My Master Is a God

Chapter 2646 The fantasy world of virtuality and reality

"Is this a sacred stone?"

After Teng She smashed the stone statue, Yang Yiyun saw a stone that looked like a divine stone appearing.

Yu Linglong shook her head and said: "It's not a divine stone, it's a phantom spirit stone. It also has divine power, but it has a hallucinogenic effect and affects people's mind and feelings. Such a phantom spirit stone requires at least a hundred high-grade divine stones, and in the divine There is still a price but no market in the world.

Most of the time, they are used to make high-level space-type artifacts. In the hands of a master refiner, the final artifact will have the effect of turning illusion into reality. Unexpectedly, here it is bumped into a stone statue and used to set up a psychedelic array. Seriously. Somewhat outrageous.

This also shows that the ancient formation of the Wu Clan here is unusual. We must be more careful next time. At present, just the appearance of a stone statue of the Earth Human Clan here can confuse us. If there are a few more stone statues, we still don’t know. What will happen. "

Yang Yiyun and Teng She were deeply touched, and they both nodded to express their understanding.

"What should we do now? We have only broken through a hundred meters of square space. The surrounding area is still surrounded by fog, and we have no sense of direction." Yang Yiyun looked at the surrounding environment and said.

Yu Linglong held the phantom spirit stone in her hand and said, "That's okay. With this phantom spirit stone, we should be able to enter the formation and enter the real magic medicine garden."

"Can this thing break the formation?" Yang Yiyun asked doubtfully.

Yu Linglong nodded and said: "The Phantom Stone can absorb the mist~"

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment and realized that this was a good idea.

Without the fog, it would be much easier to break into the formation.

"Follow me~" Yu Linglong moved forward as she spoke.

As she walked, she raised the phantom spirit stone in her hand, cast a spell at it, and murmured something. Suddenly, the phantom spirit stone glowed brightly and emitted a white light.

At this moment, Yu Linglong has reached the edge of the fog. The direction is still southeast, but when Yu Linglong steps into the fog, the light of the Phantom Stone shines, and the fog automatically disperses.

In a radius of ten meters, fog rolled on both sides.

Along the way, the environment has changed.

Walk forward for about a kilometer.

Teng She exclaimed: "Look...the second stone statue appears."

Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong took a look, and sure enough, the second human stone statue appeared ten meters away.

But when the three of them walked in front of the stone statue, all the fog disappeared.

"The fog has dissipated, have we already passed through the formation..." Before he could finish his sentence, and before the last word of Dharma came out, Yang Yiyun stopped abruptly.

Because he saw densely packed stone statues of the Earthen people appearing in his sight.

I'm afraid there are thousands of them.

All are half a meter high.

Yu Linglong said with a solemn expression: "This is the real formation~"

"Ah? What kind of formation? They are all stone statues and there is no difference between them. It's very messy." Yang Yiyun was a little confused. Although there were many stone statues in his eyes, they looked messy and disorderly. They didn't look like formations. Law.

Some are next to each other in twos and threes, some are even dozens of meters away from each other, and some are lying on the ground, looking like a mess.

It doesn't seem like there are traces of the formation.

Yu Linglong said: "This is the formation of a hundred formations, with countless changes. You can see it from the small scene. It seems that we have underestimated the creatures in the eternal world. Such an formation is all-encompassing, and what the God Realm can see You can see some traces of the formation here, and the formation here is even more ancient." Yu Linglong said.

Yang Yiyun was extremely surprised. Sure enough, he looked carefully and saw some differences: Liangyi, Sancai, Fourxiangs, Five Elements and Bagua, Nine Palaces and Ten Heavenly Stems, Ziwei, Beidou, Twenty-eight Constellations, Thirty-six Earth Evils, Seventy The formations of Er Tiangang, Eighty-one Guiyuan, etc. can actually be seen.

He gasped.

"Hiss~ The person setting up the formation is either a formation genius or a formation madman. He has arranged all the formations he has learned here."

"Master, are these formations very powerful?" Teng She couldn't help but ask.

However, Yu Linglong said: "The power is not very strong, but it is too much, and the rings are interconnected, so it is impossible to break the formation. Breaking one wave and moving the whole formation, the stack of hundreds of formations is a powerful force."

"Is it possible that we can only break the formation by force?" Yang Yiyun said.

Yu Linglong nodded and said: "The best way, and the only way, is to forcefully break the formation. As the saying goes, one can break all methods with one force, so there is no need to worry too much. Although there are many formations here, it takes too long. , some formations have actually lost their effect. The formations that can operate rely on the operation of the spirit gathering formation, and the energy of each small formation itself has been exhausted.

Just like the phantom spirit stone that appeared in a stone statue we broke open before, there is actually less than 10% of the energy left in it, so we still have a chance. Next, the three of us will advance together, move forward in a straight line, and forcefully break it. Array, it should be possible. "

Hearing what Yu Linglong said, Yang Yiyun felt at ease. He knew that a strong person like Yu Linglong had a free vision. Since she said that, it makes sense.

"In that case, we will break it." Yang said domineeringly.

"Okay, you are by my side, remember to wait a while and gather your strength, do your best, don't hesitate, no matter what you hear and see, break it with all your strength." Yu Linglong seriously instructed.



Yang Yiyun and Teng She replied.


The silver-white tree root appeared in Yu Linglong's hand as a magical weapon.

Yang Yiyun slays the dragon and talks about having savings in hand.

Teng She's body was filled with colorful colors and she was ready.


Yu Linglong gave an order and took a step forward. The tree root magic weapon in her hand flashed with silver light and she suddenly waved it out.


A thick mana of water was formed, and wherever it passed, low stone statues exploded one after another, but there were rays of divine light visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the dragon-slaying sword in Yang Yiyun's hand was slashed out with all his strength. The sword energy was a hundred feet long. The ground shook where it passed, and the stone statues touched by the sword energy were turned into ashes.

The Soaring Snake's attack was even more simple and crude. It swung its tail away and turned into a length of several hundred meters, like a huge whip, and pushed forward directly.

The three of them moved quickly, advancing hundreds of meters in an instant.

The attacks continued in a cycle, which was quite smooth.

It didn't take long for a thousand meters to be recommended, and a road that was one thousand meters long and more than thirty meters wide was forcibly cleared by the three.

Looking forward, it seems that the end can be vaguely seen, with half of it remaining, and a divine light flashes at the end of the sight.

Yang Yiyun thought that if this continued, in a few minutes, the three of them would be able to break through these stone statue formations. It seemed that there were so many formations, but it was not a big deal.


The attack didn't stop at all.

It goes on and on.

Next, when he was about to walk out of the stone statue formation with hundreds of meters to go, something unexpected happened.


There was a strong wind in the sky.

Then there was lightning and thunder.

"Boom... click, click, click~"

The whole world was darkened.

"No, hurry up and get out~" Yu Linglong's expression changed and her voice was solemn.

However, when the sky and the earth darkened, the environment changed instantly.

The next moment, the stone statue disappeared from the eyes of the three people, and the color of the world changed.

The entire sky and earth are covered by dark clouds, and it is extremely dark. The sun cannot be seen. Instead, the sky is covered by extremely dark clouds. There is thunder in the sky, and you can see dragon-like thunder and lightning flashing in the dark clouds, seemingly at any time. They may all fall down.

In the blink of an eye, the whole world changed.

The ground beneath the three people's feet turned instantly black, as if it had been burned by fire.

At a glance, there is no bounds.

Yang Yiyun opened his mouth and stopped subconsciously. Teng Snake, who was obviously inexperienced, also stopped.

Only Yu Linglong did not stop at all, and rushed forward with a swish. However, when she saw Yang Yiyun and Teng She stopped, she hurriedly said: "Don't stop, this is an illusory formation between reality and reality. Stop and you’re stuck.”

"Ah~" Yang Yiyun and Teng She were both stunned, and quickly continued running.

But at this moment, in the blink of an eye, they saw Yu Linglong disappear directly in front of their eyes, as if they had entered another world.

But Yu Linglong's attack sound could still be heard, but it was just some lingering sounds.

He and Teng She hurriedly chased after her and arrived at the place where Yu Linglong disappeared.

But Yu Linglong could no longer be seen, and the two of them did not travel from the place where Yu Linglong disappeared.

Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically at this moment. He thought about Yu Linglong's explanation at the beginning: no matter what he heard or saw, don't stop attacking and moving forward, and keep moving forward.

At this moment he finally understood, but it was too late.

It was obvious that he and Teng She had entered the illusion of reality and reality that Yu Linglong had just mentioned.

But Yu Linglong insisted on her true intention from the beginning and was not affected. She rushed out of the illusion directly.

But he and Teng Snake failed to keep their true intentions and were directly trapped in the illusionary world of reality and reality.

I'm afraid it's difficult to get out now. The point is that Yu Linglong on the other side might be implicated because of the two of them.

Yang Yiyun secretly hated himself, because after all, he still had a weak Taoist heart.

He and Soaring Snake kept running forward without stopping or stopping their attacks. Even though they were all hitting the open ground now, the surrounding environment remained unchanged.

There was not a single stone on the endless charred black land, and there was no edge in sight. It was like a black sea, and the thunder and lightning in the sky above looked very scary.

It was extremely dark the whole time.

After running wildly for an hour, Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Teng She, stop it. The two of us are trapped in this illusionary world of reality and reality. Even if we continue running, we will be exhausted and we probably won't be able to get out."

"Why did Master Linglong Dharma God go out?" Teng She asked in confusion.

"Linglong is the God of Dharma after all. Even though her strength is now limited, her Taoist heart is still the same. In the final analysis, the two of us are still a little bit behind in Taoism, so we are trapped in this world. We really underestimated the formations of the eternal world. Ah!" Yang now regretted not listening to Yu Linglong's words, but it was too late.

"Master... what should we do now?" Teng She asked.

"What can we do? Find a way to break this virtual and real world so that we can get out. Now I am not worried about being trapped. Instead, I am worried about whether there will be any force to attack us." Yang Yiyun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, thunder exploded in the sky. Hundreds of thunderbolts fell from the sky and struck directly at him and Soaring Snake.

"I'm going...this is fatal~" Yang Yiyun's whole body tensed up. Hundreds of lightning bolts as thick as buckets of water were as thick as snakes, which made people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

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