My Master Is a God

Chapter 2937 Destroy half of it

Facing many masters from the Ji family, Yang Yiyun didn't have the slightest fear.

Without the appearance of Hedao, he really didn't care about the rules of heaven, even if it was Ji Fa, the head of the Ji family who fulfilled the five major levels of heaven's rules.


The Chaos Clock appears directly in hand.

A bell resounded throughout the world.

Behind the scenes, the wings of the storm spread out.

The powerful momentum spread out, and Yang Yiyun completely went berserk.

It seems to be the realm of the third level of heavenly rules, but in fact, it shows more than just aura?

Standing on the steps of the main hall, Ji Fa's pupils shrank for a while. He felt Yang Yiyun's aura, which was no weaker than him.

This kid looks like he is only at the third level of Heavenly Law, but his real strength is no less than him. This is just a breath display, compared with the tricks and trump cards, it seems that he is a strong opponent.

Ji Fa knew that he might underestimate Yang Yiyun.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

No one can organize this marriage, he must get the most valuable betrothal gift from the Jiuli tribe.

Yang Yiyun seems to be determined and wants to destroy things, which he cannot tolerate.

With an order, all the Ji family's Heavenly Dao pounced on Yang Yiyun.

And Yang Yiyun also burst out with all his strength at this time.


There are more than a dozen heavenly beings, and there are tens of thousands of Ji family gods outside.

Surrounded by buckets of water.

In this case, even if you are at the Hedao level, it will not be easy.

Yang Yiyun's expression was inappropriate.

Facing the attacks from all around, he poured out: "Wind and Cloud Realm~"

Behind Fengyun's wings, the divine light shines brightly, and a milky white mist suddenly spreads.

In the blink of an eye, the entire square was in his stormy domain.

He is not an arrogant person. When facing the gods of the Ji family, he opens the Fengyun Domain to blur their vision, isolates their consciousness, and makes the Ji family his home field, so he naturally has an advantage.

Just that moment.

The huge Ji Family Square disappeared, replaced by endless clouds and mist that obscured nothing.

The entire Ji family hall was also swallowed up, and Ji Fa and the young master of the Jiuli tribe were also among them.

However, for the gods at the level of the laws of heaven, they have a regular aura and have little impact.

But if you follow the rules, you will become a turtle in your dream.

What Yang Yiyun wants is this effect. He will first clear the place and clear away other people around him without giving himself any hindrance.

As for the Tiandao rules level, that's easy to handle.

The Ji family's actions had completely angered him.

If you want to fight, fight over there!

In the blink of an eye, screams continued to sound...

Yang Yiyun became a ubiquitous incarnation within his own realm of wind and cloud. Wherever he passed, everything below the realm of heaven was turned into ashes.

Not to mention that your Ji family has tens of thousands of gods, even if there are hundreds of thousands, millions, he can still kill them all for you.

Screams kept ringing out in the sea of ​​clouds.

Ji Fa, the head of the Ji family, turned pale at this time.

He felt the danger when he appeared in Yang Yiyun's Fengyun Domain, which was aimed at gods who followed the rules of heaven.

The rules of heaven have a regular aura and are not affected much.

But the tens of thousands of Ji family children in the square began to be killed by Yang Yiyun, and Ji Fa became anxious.

"Yang Yiyun, how dare you~"

With a roar of rage, Ji Fa stamped his foot, and an inscription appeared under his feet, and spread out with him as the center.

Ji Fa knew very well that he had to break Yang Yiyun's field, otherwise tens of thousands of Ji family disciples would be killed by him.

The current situation is that after Yang Yiyun has a domain, his disciples of the Ji family will be the meat and potatoes in his Fengyun domain, and Yang Yiyun will dominate everything.

This field must be broken.

For Ji Fa, the head of the Ji family who has achieved the five major perfections of the rules of heaven, there is no problem.

There is an inscription array in this huge square, which was used by the ancestors of the Ji family to deal with difficult situations. This array is obscure and rarely used. It is a trump card of the Ji family. I didn't expect to use it now.

Ji Fa stamped his foot, and the entire square's inscription array was filled with bright golden light. Tens of thousands of inscriptions were connected together like a spider web, and a bright golden light burst out.

"Get up~"

Ji Fa roared.

The next moment, the inscriptions that appeared on the square gathered into a large golden net, which suddenly exploded and rose into the sky.


Just for a moment.

Yang Yiyun's realm of influence was abruptly cut off.

Then it disappeared.

The field of wind and cloud is broken.

"It's a pity that only half of them were killed."

Yang Yiyun's figure appeared in the square and said to himself.

He knew the methods of the powerful people at the fifth level of Heavenly Law. He knew that his Fengyun Domain would be broken sooner or later, but he did not expect it to be so fast.

It takes less than ten breaths before and after.

Now when I look at the inscriptions under my feet, I know that it is a large inscription formation, and it is controlled by Ji Fa himself, so it is no wonder that it can be broken.

But it wasn't bad, he killed half of the gods in the square, including some of the heavenly realms that rushed towards him.

It's a pity that the gods of the Ji family, whose cultivation reached the rules of heaven, didn't have the time to take action.


Ji Fa and the remaining seven or eight Tiandao rules gasped.

The whole square was filled with blood, and there were piles of broken limbs and arms. Tens of thousands of Ji family members were killed by Yang Yiyun.

It's simply a Shura field.

At this moment, even Jiuli Xuanyang, the young master of the Jiuli clan, his pupils shrank. He did not expect Yang Yiyun to be so strong.

It was beyond his imagination.

Although Yang Yiyun killed some low-level gods in his opinion, he killed half of the disciples of the Ji family in less than ten breaths, and there were many gods in the realm of heaven among them. This kind of strength should not be underestimated. .


There was a roar.

But it was Ji Fa who waved his hand and sent half of the remaining Ji family children out of the square. If they stayed, Yang Yiyun would kill them all.

"Child, you... deserve to die."

Ji Fa looked at Yang Yiyun and was trembling with anger.

Just like that, half of the Ji family disciples were lost.

Over the years, the children of the Ji family have never suffered a loss. The important thing is that they are still in their own hometown.

Not to mention other things, if word of what happened today spreads out, the Ji family will become a joke to the entire God Realm and lose all face.

"If I don't crush you to ashes today, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

Ji Fa stared at Yang Yiyun, feeling aura rising all over his body.

"Haha, are you trying to scare me? If I wanted to see if you have that ability, I said, if you don't hand over my little senior sister, I will destroy the Ji family." Yang Yiyun faced off, not caring about Ji Fa's threat.

He held Chaos Zhong, the wind and cloud wings behind him were flashing, and the colorful dragon scales were suspended on the side, ready for battle.


The next moment Ji Fa disappeared, and he took action himself.

I thought I didn't need to take action myself, but now it seems I can't.

As Ji Fa disappeared from the spot, the remaining seven or eight Heavenly Rulers all moved.

At this time, Jiuli Xuanyang, the young master of the Jiuli tribe, said to the two old men at the fourth level of Heavenly Dao beside him: "Two tribe elders, please go and help. Kill Yang Yiyun as soon as possible. Don't let him delay my wedding."

"Yes, young master~"

Two elders of the fourth level of the Heavenly Law of the Jiuli Clan also rushed towards Yang Yiyun.

It was all a battle at the level of heavenly rules. Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes while being surrounded.

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