My Master Is a God

Chapter 2947 The Seven-Star Venerable Under the Human Emperor

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

After Xuantong left, Yang Yiyun looked around the hall.

At this moment, all seventeen Tiandao-level people were present in the main hall.

There are the ancestors of Shenmu, Honglian and his wife, as well as Shi Gandang, who were considered to be members of the Dao Palace in the Eternal God Realm back then.

Next are Xiong Youtian, Xiong Huan and his daughter, the second and third palace lords Tianhe and the Sky Monkey.

Then there are the four overlords of the deserted sea of ​​the eternal divine realm, the brothers Xuangui, Beiyu, Aoqing and Aoyun.

After that came Medusa, Grandma Shahu, Yu Linglong, Duan Shengang, and the Yin Yang King Kong couple. Together, there were seventeen powerful people in the heavenly realm.

Of course, there is also the mysterious Caishen Empress, who will not be attending.

Counting Xuantong and Caishen Empress, there are now nineteen strong men in the Yunmen Divine Realm. No, Yang Yiyun himself said they are twenty trees.

As for Master and Yang Yiyun, they were not included in the risk of fighting. Yang was still quite selfish and did not want his close relatives to take risks.

Among these people, there are those who have reached the third level of the Heavenly Law, Xuantong, Shenmu Patriarch, and Aoqing Aoyun brothers.

Xiong Youtian, Xiong Huan, Xuangui, Beiyu, Medusa, and the second level of the rules of heaven.

Madam Honglian, Granny Shahu, Tianhe, Sky Monkey, and Shi Gan should be at the first level of the rules of heaven.

Yu Linglong has entered the realm of Heavenly Dao. After returning to seclusion to practice, he has entered the peak of the middle stage of Heavenly Dao. Of course, in the past few years, some old people from the original Qiankun Temple world have also stepped into Heavenly Dao, and they have become the middle power of Yunmen. For example, the old man has reached the realm of Heavenly Dao.

As for Duan Shengang and the Yin-Yang King Kong couple, they are considered to be the three most powerful gods in the Yunmen Divine Realm. They are both at the fifth level of the Law of Heaven.

This time Yang Yiyun will take Dadushu to the realm of gods.

After thinking for a while, he looked at Yu Linglong and said, "Yu Linglong will stay in the Yunmen Divine Realm, and the others will follow me to the God Realm."

"We respect the law..."

"Let's go and take care of the house."

"Well, be careful."

Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong said goodbye.

Yu Linglong knew that her cultivation was weak, and Yang Yiyun didn't say anything without her, because she knew that in Yang Yiyun's heart, the Yunmen Divine Realm was equally important. His family was all there, and his relatives and friends were more important than anything in his heart. However, she stayed to sit in charge of Yun In the door god realm, it is not an important task.

No complaints.

"After I leave, if something happens, I will go to Wuming Valley to find the Caishen Empress." Yang Yiyun told Yu Linglong.

Naturally, the Caishen Empress would not join in the fun. She had been practicing in a valley in the Yunmen Divine Realm, which Yang Yiyun named Wuming Valley.

He couldn't guarantee how long it would take to return to the Gods' Realm, nor could he guarantee whether the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace would launch an attack after he left with most of the power of the Yunmen God Realm.

Therefore, he felt more at ease when Caishen Empress stayed in Yunmen Divine Realm.

"I understand~"

"Then I'm leaving~"

"Well, be careful."

The two said goodbye, and Yang Yiyun led seventeen strong men out of the Yunmen Divine Realm and headed straight to the Human Emperor Island.

In the last year, he stayed in the Yunmen Divine Realm and said goodbye to everyone else.

He also gave instructions to his disciples, children, etc., and left the Yunmen Divine Realm directly.

After he left, in an unknown valley in the Yunmen Divine Realm, the Caishen Empress looked at the sky and said to herself: "The Realm of the Gods is not a kind place. I hope your kid can come back alive."

Yang Yiyun naturally didn't know that the Goddess of Wealth was paying attention to him.

At this time, he entered the space portal with seventeen strong men and appeared above the Human Emperor Road.

Then he said loudly: "Junior Yang Yiyun comes to pay a visit to Emperor Fuxi~"

He is still grateful to Emperor Fuxi. When he first came to the God Realm, he was hunted down by the people of the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace. It was Emperor Fuxi who sent his subordinate Space God King Jiu to him and lent him the Bagua Diagram. To save his life, although he later returned the Bagua Diagram to Emperor Fuxi, this kindness should be remembered.

And later he learned that the generation of Emperor Fuxi could be regarded as the Ascended God Clan, which was after the Ancient God Clan but before the modern Ascension Clan. It could be considered the Medieval God Clan.

Emperor Fuxi was the representative leader of the divine clan in the Middle Ages.

Only in this way can he be called the Human Emperor.

Moreover, God Qiankun had given him guidance on cultivation, so God Emperor Fuxi helped him.

Coupled with Fuxi's name, he was really famous on earth, and Yang Yiyun felt a great affinity to him.

He also asked Fuxi if he had been to the earth, and his answer was that he had a flying spirit.

In other words, God Emperor Fuxi's true form has never been there, but his avatar has traveled to the earth. In this way, he can really be regarded as an ancestor.

That's why he's close.

According to what Xuantong told him, the Renhuang Island force represented by Fuxi is also a major overlord force. It does not necessarily mean that either side of the Dao Palace is weak, but the Renhuang Island does not participate in the Dao Palace or compete for points in the God Realm. Self-contained system.

The power is not small either.

But all low-key.

Since the last era, God Emperor Fuxi has represented the Ascension Group in a battle with the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace of the Heavenly Clan. Until he appeared, this responsibility fell on him. This was also his fate. Who made him become He is the descendant of God Qiankun!

However, Human Emperor Island still takes care of him, and it is also a modern representative force recognized by the Ascension Group.

On the contrary, although Yang Yiyun is the descendant of the Qiankun God, he has not received the support of the Ascension Clan. So far, all the forces of the Ascension Clan are under the throne of Fuxi God Emperor on the Human Emperor Island.

Speaking of which, we can't blame others. After all, as soon as Yang Yiyun appeared, he was regarded as a living target by the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace of the Heavenly Clan. Anyone who gets close to Yang Yiyun will bear the pressure of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace.

As a result, Yang Yiyun, the descendant of the famous artist Qiankun God and the representative of the ascended clan, only has the direct force of the Qiankun Temple World.

Yang Yiyun didn't care about this, and he could see that it was indeed a good choice for the other forces of the Ascension clan to surround God Emperor Fuxi.

This trip to the gods, according to Lord Rabbit's arrangement, was originally for him to follow the forces of the Human Emperor Island into the realm of the gods, but Yang Yiyun succeeded in the challenge at the Dao Palace and returned directly to Dao City, so that he could be justified and legitimate. Guangming became the leading force entering the realm of the gods.

Maybe Mr. Rabbit didn’t think of this!

As for the forces of the Human Emperor Island, entering the Gods' Realm is a bit of a sneak attack. Although they can enter the Gods' Realm, they do not go through the main gate after all. There may be other channels that are not visible.

Under such circumstances, Yang Yiyun thought that since he had the right to speak, he would bring the people of Renhuang Island and go in openly.

You can't forget your roots, right?

He stood outside the Human King Island and asked for an audience, and his loud voice echoed through the sky.

The next moment, there was a response.

An old man appeared from the island and came to Yang Yiyun and said: "The old man, Tianshu, has seen the god under the emperor's throne."

Yang Yiyun looked at the old man and had already learned from Xuantong that there were seven great sages under the throne of the Human Emperor Fuxi. They were named after the Big Dipper and were known as the Seven Stars Venerables under the throne of the Human Emperor. Each of them was a first-class powerful person. By.

I finally saw it today.

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