My Master Is a God

Chapter 2559 The Heaven-Slaying Man Sacrifice Sword

Yang Yiyun was a little strange. Although he felt the presence of many living creatures at high altitude, he did not see anyone there.

The place where he flew down could also be a forest. In fact, he just didn't want to have any interaction with other creatures.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he landed, someone called him.

When he turned around and looked around, he found three people not far away.

To be precise, it's a dilemma between a woman and calling him a man.

They are all gods.

Two elementary-level gods and one intermediate-level god.

However, Yang Yiyun was not sure whether the other party was calling him, so he turned his head and looked over, without speaking, with doubts.

"Hey, it's you, talking about you~" the leader of the middle-level god said again.

"Me?" Yang Yiyun stretched out his finger and pointed at his face to confirm.

"Yes, that's you. Is there anyone else here besides you?" The middle-level god-man who was leading the conversation had already walked over.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes. He could see that although he returned the favor to him, there was no respect in his eyes.

Of course, the current situation is also unclear. It is unclear whether these three people are from the ascended family or the celestial family.

In fact, the celestial beings and the ascended ones are both human beings, but the latter are of the ascendant lineage through evolution, while the former celestial beings were born in the heavenly realm.

Birth determines everything.

It's no wonder that the Celestials look down on the Ascended Ones.

Yang Yiyun was actually wrong about one thing, and that was the issue of Celestial Cultivation.

What he had heard from Liu Yemei before was that the Celestials were not good at cultivation and that they were born at whatever stage they were born. This understanding was absolutely wrong.

According to Yi Qianxing, this statement is nonsense.

As the highest clan in the Three Realms, the Celestial Race is excellent in all aspects, how could it be possible that they cannot practice cultivation?

Later, Yang Yiyun thought about the same truth.

And according to Yi Qianxing, it’s not that the Celestial Race can’t practice, it’s that they don’t practice. A long time ago, they were born into the Celestial Race, and they thought they were the most powerful tribe in the three realms. There was no need to practice. To put it bluntly, they were born into the Celestial Race. It's just arrogance and laziness.

But one day after the Ascended Ones clan appeared, the laziness of the Celestial Race was broken.

The Ascended Ones are extremely diligent. After cultivating the power of anger, many geniuses emerged and became many powerful people. They indeed surpassed the Celestials at a certain period and trampled on the superiority of the Celestials.

It is precisely for this reason that there is a fighting war between the Celestial Race and the Ascended One Race.

In Yi Qianxing's words, although the current Celestial Race is still not as diligent in cultivation as the Ascended Ones, it is by no means the same as before. Everyone knows the pursuit of a powerful state, because the level of cultivation determines status and abilities. Obtained all the magical powers of heaven.

I wonder who is so stupid as not to practice cultivation?

Moreover, after Emperor Zun took over the heaven, there was a very strict hierarchical system. When low-level heavenly beings saw high-level heavenly beings, they would salute and touch each other.

So Yi Qianxing said: The person who said these words to you must be an old antique who survived the last era. Now more than ten million years have passed, and the world of gods and heaven has already undergone great changes.

Times have changed, and so have the Celestials.

As for the Ascended One clan, after an epoch, it was actually time for them to perish.


Because under the rule of the Celestials, there are no ascendants in the Ascended Clan, and the Celestials themselves are the main group in the heavenly world. In terms of numbers alone, they far exceed the Ascended Clan.

After so many years, being compressed by the Celestial Race in the Northern God Realm is almost impossible to hold one's head up. Moreover, in order to survive, many ascended people have long since integrated into the Celestial Race, but they are just one head shorter than the Celestial Race.

There really aren't many Ascended Ones left who can hold on. Even some gods headed by Fuxi are still holding on.

In other words, waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for an opportunity for the gods to walk uprightly in the heaven.

And he, Yang Yiyun, had this opportunity.

When Yang Yiyun heard this from Yi Qianxing, he just laughed it off. He thought that it was impossible for the Gods to be so miserable, right?

Didn't take it seriously.

But then, after he came into contact with these people, he finally understood that Yi Qianxing's statement about the misery of the Gods was true, and even said less.

From the next moment, he finally saw the reality of the God Realm.

In addition, he was also worried about being recognized after encountering the Celestials. But Yi Qianxing said at the time that there was no need to worry too much. If you were targeted by Emperor Zun, you could only be regarded as being targeted by the Celestials. There are countless Celestians, but not Every Celestial Race is loyal to the Emperor. The Emperor's place is only the orthodox Celestial Race, known as the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace. People who come out of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace have one characteristic: wearing heavenly armor.

The rest of the Celestial Races are also in their respective cultivation states, and some of the ancient Celestial Races are very powerful in terms of power and strength. Even Emperor Zun would not dare to offend him easily. For Emperor Zun, you will compete with him for the title of God Realm in the future. The threat of the Lord, but for other ancient Celestial Tribe forces, they have no grudge against you.

Even in the last era, some ancient celestial beings were very popular with God Qiankun and recognized the power of God Qiankun. The two races should coexist peacefully instead of fighting each other.

Yi Qianxing had talked about these words with him, but Yang Yiyun did not express an opinion after hearing it.

There are some things that he needs to see with his own eyes and go to the manager in person before he can make a judgment.

Many thoughts flashed through Yang Yiyun's mind. Looking at this mid-level god who looked like he was only in his twenties, he asked, "What do you want from me?"

"As I said, we still have one person left to enter the ancient battlefield. Of course we are looking for you to hope that you will join us. What else can I do? Is it possible that you are not willing? I will tell you that this mid-level Celestial Being is from the Celestial Race. , the Seventh Young Master of Qianjia in Tiancheng, Lord Qiandong, you are lucky to be able to take a liking to you, thank you very much Lord Qiandong."

Well, a typical eunuch beside the emperor.

A middle-aged man next to him spoke, looking like a complete flatterer, and he almost fell to his knees and licked her.

The other woman said nothing, just looked at Yang Yiyun and frowned.

The intermediary Tianren Qiandong, who was being flattered by the middle-aged god-man, silently acquiesced to the middle-aged man's words and enjoyed the flattery very much.

In the heavenly realm, it is true that the Celestials are taller than the Celestials when compared to the Celestials. In front of the Celestials, they are just ordinary people. However, they are noble in front of the Celestials. When they come to the ancient battlefield, many people will bring some power with them. A cannon fodder went in to prevent accidents. He immediately found two gods beside him, but he still felt that the more the better. When he was about to enter the ancient battlefield, he noticed a white-haired little god arriving, so naturally he wanted to take him in with him.

One more cannon fodder means more protection for him.

He is an intermediary god, and the two men and women around him are also junior gods. The boy who appears in front of him is also a junior god, so he can suppress them, so he is not afraid of his disapproval.

Being a small level higher than these people is a huge advantage. What does he do that these gods and men are not allowed to do the same?

In the face of strength, you must bow your head obediently.

Yang Yiyun finally saw that he was trying to bully him.

And he noticed a difference.

The difference between the Celestial Clan and the Ascended One Clan, which is also the difference between the God Clan, looks the same. If you don’t tell them, you don’t know. However, the other party obviously knows about the God Clan at once, which shows that there is identification.

A closer look revealed the difference, there was a mark between the eyebrows.

From the three heavenly beings who appeared on the rooftop to the intermediary heavenly being here, they all have a golden mark between their eyebrows, which seems to be an innate mark that is integrated with the body, but he does not have it between his eyebrows. There were no middle-aged people or women around him, including Fuxi and Yi Qianxing.

This means that those who have the golden origin mark between their eyebrows belong to the Celestial Race, while those who do not have it are the God Race.

Listening to the middle-aged man talking, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but laugh and said: "You and that woman are gods, right?"

"What's going on? What's going on with you kid? Don't you understand that I want you to thank Master Qiandong quickly?" The middle-aged man became impatient.

Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart, now it was confirmed, the gods had marks on their eyebrows, but the gods did not. The middle-aged man was a god, but he knelt down and licked the gods. The important thing was that he helped the gods suppress his own race, which made Yang feel very sad. accurate.

What do you mean by your grandma's legs?

And those who suppress compatriots?

Of course, at this time, he thought of a word Yi Qianxing said, the second generation of gods.

That is to say, the people of the God race who were born in the God Realm. These people are not from the Celestial Race. They are the lowest level of Celestial Beings when they are born. Even if the descendants of the God Clan are born in the God Realm, if their genes are not good, they will not become gods after birth. It is possible. It is the cultivator level, or it may be the immortal level...

Some of these second, third or even multiple generations of gods are from the Self-talking Celestial Race...

There is no sense of humiliation at being suppressed by the Celestials, because they are not the first generation of ascended gods and have long been accustomed to the environment under the rule of the Celestials. It seems normal to be a coward.

Although Yang Yiyun is now a junior god-man, it does not mean that he will be afraid of the three people in front of him. At the same level, as long as he does not encounter Tier Tianren, he really has nothing to fear.

The realm has stabilized, and the Dragon Sword has been unsealed by Yi Qianxing, as well as the innate Bagua diagram of Fuxi's words, and the Qiankun Pot. With so many top-notch artifacts on his body, if he can't defeat three people, he can just fight with him. died.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in joining you." Yang Yiyun refused directly.

He feels uncomfortable looking at the three of them. Why don't I join you and go out alone?

It sounds like it's a facility when you open your mouth. You guys are the weird ones.

After saying that, he turned around and left. He didn't want to cause trouble, but you'd better not provoke me.


Qiandong was furious.

He is just a small low-level god, but he doesn't give him Qianye face like this. His Qianjia family in Tiancheng can be regarded as a high-ranking family, and he is the young master of the Qianjia family. Even though he is at the back, he is not the same as you. The little god can refute my face.

With a whoosh, Qiandong appeared directly in front of Yang Yiyun, blocking the way.

The middle-aged god and woman behind him also exuded divine power, and they were ready to attack Yang Yiyun after Qiandong ordered it.

"You are so shameless. A despicable little man of God is arrogant in front of me. Don't you know the power of heaven and man? Kneel down for me~"

Qiandong immediately turned against him and showed his murderous intention. He just killed a lowly god, it was no big deal.

Yang Yiyun was stopped, and he smiled when he heard Qiandong's murderous words.

"Haha, just this little bit of God's power? You can scare the cat, but it's not enough to scare me. Since you are seeking death, let me help you. I've just unsealed my sword and it's time to sacrifice it." Yang didn't pay attention at all. He found out that this was called The mid-level heavenly beings from Qiandong actually unleashed their pressure on him.

This made Yang Yiyun couldn't help but sneer. He couldn't bear the pressure of a god. How about the pressure of a god who was a little higher than him and wanted to suppress him?


Under the operation of Qiankun Daozong, the pressure of Qiandong completely dissipated.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and without hesitation, he aimed the sword at the thousand holes in front of him. ,



It was late but it was fast. Starting from the Tao Seed Technique of Turning the Universe, Yang Yiyun started to do it directly.

Qiandong, who stood in front of him, looked down upon Yang Yiyun from the beginning to the end. He never thought that Yang Yiyun would dare to fight back or resist. His strength was even beyond his expectations. When he slashed out with his sword, he knew it was broken and was shocked. It was too late to resist, and the powerful sword energy enveloped him, and he couldn't move his body. The sword fell on him before his eyes.

The next second, I felt a sting all over my body, screamed, and lost consciousness as soon as my vision went dark.

The middle-aged god and woman who were blocked behind Yang Yiyun watched Qiandong being split into two halves by Yang Yiyun. The god fetus did not escape, so he died immediately. His reaction was very fast, and he flew away with a strange scream. .

But how could Yang Yiyun give him a chance? After he used his sword against Qiandong, his power remained unabated. He did not hesitate to use all his divine power, turned around and slashed out at the middle-aged godman with his sword.

The bright silver light sword energy was filled with color, and with a bang, the sword energy landed on the middle-aged man dozens of feet away.


With a scream, the middle-aged man fell from mid-air, his body split into two pieces, the divine fetus was also destroyed, and he could no longer die.

Only then did Yang Yiyun's eyes fall on the goddess.

This goddess Yu Yu never spoke a word or said anything rude to him from beginning to end. The sword he just slashed was only aimed at the middle-aged man, otherwise the goddess would have fallen at this moment.


When Yang Yiyun glanced at her, the goddess turned pale and trembled all over, but she fell to her knees and said in a trembling voice: "Master Mingjian, I was forced to have no choice~"

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