My Master Is a God

Chapter 2672 Three Bows and Nine Kowtows

Emotions of great sadness and joy can greatly affect the mood of even a mortal, but Yu Linglong experienced such an experience this time, and her Taoist arithmetic was tempered.

After Yang Yiyun's two almost confessions, she felt relieved. Daoxin took a step further and felt a feeling she had never had before. She attributed this feeling to her own luck.

Tianji who will break through to the realm of heaven in the future.

This can be considered a big gain, there are gains and losses, that's it.

Yang Yiyun could feel Yu Linglong's emotional changes, and the worries in his heart finally relaxed a little. For cultivators, the most fearful thing is the instability of the Taoist heart. He had been worried before that Yu Linglong's appearance and cultivation were so great. If you fall and your mind is unstable, it will have a great impact on your future.

Now he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. It would be a lie to say that he didn't feel guilty towards Yu Linglong.

After all, Yu Linglong was doing it for him.

His next goal is to go all out to help Yu Linglong recover.

Sky City is a goal.

Hope to find some useful information.

Yang Yiyun actually knew that the only way to help Yu Linglong was to use heavenly materials and earthly treasures, or high-level magical elixirs. He had no idea now, but he knew that he could definitely make Yu Linglong recover.

Flying through the sky on a Soaring Snake, illuminated by colorful divine lights, it was like a dream, with a goddess by his side. His strength and cultivation had finally reached his temporary ideal stage. Yang Yiyun seemed to have a blazing fire burning in his heart.

But he also knows that the road ahead will still be difficult and even more difficult. You can have confidence, but you must not be complacent.

Compared with the enemies he will face in the future, the road he has to go is still very long.

The emperor is supreme ~

A powerful man who has reached the final step of the Heavenly Realm and the Heavenly Realm is fate for him.

There will eventually be a battle, either you die or I die.

"Master, we are here~"

Just as Yang Yiyun's thoughts were racing, Teng She's voice sounded.

Yang Yiyun came back to his senses and looked into the distance. A mountain peak surrounded by divine light appeared in his field of vision.

In the blink of an eye, Soaring Snake had quickly flown downwards.

Yang Yiyun said: "Why don't you just fly up the mountain?"

Teng Snake said: "Master, I heard that there is a Nine Heavens Thunder in the Sky Mountain. Even if it is a Dharma God level, it can be chopped into ashes. If you want to go to the Sky City, you need to find a guide to bring it up."

"That's it~ let's go down there!" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes.

This is the Eternal God Realm after all, and some environments can indeed kill people, even gods and men are no exception. Thunder has a general name, but it also has different strengths and weaknesses. The thunder in the God Realm is naturally extraordinary, and it can kill the God of Law... He really believes it.

Soaring Snake instantly landed at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Yiyun led Yu Linglong down from Teng She's back, and the earth essence turned into a yellow divine light and arrived.

The mountain in front of us is surrounded by white mist and shining with divine light, so we can't see how high it is.

According to Teng She, the Sky Divine City is on the top of the mountain.

This is strange. According to Yang Yiyun's understanding, the top of the mountain should be just an entrance. The Sky City may be hidden in another space.

A very huge mountain range.


Yang Yiyun stared at him after taking one look.

Because the Sky Mountain in sight is entirely a 90-degree vertical mountain wall, with not a single trail or tree.

"How do you get up here?" He looked at Soaring Snake.

It's not that they can't go up, but there is nothing, and it's a complete rejection.

Soaring Snake smiled and said, "Master, I heard that bird say back then that you have to find someone to guide you before you can go up."

"Well, you have to go to the mountain to pick up the messenger. What is the situation in this sky city?" Yang Yiyun muttered.

Teng She said awkwardly: "Master, actually I only heard it from that bird. It was hearsay, but this city must exist, and I heard that bird say that there are many gods in the divine city, and it is a divine realm. …”

Yang Yiyun said impatiently: "Okay, okay, let's first tell you how to find something to guide the envoys up the mountain to the divine city?"

Teng Snake's head shrank: "I...I forgot to ask how to find the messenger back then."

"You..." Yang Yiyun was angry.

Just take this product.

At this time, Yu Linglong said: "Yunzi, since the place has been found, it can't be wrong. Where there are many gods and messengers, there must be clues. Let's look for them."

"Okay, let's look for it~" Yang's face changed into a smile. He could show off his face to Teng She, but he absolutely couldn't do that to Yu Linglong.

In fact, from the time he met Yu Linglong until now, he had respect for her from the bottom of his heart.

Naturally, you can't get angry.

"Look for it, why don't you stand and wait for someone to come to you?" Yang Yiyun turned around and shouted at Teng She who was in a daze.

"Ah~ yes, yes, go right away." Teng She seemed to be pardoned, but this guy is really stupid.

Tu Jingyuan was the shrewdest and was the first to turn around and head towards the mountain wall.

Only then did Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong step forward.

A mountain that is almost as far as the eye can see. The cliff rises vertically at 90 degrees, and the top cannot be seen.

The few of them standing up and down were as small as ants.

Yang Yiyun sighed: "Creation is amazing. In front of such a majestic mountain, even gods like us are as small as ants."

Yu Linglong spoke softly: "The heaven is the most important among the three realms. Everything has spirit. The mountains have their shapes, the water has the sound of the water. They are in the same place as the heaven and the earth. You can feel your own insignificance. This is a good thing. It shows that you are interested in the world." It is good to have feelings for all things in the world and for the way of heaven. It is good for cultivation and enlightenment.”

Yang Yiyun was stunned. He didn't expect Yu Linglong to say so much. He was thoughtful.

Indeed, since he came to the God Realm, although he has become a god, he feels that he has become weaker.

Thinking about it now, it's not that he is weak, but that everything in the God Realm is too powerful, from the environment to the overall strength of all living things, which makes him feel weaker.

"Master...there's something going on here~"

At this moment, Tu Jingyuan's voice came from the distance, interrupting Yang Yiyun.

Then he went over with Yu Linglong.

"Master, there is an inscription here~" Tu Jingyuan was standing in front of a boulder more than ten meters high at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong took a look and saw that there were indeed inscriptions carved on the boulder.

"What are you writing about?" Yang Yiyun asked.

At this time, Tu Jingyuan opened his mouth and read: "Those who enter my Sky Divine City must sincerely praise the Sky Mountain by word of mouth, bow three times and nine times before the messenger appears, and enter the realm of the Sky Divine City."

"What the hell is this? You still need to bow three times and nine times? The master wants me to tell you, we can just go up the mountain wall. Breaking the rules and kowtow~" Teng Snake said carelessly.

Yang Yiyun looked at the inscription on the boulder, thoughtfully, glared at Teng Snake and said: "Bow, you must know that you are worshiping this Sky Mountain. Worshiping the mountain is worshiping the heaven and the earth. As a cultivating creature, you must be in awe at all times. , in front of this Sky Mountain, we are as insignificant as ants, so what’s the harm in saying goodbye?”

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