My Master Is a God

Chapter 2999 Medusa panicked

Yang Yiyun took Medusa to a secluded place, put her down, and fed her three drops of water of life with a wave of his hand.

Medusa's injuries were serious, both internal and external.

However, as long as the soul is not harmed, no matter how serious the injury is, it is nothing to Yang Yiyun. He is good at curing diseases and saving people. Medicine is the first skill that he has been exposed to since he was in the world of cultivation.

Moreover, the water of life is the holy medicine for all injuries.

After three drops of water of life, the wounds on Medusa's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye...

After the wounds on Medusa's body were completely healed, Yang Yiyun took out two more Shura Pills and gave them to her to drink, which would help him recover his internal injuries and consumed mana and soul.

Such healing can be called a luxury.

But to Yang Yiyun, this is nothing. The water of life can be said to be available in a steady stream. As for the Shura Pills, there are dozens of them in his hands. If they are gone, they will be refined. Anyway, they were obtained after killing Zhong Sha just now. The last Shura Fruit in Zhong Sha's hand, plus the two in his hand, can be used to refine the third batch of Shura Pills.

A batch of thirty-six cultivation pills is quite a lot.

Although the Shura Pill in his hand was prepared by him for his relatives and friends in Yunmen, he cared more about the people in front of him.

The purpose of bringing everyone into the God Realm is so that they can make breakthroughs and improve their cultivation. It is also to improve the overall strength of the Yunmen God Realm. It is not to cause them any losses.

Although it is said that entering the realm of the gods, life and death have their own destiny, blessings and misfortunes, and all his subordinates understand this truth. He also knows the rules of survival, but he must protect everyone who can protect them as long as he can.

The loss of Shi Gan, Tianhe and Sky Monkey at the beginning had already made his heart bleed. Now that Medusa was injured, he naturally wanted to treat her at all costs.

What worried him was that Medusa was alone, surrounded and killed by people from the world of ghosts and gods, and saw no one else. This meant that something must have happened.

Medusa was like this, Yang Yiyun didn't dare to think about what other people were like.


While Yang Yiyun was deep in thought, a soft chant interrupted his wandering thoughts.

Turning around, I saw Medusa opening her eyes.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" Yang Yiyun knelt down to help Medusa as he spoke.

"'s okay, thank you~"

Medusa held hands when being supported by Yang Yiyun, but she trembled, her eyes were a bit averted and she didn't dare to look at Yang Yiyun and whispered.

Yang was an old hand at flowering. When he saw Medusa's reaction, he immediately understood. He grabbed Medusa's hand, which was embarrassing for a girl.

Quickly let go.

In fact, he didn't have any evil thoughts, he was just out of instinctive concern.

Instead, it was Medusa's reaction that made him a little confused.

Her hands were cold, but very delicate and soft, making them comfortable to hold.

Seeing Medusa avoiding his direct gaze and listening to her thank you, Yang Yiyun was really not used to it. She was very cold, she had always been cold.

But the thank you just said was rare softness and gentleness.

"Ahem~ It's okay." Yang was a little afraid to look at her.

To be honest, Medusa's appearance was indeed capable of level 12 lethality. It was just her hesitation and coldness that kept him from thinking about any evil intentions.

But at this moment, she discovered that when she was gentle, it was really life-threatening, and she almost lost her mind.

After swallowing, Yang finally suppressed the throbbing in his heart. He had no time to flirt with girls at this time.

Others don't know what's going on yet, so they have to ask Medusa before making plans.

As for Medusa at this moment~

She had never felt so uncomfortable before.

Yes, it’s just uncomfortable.

How should I put it, this kind of discomfort is not painful, but a kind of panic and heartbeat that she can't describe.

And it was when Yang Yiyun grabbed her hand, or when she faced Yang Yiyun.

Severe palpitation, frequent beating, and palpitations.

She didn't know what was going on.

It felt like Yang Yiyun frightened her more than ever at this moment.

Recalling that before, when she was faced with the approach of the group of people from the world of ghosts and gods, when she chose to commit suicide, Yang Yiyun's words, "You dare to touch my people," really went straight into the depths of her soul.

Later, when Yang Yiyun picked her up and was in his arms, Medusa felt an unprecedented sense of security, but it was also a feeling that made her afraid of being responsible.

The feeling was even stronger when he held her hand just now.

It was a batch that made Medusa flustered.

Inexplicably, when facing him, she found that she couldn't stand up or be cold, and her heart seemed to feel warm.

But she hates the feeling of warmth.

At the same time, there was also some faint joy.

Very contradictory.

He stood in front of Yang Yiyun with his head lowered, not daring to look at her.

"Tell me what's going on? Where are the others? Why were you smashed and besieged by the gang from the world of ghosts and gods?"

Medusa's contemplation and panic were interrupted by Yang Yiyun's question.

After hearing Yang Yiyun's question, Medusa finally woke up. Compared with her panic at the moment, what happened to them before was more important and she should tell Yang Yiyun.

He took a deep breath and said: "After we separated from you, we followed the people on Human King Island. As a result, we were attacked by a group of blood beasts coming from all directions before we went very far.

After I was separated, I met people from the world of ghosts and gods. After a fight to the death, I thought I was going to die, so I was ready to commit suicide. I didn't expect you to show up. As for the others, I don't know what the situation is now, but one thing is certain. , I am not the only one who was scattered by the blood beasts..."

Yang Yiyun's face became serious after hearing this.

According to Medusa, the large army may have really been scattered.

In other words, it is very likely that everyone is scattered.

As a result, it would be dangerous in the Shura field. Just like what happened to Medusa, if she was not attacked by the blood beast, she would also be made things difficult for her if she encountered other forces.

Now we must find them as soon as possible.

One minute later, others will inevitably be in greater danger.

Yang Yiyun's heart felt cold, and he could only pray that the people who were scattered could survive.

"Let's go and find them as soon as possible, otherwise there will be danger."

Yang Yiyun said to Medusa.

"Yeah~" Medusa nodded softly.

She didn't realize that when she spoke to Yang Yiyun now, she no longer had the same cold arrogance as before.

"Wait a minute, let me give you something to refine quickly, which will help you walk in the Shura Field."

Yang Yiyun heard the eyes of the blood beast. Since he can refine and see a hundred meters of sight, Medusa can also use it. Anyway, there are eight blood beasts in his Qiankun Pot space, so there are eight pairs of eyes, allowing Medusa to Refining a pair can also give you an advantage here, which will be helpful for finding everyone in the future.

After saying this, Yang Yiyun took out a pair of blood beast eyes and handed them to Medusa, asking her to refine them as soon as possible.

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