My Master Is a God

Chapter 2656 Colorful Purple Gold Dragon Scales

"The statue of the owner seems to be the ancestor of the Holy Lord of the Giant Witch Clan~"

At this time, Tu Jingyuan spoke, and with great respect and piety, he came to the stone statue with his hands clasped and kowtowed to the stone statue.

Yang Yiyun did not disturb Tu Jingyuan's devout worship, and waited until he stood up before asking: "Do you know him?"

Tu Jingyuan said: "Well, we have seen it in our family's genealogy. After all, we are a vassal and subordinate race of the Giant Witch Clan. Of course, we need to know about some important figures of the Giant Witch Clan. I have this statue in the family tree. I have seen it online, he is the first generation ancestor of the giant witch clan, and he is also an ancestral witch."

"Isn't it? This statue looks like a normal human being, and the space conditions here do not look like a space where the giant witch clan can move. Are you sure this statue is a giant ancestral witch?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Tu Jingyuan glanced at Yang Yiyun with a strange look and said, "Master, the giant witch tribe can actually be as big or small as they want, but they generally never shrink their bodies when it is not necessary."

Hearing Tu Jingyuan speak like this, Yang suddenly felt his face turn red. He had fallen into a misunderstanding~

Think about it, these giant witch clans are all great gods, people with heaven-reaching cultivation. No matter how huge their bodies are, they can still change. Can't they shrink?

He smiled awkwardly and said, "I forgot about this, hehe~"

"Master Wu Clan has a white jade box in his hand~" Tu Jingyuan also knew his master's embarrassment and quickly changed the subject.

"Let me take a look~" Yang Yiyun interrupted, took a step forward, and carefully cast the spell.

As soon as he came in, he stared at the white jade and box in the statue's hand, and he would not miss it now.

With a wave of his hand, the white jade box flew directly into his hand.

"Let's go over there and have a look~" Yu Linglong was really Linglong's heart. She spoke and told Tu Jingyuan and Teng Snake to go to the secret room. No matter how valuable the treasure was, Yang Yiyun was naturally the leader. She would not interfere in order to avoid any inconvenience. Good misunderstanding.

And as the God of Life, she doesn't care about any treasures. The only thing she cares about is whether she can break through to the realm of heaven.

Yang Yiyun also knew Yu Linglong's good intentions, and wanted to say it was okay, let's watch together, but before he could say anything, Yu Linglong and the earth spirit Yuan Tengshe walked away and went directly to the three secret rooms.

He shook his head and smiled and didn't care. He was an informal person.

Since the three of them wanted to avoid suspicion, that's fine, he could open it and see for himself.

When the white jade box was held in his hand, Yang Yiyun's heart moved. He had felt something greeting him before, but now he was sure that it was this white jade box.

I moved my hands to open it in my heart.

However, it had no effect. The white jade box was like a natural stone. It was one piece and completely motionless.

However, Yang Yiyun knew that this was definitely a box, but it might require a specific method to open, and he didn't expect to open it immediately.

After all, something that can appear in such a secret place, in the hands of the giant witch clan, or even the statue of the ancestral witch, is naturally not a simple thing.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun activated his magic power to try to see if he could open it.

The result is still the same~

Then use the power of the soul.

Still motionless.

"I still don't believe it~"

After muttering something in his mouth, Yang thought of the previous situation of opening the inscription door. This time he took out a drop of blood essence from his body and dropped it on the white jade box.


There was a reaction in an instant.

There was a buzzing sound, and the entire white jade box glowed with white light, trembling in the hand.

The next moment Yang Yiyun closed his eyes in the dazzling light, he heard a soft sound in his ears.


The white jade box in his hand clicked like a mechanism.

Feel the dazzling light dissipate.

When he opened his eyes again, he was overjoyed and found that the white jade box in his hand was opened directly.

"Good boy, this giant witch clan really bleeds for everything~"

After muttering, Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up and he saw a huge scale in the box that was as big as an adult's hand. It was as big as a cattail fan.

Yang Yiyun's eyes shrank.

"Dragon scales?"

He has seen dragon scale armor, so he is naturally familiar with it.

Sister Mei is the body of a dragon. Yang Yiyun is familiar with dragon scales, but he has never seen such a big dragon scale, and the color is actually purple gold.

It exudes a colorful halo, which is really beautiful.

But while it looked good at first glance, he also felt an aura that made his heart palpitate.

The natural scent comes from the dragon scale itself.

Colorful purple gold dragon scales.

The breath that hit his face made Yang Yiyun feel frightened.

Fortunately, it was just a breath and there was no attack, otherwise he would have thrown away the box immediately.

Of course, if there is an attack, he won't have time to discard it, and he will suffer a big loss immediately.

Holding the white jade box in his hand, Yang Yiyun's heart was trembling.

This is definitely the scale armor from the ancient dragon.

Of course this is not the point.

The key point is that he saw tiny inscriptions on the colorful dragon scales.

Obviously these inscriptions are the focus. Someone recorded the inscriptions on this piece of colorful dragon scales.

A big deal, really a big deal.

Now Yang Yiyun believes that this stone statue is the ancestral witch, most likely the ancestral witch Emperor Jiang.

With dragon scales like cattail leaf fans, it was hard for Yang Yiyun to imagine how huge the body of this dragon was in front of him.

And being able to use such large dragon scales to record inscriptions, this ancestral witch is indeed terrifying.

The colorful dragon scales are just a carrier, and the inscriptions on them are the real focus.

Yang Yiyun's heart beat a little faster, and he had some guesses as to what the inscriptions on the dragon scales might be.

In all likelihood, it is the secret method used by the giant witch clan to temper the physical body and baptize it, or it is the secret method of cultivating the physical body and becoming a saint, right?

What a pity~

He did not recognize these ancient inscriptions.

There is no way to know the content.

While he was thinking about finding Yu Linglong and Tu Jingyuan to decipher the contents on the dragon scales, he felt a wave of desire coming from the dragon scales.

Yang Yiyun was greatly moved by this desire.

Very strange.

It was obviously just a feeling, but he felt it was extremely real.

This feeling or possibility is that the dragon scale seems to be drinking blood.

Weird, even monstrous.

Never encountered such a thing.

The dragon scales exuding a faint colorful halo seemed to be alive, a living creature, telling him that I was very hungry and needed to drink blood.

So Yang Yiyun feels very weird and a bit evil~

The more he stared at the dragon scales in the white jade box, the stronger this feeling became.

Unknowingly, Yang Yiyun reached out his hand...

The next second his hand touched the dragon scales.


Suddenly I felt a pain in my fingers, and I couldn't help but take a breath of air.

But he found that the dragon scale had cut his finger.

The blood instantly dyed the dragon scales red.


A soft groan came from the dragon scales.

Then he seemed to hear an earth-shattering dragon roar: "Ouch~"

A masterpiece of colorful light.

Yang Yiyun's face turned extremely pale.

Because he felt that this colorful dragon scale was actually drinking his blood, very quickly.


Yang Yiyun was frightened and wanted to throw away the dragon scales, but the dragon scales seemed to be growing in his hands and he couldn't get rid of them.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun only saw the inscriptions on the dragon scales shining brightly, and a sharp pain suddenly appeared in his mind, as if something had penetrated into his mind.

He couldn't help but scream.

What followed was intense pain. Suddenly, he vaguely seemed to see a giant standing tall in the sky appear in his mind, and he also saw a colorful dragon that covered the sky and the sun rushing out from the endless vast sea, rising above the sky. , and there is a pair of huge eyes faintly above the sky.

The eyes suddenly opened again, the dragon let out a wail, and an aura that destroyed the world erupted.

It was at this moment that Yang Yiyun's head exploded, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

But he fell directly to the ground.

The colorful dragon scales on his fingers disappeared in a flash of light.

However, there were multiple lifelike scales on Yang Yiyun's right arm, like birthmarks.



At this moment, three figures rushed out of the three secret rooms.

However, Yu Linglong, Tu Jingyuan, and Teng She, who heard Yang Yiyun's screams, quickly came out and found Yang Yiyun lying on the ground. His whole body was flashing with colorful halos, and there were vague inscriptions surrounding him.

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