My Master Is a God

Chapter 2582 Going to Tiancheng

Yang Yiyun was quite embarrassed. He didn't expect that he would get a chance here. Although the Dark Demon Emperor's armor was a tattered armor, it was also the armor of the most powerful person in the realm of heaven. How could it be a mortal thing?

What was even more shocking was that Bai Xiaosheng mentioned that a pair of black claws were actually the original claws of the Dark Demon Emperor.

There was no aura fluctuation in his feeling, but Yang Yiyun knew it would not be simple.

How can it be simple for the claws of the Demon King's body, which are at the level of Heavenly Dao Realm and are cultivating the Dark Road?

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the real windfall.

Bai Xiaosheng left behind the materials and methods on how to repair the armor. Even if Yang Yiyun can't do it, he can find someone to do it. As long as the repair is successful, there is no doubt that his strength will be qualitatively improved.

Especially refining the claws of the Dark Demon Emperor into gloves is even more incredible.

In Bai Xiaosheng's introduction, there was no mention of what the Dark Demon Emperor was, but it was mentioned that the Demon Emperor's claws had the attribute of darkness. As for what kind of darkness, Yang Yiyun could not imagine it for the time being.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and put the box into the Qiankun Pot with a wave of his hand.

The box was not an ordinary divine stone mine as he had guessed, but was made of divine stone red gold. It was used to repair the armor. Bai Xiaosheng had done everything.

Just waiting to fix this step.

Yang Yiyun made up his mind to repair the armor and refine the claws of the Dark Demon Emperor into the armor.

He is weak in refining weapons, but that doesn't prevent him from finding and repairing them.

The harvest this time was really huge, and it was supposed to be time to leave, but before leaving, Yang Yiyun asked Ah Meng casually: "A Meng, do you have any other treasures here? Take them all out. We may rarely see them when we leave this time." came back?"

Of course, he just asked casually,

Who knew that Ah Meng did not disappoint him.


Ah Meng nodded, but with a few grunts in his mouth, he quickly reached the corner of the cave and raised his paws to wave at the mountain wall.

"Swish, brush, brush~"


In less than three minutes, the entire hall lit up.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but sigh: "Good guy, this is actually a high-quality red gold sacred stone, a top-grade weapon refining~"

A three-meter-tall, one-meter-wide flaming red gold sacred stone appeared in his sight. It was made of the same material as the box containing the Dark Demon Emperor's armor.

The classics on magical medicines record not only magical medicines but also some strange stones and other materials. This flame red gold sacred stone is a top-grade weapon refining material. One of them, the size of an adult's fist, is enough to refine a magical weapon. If other materials are added, With high-quality materials, it is possible to refine high-level artifacts.

Yang Yiyun naturally wanted to accept such a large piece of money. Although he did not lack artifacts, he could use them to exchange and sell them for money. He didn't know the value yet, but it seemed good.

He was not interested in asking Ah Meng where he got this thing, since it was all his own anyway.

After putting away the flaming red gold sacred stone, Yang Yiyun left with Ah Meng and San Yan satisfied.

After going out, we continued walking along the underground river. This time, both Sanyan and Ah Meng knew the way, so they continued walking without him asking.

After three full days under water, the three of them surfaced on the fourth day.

Only then did Yang Yiyun realize that he was actually in a lake.

After landing, Yang Yiyun felt that the atmosphere of the surrounding world seemed completely different from that of the ancient battlefield. He suddenly asked Sanyan and Ah Meng, "Have we escaped from the ancient battlefield?"



The two nodded repeatedly, indicating that they had indeed come out of the ancient battlefield.

At this moment, I don’t know where I am.

Yang Yiyun is not in a hurry. Anyway, to him, the God Realm is the same everywhere.

It doesn't matter to him as long as he encounters the Celestial Race and those remnants who want to get the things of the Holy Lord Qiankun from him.

He now has a big goal and tries his best to improve his cultivation strength.

But right now, he has something to solve, which is to find a place to find someone to repair the Dark Demon Emperor's armor.

If he repairs the armor, you can imagine that his strength will definitely increase a lot.

Now, for him, he cannot give up any opportunity to improve his strength. Only by improving his own strength can he continue to fight against the Celestials and the remnants of the Qiankun Pot who want to seize his treasure.

Standing by the lake and looking around, this is a deep mountain lake. Yang Yiyun thought that since there is no ancient battlefield, he should come out. Anyway, it is the same to him. For about two hundred years, he can be regarded as the ancient battlefield. Opportunities kept coming, and his strength and cultivation reached the level of an upper-level god from a god-man. This was already a rocket-like improvement.

He even subdued two third-level demonic beasts, which were comparable to the level of the God King. There were also many treasures, and the gains were huge.

Very satisfied.

Next, you should find a place to repair the armor.

Yang Yiyun thought about it and put Sanyan and Ameng into the Qiankun Pot.

Because he was afraid of being too ostentatious. First of all, Sanyan and Ah Meng were both at the third level, and he was still a god, so walking together would be too eye-catching.

In addition, collecting Sanyan and Ameng into the Qiankun Pot can have unexpected effects during critical periods.

After instructing the two not to fight inside, Sanyan and Ah Meng entered the Qiankun Pot with a wave of their hands.

Yang Yiyun looked at his reflection on the water. He was wearing a red gown and a shiny bald head. At first glance, he looked beautiful, handsome, and handsome. Compared with the other days when the human race was chasing him, he seemed to have changed a bit...

Yang Yiyun found that not only had his appearance changed, but his inner aura had also undergone great changes. These changes mainly came from the improvement of his cultivation and the changes that occurred after he conquered Sanyan and Ameng with the water of life.

In addition, more comes from the divine core of the Tao seed in his body. Yang Yiyun believes that the changes in the Tao tree are the focus of the change in his aura. His Dao tree has grown leaves. Although it is still a sapling, it has actually changed. Therefore, it is normal for the aura to change from within due to various factors.

Yang Yiyun was happy to see this change. He might be able to escape the pursuit of the Celestials and the remnants of the universe for a short time. Although Fuxi and Yi Qianxing both suggested that he change himself, that is, change his aura to pretend to be a grandson, he did not agree. , the change of breath now happens naturally, which is fundamentally different from what he did deliberately.

In response to this, Yang Yiyun grinned and said to himself: "This is considered unintentional. Let nature take its course is the best way, so be it. I hope I can avoid being tracked by those bastards..."

Where is Yang Yiyun considering going next?

This is a problem for him, but the goal is clear, that is to find a place to repair the Dark Demon Emperor's armor to enhance his strength.

But even though Bai Xiaosheng left behind the repair method, Yang Yiyun knew that he didn't have the cultivation and skills to repair it, so he had to find a professional high-level weapon master to repair it. Only by leaving professional matters to professionals could he rest assured.

He believed that someone could do it. The problem now was to find a place. As for where, it was naturally a place with people. He thought of the blazing sun. He remembered that Yi Qianxing said that the blazing sun could find a route to determine the location. , naturally you can also find places nearby.

Just do it as he thought, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and carefully felt the scorching sun high in the sky, thinking about finding the nearest city or land of the Celestial Race...

Sure enough, he found a red dot, looked at it consciously, and the word Tiancheng appeared in his mind.

Yang Yiyun remembered that when he first met Yu Qian when he first arrived outside the ancient battlefield, one of the gods and celestial beings told him about Tiancheng. The middle-level celestial being killed by him was from Tiancheng.

Are you really destined?

Yang Yiyun said to himself, smiled and walked forward without caring...

He decided to go to Tiancheng. According to Yi Qianxing, both gods and gods coexist. However, gods have a higher status and gods have no status. However, this does not prevent the coexistence of the gods and humans. They are just ruled by the gods. The gods of the world are inferior.

After determining the route, he headed towards Tiancheng. It was not too far away. Three days later, Yang Yiyun walked out of the mountain and saw a huge and magnificent city in the distance...

Tiancheng is surrounded by plains. Yang Yiyun looked at the horizon and saw many figures.

Only then did he realize that the cities in the God Realm seemed to far exceed those in the Immortal Realm.

I originally thought that the rare things in the divine world were more valuable, and that there were fewer gods and people. Now it seems that I was wrong. There are many creatures in the divine world, and the cities are much larger than those in the fairy world.

Looking at the people coming and going, Yang Yiyun was a little hesitant to go there. What if there were people sent by Emperor Zun?

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun continued to move forward. He was not an indecisive person. He would know if there was any danger or not, and he would not be scared to death.

Anyway, the majestic Celestial City on the horizon is still far away.

There is room for maneuver in any situation, and besides, he still has Three Eyes and Ah Meng around, and the Heavenly Warcraft of the Three Realms will not joke around, and can deal with any changes.

Walking forward, Yang Yiyun finally saw someone after a while.

I was still worried at first, but when I entered the crowd, I found that no one paid attention to this little god.

He said he was a little god because he discovered that gods were everywhere and there were as many gods as dogs.

Sure enough, when we arrived at a crowded place, everything became inconspicuous.

Yang Yiyun discovered that these people were coming and going in and out of the Celestial City, and there were very few people from the God Clan, and most of them were Celestials. This was also expected. The Celestials were originally native creatures, and the Gods were ascendants. In addition, the Celestials deliberately If those who ascend are suppressed and not allowed to ascend, even fewer gods will come to the God Realm.

As he walked along, he noticed that among the people passing by, seven out of ten people were from the Celestial Clan, and the remaining two or three were from the God Clan. Of course, these God Clan were not necessarily all ascended gods, and more The gods were born in the divine world.

As they walked, getting closer and closer to Tiancheng, Yang Yiyun suddenly didn't notice that a long queue had suddenly formed. When he came to his senses, he saw a checkpoint in front of him, and there was actually a god in silver armor. Guards, everyone entering Tiancheng is inspected one by one.

This made Yang Yiyun's heart skip a beat.

My first thought was, could I be looking for him?

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