My Master Is a God

Chapter 2970 Alliance

Yang Yiyun also remembered Shennong Yueming's repeated instructions in his heart. He also knew that there was a huge gap between the strong men at the Hedao level and the rules of heaven. However, he still did not regret killing Jiuli Xuanyang and all Jiuli Xuanyang. People of the Li ethnic group.

Because he and the Jiuli Clan have already had an irresolvable conflict, and Jiuli Xuanyang has repeatedly troubled him and expressed murderous intentions towards him. As the young master of the Jiuli Clan, he will be the master in charge of the Jiuli Clan in the future and will definitely not let him go. A disciple of Yunmen Divine Realm.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to kill him.

As for the Hedao-level experts from the Jiuli tribe, if you want to come, then come~

There are some things that cannot be avoided, and there is no point in being afraid.

He wasn't scared either.

I think that when he first came out of the God Realm, he was still the lowest-level god-man. He was constantly being chased by strong men from the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace of the Celestial Clan. Didn't he survive it now?

Not only did he survive, he also killed many powerful men of the Heavenly Dao level in the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace, and subdued the three most powerful Vajras of the Heavenly Dao Palace in the Thirty-three Heavenly Palace. In the end, Emperor Zun could no longer Strong men were sent to chase him, but his counterattack gave him time.

Compared to being chased by people from the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace back then, the danger faced by the Jiuli clan now was nothing.

What about Hedao?

Let’s talk about it later.

Of course, Yang Yiyun is not arrogant just because he has broken through two small realms in succession and reached the fifth level of the rules of heaven. He knows very well that he must continue to work hard to improve his strength and break through the cultivation level.

His goal is to achieve harmony.

His greatest enemy is Regal Supreme.

Therefore, he must enter the realm of harmony.

Right now~

What should be done is to continue to do it. The world of the Gods Realm is so big. There are four places. They are now in the Blood Forest. There are other three places that have not been there. He has not even thought about the legendary center of the Gods Realm. Pass.

In fact, there is still a lot to do~

You can find Lord Rabbit and the others in the world of gods.

This is also one of the purposes of coming in this time.

Next, he talked with Shennong Yueming for a long time, and also learned about the places in the Gods' Domain where the major forces would go every time they came in, what ruins, treasure hunting, etc.

After exchanging opinions, Shennong Yueming said that from now on, he would always work with the Yunmen Divine Realm people led by Yang Yiyun to explore the blood...

Yang Yiyun was very happy about this. Although he had Xuantong under his command, Xuantong had only learned about the world of the Gods Realm from the classics of the Dao Dao Palace and had never been there in person.

But Shennong Yueming has been to the Realm of the Gods twice, and this is already his third time here. Relatively speaking, he is experienced. It is a good thing to be able to cooperate with Shennong Yueming, as it can avoid many detours.

After the two talked and reached an agreement, Yang Yiyun asked Xuantong and others to come over to greet the Shennong clan and make some friends with each other. After all, they were going to explore the world of the gods together.

Ever since Xuantong and others came over, Yang Yiyun noticed that Shennong Yueming's eyes were staring at everyone, his expression full of disbelief.

Yang Yiyun knew what was going on after thinking about it for a moment.

It was simply that Shennong Yueming saw the improvement in the cultivation of Xuantong and others.

In fact, when he was trapped in the storm by Jiuli Xuanyang, he had already sensed the collective breakthrough of Xuandong and others, and knew without a doubt that it was the power of the Shura Pill that he refined.

In fact, let alone Shen Nong Yue Ming, he was also very surprised in his heart. He did not expect that Xuantong and others would all improve their cultivation. Although everyone has different effects due to their different cultivation talents, etc., in reality, all of them have improved their cultivation. There is an improvement.

This brought about a big change for the entire force in the Yunmen Divine Realm. It was a joy to celebrate, and it also made him value Shura Pill, or Shura Fruit, even more.

After he killed Jiuli Xuanyang, he got the two Shura Fruits in Jiuli Xuanyang's hands. Now looking at Shennong Yueming, Yang Yiyun's eyes flashed. Shennong Yueming also had two Shura Fruits in his hands~

Knowing the value of Shura Pill, Yang Yiyun will naturally pay attention to it.

Of course, for people who took it for the first time, it won’t have much effect the second time. But there are other people in Yunmen, such as the old man and his wife, Yu Linglong, senior brothers and sisters, etc. Shura Pill is also a great blessing for them. .

Too many people in Cloud Gate need it.

He wished that there were more Shura Fruits for him to refine Shura Pills.

Just when I was thinking about how to hit the two Shura Fruits in Shennong Yueming's hand, I didn't expect that someone would give me a pillow when I wanted to sleep.

Shen Nong Yueming looked at Xuantong and others with gleaming eyes, then he put his gaze away, looked at Yang Yiyun and asked, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally: "I dare to ask Yang Shenzun, none of your subordinates seem to have the cultivation level at this moment before. But now... we can collectively improve our cultivation, but... is it related to the previous pill tribulation?"

Yang Yiyun felt very happy listening to Shennong Yueming's implicit questions, and then he realized that maybe this was the real purpose of this old guy's alliance with him, right?

Pill! ! !

Hehe, I'm wondering how I got two Shura Fruits from you. You delivered them to me yourself, so I'm sorry, but I'll accept the two Shura Fruits in your hand.

Of course, Mr. Yang didn't really mean to deceive Shennong Yueming, but he just wanted to get it at the minimum cost.

He used three Shura Fruits as the main medicine to refine the Shura Pill. The power of the elixir was suitable for consumption according to the rules of heaven. Of course, it could also be refined with two Shura Fruits, but the efficacy would definitely be compromised.

Judging from his experience in alchemy, the best effect is three Shura Pills.

The two pills he got from Jiuli Xuanyang were naturally not enough. Now, Shennong Yueming took the initiative to send them to his door. Hehe, there will be four pills. Three of them are removed, which is enough to refine a furnace of Shura Pills. There will still be one left, which is just right. Ye Hanbing from the Thirty-Three Heavens Palace and Zhong Sha from the Ghost and God Realm each have one in their hands, and together they make another furnace.

Of course, the latter has to plot slowly. If there is a chance, he will definitely get the last two Shura Fruits from Ye Hanbing and Zhong Sha, even if they rob them.

At that time, two furnaces of Shura Pills can be refined, which will make a big leap forward for the overall strength of the Yunmen Divine Realm, the strength of the middle and lower levels. By then, the disciples who can reach the Yunmen Divine Realm will be truly strong.

Thinking of these, Yang Yiyun almost drooled.

"Master Yang..." Shennong Yueming interrupted Yang's wandering mind.

"Ah~ Oh, let me tell you nothing. Now that we are all allies, I will tell Brother Yue Ming the truth. The reason why my subordinates can improve their cultivation is indeed because of the furnace I refined before. Pills, and..."

Yang's voice was deliberately prolonged, and he paused and said, "And it was made from the three Shura pills I got. But you must also know that, it caused a pill disaster and almost made me laugh. It's not easy, why is Taoist brother Yue Ming interested?" Step by step, he let Shennong Yue Ming jump into his pit.

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