua. This is simply the process of the formation of the universe, or Yang Yiyun understands it as the evolution of the great road.

The order is first: Yiqian, Erdui, Sanli, Sizhen, Wuxun, Liukan, Qigen, and Bakun, which correspond to the five elements of mountains, rivers, thunder, wind, rain, etc., all-encompassing and endlessly changing. Yang Yiyun knew that this would require a long process. Time to understand.

It was not only a treasure, but also a mysterious heavenly book. He knew it was very precious.

I am not only grateful to Fuxi.

Yang Yiyun knew that with the innate Bagua chart in hand, he could indeed save his life at critical moments.

To be honest, deep down in his heart, Yang Yiyun really didn't feel much about the fact that the Emperor of the Celestial Clan regarded him as the son of a great calamity and wanted to kill him, because according to Fuxi, it must be the Celestial being who came to trouble him. At the level of humans and gods, doesn’t he have a trump card for this?

Not to mention the Qiankun Pot, his cultivation itself is a great advantage.

Now he is very fortunate to have redefined and modified the cultivation method, so that there is no divine fetus in his body but the Tao tree replaces it. In theory, his Tao tree cultivation has unlimited future.

This was also a good thing for him, at least he didn't follow the route prescribed by some god.

The inheritor of the God Qiankun sounds extremely noble, but Yang Yiyun doesn't think so. Who knows what will happen if he continues to practice the original Qiankun Creation Technique?

He still believes that he is more practical, which makes him more determined to follow his own Taoist cultivation path.

Only the Celestial Race, if you want to come, come. It is a blessing, not a curse, but it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

Yang Yiyun put away the Xiantian Bagua Diagram and walked out of the thatched house and walked towards the back of the purple bamboo forest. He wanted to find Yi Qianxing. Fuxi had said that he could go to this god king if he had anything to do.

He really needs to go out and improve his cultivation strength. He needs to find someone to ask him what the vastness of the divine world is like.

As for the old man, his wife, his wife, and his son Yang Xingfu, he needed to know what their current situation was.

I hope Qianxing Divine King can help him.

But there is one thing he will insist on, and that is to be himself. It is impossible to change his appearance and change his appearance.

In addition, Yang Yiyun still doesn't know how much the Qianxing Divine King knows about him being the descendant of Qiankun Divine Venerable? Can it be trusted and so on?

Thinking in his mind, he walked out of the purple bamboo forest unknowingly and saw Yi Qianxing.

Before he could speak, the other party shouted: "Little guy, come here and talk."

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