My Master Is a God

Chapter 2911 It’s the Great Kung Fu

"You bastard, these Celestial Clan are so annoying~"

Yuanyuan muttered curses.

Under the command of Dugu Hui, the group formed a large formation and prepared to face the enemy.

They came out to practice, and indeed faced off against the people from the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace of the Heavenly Clan.

In the beginning, it was actually Tuantuan, the troublemaker, who caused the incident. Of course, he was not entirely to blame.

They all knew about the grudges between the Thirty-Three Heavenly Clan and Yang Yiyun, and they had an innate dislike of the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace. When they came here to practice, it was a coincidence that they met the disciples of the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace.

Of course, the people in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace are me first, and I am the face of the King of Heaven. This is true from top to bottom.

As a result, they met Dugu Hui and others. They were the first to start a fight. They started fighting over a disagreement. At first, they killed three disciples of the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace at the level of God Lord. They originally thought that no one would know, but they They still underestimated the methods of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace, and now they were constantly hunted.

Moreover, a god-emperor led a team of more than thirty people, ten god-kings, and twenty god-lords appeared on the other side to chase them. As a result, they lost most of their people, and now only eleven of them were left.

Now, fortunately, we were forced directly into the dead end of the valley, so we could only form a formation and fight hard.

Of course, distress signals were also sent out, but they all came to nothing and there was no news. It must have been stopped by people from the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace.

The opponent was led by a god-emperor, and they were pursued like a cat playing with a mouse, chasing them like a dragnet.

Now everyone knows that they have to fight hard.

"Don't be confused. At this time, stay calm. I don't believe we will end up here today."

As the eldest brother, Dugu Hui, after so many years, he is no longer the heartless and stupid young man he was back then, he has become more and more calm.

In fact, of all the people, he is under the greatest pressure.

This is also the frustration of being a senior brother.

He is the only one who knows clearly that nothing can happen to any of these junior brothers and sisters. They are all Master's children. Even if something happens to one of them, he doesn't know how to face Master. Even if he dies, he will not feel at ease.

On the surface he was extremely calm and calm, but inside he was already in a state of panic.

Among all the people, only he and his third junior brother had the highest level of martial arts cultivation, reaching the Great Perfection of God King, followed by second junior brother Wang Zongren in the late stage of divine king. The rest, such as Tuan Tuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan, were all in the realm of god kings, and none of them had reached the level of god emperor cultivation. for.

There are eleven of them in number, but there are a full thirty people in the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace, not counting the God Emperor who takes the lead.

Duguhui knew that he might be doomed this time.

After everyone formed the formation, Dugu Hui looked at his second and third junior brothers, Wang Zongren and Wu Jian.

The three of them looked at each other. Although they were speechless, they all saw a certain look of determination in each other's eyes.

In the end, it was Dugu Hui who spoke through the voice and said: "Two junior brothers, if something cannot be done, one of you must find an opportunity to take the junior brothers and sisters out. You must not let any of them get into trouble, otherwise we will die even if we wait. Face Master."

Wang Zongren was the most experienced one among the three. Chuanyin sighed and said with a wry smile: "Elder brother, the situation we are in today is not something we can leave if we want to. With one move, between the three of us, you and I can still do it." There are four Yunmen disciples left behind to fight the enemy desperately, even if they self-destruct, they must hold back the God Emperor. The third junior brother is overbearing in cultivation and has the means. Let the third junior brother and his junior brothers and sisters find a way to escape. , As long as we can get out of this vast mountain range, I believe we can send out a distress signal, and then there may be a glimmer of hope."

"Fart, even if you try your best, it won't be your turn. When the time comes, my senior brother and I will stay behind to hold off the God Emperor, and you will leave with your junior brothers and sisters. Who will let you fall short of your cultivation level." Wu Jian rarely speaks and is still taciturn. character, but at this time he had a bad temper and directly cursed Wang Zongren.

"Okay, you two, stop arguing, the enemy is coming." Dugu Hui smiled bitterly and interrupted the two of them.

At this time, the three of them all secretly resented that their cultivation was not enough and that they were forced to this point by a god emperor.

Dugu Hui also regretted that he took his junior brothers and sisters out to practice because he was so hot~

"Master, my disciple is incompetent."

He blamed himself in his mind.

Wang Zongren and Wu Jian both stopped arguing and looked forward.

Sure enough, a ray of divine light arrived.

It was the God Emperor of the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace. He was very conceited and followed him alone. As for his men, they were all scattered on the top of the mountain rock, blocking their way to escape in the air.

However, one person can crush all of them. There is no way around it. The opponent is a late-stage God Emperor who is capable of crushing them. He has the capital to be conceited.

"Haha~ The humble Ascended Clan, you still want to resist?" The God Emperor flew over and sneered when he saw Dugu Hui and others forming an array.

"Fuck you uncle, what are you pretending to be? You are just pretending to be a strong man in front of us, just a God Emperor. My Heavenly Dao has a lot of them, and one finger can kill them ten thousand times. "

Tuantuan still has the same temperament as before, and he is a person who doesn't take things too seriously wherever he goes. Of course, he actually knows very well in his heart that he is doomed today anyway, so he will talk about it first before talking about it.

The curses did not make the god emperor angry, but he said with a playful smile: "Haha, I believe what you said, kid, but...

But I want to say, don’t even think about your subpoena getting out. Even if it does get out, what will happen? By the time your rescue arrives, you will have already become prisoners of this emperor. "

Then he looked at Dugu Hui and others and said with a sly smile: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. Your value is too great, hahahaha..."

When he said this, the God Emperor couldn't help laughing wildly.

But Duguhui and the others felt something bad in their hearts.

Whatever you worry about, it will come true.

What I was worried about actually happened.

I heard the God-Emperor stop laughing and continue: "Do you really think that this Emperor doesn't know your identities? Hahaha... It's a joke, you may not know it yet, we have left a few of you disciples before Their lives were searched for their souls, hahaha... This is really a piece of cake in the sky, and I actually happened upon it.

It turns out that you are actually the disciples of Yang Yiyun, and among them are his sons and daughters, the three major disciples. Hahaha, the current Emperor of Sakura Kingdom will become the number one hero of my Thirty-three Palaces. As long as I capture you and return to Thirty-three The Three-Three-Day Palace is the great power of the Thirty-Three-Day Palace. How many powerful men have Yang Yiyun killed in my Thirty-Three-Day Palace?

But I never expected that he actually had children and disciples who ascended to the God Realm, and even ran out to practice and went to the territory of my Celestial Clan. God really gave me credit for this, hahaha..."

The madness and convulsive laughter spanned the entire valley.

But Duguhui and the others felt their hearts sink to the bottom.

They naturally understood the relationship between Master Yang Yiyun and the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace, so when they came out for training, they never mentioned their identities.

But now that the other party has finally found out, this is a bigger matter than death.

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