My Master Is a God

Chapter 2585 Trading is buying and selling

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun was stunned, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't trust the wrong person.

"Come in~"

He opened the door with a wave of his hand, and outside was Pan Wuji, whom he hadn't seen for three days.

"My benefactor, you have been waiting for a long time~"

Pan Wuji looked apologetic as soon as he came in, fearing that Yang Yiyun would be worried.

However, Yang Yiyun raised his hand to stop him and said: "Stop, since I trust you, I won't ask the reason. You just need to tell me, have you heard about Abyss Xuanshui?"

Pan Wuji breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile on his face: "The benefactor has fulfilled his mission. I have finally gained something in these three days. I bribed a small boss of the First Divine Visitation and learned that tonight the First Divine Forum will hold a large-scale event. At the auction, there was Abyss Xuanshui, and I also bought tokens to enter the black market, but I spent five thousand sacred stones in succession."

While speaking, Pan Wuji placed a token and a divine ring in front of Yang Yiyun. The divine ring was his own and inside was the remaining divine stone.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed and picked up the token to look at it, but did not take the divine ring. He said to Pan Wuji: "Keep the divine stone and use it if it is useful. This time, you did a good job. This is a reward for you."

"How can I ask for the divine stone when I'm working for my benefactor..." Pan Wuji declined.

But Yang Yiyun snorted coldly: "Is there any reason to take back what I gave you?"

"Then... thank you benefactor." Pan Wuji thanked him, but he was extremely happy in his heart. These are five thousand sacred stones. This benefactor gave them to him without blinking an eye. He is really lucky to have such a master.

Yang Yiyun looked at the token in his hand, but it said No. 1 Shenfang on it, which was equivalent to a pass. He secretly sighed that money can make the world go round. It is really the truth in the world.

"Then let's go~" Seeing that it's not too early, start early and make preparations early. What do you think of entering the black market? As I walked, I said, where is the location? "Yang Yiyun has been here for three days and already wants to leave.

Pan Wuji quickly followed, and the two walked out of the restaurant.

"The benefactor is in an abandoned house in the south of the city. I heard that there are many entrances to the real black market. Where is the one that was opened this time? We might as well go there first so that we can get familiar with the environment, understand the auction rules, etc. I heard that there are many entrances to the black market this time. There are a lot of treasures, and the benefactor can make preparations in advance..." Pan Wuji followed Yang Yiyun and said as he walked.

The entire Celestial City is very large, and flying is restricted, so you have to walk. However, when they arrived, it was already dusk, but the time was just right.

Sure enough, as Pan Wuji said, it was an abandoned courtyard. It was already on the edge of Tiancheng and there were very few people.

Both of them have divine light covering their faces at the moment, and they have also taken breath restraining pills. Pan Wuji informed them of this. In Pan Wuji's words, the black market is a shady place. Everyone here uses divine light to cover their faces. There is no People can see the appearance clearly, but no one will look at it. This is the rule before entering the black market.

There is also an elixir with restrained aura, which Pan Wuji had purchased a long time ago. It is cheaper than ten sacred stones in a bottle. After taking it, all the realm auras will be covered up, making it impossible for anyone to check, and of course no one will check. , the black market organizer Anti-First Shenfang also strictly requires everyone to do this for the safety of both parties in the transaction. These rules are polite to everyone, and everyone must abide by them.

It's just that the efficacy of this kind of pill is only three hours, and it will lose its effectiveness after the time has passed. Therefore, if it is not completed within three hours, or it is not out of the black market, it is necessary to continue to take the second pill.

Yang Yiyun felt that these rules were reasonable, mainly because they were in line with his current situation.

In other words, after entering the black market, there will be no such issues as the Heavenly Clan, Gods, Realm, Strength, Status, etc. There will only be one thing, and that is - transaction.

When entering the courtyard, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought that there was only one token, and couldn't help but ask Pan Wuji, "What should you do?"

"My benefactor, I can follow you in. The token I bought is considered a high-level token of the First Divine Workshop. The person holding the token can bring three people in, so there is no need to worry." Pan Wuji explained.

"That's good, let's go, let's go in too." Yang Yiyun glanced at the people who were already entering the small courtyard in twos and threes, each with their faces covered.

The two came to the entrance of the small courtyard, but there were two masked people guarding them, checking the tokens one by one. Only those with tokens could enter.

After Yang Yiyun showed the token, he took Pan Wuji into the yard.

At this moment, someone came to Yin and they went directly to the backyard, but they entered a dilapidated house.

After walking in, it was a completely different world.

But this is to be expected.

It's called a black market, but it's not black at all.

A circular space the size of a basketball court, brightly lit.

At the top of the hall are spheres emitting silvery-white divine light, which seem to be used for lighting. In the center is a stage, which is seventy or eighty square meters and more than three meters high. Behind the stage is a building within a building. Pan Wuji said that it was a place where only those who organized the First Shenfang could enter.

There are card holders all around the circle, and there are symbols on them. You don't need to ask Yang Yiyun to know that they are just numbers. They rotate in a circle and are divided into three layers.

There are booths on the first and second floors, and private rooms on the third floor.

Following the black market staff, Yang Yiyun and Pan Wuji were arranged in the booths on the second floor.

After sitting down, there were already many people around, and it was so noisy that Yang Yiyun frowned and couldn't help but ask the staff who brought them here: "Can we go to the third floor?"

The staff member who brought them over was a woman wearing a cheongsam similar to that of Earth. She was tall but average-looking. She was also a woman from the Celestial Clan, and her cultivation was that of an upper-level Celestial Being.

In the entire black market, only the faces and cultivation levels of these service personnel are public. After Yang Yiyun asked this question, he did not expect that although this woman still had a smile on her face, her eyes revealed He said with a trace of disdain: "My lord, the third floor box is not accessible casually. It requires fifty thousand divine stones to be eligible to enter the third floor box of our black market, and you also need to bring out a treasure to be auctioned by our black market. "

His words were neither arrogant nor condescending, but Yang Yiyun felt like he was being looked down upon and despised.

How could Yang, who had enjoyed treatment above all immortals in the immortal world, endure this?

Immediately he snorted coldly and said, "I will pay fifty thousand to buy your box, and arrange it for me immediately."

At this time, Yang was angry and his voice was deliberately louder. With a wave of his hand, a whole world of gods was thrown to this female celestial being.

The latter was stunned for a moment, but he swept away the God Realm thrown by Yang Yiyun. His face changed slightly, but he quickly said with a smile: "Since you need it, please wait a moment. There are dedicated people in the third-floor box. Otherwise, I will go right away." Please give me instructions."

This female celestial being is not stupid at all. Who can easily buy fifty thousand sacred stones to buy a box? Who is not a big shot? She couldn't afford to offend him, and if the cost of fifty thousand divine stones was reported, she would be rewarded.

After saying that, the goddess hurriedly left, Yang Yiyun snorted coldly and signaled to hurry up.

After the female celestial being left, Pan Wuji smiled bitterly and said, "My benefactor, it's actually completely unnecessary. We can still participate in the auction while sitting here." He felt sorry for Yang Yiyun for the sacred stone. That was fifty thousand sacred stones. Five Wan, Pan Wuji wailed in his heart.

The anger on Yang Yiyun's face disappeared at this time, and he smiled and said to Pan Wuji: "Do you think your master and I are in such a state of mind? To compete with a little celestial being? Or do you mean that I am so poor that I only have the divine stone?"

Hearing what Yang Yiyun said, Pan Wuji was also stunned. Only then did he realize, yes, although he had just met this master not long ago, after these days of contact, he knew that his master was very wise and would not be confused with him. What does a little heavenly being care about? There must be a reason for doing so.

Thinking of this, Pan Wuji said seriously: "This subordinate doesn't understand, please ask the master to clarify his doubts."

Yang said quietly: "The core of the black market auction is trading, that is, buying and selling. In my hometown, doing business is about a facade. Only when you have a reputation and make a name for yourself can you get into other people's eyes. Someone will find you when the time comes." Not only will you save time and effort when doing business, but you will also be treated as a guest. If there are any benefits or opportunities, I will let you know as soon as possible.

Although this is the world of gods, trading is just buying and selling, and the core has not changed. The private rooms on the third floor are indeed expensive, but they represent status and fame. As expected, we will directly enter the black market to host the distribution, which is the first With the sight of the gods, or direct contact, as long as they come to me, I will have a better chance of getting the Abyss Xuanshui, and even any materials I need in the future can be obtained through the First Shenfang as soon as possible. You are not Did you also say that the underground black market organization First Divine Visitor is spread throughout the God Realm? What I am doing now is actually spending 50,000 divine stones to buy an opportunity to contact the core personnel of the First Divine Visitor, so this transaction is not a loss..."

As Yang Yiyun continued to tell, Pan Wuji nodded repeatedly, finally understood, and quickly flattered him: "Gao, my benefactor, you are really smart, and my subordinates admire you greatly."

"Stop flattering, take note of what I said. You will have to come forward and learn how to do business in the future." Yang Yiyun subconsciously wanted to train one of his own to do business in the God Realm in the future. Although he thought deeply about it, he felt that, I feel this is necessary.

As for Pan Wuji, he never expected that after following Yang Yiyun, he would become a famous wealthy businessman in the God Realm in the future. He would go from a poor family to a famous businessman in the God Realm, and all his ways of making money would have to be Benefit from the owner Yang Yiyun.

Of course this is a story for later.

At this time, when the master and the servant were talking, it was Xiao Tianren who came over with someone from before.

The face of the person following Xiao Tianren was obscured like the others, but judging from the figure and the small waist that twisted when walking, Yang Yiyun knew that she was a woman.

Sure enough, after the two people came over, the latter waved to Xiaotianren and signaled to leave. Then he came to Yang Yiyun and said, "This gentleman is traveling. This little girl is in charge of the third floor. Sir, you can call me Yaoguang, the third floor private room." We are ready. Sir, please follow the little girl and we will discuss it in detail in the private room on the third floor."

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun was more direct, suitable for leading the way directly.

Soon, under the gaze of everyone around him, Yang Yiyun led Pan Wuji and followed the female steward named Yaoguang towards the third floor, but he heard a lot of exclamations and comments in his ears.

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