My Master Is a God

Chapter 2958 Either a great magic weapon or a great means

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a dull explosion.

Yang Yiyun looked and saw blood vines bursting out from the Shura Sacred Tree like countless tentacles.

The Jiuli and Shennong clan members launched an attack after stepping within ten meters of the Shura Sacred Tree.

But they didn't expect that the Shura Sacred Tree's reaction was faster than they imagined.

The two sides fought in the blink of an eye.

Divine light and bloody light erupted, illuminating the sky.

They are both strong men at the level of the laws of heaven. The two major forces add up to more than forty good people.

Among them, there are quite a few fifth-level beings of Heavenly Dao.

When these powerful men explode, their power is naturally extraordinary.

But Yang Yiyun's pupils suddenly shrank at the next moment.

He saw countless blood vines erupting from Shura Gods like sharp arrows and sharp whips, even causing the surrounding space to tremble.

It is enough to show how explosive these blood vines are.

There is an illusion of a volley of arrows.


Just like this, screams rang out.

But three people were hit at the same time.

One from the Shennong clan and two from the Jiuli clan, both have first-level cultivation abilities in the rules of heaven.

In an instant, their bodies were pierced by blood vines. As they screamed, their bodies began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like a picture of a person starting to age rapidly.

The skin shriveled and sucked, and the hair turned white...

With such aging, he becomes a mummy in the blink of an eye, losing all vitality.

Yang Yiyun gasped inwardly.


Scalp numbness.

He knew that the three Tiandao Rulers were sucked into mummies by the blood vines of the Shura Divine Tree, and all their essence, blood, mana, and soul became nutrients for the Shura Divine Tree.

It's not like Yang Yiyun has never seen a person turn into a mummy, but you have to know that this person is a strong person at the level of the laws of heaven~

Even if it is the first level of Heavenly Law, it is still Heavenly Law.

There are countless trillions of gods in the entire world, but those who can reach the level of Heavenly Dao are still Phoenix-feathered water chestnuts. Those who reach the Heavenly Dao realm step into the level of Heavenly Dao rules, and there is a huge sky-cutting gap.

However, three strong men with the first level of Heavenly Law were instantly sucked into mummies by the blood vines.

How could he not be shocked?

Only now did he understand why Ye Hanbing and others were not in a hurry to take action at first, but they all showed fear.

It turns out that the Shura Sacred Tree appears to be a demonic tree.

This is just the blood vines that burst out from the Shura Sacred Tree.

Not the most terrifying and powerful.

What makes everyone fearful is the tree soul of the Shura Sacred Tree.

It will also be a big terror that he and Xiong Huan will have to face.

I have never experienced it, so I am fearless.

Now that he saw this scene, Yang Yiyun was really frightened.

He couldn't help but look at Xiong Huan and couldn't help but say: "Huanhuan is really sure?"

Xiong Huan was also shocked by the scene in front of her. When she heard Yang Yiyun ask her what Yang Yiyun was worried about tomorrow, she still nodded and said: "I'm sure."

"Okay, let's take a gamble. Wealth can be obtained through danger. But you all remember, you can't do anything without forcing it. Your safety is worth a hundred times to me than the Shura Fruit. Do you all know that?" Yang Yiyun Give advice to Xiong Huan, Duan Shengang and the Yin Yang King Kong couple.

"Understood, please rest assured, Lord God." Duan Shengang and the others responded solemnly, but their worries were warm. Yang Yiyun's concern made them feel in their hearts that they indeed had more influence in Yang Yiyun's heart than Shura Guo, although all three of them were He was subdued by Yang Yiyun through various means, but now it seems that it might be good to have another owner.

"Brother Yun, don't worry Huan'er understands." Xiong Huan nodded and spoke. She will be the main force this time.

After losing three subordinates with the first level of Heavenly Law, whether it was Jiuli Xuanyang or Shennong Yueming, their eyes were red.

The two men immediately roared and broke out.

"The demon tree is dead~"

Jiuli Xuanyang roared angrily, but a golden ball appeared in his hand.

Yang Yiyun could see clearly that the golden ball in Jiulu Xuanyang's hand was covered with small holes.

He suddenly heard that when he was chatting with the second senior brother before, the second senior brother said that there is a magic weapon among the swordsmanship that is more powerful than the Divine Sword and can contain thousands of sword energy, which is called a sword pill.

Sword pills can be incorporated into the divine core to nourish and nourish the sword energy, making the sword energy more powerful and more spiritual.

Although he didn't know if what Jiuli Xuanyang was holding was the sword pill that his second senior brother had mentioned, but Yang Yiyun knew that even if it wasn't, it was definitely a similar treasured artifact, and it might be quite powerful.

Sure enough, when he was thinking this, he saw Jiuli Xuanyang moving the golden ball in his hand.

The next moment, the golden ball in Jiuli Xuanyang's hand burst into flames and floated into the sky.

However, bright and dazzling golden light energy burst out from a small hole.

No, to be precise, it’s a golden inscription.

A total of one hundred and eight rays burst out, but at this moment they were as dazzling as the golden sun.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun sensed the incomparable golden energy.

Yes, it is qi, and it is the qi of metal. This is the most primitive state of the power of rules, with attributes and metallicity - the power of qi.

He sensed the same level of breath power as the dark power emitted by the dark rule talisman in his hand.

But it is sharper, with an aura that is ten thousand times sharper than the sword energy.

"Puff puff……"

Under the urging of Jiuli Xuanyang, the power of the golden inscriptions was like spiritual golden snakes, with extremely sharp power, slashing towards the blood vines of the Shura Divine Tree.

Only a dull popping sound was heard.

What happened was that the blood vines were cut off inch by inch. No more than 108 blood vines were destroyed. Most of them were destroyed by Jiuli Xuanyang's blow.

Yang Yiyun's eyelids were twitching, but he remembered Jiuli Xuanyang in his heart, or in other words, he remembered the golden sword pill in his hand. He didn't know the name, so Yang Yiyun would call him Jianwan for the time being, but he knew it was definitely not an ordinary person. things.

At the same time, Shennong Yueming also broke out.

"Boom boom~"

The violent sound shook the sky.

Yang Yiyun just focused his attention on Jiuli Xuanyang, but did not pay attention to Shennong Yueming. After hearing the figure, he turned his head and saw that there were lines of pink mist around Shennong Yueming. It's like sprinkling some powder.

But when Shennong Yueming's pink mist appeared, Shura God said that the other half of the blood vine was destroyed.

He was shocked.

These people saw that they all had good trump cards in their hands, either big magic weapons or big tricks.

None of them are fuel-efficient~

"Buzz buzz..."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

In just the blink of an eye, countless blood vines erupted from the Shura God Tree and were destroyed. But with a buzzing sound, the Shura God said that blood light erupted, and blood vines grew out again.

At the same time, a human figure vaguely appeared at the source of blood light within the trunk.

"Let's work together to suppress it. The second wave of blood vine will not be too powerful."

At this time, Shennong Yueming roared loudly, and immediately everyone from the Jiuli tribe and the Shennong clan took action again, releasing their respective regular auras to suppress the blood vines that had just grown from the Shura sacred tree. This time it was really Some suppressed the growth of blood vines.

Then Yang Yiyun heard Shennong Yueming shouting to him: "It's your turn, Lord Yang, to take action. The figure within the blood light of the trunk is the Shura tree soul. Attack quickly and don't let him get out. Once he comes out, he will swallow the Shura fruit directly." , not only will his own power greatly increase, but we are afraid that we will also be in big trouble."

Yang Yiyun actually guessed that the figure in the blood light of the trunk was the Shura tree soul. When he heard Shennong Yueming shouting, he quickly said to Xiong Huan and Duan Shengang: "Let's rush over, Huanhuan has a look at you."

"Okay, Brother Yun~"

When Xiong Huan finished speaking, blood radiated from his body as his blood circulated, and he rushed straight towards the main trunk of the Shura Sacred Tree.

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