My Master Is a God

Chapter 2898 Divine Sword Way

Although there were not many people here, just in case, Yang Yiyun still followed Xingchenzi to protect him secretly, feeling relatively safe.

Of course, although the gravity here is not linked to the realm of cultivation, your strength can indeed be seen from the side.

After reaching the fourth level, the gods are at least at the level of god kings. Although they look less, they can still be seen bustling on the long road.

Yang Yiyun wanted to ensure that no one would disturb the second senior brother within a hundred meters.

He walked behind Xingchenzi unhurriedly, but at this moment he also felt the huge gravity pressing on him. Of course, he still did not use magic power, but ran the Qiankun Body Tempering Art and began to temper. Under such natural gravity , is simply an excellent place for physical training.

With the innate natural conditions, Yang Yiyun will not let it go. When he considers both, the focus is on Xingchenzi's situation.

Whatever worries you have, just come to you.

Xingchenzi moved forward slowly step by step. In front of him, there were naturally some gods. When he passed an old man, the old man suddenly attacked Xingchenzi.

Naturally, Yang Yiyun would not give him a chance to disturb Xing Chenzi. With a wave of his hand, the colorful dragon scales came out and lightning flashed across. The old man who wanted to attack Xing Chenzi immediately turned into ashes without even making a scream.

He was just a god king, and it was just a matter of Yang Yiyun waving his hand.

In order to prevent Xing Chenzi from being affected, he used the ultimate killing move of Nirvana, leaving no room for him and showing no mercy.

In his opinion, the old man's attack on the second senior brother was evil in itself, and killing him was harmless and had no cause or effect.

Moreover, the second senior brother is in a certain state of cultivation at this time. It can be said that he is ignorant and may not know what is going on to the outside world. Even if he knows, he can fight back, but he will eventually be interrupted by others. A state of awareness.

Yang Yiyun didn't want to see this scene. It was what he should do at this moment to quietly solve the trouble for the second senior brother.

Some gods of the avenue saw this scene and did not make a sound. Some smart people have understood that those who practice Taoism with ancient swords are protected by great masters and cannot be offended.

It's better to stay away from each other. Didn't you see the scene where people casually destroyed the God King?

Then a strange scene appeared on the main road of Nitan Mountain. As Xingchenzi moved forward, wherever he passed, some gods avoided each other and went away more than a hundred meters away.

Some people who did not believe in evil tried to get closer, but there was no way. As long as they entered the center of Xingchenzi for a hundred meters, they would directly turn into ashes.

No one dares to try the law anymore.

Time passed by unconsciously, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Xingchenzi is finally about to reach the height of five thousand meters. This height is a gravity dividing line in Nitan Mountain. Stepping over it will break through the limit.

After escorting him all the way for ten years, Yang Yiyun clearly felt that the sword energy around his second senior brother had reached a limit, like mountains and rivers, very vast.

If you can truly break through the limit, you will inevitably enter a new world of kendo, and Yang Yiyun is looking forward to this.

In the past ten years, he has protected the law and killed thirteen people, but no one came close to Xingchenzi again.

"Second Senior Brother, you have to take the last step~"

Yang Yiyun stopped and watched the second senior brother, in a state of confusion, approaching the threshold of five thousand meters. This was not a step up the mountain, it was a step up to the sky, and also a step up in cultivation.

I saw Xingchenzi lift his left foot and step on it.

However, there was no solid ground, and his feet were suspended in mid-air.

Yang Yiyun clenched his fists unconsciously, worried about Xing Chenzi.

Since he has been cultivating Taoism, he has a deeper understanding of the Dao. He knows in his heart that if the second senior brother cannot take this step, then... his path of cultivating Taoism will probably stop here.

On the contrary, if this step is taken, an extremely powerful swordsman will inevitably be born.


Yang Yiyun could feel that the air around Xingchenzi was roaring. It was obvious that he was making a final struggle.

"I believe in you, Second Senior Brother~"

Yang Yiyun said to himself.

He didn't dare to look anymore and closed his eyes.



"Is it over?"

Yang Yiyun heard the roar, and then felt the whole world shake, and the thick sword energy disappeared without a trace.

"Is this... a failure?" He murmured to himself, feeling sorry for his second senior brother.

"Little junior brother~"

At this moment, Xingchenzi, a hundred meters away, spoke up.

Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up again when he heard the voice. He saw Brother Twenty taking that step.

When he looked at himself, his eyes were clear and tight.


He stepped over and appeared in front of the second senior brother.

"Second Senior Brother, can't you overcome that hurdle?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Thanks to your protector, junior brother, I got through by luck." Xingchenzi replied.

The two of them still talked a little strangely, and they were not as affectionate as before.

"Senior Brother, why are you still blaming me? The last time I came out of the Eternal God Realm was a matter of cultivating the breath realm. I have never alienated everyone..." Yang Yiyun explained quickly.

Xingchenzi finally smiled and patted Yang Yiyun on the shoulder and said: "You brat, what are you talking about? Master told us last time, and we all know it, but you have a heavy responsibility now. As a senior brother, I can't hold you back. It’s a pity that I can’t help you with anything, I feel a little sorry~”

"Senior Brother, this sentence is enough. You don't blame me." Yang Yiyun also smiled. He felt that the second senior brother from before was back again. Maybe it was his appearance, or maybe he was successful in cultivation at the moment and had something in mind. For enlightenment.

"You brat, you are worrying too much. We are alienated because we feel that we cannot help you. It is true that we thought wrong about this matter. Master said it last time, but now, haha, in the future you will fight against the Thirty-three Heavens Palace. , I also want to help you." Xingchenzi spoke with confidence.

"So, is the second senior brother accomplished in swordsmanship?" Yang Yiyun had already seen it at this time, but he didn't know how powerful the second senior brother's swordsmanship was, or what was the difference?

Anyway, he looked at everything restrained at this moment, but his eyes were as bright as stars.

I only heard the second senior brother say: "The Star Sword Dao has finally advanced. From now on, it may be more appropriately called the Star Divine Sword Dao. Of course, it still needs to be sharpened. From now on, I will stay in Nitan Mountain to practice the sword Dao. I will definitely reach the top if I step into it." It’s the day when I come out of the mountain and achieve great perfection in the way of divine sword.”

"Second Senior Brother, do you still want to stay in Nitan Mountain?" Yang Yiyun was surprised. He had already broken through, so why did he still want to stay? However, after asking this question, he understood that Second Senior Brother had his own agenda.

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