My Master Is a God

Chapter 2588 A message to buy you one hundred thousand divine stones

The Nine-tailed Divine Fox is indeed a cherished divine beast in the God Realm. It has a peerless appearance, extraordinary talents, and is a divine creature that possesses the Way of Shuang and Cultivation. Yaoguang can’t figure out how Master Yun could see this Nine-tailed Divine Fox. , so excited that even murderous intent was released.

Is it possible that there is another story between the two of them?

It's not surprising when you think about it. The Fox clan itself is cultivating the way of the world of mortals, and it is mostly related to the cultivation of Taoist couples, so it is inevitable that some love affairs will happen.

Yang Yiyun stared at the picture album, which showed an extremely beautiful woman, but who would have thought that it would be his master's wife - Master Tianji.

He never expected that one day Master Tianji would be treated like a pet and appear at a black market auction.


Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words.

"What?" Yaoguang didn't hear clearly.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath. He knew this was not the time to get angry, and he couldn't blame the black market. They were just a platform. The damn person was the one who captured Master Tianji, or the one who sent Master Tianji away.

Back then, Master Tianji was the first person after her master to ascend the heavenly path to the divine realm.

Yang Yiyun did not expect that Master Tianji would appear at the black market auction when they met again.

And they met in this way.

He was furious in his heart, and he took a deep breath to try to stay calm. He knew very well that the person who could capture Master Tianji was not a small role, and the point was, this was a black market auction house and the territory of the First Shenfang.

If the First Shenfang can become a black market organization, it is definitely a powerful force. He cannot cause trouble in the black market, and there is no such force. Yang Yiyun believes that there will definitely be strong people in this black market.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and Yang Yiyun was thinking of ways to deal with it.

Soon he sorted out a few.

First, he needs to find the person who sent Master Tianji to the black market. This is the number one enemy. Once found, he will put him on a blacklist and kill him.

Second, save the master’s wife at all costs.

Third, he kept telling himself to endure it.

He knew that taking action at the black market auction house was not a wise move.

Fourth, ask Yaoguang for information and find the person who captured Master Tianji.

There is a message in the album that simply states that a great evil person entrusted the First Shenfang to auction off Tianji’s wife.

Yang Yiyun wants to get the true information about this 'big evil man'.

Turning around, Yang Yiyun unclenched his fist and said to Yaoguang: "I need the real information about this evil man." After speaking, Yang Yiyun threw the album to Yaoguang to see.

At this moment, Yaoguang smiled bitterly and said: "Master Yun, you are embarrassing me. Our auction house only records a virtual name for each financial owner, and there is no confirmation information at all."

But Yang Yiyun knew that even if Yaoguang's words were true, according to the power of the First Shenfang, if he really wanted to investigate, he would definitely be able to find out.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Yiyun looked at Yaoguang and said, "Ten thousand divine stones, I need to know who sent the nine-tailed divine fox to your auction house?"

"Master Yun, you are making things difficult for me~" Yaoguang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Thirty thousand sacred stones, I need the other party's true information."

Yaoguang still shook his head: "Yun..."

"Fifty thousand divine stones, I need to know the other party's true information." Yang Yiyun did not give Yaoguang a chance to speak.

"Master Yun, this is not a god..." Yaoguang said with a trembling voice at this moment.

"Buy a piece of news with 100,000 divine stones and help me get it done. I know you have the strength." Yang Yiyun raised his voice.

Yaoguang didn't speak in a hurry this time. After a while, he said: "In that case, it will be as Master Yun wishes."

Yaoguang spoke in a happy tone this time, turned around and left.

Pan Wuji was dumbfounded and said to himself: "My dear, the First Shenfang is known as the number one in confidentiality, but it turns out that it is like this..."

Yang Yiyun calmed down and said: "Lao Pan, remember, it doesn't matter whether they are number one or not, or how loud their banners are, they are all false. In the face of real interests, there is nothing that cannot be done. If If you don't do it, it's because your sacred stone is not enough to support their betrayal information.

And for them, they do not directly sell customer information, but use their power to investigate, so it does not violate their black market creed. Just one hundred thousand sacred stones for investigating information, this deal is a good deal for them.

Remember, in the future, all problems that can be solved with divine stones will be solved with divine stones. As long as they need divine stones, then give them to them. If ten thousand is not enough, one hundred thousand, if one hundred thousand is not enough, then one million divine stones... there will always be There is a price. The most fearful thing in the world is that there is no price. "

"My benefactor, I will remember this." Lao Pan's views were refreshed this time, but he was thoughtful and nodded seriously to show that he understood.

About five minutes later, the shaking light left and returned. After coming in, he said to Yang Yiyun: "Master Yun has already given the explanation. There will be news in three hours at most. Now the auction has started, let's participate in the auction first!"

"Okay, thank you~" Yang Yiyun thanked him.

When the hundred thousand sacred stones came out, he didn't even blink.

Anyway, he has more than 700,000 divine stones on his body, which is enough for him to create. Moreover, he also commissioned Fluctlight to auction such a large piece of flame red gold, which will be a large fortune of divine stones by then.

To him, the sacred stone is just money to spend, and it feels good to spend a lot of money.

The auction started soon, and it was not much different from the auctions Yang Yiyun had participated in before in the fairy world...

The first auction treasure was a God-King-level artifact. The starting price was one thousand low-grade divine stones, and the final price was eight thousand.

Yang Yiyun is not interested in any of this.

His target is very clear, only No. 10 Abyss Xuanshui and No. 58 Tianji Master Niang.

The starting price of Abyss Xuanshui is 10,000 divine stones, while the starting price of Master Tianji is 50,000 divine stones. Even if Yang Yiyun thinks about it, the divine stones on his body should be enough.

He would never let Master Tianji be auctioned off by others.

He felt extremely bitter in his heart. He never thought that one day he would buy his master's wife. I wonder what his master would think if he found out.

But there is nothing he can do about it. He is not strong enough yet to directly cause trouble in the auction house, so he can only use the divine stone to solve it.

He was also secretly glad that he met Sanyan and Ah Meng, otherwise he would not have gotten hundreds of thousands of divine stones. If there were no divine stones then, and when he saw Master Tianji at the auction, he could only watch Master Tianji being auctioned away by others. , at that time, Yang Yiyun knew that he could only choose to fight to the death to snatch the master's wife...

Absently watching the auction below continue...

Soon they arrived at No. 10 Abyss Xuanshui, and Yaoguang reminded: "Master Yun, Abyss Xuanshui has appeared~"

"Ah~ oh well, I understand." Yang Yiyun came back to his senses, his eyes became firm, and he stared at the field.

The auctioneer on the stage at this moment, after introducing Abyss Xuanshui, entered the auction session.

The starting price is 10,000 divine stones, and each increase in price shall not be less than 1,000 divine stones.

"Eleven thousand sacred stones~"

I'm glad someone made a bid.

"Fifteen thousand……

"Sixteen thousand..."

When Yang Yiyun was about to speak, he was stopped by Yaoguang: "Master Yun, wait a minute. There are no bids for the other boxes on the third floor. It's just a warm-up now. People on the first and second floors below are calling Zaihuan, but it's useless. It's really worth it." The people who picked up the sacred stone are all in the third-floor box. If you believe me, how about I help you bid for it?"

"Okay, then it's time to work." Yang Yiyun did not refuse Yaoguang's kindness. He believed that Yaoguang would consider it for himself.

Two or three minutes later, 20,000 sacred stones had been auctioned, and the bidding on the first and second floors finally subsided.

And at this moment, someone in the third-floor box finally shouted: "Thirty thousand sacred stones."

Directly increase the price by 10,000 divine stones in one go.

The first and second floors of the venue suddenly became quiet.

With a price increase of 10,000, it was obvious that the rich man was a wealthy person. Everyone knew that a big shot with real wealth had taken action. The competition on the third floor began. Although the people on the first and second floors were unwilling to give in, they knew there was no hope, that is, they did not follow the bidding.

"Thirty thousand one~"

"Thirty-five thousand~"

"Forty Thousand Divine Stones~"

There were four bids on the third floor, and three of them were very aggressive. In fact, they were quite generous.

At this time, Yaoguang smiled and said: "It seems that there are many people who need Abyss Xuanshui. Master Yun is very competitive. I am afraid it will take a lot of blood to win."

Yang Yiyun said calmly: "No matter how much you bid, I am determined to win."

"Okay, so I feel confident." Yaoguang received Yang Yiyun's approval, and slowly opened his mouth, but the increase was doubled: "Eighty thousand low-grade sacred stones."

This time, the entire process was silent.

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