My Master Is a God

Chapter 2934 The location of the Ji family

A certain luxurious private room in the Ji family branch.

"No, Yang Yiyun is here."

Ji Yuanling's expression changed.

Opposite him was Ji Yuansheng.

The two are brothers, Ji Yuansheng is the elder brother and represents the power of the Ji family in the Daodao Palace, while Ji Yuanling is in charge of the Ji family branch.

"It seems the news has leaked." Ji Yuansheng pondered.

"Brother, what should we do? It sounds like Yang Yiyun's tone is not good~" Ji Yuanling said worriedly. He had already learned about Yang Yiyun's strength in Daodao Palace from his brother Ji Yuansheng.

It's not easy to offend, even their brothers can't afford to offend him.

The tone he heard was very unkind. As for what happened to Yang Yiyun, it was naturally his junior sister Ji Zixia.

Regarding Ji Zixia, when Yang Yiyun came to him for the first time that day, he immediately reported it to the family and asked someone to inquire. However, an order came directly from his family. Ji Zixia was married to the young master of the Jiuli clan by the family. Yang Yiyun must not let Yang Yiyun know about this. .

So a few days later when Yang Yiyun came back from Daodao Palace, he hid and was not going to tell Yang Yiyun about Ji Zixia.

But after all, paper can't cover the fire. Yang Yiyun came anyway, wondering where he got the news.

What should I do?

He asked his brother for help.

"Go out and tell the truth truthfully after you go out. Since Yang Yiyun already knows about this matter, it is not something you or I can control." Ji Yuansheng decided directly.

Ji Yuanling said worriedly: "But brother, doesn't this violate the order of the family leader?"

"Bullshit, how can such a big thing like the marriage between the Ji family and the Jiuli tribe be kept hidden? Just go out and negotiate with Yang Yiyun. I will report it to the head of the family. Remember, you agree to whatever Yang Yiyun asks, otherwise that kid will really step on it. The Ping branch will blame everything on the family. If he has the ability, he will go to the family to find the Jiuli clan.

At this moment, the Jiuli tribe's wedding team has probably already arrived at the family. If Yang Yiyun goes there at this time, there will definitely be no good results. This kid is so unruly that he swept through the Daodao Palace, but if he goes to provoke the family and the Jiuli tribe, someone will naturally take care of him by then. he. "Ji Yuansheng sneered and analyzed.

After hearing this, Ji Yuanling thought it made sense and nodded: "Then I'll go out to see him. It's time~"

After saying that, he quickly disappeared from the room and reappeared at the gate of Ji's branch.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes, and the countdown in his heart reached ten.

He suddenly opened his eyes and felt a surge of energy all over his body. He was about to dismantle the Ji family branch, but he didn't expect Ji Yuanling to stand in front of him.

He said angrily: "You'd better give me an explanation, otherwise I won't mind killing you."

Ji Yuan was inspired by Yang Yiyun's powerful aura. He broke out in a cold sweat. He had no doubts about what Yang Yiyun said. A good man will not suffer the consequences of his immediate loss. He knew that Yang Yiyun was not easy to mess with, and he did not dare to. He forced a smile and said, "Forgive me, Lord Yang." Ah~ I'm just following orders. The matter of ordering senior sister is in the name of the family. You came here today. Compared with the fact that you already know about the marriage between my Ji family and the Jiuli tribe, this matter is not something I can decide."

"Give me the magic card to go to Ji's house." Yang Yiyun said with a gloomy face.

"This..." Ji Yuanling hesitated.

But the next moment he regretted it.



Yang Yiyun took action directly, and his extremely powerful divine power turned into a giant hand and pinched Ji Yuanling in his hand. He had lost his patience.

"Brother Taoist, please show mercy and give you the Ji family token."

At this time, Ji Yuansheng couldn't sit still, appeared in a flash, and threw the Ji family token to Yang Yiyun.

If he didn't come out, Yang Yiyun would really dare to kill his brother.



Yang Yiyun snorted coldly and smashed Ji Yuanling into the Ji family's main hall, causing a big hole in the wall.

This taught him a lesson.

He was not a murderous person, otherwise Ji Yuanling would have died.

After getting the Ji family token, Yang Yiyun knew it was true with a glance of his consciousness. He also knew how to get to the Ji family, so he disappeared and left Daocheng.

After Yang Yiyun left, Ji Yuanling, who had blood on his lips and looked pale, came out and said, "You're too arrogant. I'm not done with you."

Everyone dared to yell like this after everyone left.

Ji Yuansheng glared at his younger brother and said, "I told you to follow him, but if you don't stop, he will kill you if I come out one breath later."


"Okay, he can instantly kill the fourth level of Heaven's Law, can you still find him? Don't be stunned, hurry up and send a message to the family to say that Yang Yiyun has gone..."

Yang Yiyun left Daocheng, and with a wave of his hand, the space portal appeared.

The token given by Ji Yuansheng naturally identified the Ji family's location, and he directly opened the space portal to go there.

Unable to wait, more than half of the day has passed. At this moment, people from the Jiuli tribe may have arrived at Ji's house to welcome the bride.

He stepped into the space portal with great anger.

He was already mentally prepared to go to war with the Ji family and the Jiuli clan.

The location of the Ji family is actually in the same direction as when he went to Human Emperor Island. The distance is not far, and it is located on an island in the east of the Divine Sea in the Divine Realm.

Of course, you can't find it without the Ji family token.

Fortunately, Ji Yuansheng knew what was going on and threw the Ji family token to him directly.

Above the endless Divine Sea, space waves rippled, and in a flash of divine light, Yang Yiyun stepped out.

He could not reach the Ji family accurately and directly, he could only reach the divine sea.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​​​God, mist surrounds the end of the sea, and islands in distant places are hidden in it. These are desert islands of different sizes.

But the island that can be used as the home base of the Ji family is definitely not an ordinary desert island, but a small god realm.

And it's hidden. You can't find it if you don't know the magic or if you don't have the Ji family token.

Yang Yiyun activated the token in his hand, and suddenly the token burst out with a divine light, shining into the distance instantly.

It is exactly where the east of the Divine Sea is.

Yang Yiyun dodged away directly.

A few minutes later, he was in a thick fog, and the Ji family token in his hand erupted with divine light and shone into the fog below.

Then Yang Yiyun saw the fog below seemed to be spinning in a trajectory, and he directly threw the Ji family token to activate his divine power.

The token fell into the mist, and the next moment golden light rose brightly.

But the thick fog receded.

Immediately afterwards, an island with sparkling rays of light appeared below, and a huge mountain gate was also seen, with the five characters of the Ji family of the ancient god tribe mentioned above.

Yang Yiyun jumped down without hesitation and flew directly into the mountain gate.

After entering, it felt like entering a small town.

He knew that this was where the entire Ji family was, a huge family.

As soon as he landed, an old voice came.

"But Lord Yang of the Yunmen Divine Realm is here~?"

"Asking knowingly."

Yang Yiyun snorted coldly. He was not surprised at all that his name was called out as soon as he arrived at Ji's house. Ji Yuansheng must have told him to come.

Looking up, there were three rays of divine light coming, landing not far away, and transformed into three old men, all of whom were at the third level of heavenly law.

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