My Master Is a God

Chapter 2983 Ghosts fighting for souls

In fact, if the people present are released in the God Realm, none of them are weak and can cultivate to the level of the laws of heaven. Which one is not a person of great perseverance?

A person whose Taoist heart is as solid as a rock?

Needless to say no one backed down.

After cultivating to their level, they naturally yearn for harmony.

Even the Hunyuan Holy Way is transcendent.

After retreating, you can only stay where you are, with no chance of winning the championship.

Nature will not back down.

However, Yang Yiyun's explanation and Shennong Yueming's introduction still made everyone feel heavy.

It is true that entering the ghost battle soul field is a life and death experience that goes against the will of heaven.

It must be full of unknowns.

May everyone wish you good luck!

Yang Yiyun took the lead and stepped into the blood mist.

After entering, he felt that there were no toxins in the blood mist, but it could affect the mind because of the evil energy.

This is understandable.

Relatively speaking, it is also a time to test your willpower and Taoist heart.

Being able to persevere must also be a test of one's own Taoism.

Everything has two sides, this is an iron rule.

Where there is a bad side, there will be a good side.

There are nineteen people in the Yunmen Divine Realm led by Yang Yiyun, including him. Although he ordered everyone to look after themselves as a last resort, he still has a very protective heart in his heart and wants to protect everyone and prevent his subordinates from having any trouble. loss.

He was the first to personally lead the team this time, which already explained the problem.

After stepping into the blood mist, it's not like what you see outside. It's not that you can't see anything.

The progress can still be dozens of meters, but it is very vague.

In terms of environment, the soil and ground are also blood-colored and very hard. Vegetation and other vegetation also appear, but it is different from normal.

The goal of entering here is actually to experience it. No one knows what will appear or encounter in it.

"Let's form a team of three. People in each team should follow each other closely. If anything happens, other teams will help immediately." Yang Yiyun continued.


Xuantong followed and conveyed Yang Yiyun's order.

Walking side by side with Yang Yiyun was Shennong Yueming and his clan members. The two of them complemented each other, which was also beneficial to their actions here.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Just when Yang Yiyun was about to communicate with Shennong Yueming, there was a whooshing sound from all around, like the sound of a sharp arrow flying by.



Yang Yiyun and Shennong Yueming spoke almost at the same time.

In an instant, everyone's nerves became tense.

"Brother Yue Ming, have you ever seen what it is?" Yang Yiyun looked around and could only see a radius of twenty to thirty meters, and nothing.

Shennong Yueming shook his head and said: "I haven't seen it, but there is a high probability that it is the alien in this ghost battle soul field or the ghost battle soul."

"How many things are there?" Yang Yiyun was very surprised. He had just stepped into the ghost battle soul field when something happened.

"This is a battlefield, what do you think?" Shennong Yueming said.

"What should we do now?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Shennong Yueming said: Wait and see. If there is no movement, we will continue to move forward. Not all the alien creatures here actively attack people. "

"That's okay." Yang Yiyun nodded.

The group stopped and waited for about ten minutes, but there was no movement or sound.

This time everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but they were also a little disappointed.


Because the purpose of everyone entering the ghost battle soul field is to obtain the cultivation resources here, and the cultivation resources are the soul crystals in the ghost bodies in the ghost battle soul field. According to Shennong Yueming, this thing can have Shura and ancient battle souls. If you can gain something from the treasure of fragmented memories, cultivation will definitely help.

"Let's go, everyone, be careful and act according to the situation~" Yang Yiyun said and continued moving forward with Shennong Yueming.

This journey lasted three hours.

During this period, no sound was heard again, and no abnormality was seen.

But in just three hours, I was on high alert, my nerves were tense, and I was quite tired.

They also arrived at a mountain wall, which was relatively flat.

Yang Yiyun said: "Brother Yue Ming, please stop and make some repairs!"

"That's fine~" Shennong Yueming nodded.

Then Yang Yiyun stopped and said to Xuantong: "Xuantong asked everyone to take a rest and pay attention to the surrounding environment."

"Okay, Lord God, I'll make arrangements." Xuantong took the order and left.

Yang Yiyun looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but said to Shennong Yueming: "Brother Yueming, we have walked for about a hundred miles. Have you noticed that the blood mist seems to be getting thicker and the visibility is less than 20 meters?"

Shennong Yueming nodded and said: "Yes, the spiritual consciousness cannot be used, and the line of sight is only about fifteen meters, but this situation is normal. The ghost battle soul field itself is an unpredictable place, and the environment is changing at any time. I Although I came here last time, it took a long time after all, and it was difficult to identify the road in the fog, and there was no way to speak of. I could only take one step at a time..."

While the two were talking, Xuantong and a member of the Shennong clan both walked over quickly, with solemn expressions on their faces.

"Something happened to the God Lord~"

"Senior brother Yueming, something happened~"

The two voices sounded almost at the same time.

At this moment other people came over.

Yang Yiyun's heart sank, and he had a bad feeling.

"What's up?"

Yang Yiyun asked quickly.

"Three people are missing from our team." Xuantong said.

"Who is missing?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Shi Gandang, Skyward Monkey and Tianhe~" Xuantong said.

Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice: "Why is it less? When did it happen?"

"I don't know at all. The three of them are walking at the end of a small team. In front of the three of them are the Sand Fox Empress, Medusa, and Xiong Youtian. I asked them and they said they didn't notice it at all. They only discovered it when they stopped to repair. Shi Gandang is missing~" Xuantong explained.

"Brother Yun Dao, the situation at my place is the same as yours~"

At this time, Shennong Yueming also came over with a solemn expression after listening to the clan members' report.

Yang Yiyun called Lady Shahu, Medusa and Xiong Youtian over for questioning, and came to the conclusion that there was no awareness at all. Shi Gandang and the three simply disappeared without anyone noticing. If they hadn't stopped to repair, they would have arrived. Now we don’t know when the three of them disappeared.

Logically speaking, it should not be so. Although he ordered three people to form a small team, the members of each team would follow each other closely. The distance would not exceed three meters. Any movement within three meters would be noticed from the front. But not.

This is weird.

"Brother Yueming, what do you think is going on?" Yang Yiyun asked Shennong Yueming.

"Ghosts fight for souls to seize the body." Shennong Yueming said these four words with a solemn expression.

Yang Yiyun said in a deep voice: "Why do you see it?"

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