My Master Is a God

Chapter 2893 The backlash of the demon king’s death

Zhong Yuan thought that everything was under control, and now he was full of confidence and began to control the formation to control the demon king to issue orders to let countless black crow demons attack Yang Yiyun.

As Yang Yiyun waved his hands within the formation, large swaths of black crow demons were wiped out. He actually knew that Zhong Yuan wanted to use these black crow demons to consume his mana, but he was still not worried at all. He was prepared, could he? Doesn’t Mr. Yang have any backup plan?

Anyway, these black crow monsters can't cause any harm to him.

Besides, he is very happy to make wedding clothes.

Moreover, Yang is confident that she can wear this wedding dress on herself.

Among the millions of black crow demons are three Dharma God-level demon kings and one demon king who is in the realm of Heavenly Dao. The souls and masters refined by the sacrifices of these demons, hey, if they come first, they will definitely be extraordinary.

Kill, kill, kill~

There is always a time when the killing is over.

After a day, the densely packed black demons became sparse.

Yang Yiyun didn't know how many black crow demons had died in his hands, but he felt tired.

But the inscriptions on the formation around the space are getting brighter and brighter, making it even more powerful to feel that this formation is much more powerful.

Countless black goblin blood and souls were absorbed by the formation, making it difficult not to strengthen them.

From the beginning, the demon king and the three-headed magic god-level existence did not move.

All the ordinary black crows were attacking him crazily. They could be described as being unafraid of death and flying like moths to the flame. In this situation, it would be too much for anyone. Even Yang Yiyun, a strong man in the laws of heaven, would kill him until his hands and feet were numb. situation occurred.

But that's all, he knew that the hardest part was in the end.

There are less than a hundred black crow demons left in the field, but they are all existences above the level of God Emperor and God Lord. Behind them are the Demon King and the three-headed black crow demons of the Dharma God level.

Indeed, the danger of group fighting is that in the end, when the battle of attrition occurs in the early stage, and when you are exhausted in the later stage, the strong ones attack, which can kill someone.

But for Yang Yiyun, this is not a problem.

After all, these evil beasts are easy to deal with, but it is the people who are more difficult to deal with.

He could guess that Zhong Yuan, that pretty boy, would definitely take action against the Demon King after he died.

At that time, he will inevitably enter a period of exhaustion. Even if he is a cultivator of the laws of heaven, it is difficult to avoid the fact of exhaustion and consumption of mana and soul.

But he has no fear.

On the contrary, I am still eagerly looking forward to the final moment.


The demon king suspended high in the sky let out a roar.

"Wow wow wow..."

The remaining eighty or so god-emperor-god-lord-level black crow demons responded.

But they all rushed down towards him.

Yang Yiyun grinned: "Is the final fight finally coming?"

"Come on~"

Yang Yiyun's whole body glowed with divine light, and the Chaos Bell rang.

"Dong dong dong..."

Six shots rang out in a row.

The golden light of the six inscriptions turned into six wind blades and exploded.


He activated Fengyun's wings, turned into a stream of light and flickered into the air, and rushed directly into the group of black black demons, thundering as he waved his hand.

Within three breaths, eighty or ninety black crow demons at the level of God Emperor and God Lord were wiped out.

For his cultivation strength, the rules are just like ants, and he can be killed instantly.

It could be said that except for the Demon King, no black crow demon could make him take a look at him.

The Black Crow Demon's attack was physical, with its sharp mouth and claws, but they couldn't get into him. There was no chance of getting close to him. Even if they got close to his physical body, they couldn't even think of leaving a scar on him. Yang's physical body There has been special tempering, and Qiqi is the tempering of Qiankun Dao Kung Fu, which is stronger than existences of the same level.

Just these little monsters.

After all, they are monsters with little intelligence, not even demon spirits.

Kill in a flash.

Yang Yiyun did not stop at this moment. He felt that he had had enough fun and there was nothing interesting to do next.

It was just a show for the pretty boy Zhong Yuan, and it was his turn to perform next.

The remaining Demon King and the three Dharma God-level evil beasts were obviously the pretty boy Zhong Yuan who wanted to give him a last-ditch attack after he got tired.

But will Jean give the pretty boy a chance?

the answer is negative.

Yang Yiyun destroyed eighty or ninety black crow demon queens with a wave of his hand. He glanced at the demon king suspended in the sky and smiled evilly, but the wind and cloud wings behind him quickly flashed, forming a sea of ​​clouds realm.

In an instant, the entire formation was covered by a sea of ​​clouds, and nothing could be seen.

"what happened?"

Outside the formation, Zhong Yuan was suddenly startled. He did not expect that Yang Yiyun could actually release huge fog. Moreover, he could not see through the fog and could not sense the internal situation. He seemed to have lost control all of a sudden.

At this moment, Uncle You, the old servant next to him, said: "Young master, there is no need to worry. No matter how weird he is, he is still within our formation. When the time comes, he can be directly sacrificed. Young master, you can control the formation. When the old slave goes in and takes a look, if the demon king is no match for Yang Yiyun, the old slave will kill him personally."

When the old servant Uncle You said this, Zhong Yuan knew that this was the truth, but he was worried.

It is true that no matter how Yang Yiyun plays tricks, he is still within his formation. He cannot open this formation. The people inside do not have the formation and magic skills to even think about coming out. The innate cave plus the sacrifice of millions of monsters, With their special formation in the world of ghosts and gods, even those with the fifth level of Heavenly Law cannot even think of it.

"Uncle You, please be careful." Zhong Yuan asked the old servant to enter the formation.

It was an insurance policy. Anyway, his plan was for the Demon King to give Yang Yiyun the final push. If Yang Yiyun was not dead, he would take action. Now that Uncle You was in, it was a sure bet.

Thinking about it in his mind, Uncle You's cultivation at the third level of Heavenly Dao was enough to crush Yang Yiyun.

"The old slave is gone~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle You turned into a divine light and entered the formation.

Within the formation, Yang Yiyun released the realm of the sea of ​​clouds and appeared directly next to the three-headed magic god-level Hei Wuyao. He quickly killed it and finally focused on the demon king. He said to himself: "Although He is the Demon King of the Heavenly Realm, but it’s still not interesting enough. It’s not interesting. Forget it, I’ll send you on your way~”

This time, a colorful divine light flashed out from within his body.


A mournful cry sounded.

Well, Yang Yiyun's basic skill is the colorful dragon scales, which can split the demon king in half with one strike.

In his opinion, it was a waste of time.

Outside the array~


Zhong Yuan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Exclaimed: "Impossible...?"

He used the powerful power of the soul to control the demon king. The demon king was dead, and he suffered a backlash. It was normal to vomit blood. Fortunately, it didn't matter, but there was an unbelievable look of shock in his eyes.

The backlash meant that the demon king was killed by Yang Yiyun. How long did it take? In just a few minutes, the demon king died. What method did Yang Yiyun use?

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