My Master Is a God

Chapter 2635 The mana soul is completely sealed

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun and the God of Life Yu Linglong shuttled into the space portal opened by Lord Rabbit, and walked out not long after.

Sure enough, the place where they appeared was a barrier surrounded by the energy of chaos, reaching straight into the sky. There was no concentration at all, just like a barrier between heaven and earth.

In fact, according to Mr. Rabbit, this is a natural barrier in the sky of the God Realm. There are no mountains or formations or anything like that. It is just a naturally formed barrier of chaotic mist that can be seen no matter how you walk.

It is hundreds of millions of miles away from the center of the God Realm where cultivators live. No matter where you walk in a straight line, you can reach here and see the Chaos Barrier.

"Sister... Linglong sister, Master Tu, are you okay?"

As soon as he came out of the passage, Yang Yiyun's first words were to call Sister Yu Linglong, the God of Life, to ask about Master Rabbit's safety.

I was also new to the God of Life, Yu Linglong Yang Yiyun, and I really didn’t know how to call him, so he called me sister.

He thought it was nothing when his sister called out, but it caused a big fluctuation in the heart of the God of Life, Yu Linglong.

He quickly said: "Just call me Linglong, Lord God. Don't harm Linglong."

Yang is now the master of the Qiankun Temple, the deity of Yu Linglong. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master. She is frightened to have Yang Yiyun call her sister.

After finishing speaking, he continued: "Thunder Protector Venerable has cultivated the profound knowledge, and the three Dharma Gods can't do anything to him. Please rest assured, Lord God."

Yang Yiyun felt relieved when he heard the God of Life, Yu Linglong, speak like this. After all, in terms of understanding, it was the God of Life, Yu Linglong, who understood Lord Rabbit the most.

"That's good, that's good~" Yang Yiyun was still frightened. The three powerful divine lights just now really frightened him.

"In this case, let's go in to avoid another accident." Yu Linglong, the God of Life, said.

Yang Yiyun looked at the chaotic mist that was like a barrier between heaven and earth, and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it difficult to get in?"

Since it can become a barrier between heaven and earth, with the unknown land on the other side and the divine realm inside, it must be unusual.

This chaotic mist is like a barrier, isolating the God Realm from the unknown land, or more like blocking great dangers and protecting the God Realm.

In other words, who can say for sure where the God Realm is, inside or outside this barrier of chaos?

The God of Life, Yu Linglong, nodded and said: "Although I have never entered an unknown place, I have learned a little about it. Indeed, this chaos barrier is extraordinary. If you want to enter, there will be great resistance, and you must resist the powerful force. Coercion.

As far as I know, the obstacle to traveling through the Chaos Barrier is not the main force. The difficulty lies in the strong pressure. It is like a test. What we have to face is the pressure against the soul.

As for how strong the pressure on the divine soul can be, this is not known at present, but please rest assured, the deity, my subordinates will do their best to protect the deity and safely pass through the barrier. "

"Sister Linglong, you should call me Yunzi~" Yang Yiyun was really not used to hearing the God of Life, Yu Linglong, calling himself a subordinate and calling him a god.

After all, the God of Life is just a small god king. In terms of cultivation level, it can be said that there is a huge gap between the two. He does not dare to seriously talk to Yu Linglong with the power of the god. It always feels too awkward. .

"So, thank you, Lord~" Yu Linglong, as a powerful person at the Dharma God level, naturally doesn't care too much about these aspects.

She didn't care when Yang Yiyun called her sister, it was just a title.

The key is your own attitude.

"Yunzi, are you ready? Let's pass through the chaos barrier." Yu Linglong asked Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and activated all his divine power. The dark armor also appeared on his body. He nodded and said, "I have no problem."

Then Yu Linglong still pulled Yang Yiyun's wrist, and the next moment a dazzling green light erupted from her body, completely surrounding Yang Yiyun.

The next moment, the two of them walked towards the barrier formed by the chaotic mist.

"Buzz buzz..."

Just as the chaotic fog ended, buzzing sounds sounded.

Immediately, Yang Yiyun felt a huge invisible force squeezing from all directions...

It was like a mountain was pressing down on me.

However, when such huge pressure came, the power of green light wrapped around him by the God of Life, Yu Linglong, or in other words, the green light of the power of life worked, blocking the forces coming from all directions.

The two of them stepped into the colorful chaotic mist without being affected at all.

After walking in, Yang Yiyun saw a colorful halo in his sight. He couldn't see the edge at a glance, and he didn't know how deep the chaos barrier was. How long would it take to get out?

The two seemed to have stepped into a world formed by colored lights.

Keep moving forward...

But there is no end.

On the contrary, despite the passage of time, the pressure from all directions is increasing.

At a certain moment, there was a bang in Yang Yiyun's mind.

After the dullness, he felt another kind of pressure.

Go straight into the divine sea and force the divine soul.

The worst happened.

Two kinds of pressure are always directed at the divine body, and one is directed at the divine soul.

The pressure from the physical body, the God of Life, Yu Linglong, can help him a little bit, but the pressure from the soul goes straight into the consciousness of the divine sea, and against the soul, Yu Linglong can't help at all.

Of course, it's not that I didn't help to stop it, but it was completely ineffective.

Now Yang Yiyun knew that this was a pressure directed at everyone, and others could not interfere at all.

Yang Yiyun even felt that Yu Linglong was holding one of his hands tightly and trembling slightly at this moment, which meant that she was under tremendous pressure in order to protect him.

So far, Yang has not felt any pressure at all, and has not even consumed the slightest bit of strength. It is completely the God of Life, Yu Linglong, who has borne everything.

He quickly said: "Sister Linglong, you don't have to worry about me, I will handle it myself."

"It doesn't doesn't matter...I can still withstand it." Yu Linglong gritted her teeth and spoke, but her voice was trembling.

Yang Yiyun said anxiously: "Quickly remove the power from me. You can deal with yourself. Don't worry, I have a treasure that can withstand such oppression. Nothing will happen. You can't have anything happen to me. If anything happens, I have to rely on you." In the final analysis, this is just a place of pressure. I can feel that this pressure is more like some kind of test, and it may also be of great help to your cultivation. Trust me, it will be fine."

"Okay then~ If you feel something is wrong, tell me in time." Yu Linglong is not a pedantic person, and she also knows that what Yang Yiyun said is not unreasonable.

After saying that, he removed his protection from Yang Yiyun.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun groaned, feeling as if his body was about to be crushed by the overwhelming pressure.

However, he was also prepared. He activated his divine power with all his strength and mobilized the power of the Tao Seeds. The ten Tao Seeds glowed in unison and spread throughout his body. He suddenly felt the pressure dissipate little by little.

This time he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The coercive power from the body was resolved by the power of Taoism, but he was actually helpless against the pressure on the soul. Even if he pushed the power of the soul to the limit, he could not stop the pressure on the soul. .

Continuing to breathe, the huge coercive force directed at the divine soul entered the divine sea, filling the entire divine sea bit by bit.

Fortunately, he was still able to walk. He and the God of Life, Yu Linglong, continued to move forward hand in hand. They couldn't stop anyway. When would they be done walking out from here?

He could withstand the huge pressure from the physical body, but he could not stop the invisible pressure from the divine sea. Yang Yiyun knew that his magic power would not be able to function like this, but there was nothing he could do. In such an environment, he could only Able to take one step at a time and see one step at a time.

There is no concept of time at all in the hybrid barrier. Maybe one year has passed, ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years...

He felt numb anyway.

However, the two of them did not stop at all and kept moving forward...

Until a certain moment, there was a sudden burst of light in his sight, which was extremely dazzling. He subconsciously closed his eyes and felt that the dazzling environment disappeared again after a few seconds.

But when he opened his eyes again, he found that the colorful environment had disappeared.

"Huh~ Have we finally walked out of the Chaos Barrier?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but speak while looking at the lush world.

Yu Linglong also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, it's out~"

But her words sounded even heavier to Yang Yiyun's ears.

Yang Yiyun asked: "What's wrong with sister Linglong? What's the problem?"

The God of Life, Yu Linglong, said bitterly: "The magic soul has been completely sealed. The two of us are no different from ordinary people now, except that our bodies are stronger."

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he reacted and tried to activate his magic power. As expected, there was no movement.

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