My Master Is a God

Chapter 2556 The magical use of divine power

Seeing Yang Yiyun's sincere attitude, Yi Qianxing smiled with satisfaction, but his complexion was too pale, so this smile was a bit scary.

Then he looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Okay, let me tell you something."

"Thank you God King~" Yang Yiyun thanked him.

"Actually, it's okay. In the final analysis, it's still a matter of strength and cultivation. The sword I fired just now seemed powerful, but it was in my hand. If it were in your hand, it would be able to exert the power of the first sword at most. Cut off the top of the mountain with one sword.

I have said that this sword belongs to the time and space magic god. Its real powerful attribute is time and space, so it cannot be used to exert its power in your hands. Of course, it is the same in my hands.

Because only by controlling the power of time and space can the greatest power be exerted, but don’t underestimate the power of the divine sword. Even if you have just entered the realm of junior gods, you can still resist the upper-level gods with the divine sword in your hand. With three full-strength attacks, if used properly, one can even fight with an upper-level god, and it is possible to kill the opponent.

With this divine sword in hand, your strength will always be increased by 30%. You can fight high-level gods at the basic level of gods, and fight high-level gods at the basic level of gods. This applies to you until you reach the realm of heaven, magic and gods.

It will grow with your strength and cultivation, which is really rare. You must use it well. Of course, the most important thing is that you need to control the power of space attributes.

What I am saying is that this is between the gods of time and space. The attribute is time and space, which corresponds to the maximum power of this sword. The basis of the power of time and space is the power of space. Therefore, if you want this sword to exert its due power, you must understand space. Strength and lay a solid foundation.

The greatest power of the sword of the God of Time and Space is time and space. One sword can break through time and space and kill the enemy. Of course, this is too far away for you now. Don’t think about it for now. As long as you make good use of the power of space, it will be a great help. When the time comes, one sword will destroy all illusions, formations, spaces, etc., all can be destroyed with one sword..."

At first Yang Yiyun listened to Yi Qianxing's story and did not take it seriously, but now his eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened: "According to the wishes of the God King, if I practice the power of space to the extreme, I can come into contact with the power of time and space. Strength, so as to exert the maximum power of the divine sword?"

"That's the truth, but don't think too much, kid. Just take it one step at a time. First of all, you have to practice to the point. Now, haha, you are just a junior god. I guess you don't even know how to use your divine power? "Yi Qianxing said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun said angrily: "Can you please stop peeking through the crack in the door? I have completed the baptism of divine light, and I still don't know how to use divine power?"

"Where do you tell me how to use it?" Yi Qianxing took one of the test students.

Yang Yiyun immediately used the divine power in his body to gather it in his palm, and his palm suddenly burst into brilliant colors.

"Let's see, isn't it simple?" Yang Yiyun said proudly.

Then Yi Qianxing burst out laughing: "Ah ha ha ha..."

"What's so funny?" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes.

"You kid, you really... I'm afraid you really don't know the difference between immortals and gods, and you don't know what real divine power is. At most, you are just using the divine power in your body. However, your kid's divine power is quite impressive. It's different. Normal divine powers are all seven colors, but yours actually has up to ten colors. It seems to be higher level than ordinary gods.

But that’s okay. Everyone’s physical attributes are different, and the color of the condensed divine power is naturally different. But one thing you need to know is that divine power has attributes. Normally, it is the five-element divine power. This is different from that of immortals. Similarly, the balance of the five elements in the power of a god is equivalent to being born with it. To become a god is to have the power of the five elements, but everyone has a focus. For example, the fire attribute is the main power, and the others are auxiliary. When using it, They have fire attributes, but they can transform into each other, and the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

In the same situation, if you meet someone with mainly water attributes, the two parties will be able to complement each other. Have you ever heard that gods have the ability to turn decay into magic? "Finally Yi Qianxing asked.

Yang Yiyun naturally heard it, nodded and said: "Yes, I have heard it, but I just don't know what it means or how to understand it."

Yi Qianxing smiled and said: "Watch it, I will also use my divine power~"

While speaking, Yi Qianxing lightly touched an unknown tree next to him, and suddenly the light of divine power in his hand flickered. The next moment, the tree quickly withered until it was completely dry, all the leaves fell off, and it looked like a dry firewood. .

After letting a tree wither, Yi Qianxing continued: "Everything in the world is interdependent and the five elements are the foundation of all things. What you control in the lower world is only the power of the small five elements, which is nothing. But if you cut into the divine world, you still have to cultivate the five elements. The power is very different, it is the power of the Five Elements, at a completely different level, it is the ultimate of the Five Elements.

My physical attributes are special, but I have cultivated the power of the Five Elements to the extreme, and it can still be used. For example, this dead tree, now I can make it rejuvenate, mainly with the wood attribute, and with the help of the other four attributes, I can do it... …”

As he spoke, Yi Qianxing saw a bright halo in his palm, facing the dead tree. The next moment, the dead tree began to change. The dry branches began to become fuller and changed color, and then the leaves grew...

As expected, the dead wood has finally come back to life.

"This is divine power. The combination of the power of the five elements is divine power. It can turn dead trees into spring, turn stones into gold, turn river water into ice..." Yi Qianxing held his hands when he spoke, and he really evolved everything he said.

Yang Yiyun widened his eyes and looked at it carefully. Now he finally understood why the god was called a god. It was indeed omnipotent through the use of power.

He knew that Yi Qianxing meant to teach him, so he became serious, watched and listened carefully, and humbly asked for advice if he didn't understand anything, while Yi Qianxing patiently answered.

"The state of a god-man is just about cultivating and accumulating divine power. What I have shown you can do for a god-man at this stage. The stronger the divine power in your body, the greater the power you can exert.

In the realm of gods, the five elements are truly cultivated to the extreme. It is no longer just one attribute, but all five elements are perfect. When you reach the level of the gods, you will have the power of great laws, such as the law of space. , Five Elements Law, Thunder, Wind and Cloud, etc. This depends on personal opportunities to practice. It is the evolution of the Five Elements attribute power to the extreme. When the time comes, it will be a matter of course to enter the level of law power. As for the five major laws and mysteries, that is a higher level. Now It's still far away for you.

So you can just practice the five elements of divine power for the time being, and look at the attributes of your physique, choose one, and use the other four as auxiliary. This level is relatively easy to cultivate, just the quantity of divine power. The god level is about quality. King Landlord, the four realms, that is the process of the five elements evolving into the power of law...

To exert the power of the Magic Sword, you can only use the divine power in your body in the early stage. When you can come into contact with the power of the laws of space, it is time to increase the power. However, you should not think that the power of the Magic Sword at this stage is Just be weak, I’ll give you 30% of your strength. I can do it with one sword strike, break formations, illusions, and small spaces..."

Yang Yiyun listened and recorded everything in his mind word for word. Yi Qianxing said a lot, and he also asked a lot. The two of them asked and answered questions together. Unknowingly, three days passed. Yang Yiyun said a lot to the god. I finally understood the methods of cultivation and so on.

"Okay, I've said all that needs to be said. It's up to you to decide which way to go~" Yi Qianxing stopped.

Yang Yiyun also nodded. It was true that Yi Qianxing acted as his master for a time. He bowed deeply and thanked him. However, Yi Qianxing did not accept the courtesy as much.

"Any questions?" Yi Qianxing motioned Yang Yiyun to get up.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and asked me: "Yes, I would like to know what level of artifact the Dragon Sword is? What levels are the artifacts in the God Realm?"

Yi Qianxing pondered for a while and said: "It's hard to say, there is no specific definition, but every artifact, no matter it is formed from any natural treasure, must be re-refined and blessed when it is finally used in the hands of gods, so there is no definition, but there is The most intuitive thing I can tell you is that the Dharma Divine Sword in your hand comes from the hands of the God of Heaven. That means it can be regarded as a Dharma Divine Artifact. It can also be called a Seven Realm Divine Artifact, because the Heavenly Dharma Divine Realm is a divine weapon. The seventh realm of human cultivation.”

Yang Yiyun nodded after hearing this. Indeed, he understood that it was simple and clear to distinguish according to realm.

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