My Master Is a God

Chapter 2944 A rainbow and one Hedao directly kill half the life

The moment this voice sounded, everyone in the venue was shocked.

Of course there are two exceptions.

The first one was, of course, Yang Yiyun. When he heard this voice, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said, "Brother, you are finally here~"

The reason why Yang dared to fight with the ancestor of the Ji family, apart from his own self-confidence, the key point was that there was the big boss Caishen Empress behind him.

When he returned before, he had already made preparations for a fight, but he also wanted to add some insurance to himself.

So I sent a summons to the boss, Caishen Empress, but of course Caishen Empress didn't reply to him.

It's just that he took a gamble.

Now it seems he made the right bet.

But having said that, based on his understanding of Caishen Empress, the boss, she is actually the kind of person who says no but doesn't care when things really happen. She is a typical person with a sharp mouth and a heart.

No, she still showed up at the critical moment.

I took a gamble and got it right.

Even though Caishen Empress always said something in front of him, she was still in the recovery period and could not take action, nor would she take action. Moreover, she had enemies. If she took action, she would attract enemies. She didn't even know about this. How many times have I said it.

But Yang Yiyun thought about it, no matter what Caishen Empress said, she was a saint and a real boss.

Even if her cultivation level has not returned to its peak, she still has no problem dealing with the ancestor of the Ji family who is at the Hedao level!

I thought that if the Caishen Empress came today, it would be enough to show that even if her cultivation had not returned to the peak of the Holy Way, at least the Hedao had been restored.

If this is the case, today's trip to the Ji family will be safe.

After the summons, he was actually very nervous, not sure whether the big boss would come.

Anyway, I never got a reply from him.

And his battle with the ancestor of the Ji family also hit him mentally.

He originally thought that with his current strength, even if he was not the opponent of the ancestor of the Ji family at the Hedao level, he just shouldn't be crushed, right?

As a result, after a collision, I realized that I was wrong.

Even if he wasn't crushed, it was almost the same.

It also let him know that Hedao is terrifying. It is not that the gods are powerful and can be defeated with the power of ten Tao trees. It is even said that it has the power to fight.

In the confrontation just now, all his strength was suppressed by the ancestor of the Ji family in all directions, so that he was backlashed, his body was overturned, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

The situation is a mess.

If he hadn't mobilized the Chaos Bell and other treasures at the level of the Holy Path of Hunyuan to withstand it, and hadn't suppressed all the magic power of the ancestor of the Ji family, he might have ended up dead or disabled.

He activated the Chaos Clock to resist the fight, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to hold it for much longer.

What was even more unexpected was that when the ancestor of the Ji family was in a stalemate with him, he could still use his hands to summon thunder to attack.

Just when the ancestor of the Ji family summoned thunder to appear, he had already thought about exposing the Qiankun Pot and hiding in it because he felt the aura of death more clearly than ever before.

Fortunately, it was at this time that Caishen Empress' voice sounded, and he finally relaxed.

I muttered in my heart, the boss lady is finally here.

In addition to Yang Yiyun, Ji Zixia's reaction was not slow. She knew that the voice that appeared at this time was the ancestor of the Ji family who was cursing. It was obvious that the reinforcements of the junior brother had arrived, and it seemed that he was a strong man and could be saved.

It’s hard for others.

Especially the ancestor of the Ji family, he has already felt the powerful pressure after the appearance of the seven-colored divine light in the sky, and it is actually much stronger than him.

How could this not frighten him.

The point is that she is a woman, obviously not the Hunyuan Rabbit behind Yang Yiyun or the Emperor Fuxi.

The ancestor of the Ji family was shocked. He didn't expect that besides Hunyuan Rabbit and Emperor Fuxi, there was actually a strong man behind Yang Yiyun.

This was beyond his expectation, and it appeared without any warning. You must know that this is the Ji family's base camp. If someone comes, he should find out immediately, but he didn't find out until he was talking.

This situation can only explain one problem. The other party's cultivation level is not only above him, but also far beyond him. He can feel it even if a strong man from the third level of Hedao comes, but he has no idea about this strong man. Without any awareness, this... is terrifying.

How many people are standing behind Yang Yiyun?

At this moment, the ancestor of the Ji family felt the urge to vomit blood, and had a bad premonition. If he had known it, he would not have acquiesced in such a marriage with the Jiuli clan.

The original idea was to marry with the Jiuli tribe so that Ji Fa could obtain the Jiuli tribe's treasure, so that he could advance to Hedao in the future and strengthen the Ji family's strength.

But now it seems that using this girl Ji Zixia was the biggest mistake.

Of course, essentially, I still underestimated Yang Yiyun.

If I had known earlier, I would have let Ji Zixia leave, but now I am in a dilemma, and maybe the Ji family will be in danger.

Also depressed and frightened were Ji Fa, the head of the Ji family, and Jiuli Xuanyang, the young master of the Jiuli tribe.

In their hearts, they hope that Yang Yiyun will be killed by the ancestor of the Ji family, but what about now?

A strong man suddenly appeared, obviously coming to rescue Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, a rainbow of colorful divine lights struck the sky like the thunder of the ancestor of the Ji family.


There was no earth-shattering sound as imagined, just a buzzing sound, and the rainbow of the ancestor of the Ji family disappeared completely.

And that rainbow falling from the sky was like a shooting star, and its power did not diminish at all, and it went straight to the ancestor of the Ji family in an instant.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's mouth was covered in blood, but he was grinning.

The ancestor of the Ji family on the opposite side was sweating profusely from behind, and decisively gave up the stalemate with Yang Yiyun. His face turned pale and he roared, waving his cane and shouting: "Thunder Jedi~"

Facing the rainbow falling from the sky, the ancestor of the Ji family burst out to resist with all his strength. He waved his crutch in his hand. Thunder and lightning surrounded his whole body and converged on the crutch. Almost purple thunder and lightning emitted, burning white and dazzling like the light of the sun. It turned into a net of thunder and lightning and greeted the rainbow.



This time it was earth-shattering.

The entire square was filled with colorful divine lights and thunder and lightning.


But finally there was a scream.

Everything is extinguished in an instant.

The next moment everyone opened their eyes again, when they looked around, they saw the ancestor of the Ji family lying on the ground with an extremely pale face, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth to his chest, staining his chest red.

Yang Yiyun felt that the ancestor of the Ji family was not dead, but only half of his life was left.

Just one blow.

A strong man at the pinnacle of the first level of Hedao fell to the ground and passed out.

Even though Yang Yiyun knew that the Caishen Empress was powerful, he was still surprised. This empress was indeed a boss.

A rainbow and a tao can kill half your life.

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