My Master Is a God

Chapter 2900 Breaking through the Limit

After swallowing one of the Yuanshen Divine Beads, Yang Yiyun felt like he entered the sea of ​​consciousness with a swish. The huge and pure Yuanshen Divine Beads exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness or the sea of ​​gods. This is where the Yuanshen resides, which is appropriate. .

Without paying too much attention, Yang Yiyun's whole body was working hard, thinking about the 8,000-meter-high Nitan Mountain step by step. His goal was to challenge the summit.

At this time, she didn't feel much pressure at 7,000 meters. Judging from Yu Linglong's appearance, she had some insights. Since she indicated that she didn't need to worry about her, she didn't stick to trivial matters.

In a place like this, everyone has their own destiny and cannot help.

Sometimes helping may not be a good thing.

After Yang Yiyun swallowed the Soul Bead, he continued to move forward.

His divine sea was also filled with the power of the Yuanshen Divine Pearl at this moment, and he really underestimated the huge energy of this Yuanshen Divine Pearl.

You must know that this is made from eight to nine million black crow demons. Among them is a demon king at the level of heaven. The black crow demon is a monster that contains the power of the pure soul. The pretty boy Zhong Yuan spent all his money on his plan. There was a fight, but in the end someone Yang picked the peach.

Both people and money are lost.

Of course, the blame is that Zhong Yuan had a bad idea of ​​who he wanted to target, but he chose to target Yang's woman. His death was not unjust at all.

However, because of this incident, Yang Yiyun undoubtedly offended the master of the world of ghosts and gods, but he also had no regrets. He had always done such things as being angry for a beauty.

After all, it can be said that Zhong Yuan provoked his woman first, so it is natural to kill Zhong Yuan. In the future, he will be the master of the world of ghosts and gods and seek revenge. He also has a lot to say, and of course, more importantly, he is not afraid.

Now he is not a soft persimmon. Although according to the big boss of Caishen Empress, the master of the ghost and god world is most likely to be at the level of Hedao, and there are even older existences, but they cannot enter casually. Majoring in the world of gods.

If it really comes, then come, the soldiers will come and cover it up with water and earth. He will do the same thing again if it comes again.

At this moment, he felt the benefits of the Yuan Shen Pearl. His Yuan Shen suddenly opened his eyes, greedily absorbing the power of these pure Yuan Shen Pearls. Yang Yiyun believed that after completely absorbing it, his Yuan Shen would inevitably enter a qualitative change. .

It is also combined with the innate gravity here. The increasingly powerful gravity is not only affecting the physical body, but also affecting the sea of ​​consciousness. This is the mystery of Nitan Mountain. Otherwise, how would anyone come to challenge Mitan Mountain? What's the limit?

The breakthrough limit here naturally includes the dual limits of the physical body and the soul.

He was really right to come here when he suddenly appeared. If he took the Yuanshen Divine Pearl elsewhere, refining it might be really troublesome.

Here, because of the gravity of the Nitan Mountain, it also suppressed the huge power of the Yuan Shen Divine Pearl against the Yuan Shen Shenhai, allowing his Yuan Shen to have leisurely time to swallow and refine these pure Yuan Shen. As long as there is enough time, it is not a problem to devour and refine the energy of the divine beads.

Soon Yang Yiyun set foot on the 8,000-meter high and low. When he arrived here, he was the key point that the strong men recorded in the God Realm could reach, and it was suitable for the realm of heaven.

Indeed, after arriving here, Yang Yiyun felt that the gravity had doubled.

It was like he was stuck in a quagmire, even when he was operating his magic power, it was extremely thick.

As far as I can see, no one exists here.

Feeling the heavy and continuous gravity, Yang Yiyun really felt that even if he was in the realm of heaven, it would be too much for him without the dual abilities of the physical body and the soul.

His magic power and tempering were all running, and there was a crackling sound with every step he took.

I knew very well that this was just the beginning. If I wanted to reach the top, I still had to climb another thousand meters.


Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he mobilized the power of the divine core.

There was no way, even he felt it was difficult at this time.

Fortunately, after he activated the power of Tao Seed, his whole body felt light.

It went away much faster.

Three hundred meters away from the summit, Yang Yiyun activated all ten powers.

At this moment, the strength inside and outside the body has been maximized.

He pressed his teeth and slowed down his steps. Indeed, each step was as heavy as a ton of weight.

But I also know in my heart that breaking through the limit is now.

He must push through the three hundred meters distance.

Pressing forward step by step.

The mana finally ran out.

But he still didn't stop. After his mana was exhausted, he still had the power of the ten great powers to support him. As long as he could still move, he would not stop.

In the last ten meters, he had already seen the top of Mitan Mountain.

But the power of the Ten Great Trees is about to wither.

Suddenly he exhausted all these experiences, and it can also be said that he reached his limit.

The gravity here was beyond his imagination. Every inch of his body was shattered by the gravity. Originally, he had the Demon King Armor in his body, but it needed mana to maintain it. At this time, his mana had long been exhausted. How could he have any extra mana? Summon the armor? We can only do it honestly, since there is no one here anyway.

In the last ten meters, it was really a blood seal step by step. His Qiankun Body Tempering Technique never stopped for a moment. It was also his strong willpower that supported him and walked over. The strong gravity on his body was still running the Body Tempering Technique. Every time he moved, There is blood oozing out from the pores and acupuncture points, which looks very miserable.

One, eight or nine steps~

Yang Yiyun had a smile on his face, but he looked a little evil at this time.

The mana and the power of the Ten Avenue Trees were exhausted and withered, which could be regarded as breaking through the limit. In the last ten steps, he took nine steps, supported by the physical tempering and willpower he relied on.

There was one last step to take. Yang Yiyun raised his foot, but he couldn't step down anymore.

There was a crackling sound in the body.

Under gravity, the physical body was squeezed to the limit.

"Ah...get up here."

How could you not collapse in the last step and reach a height of nine thousand meters?

With this roar, Yang Yiyun fought with willpower. With the support of willpower, he stepped out and finally reached the top of Nitan Mountain, which was not recorded on the surface of the gods.

Everything is pushed to the limit.

As soon as he stepped out, Yang Yiyun felt the world spinning and thought he would fall down, but the next second he found that gravity had completely disappeared.

It was at this moment that the primordial spirit in his divine sea swallowed up the golden energy of the primordial spirit orb.

Immediately afterwards, divine energy from all directions in the world swarmed in. At this moment, it gathered in the Nitan Mountain. To be precise, it went straight into his body.

"Haha, it turns out that this is the limit, risking death and living again, the limit on the top of Mitan Mountain, this gift is worth it, it's not in vain for me to press my teeth and climb to the top~"

Talking to himself, Yang Yiyun dodged his arms and welcomed the divine energy gathering from all directions in the world and swarming the earth body. At this moment, his internal and external skills started to operate again, like a snake swallowing a whale.

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