My Master Is a God

Chapter 2615 Weird Rabbit

This roar is obviously not a human voice. If it can appear in the depths of the Demonic Light Forest, especially if it roars within the poisonous miasma, it must be a tributary of some kind of mythical beast, and it is definitely not an ordinary creature.

Yang Yiyun thought about this long roar and left. Yaoguang instantly understood his intention. It was just to use the creatures deep in the poisonous miasma to contain the Ice Wind God King behind him. For now, it was a way.

Soon he took Yang Yiyun and rushed towards the place where the roar was heard just now.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them suddenly became enlightened.

But the poisonous miasma was gone, and a land with flowers, grass, rocks and trees appeared in his sight.

This is actually the opposite of the environment when entering the poisonous miasma.

Within the poisonous miasma, not a single blade of grass grows, but there is not even a trace of poisonous miasma here, but instead, there is a scene full of vitality.

It seems that this area is not small. Anyway, the edges cannot be seen with the naked eye, and the spiritual consciousness is also invisibly isolated.

"What is this place?~" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but asked Yao Guang.

"This should be deep in the Demon Light Forest~" There are also a lot of fluctuating lights here.

There was still a strong wind behind me.

The two looked at each other and simply headed towards the depths.

The Ice Wind God King behind him was determined to bite them both.

The two of them didn't walk for long and passed through a bush. At this time, the eardrum-piercing roar sounded again.


Immediately afterwards, unusual howls sounded again.

"Ho ho ho~"

It sounded like many monsters howling in panic.

"No, stop." Yaoguang quickly stopped talking.

Yang Yiyun wanted to roll his eyes, but his hand was always held in Shaoguang's hand. She had the final say whether he wanted to go or stop. He wanted to say that it doesn't need to be said, it's up to you to decide, but he didn't say it out in the end.

In fact, Yang still somewhat enjoyed the feeling of being held by a goddess king like this.

But this is not the time to talk. The grass in their sight is as tall as one person. At this time, the grass in their sight is constantly shaking...

It started out as a small area, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into patches of grass.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun and Yaoguang both trembled and sucked in air.

But he saw a celestial monster with a head like a wave, rushing out of the grass.

"Ho ho ho~"

The roars are really as frightening as being chased by a wolf, but Pianpian looks like a wolf these days.

It's just that the sound is like a tiger's roar, and it sounds more shocking. In appearance, it is similar to an ordinary wild wolf. Its head is as big as a calf. It has dark hair, red eyes, a single horn on its head, and a silver body. The inscriptions flashed, and the breath was strong and tight.

With Yaoguang's face on his side, he pulled Yang Yiyun and jumped up suddenly, flying to a height of 100 meters in an instant.

Only then did he take a breath.

"Tiger Wolf Heavenly Demonic Beast is a native creature in the God Realm. It belongs to a group of creatures. There are at least twenty in a group. Now it seems that there are hundreds of tiger and wolf beasts. At the level of the third realm, the power of a single head is ordinary, but the power of a group is the God King. They also have to stay away. It's strange. Normally, there are not many other Heavenly Monsters to provoke this class of Heavenly Monsters. Why do they all look so panicked today, as if they were driven away by some possible creature." Yaoguang gave Yang Yiyun some science knowledge, and his eyes Still staring down.

At this moment, the tiger and wolf beast below jumped across the place where the two of them were standing. Wherever they passed, the weeds and trees were broken into powder.

At the same time, on the other side, the Ice Wind God King and a hundred divine kings also jumped into the air.

Both sides saw each other.


The first long whistle sounded again.

The Ice Wind God King, who was about to rush towards the two of them, seemed to have noticed something was wrong at this time and stopped in place without daring to move.

Both sides looked at the ground below from a high altitude, or at the back wave of tigers and wolves that fled in panic. Everyone was curious about what kind of existence could actually make a group of hundreds of tigers and wolves flee in panic?

Follow the line of sight.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

I was originally nervous about what kind of powerful creature it would be, but in the blink of an eye, a snow-white rabbit jumped out.


This rabbit gives people a unique feeling at first glance.

From the appearance point of view, the first thing is that it is a big, well, fat, or extremely muscular white rabbit.

It is twice as big as an ordinary rabbit and as big as an adult native dog.

But all in all, it's still just a rabbit.

White rabbit.

It's just that under the sunlight, the eyes show different colors. They are colorful and beautiful, but they give people an extremely strange feeling.

But when Yang Yiyun saw the big white rabbit's eyes, his heart skipped an inexplicable beat because he felt his left arm was heating up.

To be precise, the Qiankun Pot pattern on his left arm is reacting and heating up at this moment.

This is simply the first time in the world. This is the first time that the Qiankun Pot has changed its reaction when a monster beast or a divine beast or a beast appears. Anyway, it is a beast.

Something strange.

Can't figure it out.

When he wanted to laugh, he thought it was just an ordinary rabbit, because he didn't feel the slightest breath from this white rabbit. It was almost at the level of an ordinary beast. Of course, not every creature in the divine world is a god. , there are also ordinary creatures.

But when the Qiankun Pot felt hot, Yang Yiyun knew that this was definitely not a simple rabbit.

He glanced at Yaoguang, who also looked confused at the moment and seemed to have the same idea as him.

"Miss Yaoguang, do you know what kind of strange beast this is?" Yang Yiyun still asked tentatively.

"It looks like an ordinary rabbit, but... shouldn't it be possible? An ordinary rabbit can drive hundreds of three-level tigers and wolves to run in terror? Even the God King cannot do this. There is something wrong with this rabbit. Or is it that the truly powerful existence hasn't emerged yet?" Yaoguang was also a little confused.

While the two were talking, the big white rabbit below did jump to a stop. It happened to stop in the middle of Yang Yiyun, Yaoguang and the Ice Wind God King. He squatted down and glanced at the sky.

Yang Yiyun could clearly see the rabbit's look. It was a look of contempt for a king, but...

When Rabbit's eyes glanced over and landed on him, he paused, showing some doubts...

Seems to be stuck in some kind of stranglehold.

But at this moment, there was a cold snort, and then a beam of light suddenly flew towards the rabbit that looked like it was thinking about a question.

"Be careful~"

Yang Yiyun didn't know why, but after discovering this scene, he couldn't help blurting out and shouted to the rabbit below to be careful.

I don't know if the rabbit can understand what he said.


The beam of light fell from the sky, but the next moment it suddenly enveloped the rabbit. Under the powerful divine power, the rabbit was directly buried.

"Kill it~"

The voice of the Ice Wind God King sounded, it was him who had just attacked the rabbit.

In the eyes of the Ice Wind God King, the rabbit was no different, because no one felt that there was anything special about this rabbit. It had no aura and was just an ordinary beast.

The Ice Wind God King was also startled at first, but after he came to his senses, he was a little angry. He was actually frightened by a rabbit, and he launched a divine attack on the rabbit with a wave of his hand.

He instantly drowned the rabbit, and then ordered to kill Yang Yiyun and Fluttering Light. Compared to the tiger, wolf beast and rabbit below, the Ice Wind God King only had Yang Yiyun in his eyes. His mission was to capture Yang Yiyun, get the things on Yang Yiyun's body, and return them for business.

Yang Yiyun still felt a little regretful that the rabbit was killed by the Ice Wind God King like this. Unfortunately, he couldn't care about anything else at this time. Now he and Yaoguang had to face the attack of the Ice Wind God King and his hundreds of god kings.

"Listen, wait a while and think of a way to escape. As far as you can go, I'll hold them back, but they won't be able to escape for too long. It all depends on fate." Yaoguang said bitterly.

Yang Yiyun felt something in his heart and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all. Naturally, he would not escape alone.

Isn’t it just death?

Come on then, even if you die, you have to get a few backers.

This is what Yang is thinking at the moment.

The two of them were suspended in the sky. They had no intention of running at this time, because even if they were pursued at the level of a God King, they wouldn't be able to run very far.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

But no one noticed that large dark clouds were gathering above their heads and around them.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun felt a little depressed. Suddenly, it seemed as if the light in the sky had dimmed. He subconsciously looked up, only to find that the sky above his head was covered by dark clouds.

"There's something wrong with the fluctuating light. Go down, go to the ground, quickly~"

Instinctively, Yang Yiyun felt that the dark clouds above his head were terrifying, and he had the illusion that he had survived the ninety-nine tribulations. As he spoke, he grabbed the hand of Fluctuating Light and ran the dark armor to the extreme, but it suddenly went downwards.

At this time, the Ice Wind God King was less than sixty meters away from them and had already launched an attack on the two of them.

But at the same time, there was a sudden rumble and explosion in the sky, and the entire sky erupted with an extremely dazzling purple light. It was purple lightning, a real thunderstorm, and the entire world was filled with thunder and rain.

Although Yang Yiyun reacted quickly and pulled Yaoguang to quickly dodge towards the ground, he was still struck by countless thunderbolts when he was about to fall. Both he and Yaoguang activated their defenses, and even he used the innate Bagua Tu summoned it to resist the thousands of thunderbolts, but the defense was still instantly broken by countless thunderbolts.

Even though Yaoguang was a god king, his defense was supposed to be stronger than his, but in Yang Yiyun's eyes, the divine light on Yaoguang's body was instantly broken when the thunder was added to his body.

In his peripheral vision, he also saw the Ice Wind God King and his hundreds of God Lords dozens of meters away, screaming in the world of thunder. Smoke was rising from their bodies, but they fell down.

The happiest thing was that Yang Yiyun saw that the Ice Wind God King was even worse. In Yang Yiyun's peripheral vision, he saw the Ice Wind God King being directly entangled by a bucket of thick thunder dragons, and his whole body exploded...

While Yang Yiyun was happy in his heart, he also laughed miserably. He held the shaking hand. After their defenses were broken by countless thunder powers, they were struck by the thunder skin, and their whole bodies felt like they were going to dissipate...

At a certain moment when he fell, Yang Yiyun saw a rabbit in the corner of his eye.

It was the big white rabbit that was not killed by the Ice Wind God King. Instead, it was a snow-white rabbit. At this time, its eyes were full of color and there were purple thunder all over its body. It stood up and looked up at the sky.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yiyun had some understanding, but was instantly swallowed up by the thunder and lost consciousness.


In the end, Yang Yiyun and Yaoguang fell to the ground with a roar. The two were still holding hands without letting go, but they both lost consciousness. The difference was that Yang held Yaoguang's left arm, exuding There was a shimmering golden light, but from a distance, a golden light shield enveloped the two of them.

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